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1、AstraZeneca New ISP Facility Project Page 1 of 323 Contents 目录目录 FORM B - CONSTRUCTION PLANT AND EQUIPMENT LIST 表表 B-施工施工设备设备清清单单2 FORM C - SUBCONTRACTOR AND VENDOR LIST 表表 C-分包和供分包和供应应商列表商列表 .3 FORM C-1 LOWER-TIER EXPERIENCE STATEMENT 表表 C-1 供供应应商商经历经历表表 3 FORM D - (SUB)CONTRACT SCHEDULE 表表 D- 承包承包

2、单单位(分包)位(分包)计计划划3 FORM E - PERSONNEL TABULATION 表表 E-人人员员表格表格 3 FORM F - PROJECT ORGANIZATION AND WORK PLAN 表表 F- 项项目目组织组织及工作及工作计计划划3 FORM G - SAFETY PROGRAM 表表 G-安全安全计计划划 3 FORM H - RESUMES OF KEY PERSONNEL 表表 H-关关键键人人员简历员简历3 FORM I - SUMMARY OF QA/QC PROGRAM 表表 I-QA/QC 计计划概述划概述3 FORM L - JOBSITE R


4、吊装计计划划.3 FORM V - ALTERNATIVE BIDS 表表 V - 备选备选方案投方案投标标 3 AstraZeneca New ISP Facility Project Page 2 of 323 EXHIBIT 附录附录“C“ FORM B - CONSTRUCTION PLANT AND EQUIPMENT LIST 表表 B-施工设备清单施工设备清单 (SUB)CONTRACTOR shall provide the following Construction Plant and Equipment to be used on the Jobsite. The Mai

5、ntained Hourly Rental Rate (MHR) shall include all fuel, lubricants, repair parts and service, maintenance (to include labor), applicable taxes, overhead and profit, and shall be used for rental to if applicable and as required for change work where negotiated prices do not apply. 承包单位应提供下列将用于施工现场的施

6、工机械和设备。每小时租用费 (MHR)应包括所有燃料,润滑剂,备件及服务,维护(含人工) ,税,管理费和利润,且必须用于适用及所要求的变更工作的 租金 (所议的价格不适用时) 。 Equipment Type 设备类型Quantity 数量 Owner 业主 Scheduled on Site 现场计划 MHR w/o Operator 操作员 MHR w/ Operator 操作员 Standby 备用 Truck crane 汽车吊 50T2b07.2001/12/20111000800 Lifting derrick 提升井架2b 07.2001/12/2011 750550 Morta

7、r mixer 砂浆搅拌机2a 07.2001/11/2011 7070 Concrete mixer 砼搅拌机1a 07.2001/10/2011 120120 Rebar cutter 钢筋切断机1a 07.2001/09/2011 200200 Rebar bender 钢筋弯曲机1a 07.200109/2011 200200 Woodworking machines and tools 木工机具 2a 07.200102/2012 140140 Welding machine 电焊机5a 07.2001/02/2012 160160 Plug-in vibrating tamper

8、插入式振捣器 3a 07.200109/2011 2020 Plate type vibrating tamper 2a 07.200109/2011 2020 AstraZeneca New ISP Facility Project Page 3 of 323 平板式振捣器 Evacuator 挖掘机2b 07.2001/08/2011 1000800 Clipper 剪板机 1a07.2001/02/20128080 Crimping Machine 折边机 1a 07.2001/02/2012 8080 Joining Machine 咬口机 1a 07.2001/02/2012 808

9、0 Hydraulic lift 液压升降平台 2a 07.2001/02/2012 320320 Manual chain block 手动葫芦 5a 07.2001/02/2012 1515 Hydr. Bending machine 液压弯管机 2a 07.2001/02/2012 2020 Drilling table 台钻 2a 07.2001/02/2012 2020 Threads Machine 套丝机 2a 07.2001/02/2012 4040 Angle grinder 角向磨光机 1a 07.2001/02/2012 1010 movable scaffold 移动平

10、台 2b 07.2001/02/2012 8080 Electric pressure test pump 电动试压泵 2a 07.2001/02/2012 5050 Elec-hammer 电锤 8a 07.2001/02/2012 2020 Hydr. Puncher 液压打孔机 1a 07.2001/02/2012 1515 Frog rammer 蛙式打夯机 2a 07.2001/02/2012 4040 AstraZeneca New ISP Facility Project Page 4 of 323 EXHIBIT “C“ 附录附录“C” FORM C - SUBCONTRACT

11、OR AND VENDOR LIST 表表 C-分包和供应商列表分包和供应商列表 (SUB)CONTRACTOR shall employ the following subcontractors, suppliers and licensors who will furnish major components, equipment, materials, and/or services 承包单位应使用以下能提供主要元 件,设备,材料和/或服务的分包,供应商和许可方: Name and Address Work Description TermsValueCountry of Origin

12、S/M/WBE Code Fisher experimental device (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. 飞世尔实验器材 (上海)有限公司 Lab furniture Fume hood 实验室家具 通风柜系列 Downpayment: 30%; and 95% upon delivery. 定金 30%,货到 95% Wuxi, Jiangsu 江苏无锡 Shanghai RGmax Trade Co., Ltd. 上海瑞古贸易有限 公司 HEPA, delivery product 高效过虑器,交 货产品 Downpayment: 30%; and 95% upon del

13、ivery. 定金 30%,货到 95% Suzhou, Jiangsu 江苏苏州 Zhenjiang Siemens Bus Co., Ltd. 镇江西门子母线有 限公司 Busbar production and supply 母线槽生产及供 应 Downpayment: 30%; and 95% upon delivery. 定金 30%,货到 95% Zhenjiang, Jiangsu 江苏镇江 Shanghai Dahua Electrical Equipment Co., Ltd. 上海大华电器设备 有限公司 HV and 95% upon delivery. 定金 30%,货到

14、 95% Shanghai 上 海 Beijing Kangde Electronic Engineering Co., Ltd. 北京康得电子工程 有限公司 HIPULSE series UPS HIPULSE 系类 UPS Downpayment: 30%; and 95% upon delivery. 定金 30%,货到 95% Shenzhen 深圳 York (China) Trade Co., Ltd. 约克(中国)商贸 有限公司 Chiller, AHU 冷冻机,空调机 Downpayment: 30%; and 95% upon delivery. 定金 30%,货到 95%

15、Guangzhou 广州 AstraZeneca New ISP Facility Project Page 5 of 323 EXHIBIT 附录附录 “C“ FORM C-1 LOWER-TIER EXPERIENCE STATEMENT 表表 C-1 供应商经历表供应商经历表 This Form C-1 statement of experience qualifications is submitted for the following lower-tier supplier or subcontractor 本表格用于以下供应商或分包。: COMPANY NAME 公司名称: Fi

16、sher Scientific Worldwide(Shanghai)Co.,Ltd.飞世尔实验器材(上海)有限公司 PHONE 电话:8621 61925747 CONTACT 联系人: Kenneth Zhang 张天雷 FACSIMILE 传真:8621 61002128 ADDRESS 地址: 2F, Building 7, No. 27 Xin Jinqiao Rd,Shanghai, China 201206 上海市浦东新区新金桥路 27 号 2 号楼 2 楼 1.This company has been engaged in the contracting business u

17、nder its present business name for 7 years. 本公司以该 公司名从事工程承包有 7 年。 2.Experience in work of a nature similar in type and magnitude to that set forth in the Request for Proposal extends over a period of 5 years.在与本项目类型及规模相似的项目经验有 5 年。 3.Awarded contracts have been satisfactorily completed, except as fo

18、llows (Name any and all exceptions and reasons therefore, attaching additional pages if necessary)所执行过的合同已经完成,除以下内容(列出未完成的内容及原因,必要时附上额外的页面): _ _ 4.The following contracts, covering work similar in type and magnitude to that set forth in the Request for Proposal, have been satisfactorily completed wi

19、thin the last 5 years. 在过去 5 年中圆满完成了下列与本工程类型及规模相似的合同。 5.If no experience is listed below in , on a separate sheet, list all work in in the last years.若在下列若在下列 中没有列出经验,那么在一张单独的表格中列出在过去中没有列出经验,那么在一张单独的表格中列出在过去 年中执行过的所有工作。年中执行过的所有工作。 AstraZeneca New ISP Facility Project Page 6 of 323 6.Column completio

20、n notes 表格批注: a.Work Description 工作描述: Describe work scope and then indicate if prime or subcontract.说明工作范围并注明是主承包还是分包 b.Start/Stop 开始/结束: Provide starting date and actual/forecast completion by month/year format (e.g., Jan 2006/Sep 2007).提供开始及实际 /估计结束时间,格式为月份/年份(如,01-2006/09-2007) 。 c.Schedule and

21、Budget 计划和预算: State either “over“, “on“, or “under“ schedule and budget.说明是“超出”, “符合”或者“低于”计划和预算。 Item No. 编号编号 Customer Name, Address, Representative and Phone No. 业主名称,地址,代表及电话号业主名称,地址,代表及电话号 码码 Work Description 工工 作描述作描述 Location 地地 点点 Value 数额数额 RMB(元)(元) Start/Stop 开始开始/结束结束 Schedul e 计划计划 Budg

22、et 预算预算 1 Wuxi Lanxess Chemical Lab Project 无锡朗盛化工实验室项 目 Lab for production 生产用实验室 Wuxi 无锡 3500000 2006 2 GE Medical Group Technical Center Project GE 医疗集团技术中心项目 R however the time sequence and work breakdown are examples only and not an approved schedule. 附上样品计划;但是,时间顺序和工作清单仅为例子,并非批复的计划。 Bidder is

23、to identify at least three major problem areas that may affect successful (sub)contract completion and Bidders proposed resolution of each problem should it occur. 投票人要指出至少 3 个可能 会影响合同成功完成的主要问题区,并对每个可能出现的问题提供解决方法。 Based on the successful Bidders Preliminary (Sub)Contract Schedule and requirements, a

24、n agreed schedule shall be developed after award, in accordance with the Special Condition titled “(SUB)CONTRACT SCHEDULE“. 根据中标人的初步合同计划及 要求,之后会提供一个与“合同计划”相一致的计划。 Please refer to attached schedule. 见附件-施工进度计划表 NOTES 注注: This form is for bid evaluation and will not be a part of the (sub)contract. 本表格

25、仅用于投标评估, 不构 成 合同的一部分。 AstraZeneca New ISP Facility Project Page 22 of 323 EXHIBIT 附录附录“C“ FORM E - PERSONNEL TABULATION 表表 E-人员表格人员表格 List all classes of manual and non-manual personnel which will be assigned to the Work during the (sub)contract period.列出将用于本项目的所有 体力及非体力人员类别 Job/Trade 工作工作/专业专业12345

26、67891011121314 Management staff 项目管理人员 14141414141414141414 Rebar worker 钢筋工1515105555222 Concrete worker 混凝土工 10101010888855 Mason 泥工10888855 Plasterer 粉刷工4444222 Welder 电焊工2251010108888 Woodworker 木工151510101088888 Scaffolder 架子工6666442 Slinger 吊装工2555532 Surveyor 测量工2222222244 Waterproof worker 防

27、水工 3355 AstraZeneca New ISP Facility Project Page 23 of 323 Plumber 管道工2215202020151064 Electrician 电工55152025252510108 Duct worker 通风工202525252015106 Mechanical worker 机械工 2258888422 Painter 油漆工2225555532 General worker 普工1015152525252525156 Total Manual 体力工总 数 65701121651661641571218766 Total Nonm

28、anual 非体 力工总数 14 141414141414141414 Total Personnel/Mo*人 员总合/Mo* 798412617918017817113510180 Total Work Days 总工 作天数 NOTES 注注: Bidder shall indicate the hours worked/day as the basis of its price 注明报价所依据的每日工作时间: _8_hrs/day-manual 小时/天,体力工, _8_hrs/day-non-manual 小时/天,非体力工 This form is for bid evaluati

29、on and will not be a part of the (sub)contract. 本表格仅用于投标评估, 不构成 合同的一部分。 AstraZeneca New ISP Facility Project Page 24 of 323 EXHIBIT 附录附录“C“ FORM F - PROJECT ORGANIZATION AND WORK PLAN 表表 F- 项目组织及工作计划项目组织及工作计划 CHAPTER 1 OUR ADVANTAGES AND PROJECT MANAGEMENT OBJECTIVES 第一章第一章 我司承担本工程的优势和我司承诺的项目管理目标我司承

30、担本工程的优势和我司承诺的项目管理目标 Section 1 Project Difficulties 第一第一节节 项项目目实实施施难难点点 After studying of the documents and drawing gained, this project possesses the following difficulities: 根据我公司对本工程相关招标文件的理解,经过综合分析,我公司认为本工程具有如下的难点: 1Tight schedule 工期紧迫 The work scope of this project includes HVAC system, Water sy

31、stem, Hydrant and the required time schedule is from 2011-7-13 to 2012-4-6, that is the total schedule is calender days, which means the intense schedule. Additionally, with the large work quantity, a thoughtfull and detailed schedule should be worked out to ensure the completion on time. 本工程针剂扩建厂房所

32、有的土建及机电安装工程,要求的开工时间为 2011 年 7 月 13 日 ,竣工 时间为 2012 年 4 月 16 日,即在总工期为 205 日历天全部完成,工期紧,而且工程工作量又非 常大,所以必须要对本工程的各项工作做出周密细致的安排,确保工程能按时间和使用要求正常 完成。 Solution 解决措施解决措施: 1)Parallel and Flow process construction 平行施工,流水作平行施工,流水作业业: In view of intense schedule and heavy task, the whole prject is divided into 2

33、sections of installation execution for convenient control and coordination with external installation. Each section is comparatively independent, and equipped with related laborforce and equipments. Organizing parallel installation fulfillment, , and installation procedures could be arranged as flow

34、 process at the same time within one section. 根据本工程工期紧张、任务重的特点,为便于施工管理及室外协调,将整个工程分为二个 AstraZeneca New ISP Facility Project Page 25 of 323 施工段,每个施工段相对独立,配置相应的人员及机械设备,组织平行施工;同一施工段 内各道工序同时安排相应的流水作业。 2)Reference point control for progress 工期保工期保证证措施控制点措施控制点: If we are lucky to be the successful contract

35、or, no matter the site condition is available or not, we will establish a temporary fabrication workshop on site (if allowed) or rented outside. As the Stucture work is still ongoing which is not mature for MEP installation, simultaneously, we could start our possible pre-fabrication work fore prepa

36、ration instead of waiting. And we can commence our installation as soon as the situation is allowed. Additionally, the same solution goes for the treatment of similar situation during construction period. In this way, to some extent, we guarantee the proposed time schedule. 在招标结束后,如果我公司有幸成为承包商,我们将建立

37、临时加工场地。如果现场条件允许,则 可在现场搭建;如不允许,则在外厂租定.因为在进场后,钢构不一定能及时提供安装的施工 条件,在此时我们不能坐以等待;此时我们可在临时加工场地同步进行相关的预制工作, 一旦现场具备安装条件,我司将立马进行安装、吊装作业。在施工过程中对类似情况,同 样处理,这样可确保规定计划不会延迟。 2. Overlapped work needs High requirement in cooperation and coordination 交叉作业要求综合性强、配合协调高: During construction, civil, decoration, plumbing

38、system, electrical system and the Equipment system will almost commence at the same time, which will brings the questions of crosses work, wire laying and pipe setting of several different systems at the same position, and overlapping working face handling; accordingly, the above-mentioned situation

39、 results the difficulties in reasonable arranging without delay to progress and quality guarantee. For the purpose to solve the problem, the high tech in managing is required for smooth, sequential and good installation, which means a lot effort in cooperation and coordination with other parties on

40、site. 土建装饰及水、电、设施各系统安装工程基本上同时进行,各专业之间交叉作业,多专业,多 工种在同一空间位置布管和布线,施工难度大,工作面重叠,要花相当多精力与心血保证各 专业工种的管线布置合理、有序、整齐,对各专业、各系统协调工作要求相当高,协调工作量 十分大,各方须互相配合协作,方可确保工程顺利实施。 For those positions with dense pipeline arranging, appoint the professional technician to work out the general pipeline layout with the indicat

41、ion of accurate pipe position, level, and embodiment of problems existing in the various pipelines. And the site coordination with different systems is charged by the site manager, and the technical cooperation is the task of technical manager. When commencing, based on the intensive understanding A

42、straZeneca New ISP Facility Project Page 26 of 323 of the drawing, the responsible personnel( such as: engineer, foreman) of each system will be assembled together leading by the project manager for a meeting to discuss the installation sequence, and review all the troubles may encountered during in

43、stallation; after meeting, the technical manager gives out the coordination and cooperation method of different systems as the guidline for the whole installation, and rectify or improve the method according to the site actual situation from time to time. 对各种管线密度较大的部位由各专业技术人员画管线综合布置图,标明各管线的位置、标高, 将各

44、管线间的问题在综合布置图中体现出来并加以解决。各专业间的现场配合协调工作由施 工现场经理负责,技术配合协调工作由技术经理负责,工程开工,在充分了解设计图纸的内 容,由项目经理组织项目各专业所有管理人员,就现场各专业具体施工顺序、方法等召开专 题会议,对施工中可能出现的问题进行汇总分析,会后由技术经理组织编制各专业配合协调 方案,用以指导施工,并在施工过程中随时根据现场情况进行调整和修改方案。 1)For the situation of overlapping works with other parties, the solution as following: 项目内部施工时,安装工作同时

45、进入,存在交叉施工情况;其交叉施工的原则: a.It depends on construction schedule. The party who are required to finish earlier should work first to meet the deadline; 以主工期进度为依据决定那方先施工,那方避让,以保证总工期的实现; b.Project dept. should work out schedule plans for civil and MEP works on a daily basis and both parties should follow th

46、e plans strictly. Either party must overwork to finish what isnt done in the daytime, and should not impact each other in whatever way; 由项目部制定包括分土建及机电专业的以天为单位的进度计划,双方严格按进度计 划执行;白天不能完成的工程,必须加班完成,互不影响对方的施工; c.Establish a coordination system. The project dept. should assign specific persons to coordina

47、te to resolve conflicts, if any, regarding overlapped works; 建立协调制度,项目部设专人根据具体情况对交叉作业的双方存在的纠纷,进行协 调; d.The two said parities are obliged to take responsibility for the end products or semi-end products of the other party; In the event of conflicts, the Project Dept. should interfere for coordination

48、. 进行交叉作业的双方,均有义务对对方的成品或半成品负有保护的职责;如有纠纷, AstraZeneca New ISP Facility Project Page 27 of 323 由项目部进行协调解决; e.Construction principles for overlapped installation works 安装交叉施工原则 Overlapped working faces 工作面交叉 Working faces are both independent and correlated to some extent, and different sections of the project are constructed in different but related orders, so we should make most of various working faces to hasten up construction and meanwhile try to avoid redundant disturbances so


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