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1、 施工组织总设计目录一、编制依据二、工程概况1、工程范围及工程量2、工程地理位置及气候3、地质及水文地质4、主要技术要求三、本工程特点四、工期安排五、施工组织及管理1、施工项目管理机构2、管理目标3、施工管理六、施工部署1、施工前期准备工作计划2、施工作业划分3、施工作业顺序4、资源配置5、施工总平面七、施工方案1、输配气管网工程施工方案2、门站、区域调压站施工方案3、数据采集及调度系统工程施工方案4、阴极保护工程施工方案八、主要技术措施1、冬、雨季施工措施2、焊接工艺技术措施九、施工总进度计划1、施工进度计划2、材料供应计划十、施工项目质量保证措施十一、施工安全及环境保护措施1、施工安全保证

2、体系2、环境保护措施十二、工期保证措施十三、工程项目验收及交付十四、工程项目保修 十五、附图表河南省大气环境改善项目驻马店九县天然气管网输配工程施工总承包项目施工组织总设计一 、编制依据本工程施工组织设计文件编制依据下列文件:1、河南省大气环境改善项目驻马店九县天然气管网输配工程施工总承包项目:招标文件(招标编号:GXTC-0305058)第一卷 商务部分 (2003年8月)2、河南省大气环境改善项目驻马店九县天然气管网输配工程施工总承包项目:招标文件(招标编号:GXTC-0305058)第二卷 技术规格书(2003年8月)3、河南省大气环境改善项目驻马店七县子项目初步设计 工号:200301

3、8 卷二 初步设计图纸(上册、下册)(2003年7月)4、河南省大气环境改善项目驻马店七县子项目初步设计 工号:2003019 卷二 初步设计图纸(上册、中册、下册)(2003年7月)5、河南省大气环境改善项目驻马店子项目初步设计 工号:2003018 卷三 初步设计设备材料表(2003年7月)6、河南省大气环境改善项目驻马店子项目初步设计 工号:2003019 卷三 初步设计设备材料表 (2003年7月)7、现场考察及有关答疑文件8、国家现行的法律、法规以及国家行业技术标准二、工程概况驻马店市位于河南省中南部地处黄淮平原西南部,是豫南经济较发达的地区之一,京广铁路、107国道纵贯市区,公路交






9、右,老城区外系中等压缩性粘土,承载力为230 KN/,亚粘土承载力为160 KN/。5)、泌阳确山段泌阳东部为山丘地带,土层较厚。地质多为第四纪晚更新世形成的膨胀土、黄土状亚粘土、亚砂土、砂及砾石、粘土等,地质承载力16-22吨/平方米。(四)、土壤物理性质及地震 七县高压管线地处淮河冲积平缓平原,淮河水系满布其间,地下水位较高,土壤电阻率一般在2050W.m之间,属中等腐蚀性。河南省地处华北地震活动区的南侧,其强度和频度属中等。分布特征是东部平原地震频率较西部山区多,北纬34度线以北较以南地区多。从地震破坏强度综合等烈度线看,驻马店、汝南县、上蔡县、平舆县、新蔡县、正阳县、确山县和泌阳县为5

10、度烈度区。驻马店市地震烈度在6度以下。(五)、工程范围及工程量本工程项目的工程范围是气柜、球罐工程、门站工程、区域调压站工程、输配气管网工程、数据采集及调度工程、阴极保护工程、高低压配电工程、附属构筑物工程以及采暖、通风、给排水、绿化、道路等基础设施工程。其主要工程量如下表。驻马店一市二县子项目主要工程量表序号项 目单 位数 量备 注1门站座35万米3湿式气罐座1驻马店3万米3湿式气罐座1西平2万米3湿式气罐座1遂平2000米3高压球罐台2驻马店1000米3高压球罐台5西平3台遂平2台2储配站座1原有3万米3湿式气罐座1驻马店原有3驰放气管线公里18含过河5处4驻马店中压管网DN400公里1.

11、5DN300公里22.5DN200公里4DN150公里1.4低压管网DN200公里17.25DN150公里41区域调压站座75西平中压管网DN400公里4DN250公里10DN150公里5.5低压管网DN200公里20DN150公里17区域调压站座146遂平中压管网DN350公里1.2DN250公里7.8DN150公里3低压管网DN200公里15DN150公里10区域调压站座9驻马店市七县子项目主要工程量序号工程内容单位数量备注1输气管道232.96.4 L290管道组装焊接273.16.4 L290管道组装焊接323.96.4 R=6DN弯头组装焊接273.16.4 R=6DN弯头组装焊接K


13、管5线路附属工程浆砌石构筑物草袋围堰(2-3)线路标志桩m3m3个9181050824挡土墙、护坡、护岸、排水沟用于河流穿越6土石方量石方量土方量现浇混凝土稳管104 m3104 m3块3.988106.88247占地管道临时占地管道永久占地站场占地亩亩624082464.7施工作业带标志桩8中压管线DN300DN250DN200DN150DN100DN80kmkmkmkmkmkm6.58.259783.970.3140.49环氧煤沥青加强级防腐18548810楼栋式调压箱套276411后方设施680012中压管线穿越工程穿越河流穿越铁路处处234企业铁路2处京广铁路2处13调度中心座1豫南支

14、线合建14抢修、维修队个1豫南支线合建15输气公司基地处1豫南支线合建16建筑面积40641 Planning BasisThe construction planning is made according to the following documents:1.1 Tender Documents for Main Water Supply Pipeline from Solwa village to a new storage reservoir in Kahama town;1.2 Drawings and Schedule of Work for Construction proj

15、ect of Main Water Supply Pipeline from Solwa village to a new storage reservoir in Kahama town;1.3 Relevant Answer-to-Questions document for Construction Project of Main Water Supply Pipeline from Solwa village to a new storage reservoir in Kahama town; 1.4 Relevant Tender Documents and Construction

16、 Specification for Kahama Storage Reservoir Project;1.5 Relevant construction and acceptance specification and quality test and assessment standards, such as BS, BS EN, DIN, ISO.1.6 Documents provided in on-the-spot investigation on November 19.1.7 The performance of our company in water supply proj

17、ects and successful experience in managing projects according to international management mode, and experience in undertaking Charlize, Tanzania Water Supply Pipeline project (the total length being 160 km), and Chinas projects in aid of Jordanian Industrial Zone. 2 Project overview2.1 Geographic lo

18、cation and climateThe project is situated in a semi-arid area in central Tanzania. The average annual rainfall in the area varies from 800 mm to 1000 mm. the monthly average temperature ranges from 28 to in March to June with a maximum of 32 occurring in October. The dry season is from June to Novem

19、ber whereas the rainy season is from December to May. The relative humidity during the daytime ranges from 30% in the dry season to 40% in the wet seasons. 2.2 LandformAlong the pipeline is mainly cropland, villages and wasteland, the landform is basicly flat, and only a few fluctuations in few sect

20、ions; some soil are soft, while some are hard, and the under the surface is mainly rock. The depth of the pipes is 2 to 3 meters below the surface. 2.3 Project scope and main works2.3.1 The construction of a 750 mm diameter steel gravity supply pipeline 62.1 km in length from Solwa village to a new

21、storage reservoir situated at an elevation of approximately 1300m msl in Kahama town; 2.3.2 Approximately 48km of 100mm to 300mm branch pipelines to serve villages along the main pipeline route;2.3.3 The construction of an 18 MI concrete storage reservoir at Kahama;2.3.4 The construstion of large di

22、ameter(500mm) steel gravity supply pipeline of Kahama;2.3.5 One water tower, a break pressure tank and a water distribution network comprising approximately 198 km of small diameter PVC-U and 13.5km of large diamete steel pipes;2.3.6 Instumentation,pumping and re-chlorination facilities;2.3.7 Associ

23、ated and ancillary works3 Characteristics of this projectThe pipeline from Solwa to Kahama transverses village, jungles, cropland and swamp. It totals 62 km, and the branch pipelines is more than 50 km in length. The task is heavy, with many construction points and long construction line. The comple

24、tion of the project needs cooperation of different departments. The project involves many units and large amount of installation work. It needs the close cooperation among different specialties such as pipeline, civil engineering, equipment, and automatic control. The construction of 4 Mpa main pipe

25、line poses high demand on material, equipment, technology, design, installation quality, and technical management. In addition, the time limit for the project is short. Considering the above characteristics of the project, in order to complete the project successfully, our company intends to organiz

26、e a project management team, establish corresponding management pattern, supply adequate materials, conduct strict control on quality, and ensure good cooperation among different teams. We would provide the best quality work and the most excellent service to ensure that the work is up to standard up

27、on acceptance. 4 Standards adopted for constructionThe following standards will be abided by for construction, acceptance, quality test, assessment of quality of unit projects as well as the whole project. BSBSCPBS ENDINAWWAISO5 Construction organization and management According to the authorization

28、 of the legal representative of the company, project management department will be set up; first class manger of the company qualified for the project of big scale will be selected as project manger; professional and senior engineers will be selected to take charge of technologies and quality; compe

29、tent managerial personnel and workers will be selected for the construction of the project. Project management department will perform the contract according to regulations about project management, and undertake legal responsibility for quality, time limit and cost, observe the requirements of empl

30、oyer, quality supervision department of the government, management of Supervision Company, quality supervision and quality control, take the requirement and expectation of the employer into consideration and try to satisfy the same so as to ensure the completion of the above-mentioned objects. 5.1 O

31、rganizationThis project is divided into several subprojects according to the nature of different work so as to realize uniform and specialized arrangement of work. The project is roughly divided into the following categories: pipework, civil work, electrical equipment and automatic control. The orga

32、nization is set up correspondingly. For the organization, please refer to the following chart: Project managerChief economistChief quality directorVice managerChief engineerProject management departmentBusiness & finance departmentQuality & safety departmentTechnology departmentProject managerCivil

33、workElectric equipment & automatic controlPipework5.2 Management objectivesAccording to ISO:9001-2000, Standards for Quality Management, we set up the following quality and management objectives: Quality: the work is up to standard Time limit: the work is to be delivered in one year from the day the

34、 supervisor issues order for commencement of work. Safety: no safety accident, no injury (including third party)Environment: ensure that there is no complaint during construction, and no environmental pollution upon completion of the project. 5.3 Management of constructionThe project management depa

35、rtment will set up corresponding organization. According to Quality Manual, set up quality system for this project to decide all the activities, process and procedures for quality management to realize the quality plan for the project; set up corresponding management system and decide responsibility

36、 of each department to ensure safe and timely completion of the project.5.3.1 Technical Management5.3.1.1 Formulating and approving construction plan and technical plan1) Construction plan is made by project management department and relevant technical staff under the leadership of the technical dep

37、artment of the company. After approved by chief engineer, the plans are submitted to the employer and supervisor for approval. If necessary, the plans will be revised according to the opinions of the employer and supervisor and submitted for approval of the relevant parties again. 2) Technical propo

38、sal is made by relevant technical personnel under the leadership of project management department, and is submitted to the employer and supervisor for approval after being approved by the technical department or chief engineer. 3) Construction design and plan are the basis for the construction, and

39、therefore shall be observed strictly. 4)Construction design and plan after being approved will be distributed to relevant department or personnel as guideline for construction. Disclosure of construction technologies and techniques1) Personnel shall fully understand the work, construction me

40、thods, and requirements on technology and quality, and technology and techniques shall be disclosed to relevant staffs. 2)The chief engineer shall take charge of the disclosure of technologies and techniques basing on construction design and plan. 3)Disclosure of professional technologies and techni

41、ques of subproject shall be made by person in charge of that subproject or specialty on the basis of technical proposal of subproject or specialized work. 4) Professional engineers shall take charge of the technology disclosure for items of subprojects on the basis of construction plan and construct

42、ion guideline. 5) The disclosure of technologies and techniques shall be concise and clear, highlighting key points and difficulties. And record shall be made thereof. Management of technical documents1) Special file engineers shall be appointed by project management department to take charg

43、e of the filing, lending and collecting of technical documents. 2)Project management department shall prepare complete standards and specifications for construction according to design drawings and technical documents. 3) After receiving construction drawing, person in charge of technology shall pre

44、side over the joint checkup of drawings and distribute the qualified drawings to workers, and file one copy of drawings at reference room for future reference.4) Notification of changes of design will be executed as the formal contract. After receiving the changes of design, and the checkup of the p

45、erson in charge of technology and technique, the notification of changes of design is distributed to professional engineer and construction team, and one copy of the notification is filed. 5) Material replacement sheet after reviewed by design department or design representative on the site will be executed as the technical document. Relevant engineers and construction team shall be informed of material replacement sheet on time. 6) Technical documents for delivery shall be drafted accordi


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