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1、Global Warming Vs Rising Sea Levels,Paragraph 1,The 20th century saw the greatest increase in 主语 谓语 宾语 temperature of any century (during the last thousand 时间状语 years), and the 1990s was the warmest decade 主语 系 表语 (since records began). 时间状语 在过去的几千年里,相比于其他任何世纪,20世纪见证了剧烈上升的温度,而20世纪90年代是有记录以来最暖的十年。,Pa

2、ragraph 1,(As the temperature rises), (so does the sea level-with profound consequences for us all). As伴随状语 ; so does 倒装句。语法:倒装了the sea level-with profound consequence for us all rises. so do.句型一般可用来表示与前面意思相同的倒装省略,表示“与.一样也.” 翻译:随着温度的升高,海平面也升高,这对我们所有人都产生了深远的影响。 新单词: profound prfaund adj. 深刻的;意义深远的;渊博

3、的 ,造诣深的,Paragraph 2,(The average air temperature at the surface of 主语 the earth) has risen this century, (as has the 动词的现在完成时 同上一句的 temperature of ocean surface waters). 倒装,时态要保持一致 本世纪,地球表面的平均气温已经上升,海洋表层的水温也如此。,Paragraph 2,(Because water expands as it heats), a 原因状语从句 伴随状语从句 warmer ocean means highe

4、r sea level. 主语 谓语 宾语 由于水体受热膨胀,一个温度更高的海洋意味着有更高的海平面。 Very Good,第3段,We cannot say definitely that the 主语 谓语 that引导宾语从句 temperature rises are due to the greenhouse effect, which is a phenomenon created by which引导非限定性定语从句 the heat energy radiated by the sun and greenhouse gases normally present in the a

5、tmosphere. 我们不能肯定地说温度升高是由温室效应一种因太阳辐射的热能和普遍存在于大气中的温室气体造成的现象导致的。,In simple terms , sunlight passes through the 状语 主语 谓语 atmosphere , warming the Earth . 宾语 分词短语做状语 简而言之,阳光穿过大气层时,使地表变暖。 In turn , the Earth radiates this energy back towards 状语 主语 谓语 宾语 space . 反过来,大地再将这束能量反射回太空中。,As it passes through th

6、e atmosphere , as引导时间状语从句 greenhouse gases 主语(water vapor , carbon dioxide , methane and nitrous oxide) absorb 谓语 part of the energy宾语 , while the remainder escapes into space. while=and,充当连词连接两个分句,表示两件先后发生的事 当反射的能量穿过大气层时,温室气体(水蒸气,二氧化碳,甲烷和氧化亚氮)吸收了部分能量,剩下的则回到太空中。,This means that some of the suns ener

7、gy 主语 谓语 that引导宾语从句 主语 becomes trapped-thus making the lower part of 系动词 表语 结果状语从句 the atmosphere , and Earth , warmer. 这就意味着太阳的部分热量被困在大气层内, 因此使得大气层下方 ,还有大地变得更暖。 Very Good,英语第4段,If the atmosphere accumulated all the trapped heat, then the Earths temperature would just rise and rise, but it doesnt.,翻

8、译:如果大气累积了所有集聚的热量,那么地球的温度会不断地上升,但是它并没有。 句型分析:( If the atmosphere accumulated all the trapped 条件状语 heat), then the Earths temperature would just rise and rise, (but it doesnt). 省略句 这是由If引导的条件状语从句,but it doesnt 是省略句,省略了谓语rise。,The temperature only rises until the amount of infrared or long wave radiati

9、on leaving the Earth balances the amount of energy coming in from the sun.,翻译:只有当离开地球的红外线或长波辐射的量与来自太阳的能量的量达到平衡时,温度才会上升。 句型分析: (The temperature) only (rises) until (the 主语 谓语 amount of infrared or long wave radiation leaving the Earth balances the amount of energy coming in from the sun). 条件状语 这是由onl

10、yuntil引导的条件状语从句,相当于“只有。才。”。 词汇:Infrared: adj.红外线的 n.红外线,As long as the amount of greenhouse gases in the air stays the same, and as long as the amount of heat arriving from the sun is constant, an equilibrium is established.,翻译:只要空气中温室气体的量保持不变,并且只要来自太阳的热量是恒定的,那么一个平衡就被建立了。 句型分析: (As long as the amoun

11、t of greenhouse gases in the air stays the same), and( as long as the amount of heat 条件状语 条件状语 arriving from the sun is constant), an equilibrium is established. 这句话是由and链接的两个并列句组成,并且这两个并列句都是as long as引导的条件状语从句,as long as 表示“只要。就。”,词汇:,1,As long as: 只要; 如果; 既然; 由于 (相关词组)so long as :只要 例句:My mistake

12、wont be discovered as long as nobody tells on me. 2, Equilibrium : n.平衡,均势; 平静,沉着 同义词:balance, poise, stability等,This is a steady state where as much energy is lost to space as is gained from the sun.,翻译:这是一个稳定的状态,在这种状态下,能量失去的量与从太阳中获得的量相持衡。 句型分析: This is a steady state (where as much energy is lost

13、to space as is gained from the sun). 整句话为where引导的地点状语从句,在从句里又有由as引导的比较状语从句:as much as结构,表示“和。一样多”或“在同等程度上”。,In equilibrium ,the natural greenhouse effect maintains the average temperature of Earth at 16,翻译:在这种平衡下,自然的温室效应使地球温度维持在16 。 句型分析:( In equilibrium) ,(the natural greenhouse effect) 状语 主语 (main

14、tains )(the average temperature of Earth at 16) 谓语 宾语,英语第5段,1.The Earths atmosphere is made up of 78percent nitrogen and 21percent oxygen. 地球大气由78%氮气和21%氧气组成。,2.Only about 1percent is made up of natural greenhouse gases, but this comparatively small amount (转状) of gas makes a big difference. 只有1%是天然

15、温室气体,但这些相对少量的气体有很大差别。,3.Before the Industrial Revolution(which started in England about 200 years ago)the mix of gases (that made (前状 ) 定从 up the atmosphere) was relatively constant. 组成大气的这些混合气体在工业革命之前(始于约200年前的英国)是相对恒定的。,constitute vt. 组成,构成;建立;任命 form n. 形式,形状;形态,外形;方式;表格 vt. 构成,组成;排列,组织;产生,塑造 vi.

16、 形成,构成;排列 make up 弥补;组成;化妆;整理 compose vt. 构成;写作;使平静;排的版 vi. 组成;作曲;排字 comprise of vt. 包含;由组成,4.The Industrial Revolution brought new industrial ( 定词 ) processes, more extensive agriculture, and a rapid increase ( 定词 ) in the worlds population. ( 后定 ) 这次工业革命带来新的工业加工过程,扩大农业生产和世界人口的激增。,5.This rapid incr

17、ease in human activity meant /that more (宾从) of the gases (which cause the greenhouse effect) were (宾从中的定从) released(被动)into the atmosphere. 人类活动的迅速增长意味着更多引起温室效应的气体排放到大气中。,6.We know this because of measurements made over the (原因状) last 35 years and the analysis of air bubbles trapped (时状) (连接词) in a

18、ncient ice. (地状) 我们知道这是由于根据过去35年的测量值和在古代冰川中捕获的气泡分析所得知的结果。,7.There is now clear evidence that levels of carbon dioxide, (强调),第六段:,The heating may be part of a “natural” variability over a long time-scale that we have not yet recognized in our short 100 years of recording. 在我们简短的100年的记录中,我们尚未认识到升温可能是“

19、自然”长时间尺度可变性的一部分。,However ,assuming the build up of greenhouse gases is responsible and that the warming will continue ,scientists-and inhabitants of low-lying coastal areas would like to know the extent of future sea level rises. 然而,假设与温室气体的排放有关而且变暖仍将继续,那么科学家和沿海低洼地区的居民会想知道未来海平面上升的范围。,英语第七段,Calculati

20、ng this is not easy. 主 系 表 要估算这件事是不容易的。 Models used for the purpose have treated the 主 定 谓 ocean as passive,stationary and 宾 宾补 one- dimensional. 用来估算的模型把海洋看作是被动,固定和一维的量度。 treat as,Scientists have assumed that heat simply 主 谓 宾从 主 状 diffused into the sea from the 谓 状 atmosphere. 科学家们假设热量简单的从大气扩散到海水,

21、Using basic physical laws, they then predict 伴随状语 主 谓 (how much a known volume of water )would 宾从 主 expand for a given increase in temperature. 谓 宾 状 他们运用基本的物理定律预测多少已知体积的的水可以为给定的温度增长膨胀。,But the oceans are not one-dimensional, 主 系 表 and recent work by oceanographers, 定 但海洋运动不是一维的,也不是被海洋学家研究的近来才有的,usi

22、ng a new model which takes into account 主 定从 谓 a number of subtle facets (of the sea)- 宾 定语 including vast and complex ocean currents)- 宾从 suggests that (the rise in sea level) may be 谓 宾从 主 情态动词 less than some earlier estimates (had 宾 定语 predicted.) 用了一个把考虑了海洋的一些细微方面,包括庞大而又复杂的洋流的新模型之后,表明海平面上升幅度可能比之

23、前一些预测的要少一点。,idea:Some models are wrong, after using a new model which considers more facet, Scientists find that the rise of sea level would be less than earlier estimates had predicted.,treat as:对待;把看作 treat A as B 把A当作B 同义词组:regard as 例句:What that colon is saying is, Im about to begin a sequence o

24、f instructions that I want to treat as a block. 这个冒号的意思是,下面的一系列的指令,要当做一整块来对待。 返回,take into account :考虑;重视;体谅 例句:This takes into account the growth of Americas population and assumes that per-capita energy consumption could drop by 50 percent. 这个数字已经考虑到了人口增长的情况,并假设人均能源消费量可以下降50%。 返回,英语第八段,An internat

25、ional forum on climate change,in 1986,produced figures for likely sea level rises of 20cm and 1.4m,corresponding to atmospheric temperature increases of 1.5 and 4.5 respectively.,Translation:在1986年的国际气候变化论坛上得到了海平面几乎上升了20cm到1.4m的数据,相当于大气温度分别上升了1.4到4.5。,analysis : An international forum on climate cha

26、nge是主语,in1986是插入时间状语,produced是谓语,figures是宾语, for likely sea level rises of 20cm and 1.4m是宾语补足语,corresponding to atmospheric temperature increases of 1.5 and 4.5 respectively. 是同位语从句,Some scientists estimate that the ocean warming resulting from those temperature increases by the year 2050 would rais

27、e the sea level by between 10 cm and 40 cm.,Translation:一些科学家估计到了2050年,由于这些温度上升引起的海洋变暖可能使海平面上升10cm到40cm。,Analysis: Some scientists 是主语, estimate是谓语, that the ocean warming resulting from those temperature increases by the year 2050 would raise the sea level by between 10 cm and 40 cm. 是that引导的宾语从句,其

28、中: ocean warming 是从句的主语, resulting from those temperature increases是从句的条件状语, by the year 2050 是从句的时间状语, would raise 是从句的谓语, the sea level 是从句的宾语, between 10 cm and 40 cm是从句的结果状语,This model only takes into account the temperature effect on the oceans;it does not consider changes in sea level brought

29、about by the melting of ice sheets and glaciers,and changes in groundwater storage.,Translation:这种设想仅能解释温度在海洋方面的影响;却不能解释由于冰层和冰川融化,或地下水储量变化所带来的海平面变化。,Analysis: This model 作主语, takes into account 是谓语, the temperature effect 是宾语, on the oceans是定语;it是形式主语,代替了This model , does not consider 是谓语, changes是宾

30、语, in sea level 是定语, brought about by the melting of ice sheets and glaciers,and changes in groundwater storage. 是宾语补足语,When we add on estimates of these,we arrive at figures for total sea-level rises of 15 cm and 70 cm respectively.,Translation:当我们加上这些因素时,我们将得到海平面总上升的数据分别为15cm和70cm。,Analysis: When

31、先行词,引导时间状语从句,第一个 we 是从句的主语, add on 是从句的谓语, estimates是从句的宾语, of these是定语;第二个we主语, arrive at 是谓语, figures是宾语, for total sea-level rises of 15 cm and 70 cm respectively是宾语补足语。,生词: forum:论坛; climate:气候;corresponding:相当于; atmospheric:大气; respectively:分别地; account:解释; melting:融化; glaciers:冰川; groundwater:

32、地下水,英语第九段,It is not easy trying to model accurately the enormous complexities of the ever-changing oceans, with their great volume, massive currents and sensitivity to the influence of landmasses and the atmosphere. 鉴于海洋的体积巨大,大量的潮流与陆地与大气的敏感影响,对不断变化的海洋建立一个庞大的复杂的模型是不容易的。,For example, consider how heat

33、 into the water, and heat only the surface layer of the sea? (warm water is less dense than cold, so it would not spread downwards) 举个例子,需要考虑热量如何传递到海洋的。是直接从温度高的空气垂直散开到海水中吗?还有,热量只是停留在海水的表层吗?(温度高的水密度比温度低的水低,停留在表层,不会向下传递)。,Conventional models of sea-level rise have considered that this is the only meth

34、od, but measurements have shown that the rate of heat transfer into the ocean by vertical diffusion is far lower in practice than the figures that many modelers have adopted. 常规模式认为这是海平上升的唯一方法,但是测量的结果表明,热量通过垂直传递的方式传入大海的传导率远比实际的低。很多设置模型的科学家都接受了这个事实。,Paragraph ten,Global Warming Vs Rising Sea Levels,M

35、uch of the early work, for simplicity, ignored the fact that water in the oceans moves in three dimensions.,译文:简单来说,早期的研究工作忽视了一个现实,即海洋中水的运动是处在三位空间中的。,for simplicity:为简单起见。,The fact that :引导同位语从句,that后面引导的句子用来说明fact的内容。,By movement, of course, scientists dont mean waves, which are too small individua

36、lly to consider, but rather movement of vast volumes of water in huge currents.,译文:当然,由于那些单独的海浪力量过于弱小,所以科学家在这里所指的并不是简单的海浪,而是指那些蕴藏于潮汐中的巨大水体的运动。,by movement:在这里作为方式状语。,notbut:不是而是。,which:引导的定语从句,修饰waves。,Tooto:太以至于不能。,currents : n.电流(current的复数);潮流;气流。,To understand the importance of this, we now need

37、 to consider another process-advection.,译文:为了了解他的重要性,现在我们需要考虑另一种运动-平流运动。,advection dvek()n : n. 热之水平对流;空气之水平运动。,Imagine smoke rising from a chimney. On a still day it will slowly spread out in all directions by means of diffusion.,译文:想象一下,在风和日丽的天气中,烟雾从烟筒里升起,通过扩散的形式慢慢向各个方向散开。,spread out:展开;铺开;伸张。,in

38、all directions:四面八方;全面地;向各方面。,by means of:用的方式。,With a strong directional wind, however, it will all shift downwind.,译文:然而,当一股强烈的定向风吹来,烟雾将会全部转向下风向。,however:插入语,强调语气的转折。,This process is advection-the transport of properties(notably heat and salinity in the ocean)by the movement of bodies of air or wa

39、ter, rather than by conduction or diffusion.,译文:这个过程就是对流,即通过空气或水体本身的运动来实现某些特性(在海洋中特指热量和盐度)的运输,而不是凭借传到作用或者扩散作用。,本句主体为一主系表结构。,rather than引导的状语从句表转折。,英语第十一段,Massive ocean currents called gyres do the (主语) (后置定语 (谓语) moving. (宾语) These currents have far more capacity to store (主语) (谓语) (宾语) heatthan doe

40、s the atmosphere. Indeed. (定语) 译文: 巨大的洋流做运动成为旋涡。这些水流能比大气储存更多的热量。事实确实如此,Just the top 3m of ocean contains (主语) (谓语) more heat than the whole of the atmosphere. (宾语) (定语) 译文 : 仅在海洋表层三米包含的热量比整个大气层都多。,The origin of gyres lies in the fact that more 主语 谓语 宾语 定语 heat from the Sun reaches the Equator than t

41、he Poles,and naturally heat tends to move from the former to the latter. 译文:旋涡的起源在于一个事实,到达赤道的太阳热量比到达两极的多,而事实上热量倾向于从前者运动到后者。,Warm air rises at the Equator, and draws (主语) (谓语(介宾短语做状语) (谓语) more air (宾语) beneath it in the form of winds(the “Trade Winds“)that,together with other air movement, provide t

42、he main force driving the ocean currents. (定从) 译文: 热空气在赤道上空升起,同时以风(信风)的形式拉起下面更多的空气,伴随着其他的空气运动,这些提供驱动洋流的主要动力。,英语作业12段,Water itself is heated at the Equator and moves poleward, twisted by the Earths rotation and affected by the positions of the continents. 海水在赤道上被加热然后流向两极,其流向会被地球的旋转和大陆的位置所影响。 后面分句省略主语

43、it rotation n. 1 旋转;转动 2 轮流;轮换;轮作,The resultant broadly circular movements between about 10and 40North and South are clockwise in the Northern Hemisphere and anticlockwise in the Southern Hemisphere. 作为结果而产生的在10到40度北纬和南纬的洋流在北半球是顺时针流动,而在南半球则是逆时针流动。 红色部分为主句,黑色部分修饰主语movement,resultant adj. 因而发生的, 必然产生的

44、 clockwise adj. 顺时针方向的 hemisphere n. 半球;地球的半球,They flow towards the east at mid latitudes in the equatorial region. 在赤道区,洋流在中纬度向东流动。 latitude n. 1 纬度 2 特指的纬度地区 3 自由, 自由范围,They then flow towards the Poles, along the eastern sides of continents, as warm currents. 之后洋流作为暖流 沿着大陆东岸向极地移动。 current adj. 1 现

45、在的, 现行的 2 通用的, 通行的, 被普遍接受的 n. 1 水流, 气流 2 电流 3 趋向, 趋势, 倾向,When two different masses of water meet, one will move beneath the other depending on their relative densities in the subduction process. 当两股不同的洋流相遇时,其中一股会移动到另一股的下方,这取决于两股洋流的相对密度之差。 红色部分原因状语,The densities are determined by temperature and sali

46、nity. 密度由温度和盐度决定。 density n. 1 密集, 稠密 2 物化密度,The convergence of water of different densities from the Equator and the Poles deep in the oceans causes continuous subduction . 来自海洋深处赤道和极地不同密度洋流的汇合引起持续的消减。 subduction n. 减去;减法 convergence n. 集中,收敛;集合,This means that water moves vertically as well as hor

47、izontally. 这意味着水既垂直移动又水平移动。 vertically adv. 1 垂直地;直立地;陡峭地 2 在顶点 3 (叶等)直生地 horizontally adv. 水平地;横地,Cold water from the Poles travels at depth-it is denser than warm water-until it emerges at the surface in another part of the world in the form of a cold current. 从极地而来冰冷的海水在海洋深处流动,它的密度要比温暖的海水要大,直到它以寒流的形式出现在地球的另一个地方的表面。 dense adj. 1 密集的, 稠密的, 浓密的 2 密度大的 3 愚笨的,Global Warming Vs


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