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1、 基于拓扑结构的山地中学设计以遵义桐梓蟠龙中学为例重庆大学硕士学位论文(专业学位)学生姓名:姚露指导教师:顾红男副教授企业导师:周茜高级工程师学位类别:建筑学硕士重庆大学建筑城规学院二 O一四年四月 Mountain school design based on Topological structure taking Zunyi Tongzi Panlong secondary school as an example A Thesis Submitted to Chongqing Universityin Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for

2、 theProfessional DegreeByYao LuSupervised by Ass. Prof. Gu HongnanPluralistic Supervised by Senior Eng. Zhou QianSpecialty: Master of ArchitectureFaculty of Architecture and Urban Planning of Chongqing University, Chongqing, China April, 2014 中文摘要摘要随着经济的发展和城市的扩张,耕地被城市化进程侵蚀,呈现逐步减少的趋势。与此同时人口的增加又需要开拓新的


4、而中学本身的结构没有改变。诺伯格舒尔茨曾经指出:“建筑语言包括三个互相关联的组成部分:构筑的形式( built form)、被组织的空间(organized space)和建筑类型(building type),对这三者的研究可分别称为形态学(morphology)、拓扑学(topology)和类型学(typology )。”拓扑学研究的FF是“空间”在连续变化下不变的性质,建筑学的拓扑结构研究的是空间组织关系的深层结构在空间连续变化下的不变的性质,由空间的本质和人的运动所决定。“世界不是由事物(元素)组成的,而是由事物间的结构关系所组成的,事物不过是这些关系的支撑点,结构是世界上万事物的存在

5、方式”1。基于拓扑来研究二维与三维的中学结构尤为重要,如果说地形是弹性形变的载体,那么中学结构在山地拓扑弹性形变作用下的各种功能关系不会改变,改变的只是深层结构的表层体现。本文从结构入手进行山地中学设计研究,通过对各功能间深层关系、学生行为习惯、相关规范硬性指标的研究,找到中学的结构,由于中学结构是拓扑变形后的不变性质,所以将结构作为指导山地设计的首要原则。并根据坡地中踏步对速度和耗氧量的影响,结合相关文献,对山地非直线系数 的修正系数做了建议性的研究,当建筑之间竖向位移差值小于 15m时,与 T修正系数 P=1+2tg;当建筑之间竖向位移差值大于 15m时,与 T修正系数 P= 1+4tg3

6、0/D。最后结合蟠龙中学实际案例,对中学拓扑结构进行遵循的同时,对各个方案间的连通度指数与非直线系数进行对比分析,在解决各种矛盾的同时创造理想可达性的校园布卢济威.山地建筑设计.中国建筑工业出版社.2000.P7172I 重庆大学硕士学位论文局。关键词:山地中学,拓扑结构,行为流线,联系,非直线系数,连通度指数II 英文摘要ABSTRACT With the economic development and the expansion of city, farmlands have beeneroded by the urbanization, showing a trend of gradu

7、al decrease. Meanwhile, it needs todevelop new living space because of the population increase.There is a hugecontradiction generated by the farmlands decreasing and the demand of human. Astechnology improves, people start showing their interests in mountains, which is a widespace that seldom used.

8、An increasing number of urban and architectural groups hasbeen occupying the mountains instead of evading them.As humans place of settlement, cities are bound to have complete living facilities.Secondary school is an important part of educational facilities. Its radius and functionsdetermine its fea

9、ture of prevalence and scattering. Campus of secondary school coversan large area. When it is in the mountain city , the site conditions have a great impact onthe layout of the campus. The special geographical features make a big differencebetween the planning of mountain campus and those on flat sp

10、ace. If directly followingthe planning thoughts on flat space, it will destroy the mountain environment andnegatively affect the sustainable development of school campus.Topology is the study of internal relations in substances. The undulation formcaused by the mountain effect on topology of seconda

11、ry schools is only the performanceof structural elastic deformation, while the structure of secondary schools has notchanged. Norberg Schultz indicated that: Architectural language consists of threeinterrelated parts: built form, organized space and building type, their respective studiesare morphol

12、ogy, topology and typology.Topology is a study about the invariance of space under condition of continuouschange, while topology in architecture researches that under condition of continuouschange, the invariance feature of deep structures in organizational relations of designingobjects, which is de

13、termined by the nature of space and humans movement. Theworld is not composed by substances ( elements ), but by the structural relationsbetween substances. Substances are only the supporting points of those relations, whilethe structure is the existence form of the universe .In the research of moun

14、tains campus of secondary schools, it is particularlyLu Jiwei . Mountain Architectural Design . China Building Industry Press .2000. P71 72III 重庆大学硕士学位论文important to research the topology of secondary schools. If terrain is the carrier ofelastic deformation, then the relations of various functions o

15、f topology of secondaryschool in elastic deformation will not change. It is the reflected form of deep structurethat has been changed.This paper is to design secondary school on mountains, based on topology. Byresearching the deep relations between each functions, students behavior, related rigidcri

16、terion, to find the topology of secondary school, and to take this as the primaryprinciple of mountain schools designing. According to stepping on slopes impact onspeed and the oxygen consumption, combined with relevant researching papers,constructive studies towards the coefficient of correction of

17、 mountain non-linearcoefficient have been made. The conclusion is that when the difference of verticaldisplacement between buildings is less than 15m, s coefficient of correction P=1tg,when the difference of vertical displacement between buildings is more than 15m, scoefficient of correction P=14tg/

18、3+5/D. Finally through the analysis of actual caseof Panlong Secondary School, following the topology of secondary school andcomparative analysis on non-linear coefficient and connectivity index in and betweeneach cases, it can create the most ideal campus layout while solving various conflicts.Keyw

19、ords: Mountain Secondary School, Topology, Flow Line of Behavior, Relations,Non-linear coefficient, Connectivity IndexIV 目录目录中文摘要.I英文摘要. III图表目录.IX1绪论. 11.1课题的起源. 11.1.1山地中学设计现状. 1山地中学设计理论研究的缺乏. 2拓扑学概要.研究意义与目的. 31.2.1对山地城镇建设有效途径的探寻. 3对山地中学建设技术支撑的研究. 3对山地建筑设计理论的补充与完善.研究范

20、围界定. 41.3.1“山地”的建筑学意义. 4中学范围界定. 4拓扑研究范围.研究内容与可行性研究. 51.4.1研究内容. 5可行性研究. 61.4.2山地中学研究现状. 71.5.1相关文献. 7相关规范. 91.5.2研究方法与框架. 91.6.1研究方法. 9研究框架. 101.6.22山地构成及其影响因子研究. 132.1山地环境的构成分析. 132.1.1地形 . 13气候 . 15地肌 .山地步行交通特征分析. 17V 重庆大学硕士学位论文2.山地交通的特点 . 17山地步行交通形式与空间

21、形态 . 182.3山地对中学的影响因子. 182.3.1坡度的影响 . 18山位的影响 . 21坡向的影响 . 21风环境的影响 .山地建筑设计手法在山地中学中的体现. 222.4.1减少接地 . 22不定基面 . 23山屋共融 .本章小结. 243理论基础及评价度量研究. 273.1拓扑的语意认识. 273.1.1拓扑学简介 . 27拓扑学图论 . 28基于图论的拓扑学路径网络 .结构的认识. 323.2.1结构的普遍意义 . 32结构的建筑意义 . 32山地中学拓扑结构意义. 33本章小结. 343.普通中学拓扑结构研究 . 354.1中学的建筑发展过程. 354.1.1现代中学教育空间发展历程 . 35我国中学教育内容与教育空间的发展演变. 37中学的认识. 384.中学是什么 . 38中学的空间构成 . 39学校的功能分区和规模指标. 404.功能分区 . 40面积指标 . 40校园的流线. 414.学生流线 . 41VI 目录4.教师流线. 45车流 . 454.5中学各功能空间. 454.5.1教学区.


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