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1、词汇四种构成方式,制作人:英教11301万红芝,Three forms of words,Blending ( 单词的混合 ) Clipping ( 缩略词 ) Acronymy (首字母缩合词) Back-formation,. Blending,Blending is the formation of new words by combining parts of two words or a word plus a part of another word. Words formed in this way are called blends or pormanteau word .,F

2、or example, flush is the combination of fl and ush.,Blending is a very productive process and many coinages resulting from blending have become well-established. Moreover, they even serve as models for new formations. Hamburger is a popular fast food originating from German seaport Hamburg. Later pe

3、ople mistook it as a combination of ham + burger and coined such words by analogy(类推) as beefburger, cheeseburger, shrimpburger.,Four major groups of blends,1. head + tail autocide from (automobile + suicide) motel from ( motor + hotel ) chunnel from ( channel + tunne slurb from ( slum + suburb ),2.

4、 head + head,comsat from (communication + satellite ) telex from (teleprinter + exchange ) Amerind from ( American + Indian ) sitcom from ( situation + comedy ),3. head + word,medicare from ( medical + care ) Eurasia from ( Europe + Asia ) telequiz from ( telephone + quiz ) autocamp from ( automobil

5、e + camp ),4. word + tail,lunarnaut from ( lunar + astronaut ) bookmobile from ( book +automobile ) workfare from ( work + welfare ) tourmobile from ( tour + automobile ),The overwhelming majority of blends are nouns; very fewer are verbs and adjectives are even fewer. The few verbs are: telecast fr

6、om (television +broadcast ) guestimate from ( guess + estimate ) breathalyse from (breath + analyse ).,The limited use of blends,Blends are mostly used in writing related to science and technology, and to newspapers and magazines. Though many of them have already achieved currency in English, theyre

7、 still considered to be slang and informal. Dont use such words too often, particular in formal writing.,.Clapping,Another common way of making a word is to shorten a longer word by cutting a part off the original and using what remains instead. This is called clipping. In modern times, people tend

8、to be economical in writing and speech to keep up the tempo of the new life.,To save time, one is likely to clip words frequently used .,In school e.g. economics econ gymnastics gym mathematics math trigonometry trig,In catering business,e.g. luncheon lunch hamburger burger coca cola coke in other a

9、spects e.g. aeroplane plane earthquake quake,There are four common types of clipping,1. Front clipping earthquake quake helicopter copter telescope scope telephone phone,2. Back clipping,memorandum memo ( 备忘录 ) discotheque disco (迪斯科舞厅) stereophonic stereo (立体声的) dormitory dorm gentleman gent fanati

10、c fan,3. Front and back clipping,influenza flu refrigerator fridge (注意变化形式) 4. Phrase clipping public house pub popular music pop zoological zoo,Tip for some exchanges of words,In some cases, clipping gives rise to alterations in spelling and pronunciations as indicated by fridge, in which the lette

11、r d Is inserted between I and g to conform the English ways of spelling and pronunciation. Here are more examples .,e.g. bicycle bike microphone mike coca cola coke perambulator pram television telly This change in form and sound is possibly do to convenience and casualness in speech.,. Acronymy,Acr

12、onymy is the process of forming new words By joining the initial letter of name of social and Political organizations or special noun phrases and technical terms. Words formed in this way are called initialisms or acronymy, depending on the pronunciation of the words., Initialisms,Initialisms are wo

13、rds pronounced letter by Letter. In case like A.D. , B.C. and C.O.D ( cash on delivery ), the letters are separated by periods ( 句号), but most of them have no periods between letters.,1. Letters represent full words,VOA Voice of America BBC British Broadcasting Corporation UFO unidentified flying ob

14、ject c/o care of p.c. postcard,2.Letters represent constituents in a compound or just parts of a word,TV television ID identification or identity card TB tuberculosis GHQ General Headquaters (总指挥部), Acronyms,Acronyms are words formed from initial letters but pronounced as a normal word. e.g. radio d

15、etecting and ranging radar Women Appointed for Voluntary Emergency WAVES More examples are as follows:,CORE Congress of Racial Equality,NATO the North Atlantic Treaty Organization AIDS acquired immune deficiency syndrome BASIC beginners all-purpose symbolic instruction code TEFL teaching English as

16、a foreign language,Some acronyms are formed with the initial letter of the first word plus the whole of the second,N-bomb nuclear bomb D-notice Defence Notice G-man Government man D Day decimalization day V-Day Victory Day,Both initialisms and acronyms have become very popular since the Second World

17、 War and Thus extremely productive. This is justified by the number of such words collected in E.T. Growleys Acronyms and Initialisms Dictionary. The 1st edition which appeared in 1961 contains 12,000 entries; the 2nd edition that came out in 1965 lists 45,000 entries; the 3rd edition which was publ

18、ished in 1970 collects 80,000 entries, Almost twice the number of the second edition.,With the advance of time, some of the words may fall out of use whereas by far a greater number of words will be added. Acronymy will undoubtedly remain an important contributor to contemporary English vocabulary.,

19、 Back-formation, Definition of back-formation Back-formation is considered to be the opposite process of suffixation. As we know, suffixation is the formation of new words by adding suffixes to the bases, and back-formation is therefore the method of creating words by removing the,the supposed suffi

20、xes,This is because many of the removed suffixes are not true suffixes but inseparable parts of the words. Back-formation usually involves the following types of words.,1. Abstract nouns, diagnose diagnosis donate donation enthuse enthusiasm emote emotion,2. Human nouns, loaf loafer sculpt sculptor

21、burgle burglar beg beggar,3. Compound nouns and others, eavesdrop eavesdropping merrymake merry-making babysit babysitter,4. adjectives, drowse drowsy laze lazy frivol frivolous,Words created through back- formation are mostly verbs,There are only a few that can be used as nouns or both nouns and verbs. e.g. gloomy (a) gloom (n) greedy (a) greed (n),Stylistically, back-formed words are largely informal and some of them have not gained public acceptance. Therefore, they should be used with care.,That s all,谢谢观赏,


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