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1、joy Sharing,Hostess: Tian Yang Guests: Mo Xiaolin zhou Yiwen,娱乐分享,Regions social patterns national cultural backgrunds,Beijing opera Kunqu opera 昆曲Cantonese opera 粤剧, Henan opera豫剧, Chuan opera 川剧,Traditional classic operas the orphan of the zhao family(赵氏孤儿) Women generals of the yangs(杨门女将) Lady S

2、he ,Mu Guiying,Yang Zongbao Fare well to my concubine(霸王别姬),CARMEN 卡门,LA TRAVIATA 茶花女,The famous Western Opera,Raised at the European Renaissance period(文艺复兴时期),large and luxuriours stage,The role type of Peking Opera,dan sheng jing chou,生,生(male roles):(1) 老生(middle-aged or old men) (2) 小生(young me

3、n) (3) 武生(men with martial skills),Lao Sheng,Xiao Sheng,Wu Sheng,旦,旦(female roles): (1) 青衣(a woman with a strict moral code) (2) 花旦(Young girl) (3) 老旦( an elderly woman),Lao Dan,Wu Dan,Dao Ma Dan,Qing Yi,Hua Dan,净,净(roles with painted faces): (1)正净(da hua lian) (2)副净(er da hua lian) (3)武净(warrior ty

4、pe),Jing,zhengjing,fujing,wujing,丑,chou or clown (a comic character ): (1)文丑(civilian clown) (2)武丑(clown with martial skills),chou,Types of facial makeup,Red Loyalty, integrity, courage,Black criticized(刚烈) integrity(正直 ) reckless(鲁莽 ) uprightness,Yellow vicious brutality,Blue Upright wild intractab

5、le,white treacherous suspicious,Stiring music.,western,orchestra,tenor(男高音), mezzo-soprano(女中音), alto(女低音),style of singing art,唆呐,笙,月琴,三弦,京二胡,京胡,板,大锣,单皮鼓,小锣,堂鼓,shy,Outgoing Enthusiastic,-Romeo :Lady, by yonder blessed moon I vow, That tips with silver all these fruit-tree tops -Juliet: Oh, swear not by the moon, the inconstant moon, That monthly changes in her circle orb, Lest that thy love prove likewise variable,Classical dialogue, Hamlet( 哈姆雷特) Othello(奥瑟罗) King Lear(李尔王) Macbeth(马克白),Four tragedies of William Shakespeare,Thanks for watching!,Website:www.joy (its a fake),


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