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1、转承语的使用,根据不同的段落要求,选择适当的转承语 1) 比较对照 比较:like A, B Just as A, B A, similarly/correspondingly, likewise/in the same way, B 对照: Unlike/ Contrary to/ As opposed to A, B A , however/on the other hand/in contrast, B A , B, however/on the other hand/in contrast, ,2)列举 First/ Second (Next) / Third (Then)/ Last

2、 (Finally), The fist/ The second/ The third/ The last (The final) Firstly/Secondly/Thirdly/Last (Finally) One/Another/Still another/The last The most essential/most important/primary/chief is ,3) 因果 as a result, consequently, therefore, hence, so, because of this, for these reasons, due to the fact

3、that,起承转合常用语,1)“起“的常用语,When asked about/ When it comes to/ Faced with , some people claim/think/argue/believe that , but/while others (differently) Nowadays there is much/general discussion as to .,Now, it is commonly/widely/increasingly believed/thought/held/acknowledge that , According to a recent

4、 survey/investigation/poll, ,2)“承“的常用语,Those who hold . It is true that To be sure First/Firstly The main/leading/underlying/root/ primary/chief/essential . “承接上文“的方式与文章的段落结构有关,比较的与列举的不同,与举例的也不同。,Closer examination (analysis), however, suggests (shows) that this argument (claim, idea) may not be bor

5、ne of (supported) by the following evidence (facts, examples, statistics). Close (careful) examination (analysis) of these arguments (ideas, suggestions), however, would reveal (suggest, prove) how flimsy (不足信的,不严密)(fallacious(靠不住的), groundless(没有根据的)) they are.,3)“转“的常用语,3)“转“的常用语,However logical (

6、sound, forcible(有说服力) these arguments may be, they dont make sense (only skim the surface of the problem) when is viewed the other way (taken into consideration). As opposed to (Contrary to) the widely (commonly, generally) held idea (belief, view), new studies (facts) challenge (fail to justify) th

7、e opinion (view).,3)“转“的常用语,Good/Superior/Wonderful as ., it has its own disadvantages/ it brings its own problems. They may be right about , but they seem to neglect /fail to mention/take into account In all the discussion and debate over , one important/basic fact is ignored/overlooked/neglected.

8、It is true that/ Admittedly, but it is unlikely/doesnt follow/doesnt mean that There is an element of truth in these arguments/statements, but they ignore a deeper and more basic/essential/important fact/factor In many cases, however, As far as is concerned, ,4)“合“的常用语,Experience/Evidence/All the fa

9、cts suggest/show/demonstrate/ indicate that From what has been discussed above/Taking into account all these factors, we may safely draw/reach/come to/arrive/ the conclusion that In conclusion/To sum up/In summary/In short/To conclude . It is important/necessary/essential that effective/proper/powerful actions/measure/remedies should be taken to ,


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