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1、Section Grammar & Writing,写作专题突破,Unit 1,语法专题突破,Section ,语法专题突破,情态动词 七、need 1need表示“需要”、“必需”。通常用在否定句或疑问句中,且只有现在时。 He neednt pay for it. 这东西他不必付钱。 Need you go now? 你需要现在走吗? Yes,I must.是的,我必须走。(No,I neednt.),2neednt have done表示没有必要做而做了。 It was so near.We neednt have taken a taxi. 这么近呀,我们本没必要坐出租车的。 3若用作

2、实义动词时,其变化与一般动词相同。 You need to be careful. 你得小心些。 You dont need to be so worried.(You neednt be so worried.) 你不必这么担心。,Doesnt he need to come again?(Neednt he come again?) 他不必再来了吗? 八、dare 1dare表示“敢”。通常用于否定句、疑问句和条件从句中。 She dare not do so. 她不敢这么做。 Dare he tell them what he knows? 他敢告诉他们他知道的事吗?,You will

3、be punished if you dare break the rules. 如果你敢违反规定的话你将受到惩罚。 2用作实义动词时,其变化形式与一般动词相同,肯定句中要跟带to的不定式,而在否定句和疑问句中不定式to可要可不要。 This student doesnt dare (to) raise any question in class. 课上这个学生不敢提任何问题。 I suppose he dares to tell the manager the truth. 我想他敢告诉经理真相。,Do you dare (to) drive a car on such a crowded

4、road? 你敢在这么拥挤的街道上开车吗? 注意:dare作情态动词和实义动词的过去式都是dared。 He dared not tell us the truth. 他不敢告诉我们真相。 He dared to challenge all kinds of difficulties. 他敢于挑战各种困难。,九、“情态动词have done”的用法,.完成句子 1(2010年高考湖南卷改编)You _(没有必要买) a gift,but you can if you want to. 答案:dont have to buy 2(2010年高考陕西卷改编)May I take this book

5、 out of the reading room? No,you _(不可以)You read it here. 答案:mustnt,3(2010年高考天津卷改编)Mark _(本来没必要那么慌的)After driving at top speed,he arrived half an hour early. 答案:neednt have hurried 4(2011年高考课标全国卷改编)They_(本应该到达的) at lunchtime but their flight was delayed. 答案:should have arrived,5(2011年高考江苏卷改编)I left m

6、y handbag on the train,but luckily someone gave it to a railway official. How unbelievable to get it back! I mean,someone_(原本可能把它偷走的) it. 答案:might have stolen 6I told your friend how to get to the hotel,but perhaps I _(本应该用车把她带到这里) 答案:should have driven her there,7The boss has given everyone a speci

7、al holiday,so we _(没必要) go to work tomorrow. 答案:neednt 8Ill tell Mary about her new job tomorrow. You _(你本应该上周就告诉她的) her last week. 答案:should have told 9Being afraid of making mistakes,the little boy _(不敢回答) answer his teachers question. 答案:doesnt dare,10He _(一定是解决了) all his problems;otherwise,he wo

8、uldnt be so relaxed. 答案:must have solved 11There was a lot of fun at last nights party.You _(本应该来的) ,but why didnt you? 答案:should have come 12Sir,you _(不应该坐)in this waiting room.It is for women and children only. 答案:oughtnt to be sitting,13Oh,Im not feeling well in the stomach.I _(本不应该吃这么多) fried ch

9、icken just now. 答案:shouldnt have eaten so much 14Tom is never late for work.Why is he absent today? Something _(一定出事了) to him. 答案:must have happened,15(2011年郑州高一检测改编)I havent seen Mr.White for weeks. What _(可能发生了) him? 答案:can have happened to .用适当的情态动词填空 1I have not a raincoat with me.Thats why I _

10、wait until the rain stops. 2The last bus has left.We _ walk home.,3The weather was bad.We _ wait for two hours at the airport before we took off. 4Must we finish the composition in class? No,you _. 5You _ read that book if you dont want to. 6_I water the trees on Tuesday? No,you neednt. 7He is so st

11、rong that I _ fight against him.,8We _(receive) the letter yesterday,but it didnt arrive. 9When we got to the cinema,the film hasnt started yet,so we _(hurry) 10When I got to the cinema,the film had already started;I _(get) there earlier.,答案:1.have to 2.have to/will have to 3.had to 4neednt /dont ha

12、ve to 5.neednt 6.Must 7dare not 8.ought to have received 9.neednt have hurried 10.ought to have got/should have got,写作专题突破,突破话题Healthy Eating 【写作内容】 假如你是Lucy,你的朋友Mike在饮食方面存在一些问题:不太喜欢吃蔬菜、鸡蛋和粗粮;不爱喝牛奶。请就以下要点给他写封信,劝他改变这种不良的饮食习惯。 1平衡膳食结构的重要性; 2新鲜蔬菜、鸡蛋、粗粮、牛奶等与身体健康的关系; 3祝他身体健康,学习进步。,【写作要求】 1必须使用5个句子介绍出所给的全

13、部内容; 2文章的开头和结尾已经给出,不计入句子总数; 3可适当发挥,以使行文连贯。 参考词汇:粗粮coarse grains;效率efficiency Dear Mike, I have learned that in your daily meals you dont like to eat fresh vegetables,eggs,coarse grains and even dislike drinking milk.,_ _ Wish you good health and great progress in your lessons! Yours, Lucy,【要点词汇】 1说实

14、话_ 2富含_ 3造成(结果)_ 4也,还有_ 5从得到_ 6强健体魄_ 7平衡膳食_,答案:1.to be honest 2.be rich in. 3.result in 4.as well as 5.get from. 6.build ones body 7.keep a balanced diet,【句式结构】 1说实话,你需要吃些富含营养的食物,否则会造成学习时缺少能量和效率。 _,you need to eat food _ nutrients _ it will _ energy and efficiency in your study. 答案:To be honest;rich

15、 in;or;result in less,2人们广泛地认为新鲜的蔬菜和牛奶不仅含有我们所需要的大量的钙,还有维生素。 _widely _fresh vegetables and milk _ plenty of minerals _ vitamins we need. 答案:It is;believed that;contain;as well as 3平衡膳食是健康生活最好的办法。 _ a balanced diet _ the best way to _ a healthy life. 答案:Keeping;is;enjoy,【连句成篇】 _ _ _,【佳作欣赏】 Dear Mike,

16、I have learned that in your daily meals you dont like to eat fresh vegetables,eggs,coarse grains and even dislike drinking milk.Are you really sure you can stay healthy without a balanced diet?,To be honest,you need to eat food rich in nutrients or it will result in less energy and efficiency in you

17、r study.It is widely believed that fresh vegetables and milk contain plenty of minerals as well as vitamins we need.Proteins,which we get from eggs and beans,are very important for building our body.I really think keeping a balanced diet is the best way to enjoy a healthy life.,Wish you good health

18、and great progress in your lessons! Yours, Lucy 【名师点评】 要想使自己的作文成为一篇语句通顺、表达清晰的佳作,并获得理想的分数,修改、完善文章是必不可少的一步。修改文章时要注意以下几点:1)拼写、语法的正确性,注意句子的时态、语态、主谓一致、固定搭配等;,2)句子的多样性,尽量使用不同句式以及复杂句式,提高文章的档次;3)由于题目要求只能用5个句子表达全部内容,要有效地使用语句间的连接成分,以增加文章的连贯性和层次性,避免语句表达单一化,并使文章上下文连贯、流畅。 【佳句背诵】 1To be honest,you need to eat foo

19、d rich in nutrients or it will result in less energy and efficiency in your study. 2I really think keeping a balanced diet is the best way to enjoy a healthy life.,Alice,once a famous hostess,suffered from obesity one year ago.She is too fat to continue her work.To become slim and earn her living,sh

20、e decided to lose weight.At first,she took slimming pills.The shop assistant said that the pills would help her lose weight before long.He said many strengths of the pills and discounted it by 20%.When asked what its weakness was,he said there was none.,But unfortunately,Alice continued to put on we

21、ight.She brought a suit agaist the shop and wouldnt have them getting away with telling customers lies. Then she consulted the health expert about how to lose weight.The expert told her that she ought to limit her diet,have a healthy and balanced diet,cut down on fat and sugar and eat more raw fruit

22、 and vegetables,such as cucumber and peach.,艾丽斯曾经是一位著名的女主持人,一年以前她得了肥胖症。她太胖了,以至于不能继续工作了。为了使自己变得苗条,也为了谋生,她决定减肥。一开始,她吃减肥药。店员说这些药能帮助她不久以后减轻体重。他说了这种药的很多优点,而且还给她打了8折。当问及这种药的缺点时,他说没有。但不幸的是, 艾丽斯继续增重。她起诉 了药店,绝不允许他们向 顾客撒谎而逃脱惩罚。,然后,她就如何减肥咨询了一位健康专家。这位专家告诉她应该限制自己的饮食,吃健康而平衡的饮食,减少脂肪和糖的摄入,多吃未加工的水果和蔬菜,比如说黄瓜和桃子。同时,她还可以喝点醋,吃些容易消化的食品。同时,专家还建议她进行定期的锻炼。只有通过将饮食和锻炼结合起来,她才能重新获得她的苗条身材和高薪水的工作。你知道,艾丽斯那时已欠了很多债。艾丽斯从专家的建议中获得了大量的好处。在三个月内,她已经减了25磅了。,本部分内容讲解结束,点此进入课件目录,按ESC键退出全屏播放,谢谢使用,


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