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1、,ThemeGallery PowerTemplate,Add Your Company Slogan,病猪皮肤出血充血类传染病,猪皮肤充血或发绀的常见疾病有9种该类疾病包括有:猪瘟、猪副伤寒、猪丹毒、猪肺疫、猪胸膜肺炎、猪呼吸与繁殖障碍综合征、猪链球菌病、猪附红细胞体病、猪弓形体病。其各自皮肤充血或发绀现象具体分述如下: 猪瘟:常见腹下、四肢内侧等皮薄毛稀处有点状出血或红斑,指压不褪色。 猪副伤寒:通常是在颈部、胸下、腹部、耳尖、尾尖、鼻端和四肢下端等处皮肤呈紫红色,后变蓝色。 猪丹毒:猪丹毒是在胸腹下、股内侧等皮肤较薄处出现红色疱疹,由淡红色逐渐变紫,指压褪色, 猪肺疫:通常表现粘膜发绀,

2、耳根、颈部及下腹等处皮肤发生红斑。 猪胸膜肺炎:一般在发病后期出现心衰和循环障碍,主要表现在鼻、耳、眼以及后躯皮肤发绀。 猪呼吸与繁殖障碍综合征:临床主要是以断奶仔猪和生长猪,表现皮肤充血,耳、腹下、后腿等部位发紫。 猪链球菌病:发病猪主要是颈、腹和四肢下部皮肤发紫。 猪附红细胞体病:有的病猪皮肤病变体现在四肢特别是耳廓边缘发绀。 猪弓形体病:又名弓浆虫病,皮肤变化表现在耳及体躯下部有淤血。,猪丹毒,猪丹毒病猪的颈部背部皮肤大面积瘀血 猪丹毒是猪丹毒杆菌引起的一种急性热性传染病,其主要特征为高热、急性败血症、皮肤疹块(亚急性)、慢性疣状心内膜炎及皮肤坏死与多发性非化脓性关节炎(慢性)。目前集约

3、化养猪场比较少见,但仍未完全控制。本病呈世界性分布。 【病原】猪丹毒杆菌是一种革兰氏阳性菌,具有明显的形成长丝的倾向。本菌为平直或微弯纤细小杆菌,大小为0.20.4微米0.82.5微米。在病料内的细菌,单在、成对或成丛排列,在白细胞内一般成丛存在,在陈旧的肉汤培养物内和慢性病猪的内心膜疣状物中,多呈长丝状,有时很细。本菌对盐腌、火熏、干燥、腐败和日光等自然环境的抵抗力较强。在病死猪的肝、脾内4159天,毒力仍然强大。露天放置27天的病死猪肝脏,深埋1.5米231天的病猪尸体,12.5%食盐处理并冷藏于4148天的猪肉中,都可以分离到猪丹毒杆菌。在一般消毒药,如2%福尔马林、l%漂白粉、1%氢氧


5、丹毒一年四季都有发生,有些地方以炎热多雨季节流行得最盛。本病常为散发性或地方流行性传染,有时也发生暴发性流行。 【临床症状】一般将猪丹毒分为急性败血型、亚急性疹块型和慢性型。急性败血型:此型最为常见,以突然暴发、急性经过和高的病死率为特征。在流行初期有一头或数头猪不表现任何症状而突然死亡,其他猪相继发病。病猪体温达到4243,稽留不退,体弱,不愿走动,躺卧地上,不食,有时呕吐。结膜充血,眼睛清亮。粪便干硬呈栗状,附有粘液。小猪后期有的发生下痢。严重的呼吸增快,粘膜发绀。部分病猪皮肤发生潮红继而发紫,以耳、颈、背等部较为多见。病程短促,可以突然死亡。有些病猪经34天体温降至正常以下而死。病死率8



8、时范围很大,可以占整个背部皮肤;有时可在部分耳壳、尾巴、末梢、各蹄壳发生坏死。约经23个月坏死皮肤脱落,遗留一片无毛、色淡的疤痕而愈。如有继发感染,则病情复杂,病程延长。 【病理变化】败血型:主要以急性败血症的全身变化和体表皮肤出现红斑为特征。鼻、唇、耳及腿内侧等处皮肤和可视粘膜呈不同程度的紫红色。全身淋巴结发红肿大,切面多汁,呈浆液性出血性炎症。肺充血、水肿。脾呈樱桃红色,充血、肿大,有“白髓周围红晕”现象。消化道有卡他性或出血性炎症,胃底及幽门部尤其严重,粘膜发生弥漫性出血。十二指肠及空肠前部发生出血性炎症。肾常发生急性出血性肾小球肾炎的变化,体积增大,呈弥漫性暗红色,纵切面皮质部有小红点

9、。疹块型:以皮肤疹块为特征变化。疹块与生前无明显差异。慢性型关节炎:是一种多发性增生性关节炎,关节肿胀,有多量浆液性纤维素性渗出液,粘稠或带红色。后期滑膜绒毛增生肥厚。慢性心内膜炎:为溃疡性或呈椰菜样疣状赘生性心内膜炎。一个或数个瓣膜发炎,多见于二尖瓣膜。它是由肉芽组织和纤维素性凝块组成的。,Click to edit title style,ThemeGallery is a Design Digital Content & Contents mall developed by Guild Design Inc.,ThemeGallery is a Design Digital Conten

10、t & Contents mall developed by Guild Design Inc.,ThemeGallery is a Design Digital Content & Contents mall developed by Guild Design Inc.,Click to add Text,Content Title,Content Title,Content Title,Diagram,Reality,Identity,Creativity,Describe a vision of company or strategic contents.,Describe a visi

11、on of company or strategic contents.,Describe a vision of company or strategic contents.,Reality,Identity,Creativity,ThemeGallery is a Design Digital Content & Contents mall developed by Guild Design Inc.,A title about content,Diagram,Text in here,Text in here,Text in here,Title,Title,ThemeGallery i

12、s a Design Digital Content & Contents mall developed by Guild Design Inc.,ThemeGallery is a Design Digital Content & Contents mall developed by Guild Design Inc.,Diagram,Description of the contents,Title in here,Title in here,ThemeGallery is a Design Digital Content & Contents mall developed by Guil

13、d Design Inc.,Before,After,ThemeGallery is a Design Digital Content & Contents mall developed by Guild Design Inc.,Description of the contents,ThemeGallery is a Design Digital Content & Contents mall developed by Guild Design Inc.,Click to edit title style,2. Describe contents for a Chart Descriptio

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16、Description of the companys sub contents,Diagram,4. Description of the business,5. Description of the business,1. Description of the business,2. Description of the business,3. Description of the business,ThemeGallery is a Design Digital Content & Contents mall developed by Guild Design Inc.,Click to

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19、ontents mall developed by Guild Design Inc.,2004,2005,2006,Contents ThemeGallery is a Design Digital Content & Contents mall developed by Guild Design Inc.,Diagram,ThemeGallery is a Design Digital Content & Contents mall developed by Guild Design Inc.,Your text in here,Your text in here,Your text in

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25、ategic contents.,ThemeGallery is a Design Digital Content & Contents mall developed by Guild Design Inc.,Click to edit title style,Contents,Contents,Contents,Contents,ThemeGallery is a Design Digital Content & Contents mall developed by Guild Design Inc.,Click to add Text Click to add Text Click to

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28、nts,Text in here,Click to edit title style,ThemeGallery is a Design Digital Content & Contents mall developed by Guild Design Inc.,ThemeGallery is a Design Digital Content & Contents mall developed by Guild Design Inc.,ThemeGallery is a Design Digital Content & Contents mall developed by Guild Desig

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32、eGallery is a Design Digital Content & Contents mall developed by Guild Design Inc.,Contents,Contents,Contents,Contents,Diagram,Describe a vision of company or strategic contents.,Describe a vision of company or strategic contents.,Describe a vision of company or strategic contents.,Title in here,Ti

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35、rite down of contents explanation for Business Area.,Diagram,Title,Title,Title,Description of the companys products,Description of the companys technology,Description of the companys contents,ThemeGallery is a Design Digital Content & Contents mall developed by Guild Design Inc.,,Thank You !,Add your company slogan,


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