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1、医学院校硕士研究生英语 听与说,首都医科大学应用语言学系,English for Master Students in Medical Universities,Department of Applied Linguistics Capital Medical University,Unit 5,Section A Movies Section B Alcoholism,第一排: 狮子王Lion King: cartoon 人工智能Artificial Intelligence: science-fiction 择日而死Die Another Day: action 勇敢的心 Bravehea

2、rt: adventure,第二排: 真爱至上Love Actually: romance 汉尼拔 Hannibal: thriller 教父 Godfather: mafia 终结者 Terminator: action+sci-fi,第三排: 憨豆侦探Johnny English: comic 伊丽莎白一世 Elizabeth I: history 第六感 The Sixth Sense: sci-fi 芝加哥 Chicago: musical,Section A Movies,Reference Answer III Monologue Exercise I 1. D 2. D 3. D

3、 4. D 5. B,IV. Conversation Exercise 1 1. The Academy is short for the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. 2. The Academy was organized in May, 1927 in California. 3. Membership in the Academy is by invitation of the Board of Governors and is limited to those who have achieved distinction i

4、n the arts and sciences of motion pictures.,Exercise 2 1. purposes 2. advance 3. foster 4. educational 5. recognize 6. equipment 7. forum 8. crafts 9. actual 10. public-at-large,Exercise 3 1. Actors 2. Art Directors 3.Cinematographers 4. Directors 5. Executives 6. Film Editors 7. Producers,8. Writer

5、s 9. Music 10. Public Relations 11. Short Films and Feature Animation 12. Sound 13. Visual Effects,V Passage Passage 1 Exercise 1 1. hazards 2. physical 3. status 4. psychological 5. attainment 6. obsessive 7. forbidden 8. destructive 9. shield 10. subordinate,Exercise 2 1. N 2. G 3. F 4. C 5. M 6.

6、D 7. E 8. A,9. B 10.H 11.O 12.P 13.J 14. I 15. L 16. K,Passage 2 Exercise 1 1. T 2. F 3.T 4. T 5. T,Exercise 2 1. They are films that give us pieces of time that we can never forget. 2. They have refused to fade from memory even after the long passage of time. 3. They share the unifying fact of bein

7、g seen and talked about decades after they were made. 4. They have the power to entertain, enchant, inform, and move us emotionally and change our perceptions of things.,Section B Alcoholism,Background information about alcoholism,The definition of alcoholism Alcoholism or alcohol dependence is a me

8、dical term with a deliberately more precise meaning than the problems that can occur, sometimes as one-offs, through an uncharacteristic binge. In alcoholism a number of features come together in the behavior of the person affected.,Background information about alcoholism,The symptoms of alcoholism

9、Alcohol dependence is a chronic disease that is often progressive and fatal. Although alcoholism tends to run in families, it is influenced by both genetic and environmental factors. An individual who is dependent upon alcohol typically uses it to avoid personal and social factors in his or her life

10、.,Background information about alcoholism,The four symptoms of alcoholism include: Craving for alcohol Inability to reduce or stop alcohol consumption Experience withdrawal symptoms when stopping alcohol consumption Increased tolerance of alcohol (takes more to get the same effect),Background inform

11、ation about alcoholism,The facts on alcoholism Alcohol is the most commonly used and widely abused psychoactive drug in the United States. Alcohol contributes to 100,000 deaths annually, making it the third leading cause of preventable mortality in the United States. Over 13.8 million Americans have

12、 problems with drinking, including the 8.1 million people who are alcoholics. Alcohol has been found to reduce ones life expectancy up to 10 years.,Background information about alcoholism,Even if you are not an alcoholic, abusing alcohol can still have negative affects. Children of alcoholics are fo

13、ur times more likely to become alcoholics than children of non-alcoholics. Rates of alcohol problems are highest among adults ages 18-29. More men than women are alcohol dependent.,Background information about alcoholism,The treatment of alcoholism Many alcoholism treatment programs in the United St

14、ates include abstinence, individual and group therapy, participation in alcoholism support groups, such as Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), educational lectures, family involvement, work assignments, activity therapy, and the use of counselors and professional staff experienced in treating alcoholism.,Bac

15、kground information about alcoholism,Heres what you might expect from a typical residential treatment program: Detoxification and withdrawal. Treatment for alcoholism may begin with a program of detoxification, usually taking about four to seven days. You may need to take sedating medications to pre

16、vent delirium tremens or other withdrawal seizures.,Background information about alcoholism,Medical assessment and treatment. Common medical problems related to alcoholism are high blood pressure, increased blood sugar, and liver and heart disease.,Background information about alcoholism,Psychologic

17、al support and psychiatric treatment. Group and individual counseling and therapy support recovery from the psychological aspects of alcoholism. Many treatment programs also offer couples and family therapy because family support can be an important part of the recovery process. In fact, involving a

18、 spouse in the treatment process may increase the chances of successful recovery.,Reference Answer,Part I Word Building Power absolute alcohol: 纯酒精 anhydrous alcohol: 无水酒精 beverage alcohol: 饮料酒精 bornyl alcohol: 冰片, 龙脑 denatured alcohol: 变性酒精, 工业酒精 detergent alcohols: 洗涤剂用醇类 ether alcohol: 醚醇 ethyl a

19、lcohol: 乙醇,Reference Answer,fermentation alcohol: 发酵酒精 food alcohol: 饮料酒 fuel alcohol: 燃料酒精; 动力酒精 glycyl alcohol: 丙三醇, 甘油 grain alcohol: 酒精; 乙醇 grape alcohol: 葡萄汁(制)酒精 higher alcohols: 高级醇 vinyl alcohol: 乙烯醇 wood alcohol: 甲醇, 木醇,Reference Answer,beerholic: 嗜好啤酒成癖 carboholic: 碳水化合物中毒 colaholic: 嗜好可口可

20、乐成癖 movie-holic: 嗜好电影成癖 teleholic: 嗜好看电视成癖 workaholic: 工作狂,Reference Answer,overabound: 过量存在,过于富足(或充足) overact: 夸张表演 overaged: 过老的 overbuild: 建造过多 overbusy: 太忙的 overcare: 自寻烦恼 overcaution: 过分小心,过分谨慎 overcharge: 讨价过高, 使过量装填,过度充电 overdo: 做得过分 overdress: (使)穿得太讲究 overeat: 使吃过量 overload: 使超载, 超过负荷 overw

21、eight: 超重,Reference Answer,gene bank: 基因库 gene cluster: 基因簇 gene complex theory: 基因综合体学说 gene conversion: 基因转换 gene dosage: 基因数量 gene duplication: 基因复制 gene engineering: 基因工程 gene expression: 基因表达表现 gene recombination technology: 基因重组技术 gene theory: 基因学说 gene therapy: 基因治疗 gene transfer: 基因转移 geneco

22、logy: 遗传种群生态学 genetic: 遗传的, 起源的 genetics: 遗传学,Reference Answer,II. There is no known common cause of alcoholism. However, several factors may play a role in its development. A person who has an alcoholic parent is more likely to become an alcoholic than a person without alcoholism in the immediate f

23、amily. Research suggests that certain genes may increase the risk of alcoholism, but which genes or how they work is not known.,Reference Answer,1. Psychological factors may include: Depression A need for anxiety relief Conflict in relationships Low self-esteem 2. Social factors include: Peer pressu

24、re Ease of getting alcohol Social acceptance of alcohol use Stressful lifestyle,Reference Answer,III. 1. A 2. E 3. D 4. C 5. F 6. H 7. J 8. I 9. G. 10. B,Reference Answer,Part II I. 1. If a man always drinks a lot or enjoys drinking too much, he will be called an alcoholic. 2. Binge drinking and hea

25、vy drinking on a regular basis may lead to alcoholic problems. 3. Heavy drinking can increase the risk for certain cancers, especially those of the liver, esophagus, throat, and larynx (voice box). Heavy drinking can also cause liver cirrhosis, immune system problems, brain damage, and harm to the f

26、etus during pregnancy.,Reference Answer,II. 1. T 2.F 3.T 4. F 5. T,Reference Answer,III. 1. A 2. C 3. D 4. D 5. D,Reference Answer,IV. 1. an alcoholic cant just “use a little willpower” to stop drinking. 2. a powerful ”craving,” or uncontrollable need, for alcohol. 3. you too may develop alcoholism. 4. the persons environment, peer pressure; and even how easy it is to get alcohol.,Thank you!,


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