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1、1put forward 提出,推荐;将提前 put away/aside 放在一边;收拾起来;储存 put back 放回,拨回 put down 写下;镇压;放下 put forth 提出;颁布 put.into 把翻译成 put off 延期,推迟 put on weight 体重增加,put on 穿、戴上;(速度、体重)增加;上演 put out 扑灭,熄灭 put through 接通电话 put up 举起;建造;张贴 put up with 忍受,忍耐,容忍,即学即练1(1)She often _ some useful advice.她常常提出一些有用的建议。 (2)Can

2、I _ you/your name _ as golf club secretary?我推荐你担任高尔夫球俱乐部的秘书怎么样? (3)We have _ the wedding _ one week.我们已将婚礼提前了一周。 (4)_ your watch _; youre five minutes slow. 把你的表往前拨一下,你慢了5分钟。,puts forward,put,forward,put,forward by,Put,forward,用put的相关短语填空 (1)Try your best to_ what the teacher said in class. (2)The s

3、ports meet was _because of the rain. (3)Its cold outside, _more clothes. (4)Lets _a shed here for the time being. (5)A big fire broke out last night and at last it was_. (6)Im afraid we will have to _with the loss.,put down,put off,put on,put up,put out,put up,词汇短语过关,2conclude vt. 断定,推断出;作出结论(不用于进行时

4、) conclusion n 结论,推论 conclusive adj. 结论性的以结束 conclude to do sth. 决定做某事,conclude.from.从中推断 to conclude (做插入语)最后(一句话) in conclusion 最后,总之 a conclusion 使结束 make a conclusion 下结论 arrive at/come to/draw/reach a conclusion 得出结论,告一段落,His conclusion is that eternal peace is not po

5、ssible.,Everyone clapped at the conclusion of his speech,即学即练2(1)He _ his speech with a joke. 他以一个笑话结束了他的演讲。 (2)The meeting _ at nine oclock. 会议9点钟结束了。 (3)The police _ that he must be the murderer. 警察断定他一定是杀人凶手。,concluded,concluded,concluded,(4)_, wish all of you good health and a long life.最后祝大家健康长

6、寿。 (5)_, I would like to thank all the people present at the meeting today. 最后我想感谢今天参加会议的所有人。,To conclude,In conclusion,1. defeat/beat/win 这三个词都有“赢”的意思,但其用法不尽相同。 (1)defeat和beat是同义词,其宾语必须是“人或一个集体”。如a team, a class, a school, an army等。defeat侧重在战场上打败敌人,beat常用于游戏或比赛中,但在平时运用中常替换使用。 (2)win表示在较强的竞争中取得了胜利,常

7、带的宾语有:game, war, prize, fame, battle等。win还可作为不及物动词来用。,应用1 用defeat, beat, win填空 (1)He _ all his opponents in the election. (2)Peasants _ the drought and reaped a good harvest. (3)After a heart to heart talk, I _ his belief at last.,defeated/beat,beat,won,(4)The enemys plot was _ very soon. (5)We woul

8、dnt have _without your help. (6)Mary _ first prize for swimming.,defeated,won,won,3attend vt.&vi. 出席;参加;照料,护理 attendance n. 出席,到场,参加 attend a meeting/a lecture/school 参加会议/听报告/上学 attend on/upon sb. 伺候某人;照顾某人 attend to 处理,注意,专心于,照料,即学即练3(1)He didnt _ yesterday.他昨天没有参加会议。 (2)He was very tired after th

9、e long run, and expected somebody _ him. 长跑之后他感到非常疲劳,很想有个人来照顾自己一下。 (3)Business has to _. 生意是必须要料理的。 (4)_your studies. 专心你的学习。,attend the meeting,to attend on,be attended to,Attend to,4expose vt. 暴露,揭露,使曝光,使面临 exposure n. 暴露,显露;揭露,揭发 expose sth./sb./oneself (to.) 显露或暴露某事物/某人/自己(给) be exposed to 暴露于,即

10、学即练3(1)My job as a journalist is to _.我作为记者的职责就是揭露事实。 (2)Dont _ babies _ strong sunlight. 不要让婴儿受到强烈阳光的照射。 (3)Its very dangerous to _ these viruses without any protection. 不加任何保护,直接暴露在这些病毒下是非常危险的。,expose the truth,expose,to,be exposed to,5cure n. 治愈;痊愈 vt. 治愈;治疗 curable adj. 可治愈的 a cure for. 针对的治疗 cu

11、re sb. of sth. 消除某人;治愈某人,即学即练4(1)The doctor cant _ her _ the cancer. 医生治不好她的癌症。 (2)Nothing can _ you _ your bad habits. 没有什么能去掉你的坏习惯。 (3)This is _ SARS. 这是一种新的SARS治疗方法。,cure,of,cure,of,a new cure for,拓展 of sth.结构的短语还有: remind sb. of sth.使某人想起某事 suspect sb. of sth.怀疑某人(做)某事 rob sb. of sth.抢了某人

12、某物 inform sb. of sth.通知某人某事 warn sb. of sth.警告某人某事 accuse sb. of sth.控告某人某事,2. cure/treat/heal (1)treat指通过药物、特别的食品或运动治病,强调治疗过程,treat sb. for sth.医治某人病;还可作“对待,看待”讲,treat.as把看作/视为。 (2)cure意为“治愈,痊愈”,特别指病后的恢复健康。其后可接表示疾病的名词或代词,也可接sb. of再加表示疾病的名词。另外,还可作“矫正,纠正”解,借喻指消除社会上某种不良现象或个人恶习等。 (3)heal意为“治愈”,多用于治愈外伤,

13、如:wound, cut, injury, burn等。,应用2 (1)He _ his students as his own children.他把学生看作自己的孩子。 (2)The doctors are trying to _ him with a new drug. 医生们尝试用一种新药为他治病。 (3)His wound is _ over. 他的伤口正在愈合。 (4)The medicine will _ you of your cough. 这药能治好你的咳嗽。 (5)When I left hospital I was completely _. 出院时我已完全康复了。,tr

14、eated,treat,healing,cure,cured,.重点句型详解,1So many thousands of terrified people died every_time there was an outbreak. 因此每次暴发(霍乱)时,就有大批惊恐的人死去。,这是由名词词组 every time 充当连词的时间状语从句,意为“每当”,相当于 when。某些表达时间的名词词组可直接充当连词,即“名词连词化现象”。常见的有:,(1)不定代词time 如:any time, each time. (2)序数词time 如:the first/last time. (3)the瞬

15、时名词 如:the minute/moment/instant (4)the时间名词 如:the day/night/month/time. He brings her flowers every time he goes to see her. 他每次去看她都给她带花。,The first time he did the experiment, he succeeded. 他第一次做实验就成功了。 Ill give him your message the minute he arrives. 等他一到,我就把你的口信给他。 He bought a computer the day he g

16、ot his salary. 他发工资那天买了一台电脑。,即境活用1 The boys ran off_ they saw the owner of the orchard (果园) Aat times Bthe hour Cthe moment Dat once,答案:C,解析:句中 the moment 引导时间状语从句,相当于 as soon as。,6absorb vt.吸收,吸进(液体、气体等);理解,获取(信息);吸引住某人的注意力或兴趣 absorb water/light/heat (take in) 吸收水/光/热 absorb what sb. said 理解某人所说的话

17、absorb ones attention 吸引某人的注意力 be absorbed in. 全神贯注于,即学即练5(1)Black cloth _ light. 黑色布料吸收光线。 (2)Did you _ everything the professor said? 教授说的你全部理解了吗? (3)He _ deep thought. 他陷入沉思。,absorbs,absorb,was absorbed in,7suspect vt.怀疑;不信任 n嫌疑犯;可疑对象 suspect sth.怀疑某事 suspect that clause怀疑 suspect sb. of(doing) s

18、th. 怀疑某人有某种罪行或做过某事 suspect sb. to be.猜想某人是,即学即练6(1)I began to _ (that) they were trying to get rid of me. 我开始怀疑他们试图摆脱我。 (2)They _ him _ murder. 他们怀疑他犯有谋杀罪。 (3)What made you _ her _ having taken the money?你凭什么怀疑钱是她偷的? (4)The police arrested the _ yesterday. 警方昨天逮捕了那个嫌疑犯。,suspect,suspect,of,suspect,of

19、,suspect,Severe作“严厉的,严格时”讲时,既可以作表语(常构成be severe with/on .对.严格、严厉),也可作定语。 I think you are too severe on the boy. His severe looks frightened me. 同义句转换 He is severe with himself. He is _ _ himself.,8. Severe adj 严重的,严厉的,严格的,strict,with,9blame n&vt.责备;责任 blame sb. for sth./doing sth. 因为某事责备某人/责备某人做了某事

20、blame sth. on sb.把某事归咎于某人 be to blame (for)应(为)承担责任;该(为) 受责备(此处不能用被动语态) accept/bear/take the blame for sth. 对某事负责任 put/lay the blame for sth. on sb. 将某事归咎于某人,即学即练7(1)He _ me _ my carelessness. 他责备我的疏忽大意。 (2)Mr Li is not _ the accident. 这次事故不能怨李先生。 (3)Where does _ our failure lie? 我们失败的症结在哪里?,blamed,

21、for,to blame for,the blame for,10. announce/declare (1)announce宣布;宣告(含有“预告”的意思),尤其是大家所关心的或有新闻价值的事情的宣布。用announce说个人要做某事,常常含有“郑重其事”的意思。 (2)declare宣布(如公开声明战争、和平、中立、意见等),用于正式场合。,应用1 (1)This powerful country _ war on that small country. 这个大国向那个小国宣战。 (2)It was _ that there would be a celebration on Sunday

22、.据宣布,星期日要举行庆祝(活动)。,declared,announced,11、instruct vt.,根据语境猜词义 (1) He instructed me to deliver it to a customer. (2) My job is to instruct her in English. (3) My agent has instructed me that you still owe me $150.,根据语义找匹配 A. 通知,告知 B. 指示,命令,吩咐 C. 教授;训练;指导,(1) B (2) C (3) A,instruct vt.,instruct sb. (i

23、n sth.) 教, 教导,传授技能 instruct sb. to do sth. 命令, 指导某人做某事 instruct thatclause通知,短语,instruct vt.,instruction n. 说明;须知;指令;教学 instructive adj. 有益的;教育性的,链接,用instruct的正确形式填空 (1)Prof. Zhang gave an _ lecture at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University yesterday. (2)The children were also _ not to leave the class

24、room after class. (3)I lost the _ book and so I had to find out how to use the machine by trial and error.,instruct vt.,instructive,instructed,instruction,用括号内所给词的适当形式填空。 1. These suggestions are very _ (value) in your English studies. 2. The telephone rang, and he answered it _ (immediate). 3. In _

25、 (add) to English, he could also speak French. 4. He _ (announcement) that he would give up the job soon. 5. The doctor _ (instruct) him to go to bed and rest ten minutes ago.,instructed,valuable,immediately,addition,announced,下列各句均有一处错误,请指出并改正。 1. At least 300 employing workers got involved in the

26、strike. 2. I wrote suggesting that he came for the weekend. 3. Neither I nor my wife understand what little Tracy is saying now. 4. He is too fat that he couldnt get through the door. 5. The next five months will examine your powers of leadership.,employed,come,understands,so,test,根据括号内的提示将下列句子翻译成英语

27、。,1. 如果有人该承担责任, 那就是我。(blame) 2. 不要把皮肤直接暴露在阳光下。(expose . to),If anyones to blame, its me.,Dont expose your skin to sunlight directly.,3. 黑色墙壁在白天吸收大量的热。(absorb) 4. 此外, 你还可以利用业余时间学一门外语。 (in addition),Black walls absorb a lot of heat during the day.,In addition, you can learn a foreign language in your

28、spare time.,5. 这条丝绸之路在古代把中国和西方连接起来。 (link . to) 6. 这种疾病就是通过咳嗽传播的。 (spread . through),The Silk Road linked China to the west in ancient times.,The disease is spread through coughing.,7. 他看到他父亲时很吃惊。(过去分词作表语) 8. 我每天早上吃一个煎鸡蛋。(过去分词作定语),He was astonished to see his father.,I have a fried egg every morning.,9. 我们决定马上离开。(determine to) 10. 我无意暗示你错了。(suggest),I dont wish to suggest that youre wrong.,We determined to leave at once.,


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