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1、,(1) The beauty of our country is as hard to define as it is easy to enjoy。 “我国的山川之美虽然难以描绘,却是众口皆碑”。 He spoke so well that everybody was convinced of his innocence. 改译:他说的那么好听,谁都相信他是无辜的。,Translationese 翻译腔 Write to me when you have time. 有时间就给我写信。 They were so moved that tears came to their eyes. 他们感

2、动得热泪盈眶。 Army men and civilians are united as one. 军民团结如一人。 Twenty thousand plants are listed by the World Health Organization as being used for therapeutic purpose 世界卫生组织列出了20000种药用植物。,He covered his eyes with his hands. 他用手捂住眼睛 One should help those who are in difficulty. 应该帮助那些有苦难的人。 汉语不像英语那样具有关系代

3、词型的what (relative what) One should never pretend to know what one does not. 不懂不要装懂。,His irritation could not withstand the silent beauty of the night. 改译:更深夜静,美景宜人,他的烦恼不禁烟消云散。 “Its a gloomy thing, however to talk about ones own past with the day breaking. Turn me in some other direction before I go.

4、” 改译:“不过在天亮时谈个人的往事,真扫兴。在我走之前,谈点别的吧。” 英语交谈中,遇到一个话题不想谈论的时候可以用“turn somebody in some other direction”,原意是指航海的时候调转方向,后来特指转换话题。,Improve your study habits. 修改:改进你的学习方法/养成良好的学习习惯。 Last night I heard him driving his pigs to market。 改译:昨天晚上我听到他鼾声如雷。 When I told him what I had just done and why, his weathered

5、 face slowly changed. 修改:我把刚才做的事情告诉他并作了解释,他饱经风霜的脸上,脸色慢慢地变了。 literal translation和free translation。直译 意译,1.But I hated Sakamoto, and I had a feeling hed surely lead us both to our ancestors. 意译:但是我恨坂本,并预感到他肯定会领着咱们去送死。 2.Their accent couldnt fool a speaker. 意译:本地人一听他们的口音便知道他们是外乡人。 3. John is tall like

6、I am the Queen of Sheba. 意译:要说约翰个头高,没那回事。,1. He wanted to run, but that would be the worst thing he could do . (The Man from St. Petersburg) 译文二:他想拔腿就跑,但对他来说,最糟糕的事莫过于此了。 2. She came to see him almost every day for six astonishing weeks. (The Man from St. Petersburg) 译文二:她几乎每天都来看他,连续了六个星期。时间之长,令人吃惊。,

7、Forgignization is a strategy in which a target text is produced which deliberately breaks target conventions by retaining something of the foreignness of the original. This is method is “an ethnodeviant pressure on target-language cultural values to register the linguistic and cultural difference of

8、 the foreign text, sending the reader abroad” to have alien reading experience (Venuti 1995:20),异化翻译(Foreignizing Translation)与归化翻译(Domesticating Translation),Many heads are better than one. 三个臭皮匠,顶个诸葛亮。 一人不及众人计。,Domestication is a strategy in which a transparent, fluent style is adopted in order to

9、 minimize the strangeness of the foreign text for target language readers. This method is “an ethnocentric reduction of the foreign text to target-language cultural values, bringing the author back home” (Venuti 1995:20) (归化译法采取民族中心主义的态度,使外语文本符合译入语的文化价值观,把原作者带入译入语文化)。换言之,归化译法要求译者向译文读者靠拢,采取译文读者习惯的译语表

10、达方式传达原文的内容,如把to kill two birds with one stone译为 把to grow like mushrooms译为,“一箭双雕”、“一举两得”,,”.,翻译腔练习(直译意译?),This is a dangerous and violent city. In some parts of it, the only law is the law of the jungle. 这是一个危险的充满暴力的城市。在有些地方,唯一的原则就是弱肉强食。 2. It noted that being overweight has been linked to sickness a

11、nd death from such diseases as high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease and gallbladder disease. 报告指出,肥胖会导致高血压、糖尿病、心脏病和胆囊等方面的疾病,甚至造成死亡。,:,Homer sometimes nods. The three children set out for Sunday School, a place that Tom hated with his whole heart; but Sid and Mary were fond of it. He is the b

12、lack sheep of a lovely family-oh, how would any of the Butlers ever turn out anything like him. More and more hard-working young couples are becoming “dinks”. People see Reebok shoes as “cool” and trendy thing to wear.,.荷马也有打盹的时候。(异化) 智者千虑,必有一失。(归化) 2. 三个孩子一齐动身上主日学校去-这地方是汤姆深恶痛绝的;可是席德和玛丽对它却颇有好感。(异化) 3. 他家本是好人家,只有他一个败类-也不晓得他们怎么会养出这么个不肖子孙来。(归化) 4. 越来越多努力工作的年轻夫妇加入”丁克“族。(异化) 5.人们认为”锐步“鞋很”酷“,穿上它是件时髦的事。(异化),


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