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1、Unit 9 When was he born? unit 10 I am going to be a basketball player,He Jiong Host teacher singer 1974.4.28,Zhang Jie singer 1982.12.20,Speaking Bar : The man is. He is a. He was born,Michael Jordan basketball player Born: 1963,1.She was born _ 1985. 3.He _ _(出生) _1977. 4.They _ _(出生) _May 5th,1965

2、.,in,was born,in,were born,on,Key points:,a few 修饰可数名词 “几个/一些” few 修饰可数名词 “几乎没有” a little 修饰不可数名词 “一些” little 修饰不可数名词 “几乎没有”,There are_ apples in the fridge but there is_ meat there.,a few,little,2. see sb. do/doing sth.,我总是看到他打篮球. I always see him play basketball.,我看他正在打篮球. I see him playing basket

3、ball.,3. too to 太 而不能,男孩太小了,不能上学. The boy is too young to go to school . 先生太老了不能上班. Mr Smith is too old to go to work .,4. spend +时间/钱 + (in) doing sth. spend +时间/钱 on sth.,Lily 花了30分钟打篮球. Lily spends 30 minutes playing basketball.,这本书花了我10元. I spent 10 yuan on the book.,与“It takes sb sometime to do

4、 sth “对比,Unit 9,太 而不能 开始某事 停止做某事 停下来去做某事 主修专研 效力于 在岁 参加 因而著名,tooto start doing /to do sth. stop doing something stop to do something major in play for at the age of take part in be famous for,储存一些钱 举行艺术展览 在某个安静的地方退休 听起来像,Save some money hold art exhibition retire somewhere quiet sound like,一份兼职工作 同时

5、 全世界,part-time at the same time all over the world =around the world,Unit 10,上吉他课 得到大量的运动 得到好成绩 许多 一些 和交流 保持健康(身材) 从得到,take guitar lessons get lots of exercise get good grades lots of a few a little communicate with keep fit get from,如何询问职业?,basketball / football / ping pong player golfer / gymnast

6、/ violinist / pianist / musician actor / singer / writer / driver / worker ,他是干什么的?,What is he? = What does he do? = What is his job?,-He is a / an ,询问出生时间地点?,他是什么时候出生的? When was he born?,你何时何地出生的? When and where were you born?,如何表达年龄?,我14岁了。 I am 14 years old.,我是一个14岁的人。 I am a 14-year-old boy/girl

7、.,这个小孩8个月大了。 The baby is 8 months old. It is an 8-month-old baby.,如何表达一段时间?,你在中国住了多久? How long do you live in China? How long have you lived in China ? 一年半了。 For one and a half years. 昨天作业花了我两个钟。 It took me two hours to do my homework I spent two hours doing my homework.,Translation : 1. 两年前,他太小了而不能

8、去上学。 2.Ronaldo在1998年开始为国家队效力。 4 他长大后打算做什么工作? 5 他什么时候成为电影明星的?,Two years ago, he was too young to go to school.,Ronaldo started to play for his national team in 1998.,What is he going to be when he grows up?,When did he become a movie star?,月考要到了,Lin Tao 打算在英语考试中拿到好成绩,请以Lin Taos Resolution为题,写写他的打算,可适

9、当发挥。,作文,The monthly exam is coming. Lin Tao decides to get a good mark in the English exam. He is going to read English loudly and try to remember more English words in the morning. He is going to listen to the teacher carefully in class. After class, he is going to ask the teacher for help. In the evening, he is going to do his homework alone. He is sure he will do well in the exam.,


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