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1、feeling n. smell v. feel v. quiet adj. salty adj. sour adj. tight adj. soup n. matter n. cheese n. fresh adj. cookie n.,情绪, 感觉 闻起来 摸起来, 感觉 安静的 咸的 酸的 过紧的 汤 问题,事件 奶酪 新鲜的 小甜饼,New words,lovely adj. sweater n. smart adj. pretty adj. introduce v. soft adj. comfortable adj.,可爱的 毛衣 漂亮的 漂亮的 介绍 柔软的 舒适的,Module

2、 7 Feelings and impressions,Unit 1 That smells delicious!,朱刘街道中学 张春玲,look(s),feel(s),sound(s),taste(s),smell(s),strong ,salty sour, sweet,delicious,soft , comfortable,nice,pretty,fresh,Have a delicious meal,饕餮大餐开始了,Beijing Duck smells delicious. The cookies taste sweet.,Listen and number,1,He looks

3、strong.,2,Has the children gone home? It sounds quiet.,3,Is it fish soup? It tastes salty.,4,Oh dear! This milk smells sour.,5,These shoes feel tight.,How many people are talking? What has Betty made? Who is going to the airport?,Listen and answer,Four.,A pizza.,Lingling and Betty.,1. They will meet

4、 Sally at the train station. 2. Sally is from London. 3. Lingling hasnt met Sally before.,Listen and check,T,F,T,Listen and fill in blanks,1. That delicious!,2. It too strong.,3. It doesnt fresh.,4. They really sweet.,5. Yes, it very soft and comfortable,6.You both very smart,7. I havent met her, bu

5、t she really nice.,smells,tastes,smell,taste,feels,look,sounds,8. She_ very pretty in her photo,looks,Read time!,Read the dialogue loudly.,Read and find 1.That smells delicious. 2. It tastes too strong. 3. It doesnt smell fresh. 4. They taste really sweet. 5. It feels very soft and comfortable. 6. Y

6、ou both look very smart 7.She sounds really nice. 8. She looks very pretty in her photo.,感官系动词的用法,2.含有表感觉和知觉的动词的句子,在变为否定句或疑问句时,须借助于_.,1.结构:,主语系动词(link v.)_.,Grammar,adj.,助动词,C: ,A: Do you like flowers?,B: Yes, I do/No ,I dont. They look nice/They dont look nice. Do you like pizza?,Group work:,D:,sou

7、p salty,hamburger delicious,look fresh,feel soft/comfortable,taste sweet,oranges sour,购物也疯狂,Crazy shopping,Next Sunday I will have a party .But I have no time to buy things . Please help me buy these things. THE SHOPPING LIST 1 two bags of sweet pizzas 2 five bags of sour milk 3 two soft toys 4 some

8、 candies 5 a tape of nice songs. .,Sally, Sally, Sally, she looks pretty. Pizza, pizza, pizza, it smells delicious. Cheese, cheese, cheese, it doesnt taste fresh. Sweater, sweater, sweater, it feels soft. Music, music, music, it sounds nice.,Chant,What have we learned ? The chant can help you,用恰当的系动

9、词填空,1.This coat _comfortable .I like it very much. 2. The song _very beautiful. 3. The girls_ pretty.,我身体不舒服,请帮我来诊断诊断 1. He looks happily. ( ) 2. It sound sweet. ( ),句型变变变 .They taste very delicious.(改为否定句) They _ _very delicious. 2.The shoes feel tight?(改为一般疑问句) _ the shoes_tight?,feels,sounds,look,happy,sounds,dont taste,Do,feel,Exercises,Remember:,Feeling the life with your heart, taste more feelings of life! (用心去感受生活, 品尝生活的不同滋味!),1. Make sentences with these words: look, smell, taste, sound, feel. Each one for two sentences. 2. Recite the conversation.,Homework,See you next time!,


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