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1、现在正在进行时专练,Is the girl _(get) up? No, she _. What _ she _? She _ _.,getting,isnt,is,doing,is sleeping,Are they _ a book? No, they _. _ are they _ ? Theyre _.,reading,arent,What,doing,writing,一.用所给动词的适当形式填空. 1.Look! The cat_(run)up the tree. 2.Her parents_(have)breakfast now. 3.-_he _(clean) the room?

2、 -No,he isnt. 4.Tom_(play)the piano in the room.Please ask him to come here. 5.Listen! They_(sing)in the classroom.,is running,are having,Is,cleaning,is playing,are singing,1.Jenny is _ (watch/watching) TV. 2.They all like _ (eat/eating) tomatoes. 3.Steve _(wants/wanting) to go to the movies. 4.Susa

3、n _ (likes/liking) koalas. 5.Dave is _ (wait/waiting) for Marie. 6.They are _ (play/playing) basketball,Unit 13复习线索: 句型:1. 你的笔友来自哪里?(两个句子) 他来自日本。 ?。 _? _. 2. 他说什么语言? 他说日语。 ?。 3. 他住在哪里?他住在东京。 ?。 他/她最喜爱什么科目?数学。 ? 。 4. 邮局在哪里?附近有邮局吗?(问路的句型) 5.在大桥街向右拐。 6. 它就在电话亭和超市中间。它在饭店的对面。(方位介词的用法) 。 7.它是一个玩得高兴的好地方。 。

4、,Where is your pen pal from ?,He is from Japan .,Where does your pen pal come from,He comes from Japan.,What language does he speak,He speaks Japanese .,Where does he live,He lives in Tokyo .,Whats his / her favourite subject,Her / His favorite subject is maths.,Where is the post office ?,Is there a

5、 post office near here / in the neighborhood?,Turn right at Bridge Street .,Its between the pay phone and the supermarket.,Its across from the restaurant .,Its a good place to have fun .,8.祝你玩得开心。 9.你喜欢什么样的动物?我喜欢熊猫。 。 10.你为什喜欢它们?因为它们友好且聪明。 ? 11.你还喜欢什么动物?(同义句)我还喜欢企鹅。 ? 。 对话: A:_ _? B: Yes, there is .

6、 Go down this road and _. The hotel is _. Its _a park . Its_ the library. A: Thanks very much . B: _.,I hope you have a good trip.,What animals do you like ?,Why do you like them,Because they are friendly and clever .,What other animals do you like,I like penguins, too,Excuse me,Is there a hotel nea

7、r here,turn right,on the right,next to,You are welcome,I like pandas.,across from,A:_? B: I like pandas. A:_? B: Because they are cute . A: _? B: They are from China . A:_ B:They eat grass. A: _? B: I like dogs , too,What animals do you like,Why do you like them,Where are they from,What other animal

8、s do you like,What do they eat ?,A:_? B: My pen pal is from the UK . A:_? B: He speaks English . A:_? B: He lives in London . A:_? B: His favorite sport is playing football. A:_? B: He likes tigers . A:_? B: Yes. He has one brother and two sisters .,Where is your pen pal from,What language does he s

9、peak,Where does he live,Whats his favorite sport,What animals does he like,Does he have brothers or sisters,句型转换: 1.Is Toms pen pal from the U.S.A .(同义句) _. 2.She has brothers and sisters .(变一般疑问句,并做否定回答) _ _. 3.Kate speaks French .(提问) _ 4.My uncle likes giraffes.(提问) _ 5.My favorite subject is mat

10、hs .(提问) _ 6.He likes dolphins very much . _ 7. Lets see the pandas first .(同义句) _ _ seeing the pandas first .,Does Toms pen pal come from the U.S.A .,Does he have brothers or sisters ?,No, he doesnt .,What language does Kate speak ?,What animals does your uncle like ?,Whats your favorite subject ?,

11、How does he like dolphins ?,What,about,用括号中所给词的适当形式填空: 1.His pen pals_(be ) from Singapore. 2.Where_ Kate_(come ) from ? He_(come ) from Australia . 3.The boy is swimming_(cross ) the river . The girl is_(cross ) the bridge . 4.Its a good _(begin ) of a new year . 5.Its a good place _(visit ). 6.Whe

12、n spring comes,_(leaf ) turn green .,are,does,come,comes,across,crossing,beginning,to visit,leaves,你最喜欢的科目是什么?我最喜欢语文。 Whats your favorite subject? My favorite subject is Chinese.(同义句). What subject do you like best ? I like Chinese best. 他最喜欢的运动时什么?他最喜欢篮球。 Whats his favorite sport ? His favorite spo

13、rt is basketball. What sport does he like best ? He likes basketball best.,三.句型转换 1.I am watching TV.(否定句) 2.Shes opening the box now.(一般疑问句) 3.The boys are playing cards.(划线提问) 4.He is doing his homework.(复数句),I am not watching TV.,Is she opening the box now?,What are the boys doing?,They are doing

14、 their homework.,Unit 46复习 1.你是干什么的? 你想干什么? 2.他是干什么的?他想干什么? 3.我喜欢 和人交谈。 4.有时候我在白天工作,有时在晚上。 。 5.贼不喜欢警察。 6.你的姐姐在哪里工作?她在医院工作。她是干什么的?她是一名医生。 ? 。 7.我们有一份服务员的工作适合你。 。 你喜欢努力工作吗?你想要为报社工作?你想要一份繁忙但又令人激动的工作吗?_ _,What do you do ?,What do you want to be ?,What does he do ?,What does he want to be ?,I like talkin

15、g to people .,Sometimes I work in the day and sometimes at night,Thieves dont like policemen.,Where does your sister work,He works in the hospital.,What does she do ?,He is a doctor,We have a job for you as a waiter .,Do you like to work hard,Do you want to work for a magazine ?,Do you want a busy b

16、ut exciting job ?,16.一些在游泳,一些躺在沙滩上. Some are swimming , others are lying on the beach.,8.这有一张我的全家福。 9.这有一些我的照片。 10.谢谢你的来信。 11.你在干什么?我在看书。_ _. 12.你的爸爸正在干什么?他在拍照。 13.今天的天气怎么样?晴且暖和。 14.上海的天气怎么样?晴但多风。 ? 15.情况怎么样?还行吧。 。 你的学习情况怎么样?很糟糕! 。 16.一些在游泳,一些躺在沙滩上。_. others are lying on the beach,。,Here is a photo

17、of my family .,Here are some of my photos.,Thanks for your letter .,What are you doing ?,Im reading books.,What s your father doing ?,He is taking photos .,How is the weather today ?,Its sunny and warm.,Whats the weather like in Shanghai ?,Sunny but windy .,Hows it going ?,Not bad .,Hows your study

18、going ?,Terrible,Some are swimming, others are lying on the beach.,习题:根据句意填单词: 1.Dont run in the street .Its d_. 2.What does he do? He works a_ a teacher in our school. 3.There are two l_in our school,we can read books there .a 4.A waiter usually works in a r_. 5.There is no m_ in my wallet. 6.Pleas

19、e g_ that book to me. 7.My father often tells us s_. 8.We are w_ for my English teacher. 9.Thank you for t_ me the good news. 10.We can take part in( 参加 ) all kinds of a_after class in our school 11.We will go to the park if it is s_. 12.It often s_ in winter in Heilongjiang. 13.The girl looks p_bea

20、utiful today .,angerous,s,ibruaries,estaurant,omey,ive,tories,aiting,elling,ctivities,unny,nows,retty,句型转换: 1.What does your mother do ?(同义句) 2.Tom likes playing soccer.(划线提问) _? 3.He is a reporter.(提问) _? 4.Lily is cleaning the room () _? 5.She often washes clothes.(用look改写句子) _.,What is your mothe

21、r ?,Whats your mothers job ?,What does Tom like doing,What does he do /Whats his job / What is he,What is Lily doing ?,Look! She is washing clothes .,6.How was the weather yesterday ?(同义句) _? 7.Its cloudy here today.(提问) _? _? 8. Its pretty good .(提问) _ it _? 9.they, play, this, Im, heat, surprised,

22、 in, can (连词成句) _.,What was the weather like yesterday,Hows the weather here today,Whats the weather like here today,Hows,going,Im surprised they can play in this heat,完成下列对话: A:Hello,_? B:My name is Kate . A:_? B:Im a policeman. A:_? B: At NO.1 Police Station . A:_? B: Yes. A:_? B: Because I want t

23、o help make the city a safe place.,Whats your name,What do you do,Where do you work,Do you like your job,Why do you like it,Unit79复习 1.Tom长得什么样?他中等个且留有卷曲长发。 He is of medium height and has long curly hair. 2.你的姐姐长得什么样?她中等体型且大眼睛,但有点矮。 What does your sister look like ? She is of medium build with big e

24、yes, but kind of short. 3.他从来不停止讲话。 4.她没有直头发。 5.我不再戴眼镜。 6.没有人认识我。 7.你想要什么样的面条?我想要西红柿和牛肉面条。 8.他想要什么? 他想要什么样的面条? 9.他想要多大碗的面条?他想要中碗的。 10.你想要什么?我想要一些鸡肉。 11.她想要什么?她想要一些绿茶。 12.你想要饺子吗?,He never stops talking.,She doesnt have straight hair.,I dont wear glasses any more.,Nobody knows me.,What kind of noodles

25、 would you like ?,What does Tom look like?,Id like tomato and beef noodles.,8.他想要什么? 他想要什么样的面条? 9.他想要多大碗的面条?他想要中碗的。 What size bowl of noodles would he like ? He would like a medium bowl of noodles. 10.你想要什么?我想要一些鸡肉。 What would you like ? 11.她想要什么?她想要一些绿茶。 She would like some green tea. 12.你想些要饺子吗? W

26、ould you like some noodles ? 13.你的周末过得怎么样?很好。 How was your weekend ? 14.上周末你干什么了? 我参观博物馆了。 What did you do last week ? 15.他坐下来看着他的狗和一只猫玩。 16.到回家的时间了。 17.他不想做任何事情。,What would he like ?,What kind of noodles would he like?,I would like some chicken.,What would she like?,It was very good.,I visited muse

27、ums,He sat down and watched his dog play with a cat.,16.到回家的时间了。 17.他不想做任何事情。,Its time to go home.,He didnt want to do anything.,句型转换: 1.Tom is tall and thin.(提问) _ _ Tom_ _? 2.Lily isnt fat or thin.(同义句) Lily is_ _ _. 3.My father doesnt like staying at home.I think.(合并) 4.I think he has something t

28、o do.(变否定句) 5.She is beautiful.(提问),What,does,look,like,of,medium,build,I dont think my father likes staying at home.,I dont think he has anything to do.,How does she look like ?,6.She has straight hair.(变复数句子) 7.Jack does his homework at home every day.(用last night改写句子) 8.Hed like a bottle of juice

29、.(提问) _ _ he _ ? 9.Shed like two bowls of noodles.(提问) _ _ _ of noodles_ she like? 10.Id like carrot noodles.(提问) _ _ _ noodles_ _ like? 11.size,dessert,you,like,would,what,of,?(连成一句话) 12.He studied for exam last night(提问) he last night ? _ _he _ last night? 13.They stayed at home yesterday .(变一般疑问句

30、,作否定回答),They have straight hair.,Jack did his homework at home last night.,What,would,like,How,many,bowls,would,What,kind,of,would,you,What kind of dessert would you like?,Did they stay at home yesterday ? No, they didnt.,What,did,do,14.My weekend was not good.(提问) _ _ _ weekend? 15.She did her home

31、work last night.(变否定句) She_ _ her homework last night. 16.We had fun last Sunday.(提问) _ _ _ _ fun ? 17.Jack has a new look today.(提问) _ _ Jack _ _ today?,didnt,do,How,was,your,When,did,you,have,What,does,look,like,根据句意及首字母提示完成单词: 1.Please stop t_and be quiet. 2.Shes very p_.So everyone likes her. 3.

32、I read English every morning in order to i_ my spoken English. 4.Shes a pretty girl w_ long straight hair. 5.Id like a m_ bowl of soup. 6. He doesnt like onions, potatoes o_ cabbages 7.He w_ to his friends just now. 8.The woman s_ on the chair and read a newspaper.,alking,opular,mprove,ith,edium,r,r

33、ote,at,9.The box is very h_, I cant carry it. 10.Please r_to close the window when you leave the classroom. 11.How about s_ at home and w_ TV. 12.He w_ 12 years old last year. 13.How did you s_ your summer vacation?,eavy,emember,taying,atching,as,pend,用括号中所给词的适当形式填空: 1.Remember_(bring) my book to sc

34、hool tomorrow. 2.Jack with his classmates_(play) outside. 3.She often_(help) her mother_(do) some _(shop) on Sunday. 4.Jim decided_(go) to the zoo. 5.His book was lost. She was_(happy). 6.We had great fun_(make) a snowman. 7.They want to be_(sing). 8. He practices_(speak) English every day.,to bring,is playing,helps,shopping,do,to go,unhappy,making,singers,speaking,


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