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1、牛津初中英语 8A,Unit 2 School life,Comic strip,1. Why dont dogs go to school, Eddie?,Why dont ? 句型询问否定的原因 e.g Why dont you come to the party? Because I feel a little ill.,该句型还可以用来提建议 = why not? e.g Why dont you sing an English song for us? = Why not sing an English song for us?,2. Because were smarter tha

2、n people. 因为我们比人更聪明。这是比较级的句型。 smart adj. 聪明的,时髦的,神气的。 e.g He wears small ,round glasses and they make him look smart.,3.What is school like? Its like watching TV.,like prep. 像 be like 像 , look like 看起来像, 后接名词、代词、动名词。,e.g Millie is/ looks like her mother. Its like flying in the sky. 它像在天上飞。,4.but the

3、re are fewer advertisements.,advertisement n. 广告, 可缩写为ad。,fewer 是few的比较级形式,修饰可数名词的复数形式,意为“更少的”。 e.g A bus carries fewer people than a train. Nancy studies fewer subjects than John. 它的最高级形式为fewest.,1. I have _ money. I want to buy a pizza for lunch. 2. It is raining too hard. _ people are in the stre

4、et. 3. We often have _ days off for National Day. 4. Im very thirsty. But theres _ water in my glass.,a little,Few,a few,little,Welcome to the unit,1.Schools around the world 世界各地的学校,介词短语后置做定语,the boy on a black bike , the girl in a red dress etc.,2.However, sometimes they use different words which

5、mean the same thing. 但是,有时他们 使用不同单词表达同一事物。,3. British English & American English 英联邦国家常使用British English ,而美国人常说American English 。其实他们是一种语言, 但随着时间的推移他们之间也产生了一些差异。 (1)词汇的差异,British English American football autumn break corridor dustbin lift football ground floor Maths rubber secondary school film,Am

6、erican English,football,fall,recess,hall,soccer,garbage can,elevator,Math,first floor,eraser,high school,movie,(2)单词拼写的差异,(3) 发音的差异,(4)语法差异,She has an interesting book. (Am. English) She has got an interesting book. (Br. English),根据首字母填空 Tom lives on the 12th floor, so he uses an e_ to go up and dow

7、n. 2. There is a d_ in front of our classroom. We can throw some paper in it. 3. The long c_in the park is very beautiful. 4. Sandy went to the cinema and watched an interesting m_. 5. After a b_, he did his homework again.,levator,ustbin,orridor,ovie,reak,Reading A,New words and expressions,1. in y

8、ear 8,在八年级,in 9th grade,在九年级,2. a mixed school,一所混合学校,a school that both boys and girls study in,mix v. 混合 mix sth with sth,If you mix blue and yellow you will make green.,Water and oil cant mix.,mixed 是-ed分词形式,作定语修饰school。,a lost boy, a broken window, a borrowed book,3. Home Economics 家政课,4. myself

9、 我自己,亲自,反身代词:myself, yourself , himself ,herself itself, ourselves, yourselves, themselves,DIY= do it yourself 自己干,I should go to see him myself.,5. tasty adj. 美味的 = delicious,它是由taste去e加y构成的 。n.+ y adj.,这鱼很好吃,The fish is tasty. adj. The fish tastes well. v. The fish has a good taste. n.,6.bring in

10、带进 ,把拿进。,v. + adv. 注意宾语的形式与位置,Bring the washing in, it looks rain.,bring into / takeout of,She brought those chairs into the classroom. Please take your notebook out of your desk.,7.near the end of each class,在每节课要结束时,at the end of 在的尽头,末尾 at the beginning of 在.的开始 at the foot of 在的脚下 at the head of

11、 在的头部 at the top/bottom of 在的顶/底部,8. as well,同样,也 = too 常用于句末。,He speaks English as well.,He is a teacher and a writer as well.,as well as 与as well 有同样含义,表示“也, 既也”,侧重前面的内容。,He grows flowers as well as vegetables.,Mr. Smith as well as his wife and three children is coming soon.,as well as 跟在主语后面时,谓语形

12、式与前面 的主语保持一致。,as well as 可以用于同级比较 e.g I know him as well as you.,9. guy 意为:伙计,家伙,表示很随意。,10. drive sb. to sp. 开车送某人去某地,He is a great guy. Come on, guys. Lets go.,I got up late, so I asked Dad to drive me to school.,11. Buddy Club 好朋友俱乐部,buddy 常用语美国口语中,表示:好朋友, 伙伴,也常用来打招呼,意为:老兄,兄弟。,He and I were buddie

13、s at school.,“Hi, there, buddy!”,12. hero,n. 英雄,偶像,(男)主角。 复数为heroes。,You are my hero.,Yue Fei is one of the national heroes of our country.,Who is the hero of this story?,13. have a great/good time doing sth.,干是很开心,很尽兴的,We had a great time having a PE lesson.,have fun doing sth. have a problem /some

14、 trouble doing sth.,Some important sentences,1. tell sb to do sth 告诉某人做某事,Mr Wu tells us to learn each subject well.,ask sb to do sth 要求某人做某事,School asks boys and girls to have lessons together.,它们的否定形式是 tell / ask sb not to do sth,Mum tells/asks us not to cross the road when the traffic light is re

15、d.,动词不定式 (not )to do做宾语sb的宾语补足语,want sb to do sth 想某人做某事,2. I did not know how to do things for myself before I came to this school.,before引导的时间状语从句 , before 可以 用until进行替换。,We wont leave the island before / until we find the treasure.,主从句的时态一致,主句是将来时,从句用 一般现在时代替将来时。,动词+ 特殊疑问词+ to do,I want to know w

16、hat to do, when to do it and how to do it.,3. Its great because its faster than taking the bus.,a. than 是介词,后加名词、代词、动名词,b. than是连词, taking the bus 后省略了is。,Playing football is more interesting than having lessons (is).,4. She helps me learn all about my new school.,learn all about 意为“对有全面的了解”,all是不定代

17、词,还可以替换成nothing, little, a little, something, much, everything, less, more, most 等。,5. 书面语和口语化,从这两篇短文中,我们可以看到英国学生与 美国学生在使用英语时风格上所存在的差异。 英国男孩John风格严谨,没有使用缩略形式; 而美国女孩Nancy则风格随意,使用了缩略形 式Im, Its等。 我们在初学英语时,会接触大量的口语。但在书面表达时,应尽量避免口语化,多学习使用书面语。,Reading B &C,1. Home Economics 2. tasty 3. as well 4. softball

18、 5. buddy,a close friend too with a pleasant taste a kind of ball game a subject about cooking and sewing,1.on the way home,on ones way to sp 在某人去某地的路上,On my way to the station, I ran into a friend of my fathers.,on ones way to do sth,在某人去做某事的路上,I picked up a wallet on my way to see my grandparents.

19、,2. I read an article by a girl from the USA.,by表示: 这篇文章是由写的。by 前省略 了written (动词write的过去分词)。,I like plays (written) by Shakespeare.,3. What does the word “hero” mean?,mean v. 意思是,意味着。 meaning n.,Whats the meaning of the word “hero”.,That means you have to leave before 3pm.,4. It means someone you ad

20、mire very much.,admire v. 敬佩,赞美,Who do you admire most in your class?,Those foreigners admire our policemen very much.,这是含有一个定语从句的复合句。you admire very much是定语从句修饰someone。,True or false,In a mixed school, boys and girls have lessons together. Johns favourite subject is English. Students at Johns schoo

21、l can read magazines during the reading week. Students must not talk in class during the reading week. You can have driving lessons at age 16 in the USA. Nancy plays softball twice a week.,T,T,T,T,F,F,7. Every Monday, Nancy meets Julie to talk about school. 8. American students go to shopping malls

22、at lunchtime.,T,F,Vocabulary,School subjects,Art 艺术 Computer Studies 电脑课 PE 体育 Home Economics 家政 Geography 地理 History 历史 Languages 语言 Science 自然科学,Some other subjects,Chinese 汉语 English 英语 Physics 物理 Biology 生物 Math(s) 数学 Chemistry 化学 Music 音乐 Politics 政治,Johns opinion on different school subjects,e

23、asy unimportant important boring interesting useless popular difficult useful unpopular,(1) 两个不同的形容词互相构成反义词。,long-short old- young old-new early-late quick-slow hot-cold fat-thin happy-sad full-hungry big-small tall-short dark-light heavy-light beautiful-ugly,(2) 在一个形容词的前面或后面加上一个词缀 从而构成它的反义词。,a. un-前缀,happy-unhappy friendly-unfriendly lucky-unlucky healthy-unhealthy comfortable-uncomfortable,b. less 后缀,careful-careless useful-useless,c. 其他词缀,possible-impossible honest-dishonest formal-informal,


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