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1、板桥一中20142015学年上学期期中检测试卷七年级 英语第一部分 听力(20分)第一节 听句子,选择相应的答案.(读两遍)(5分)( )1A. Fine, thanks. B. Good morning. C. Nice to meet you.( )2A. Yes, he is. B. No, Im not. C. No, you arent.( )3A. It is thirteen. B. Its blue. C. Im blue.( )4A. David. B. Jim. C. Mary.( )5A. orange B. a jacket C. Its an orange 第二节 听

2、对话,回答问题。(读两遍)(5分)听第一段对话,回答6-7两小题。( )6. What is this in English?A. A book. B. An orange C. A ruler( )7. hat color is it?A. Its yellow. B. Its blue. C. Its green.听第二段对话,回答8-10三小题。 ( )8.Whats the boys name? A. Jack B. Jim C. Frank( )9.Whats Cindys telephone number?A.821-3369 B. 821-5969 C.722-3369( )10

3、.Whos Cindys sister?A. Alice B. Mary C. Dale第三节 听短文,完成下列信息表格。(读两遍)(10分)。Person(人物)father12grandparents14brotherName11Grace13Linda15( ) 11. A. Jim B.Tom C. Bob( ) 12.A. sister B. mother C. friend( ) 13.A. Tim and May B. Bob and Grace C. Tim and Jenny ( ) 14.A. sister B. mother C. father( ) 15.A. Zhan

4、g Jie B. Frank C. Tim第二部分 英语知识应用(共三节;满分35分)第一节选出一个与句中划线部分意思相同或相近的答案。(5分)( ) 16. How is your mother? -She is fine. A. good B. nice C.OK D. bad( ) 17. His telephone number is 7134560.A. ID card B. school C. phone D .car( ) 18.Look, here is a photo of my family. A. card B. phone C. picture D. name( ) 1

5、9.Whats her family name? A. first B. last C. English D .school( ) 20. Whos she? -She is my fathers sister. A. mother B. aunt C. grandma D. sister第二节、选择填空.从各题的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。(20分) ( ) 21. This is _orange and thats _ruler. A. a, an B. an, an C. an, a D. a , a( ) 22 . - Are Tony and Mary your friends? -

6、_. A: They are B. Yes, they are C. No, they not D. They arent( ) 23.Is that _ pen? - Yes, it is.A. hes B. its C. his D. he( ) 24.Nice to meet you. - _A. Fine thank you. B. My names Peter. C. How are you? D. Nice to meet you, too.( ) 25. -Whats her name? -_A. His name is Kate. B. Her name is Kate. C.

7、 My name is Kate. D. Its Kate.( ) 26. -What does “CD” mean? Its_ A. 光盘 B. 数码影碟 C.电视机 D.录像带( ) 27. Hello! What this?A. areB. isC. itD. be( ) 28. How are you, Cindy? -_A. How are you?B. Hello! C. Fine, thanks. D. Hi( ) 29. your name?A. WhatB. WhatreC. Whats D. How( ) 30. This is my friend. name is Ton

8、y.A. HisB. YourC. Her D. My( ) 31.- Is this your pen? -Yes, .A. this isB. it isC. he isD. I am( ) 32. -Are those your friends? -No, . They are his friends.A. He isntB. they areC. They arentD. they arent( ) 33.- Mary, this is Wei Fang. -_.A. Nice to meet you,Wei Fang. B. Thank you. C. How are you? D.

9、 OK.( )34. Bill Blacks family name is_.A. Black B. Bill C. Bruce D. Brown( )35. -Hello, Jim! - _A Hello, Gina! B. Whats your name? C. Thank you. D. I am Bob.( )36. -_that in English? - Its a map.A. Whats B. What C. Is D. Its( )37.-_ your phone number? -Its 87667895A. Wheres B. Whats C. Hows D. What(

10、 )38._ name is Zhen Mei. What is _ name?A. I; you B. My; you C. My; your D. I; you ( )39.Spell your name, please. - _ A. Excuse me. B. Not. C. Yes, I can. D. F-R-A-N-K.( )40.Good afternoon, Cindy! - _ A. Good morning, Cindy! B. Hello! C. Good afternoon, Dale! D. Hi!第三节 完形填空.读短文,然后在各题所给四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。

11、(10分) Look! Here 41 a photo 42 my family. These 43 my grandparents. My grandfather is 70 years old(岁) and my grandmother 44 69 years old. I have an 45 .Hes my fathers 46 . I have two 47 . They re my mothers sisters. I have 48 cousins-a boy and a girl. Theyre my uncles 49 and daughter. I have a siste

12、r, she is in the photo, too. I love 50 family. ( )41. A .is B. am C. are D. be( )42. A. in B. of C. at D for( )43. A. be B. is C. are D .am( )44. A. be B. am C. is D. are( )45. A. eraser B. orange C. aunt D. uncle( )46. A. brother B. father C. sister D. friend( )47.A. sons B. aunts C. brothers D. un

13、cles( )48.A. one B. three C. two D. four( )49. A. boy B. girl C. son D. daughter( )50.A. I B. me C. you D. my第三部分 阅读理解 (每小题2分;共30分)AFirst nameJennyLast nameMillerPhone number13577308806SchoolBanqiao No.1Middle schoolID card number530324200206160045根据信息表格判断正误,正确的在括号内写T,错误的在括号内写F。(10分)( ) 51 The stude

14、nt(学生) is a girl .( ) 52. Her first name is Miller .( ) 53. Her phone number is one three five seven seven three zero eight five zero six .( ) 54. She is in Banqiao No.2 Middle school .( ) 55. Her first name is Jenny .BThis is a photo of my family. My grandpas name is Harry Black. My grandmas name i

15、s Mary White. My fathers name is David Black. My mothers name is Helen Green. David and Helen are my parents. I have a black dog. Its name is Xiao Hei. My name is Mike. Im 10.My dog is 2 years old. I love my family and my dog.根据短文内容,选择正确答案。(10分)( ) 56. There are (有) people (人)in Mikes family.A. 4 B.

16、 5 C. 6 D.7( ) 57. Xiao Hei is Milks .A. sister B. brother C. friend D.dog( ) 58. David Black is Milks .A. brother B. father C. grandpa D. mother( ) 59. Milks parents are .A. Harry and Mary B. David and Helen C. Harry and Helen D. David and Mary( ) 60. How old(几岁) is Milk?A. 2 B. 8 C.9 D.10 CIm Pete

17、r Smith. Im in Class7. My telephone number is 258-63. I have a baseball , but I like to play ping- pong. I have a nice schoolbag. My fathers name is Paul Smith, and my mother is Gina. I have a sister. Her name is Mary.根据短文内容,选择正确答案。(10分)( ) 61 Im _ .A. Peter Miller B. Peter Smith C. Mary Smith D. Sm

18、ith Peter( )62. Whats Peter Smiths telephone number?A. 258-33 B. 558-63 C. 258-63 D.285-63( ) 63. Paul Smith is his _ .A. father B. brother C. friend D. son( ) 64. His mother is _ .A. Mary B. Peter C. Gina D. Paul( ) 65. Peter Smiths _ is Mary .A. brother B. sister C. mother D. friend第四节 写作部分 (满分20分

19、)第一节按顺序默写26个字母的大小写。(15分) 66. 请按顺序默写26个字母的大小写:(13分)67.请写出5个元音字母的大小写:(2分) 第二节 根据句意,用括号中所给词的适当形式填空。(共5分)68.What (be) your name ?69.That is (I) grandmother .70.Those (be) his parents .72.This is my cousin. ( she) name is Liu Mei.73.These are my (friend). 第三节 将下列句子中的汉语部分译成英语,或把英语部分译成汉语(共5分)73.Whats your

20、(身份证)number?74. His (名字)is Jim.75.Whats that ( 用英语 ) ?.76.Lin Shuhao is in the NBA ( ).77.I like watching CCTV ( ).第四节根据情景,补全对话 ,每空一词并注意大小写。 (满分10分)A: Good morning!B: Good ! A: your name, please ? B: name is Amy. And you? A: I Peter. Nice to meet you. B: Nice you, too. A: Whats this English ? B: Its a picture. A: And this in the picture ? B: Its a ruler.A: is it?B: Its yellow. A: Thank you very much. B: Youre welcome.第5页,共6页 1415学年七年级上学期英语期中检测试卷 第6页,共6页


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