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1、自主学习方案1.学生自学生词,并记住单词拼写和拼读。2.预习课本,熟读重点短语和句子。(见学习目标)课堂导学方案Step1 复习Ask students what special days or festivals they like, when they are and why they like the special days and festivals.环节说明:简要复习上节课学习的有关the Water Festival,the Dragon Boat Festival,the Chinese Spring Festival的内容。Step 2 情景导入T:This period o

2、f class well learn something about three special days and festivals.One comes from China,its MidAutumn Festival.The other two are Mothers Day and Fathers Day.Theyre from western countries.Do you know when they are and what people do for the three special days and festivals? S1:MidAutumn Festival is

3、on August 15th of the Chinese lunar year.S2:On MidAutumn Festival we eat mooncakes.环节说明:通过和学生互动导入新课,激发学生了解MidAutumn Festival 、Mothers Day和Fathers Day这三个节日的热情。Step 3 完成教材3a-4c的任务1.3a通过教学图片、课本、课件展示相关图片和文段,让学生读文段,找出本节两个问题的答案。参考答案:They admire the moon and share the mooncakes with their families.Its abou

4、t how the MidAutumn Festival comes into being.2.3b让学生再读该文段,并完成3b的排序。参考答案:4 2 5 1 7 6 33.3c让学生在不看该文段的情况下填单词,完成句子。参考答案:admire,traditional,magic,steal,laid4.处理3a重难点,学生朗读。5.4a学生用所给单词、词组,模仿Grammar Focus 造句。参考答案:I dont know whether hell come back home for the festival.I believe that Water Festival is the

5、most fun to watch.At that time I wondered if the mooncakes at home were delicious.How exciting the races are!What an interesting city Beijing is!6.4b学生读本节文段,在宾语从句下划线。7.处理4b重难点,学生朗读。8.4c学生按本节要求分组活动,让若干学生报告本组情况。课堂资料包Step 1 重难点解析1.Hou Yi was so sad that he called out her name to the moon every night.后羿

6、那么悲伤以至于每天晚上向着月亮喊嫦娥的名字。so(such)that如此以至于构成含目的或者结果状语从句的主从复合句,和tooto(太而不能)可以互换。如:She is so young that she cant go to school.=She is too young to go to school.她那么小不能上学。That car was so fast that it couldnt stop at once.= That car was too fast to stop at once.那辆轿车速度太快不能马上停下来。2.He quickly laid out her favo

7、rite fruits and desserts in the garden.他很快把嫦娥最喜欢的水果和甜点摆放在花园里。注意几个动词的意义和变化形式。原形过去式过去分词意义Lie lied lied撒谎lie lay lain位于,躺lay laid laid摆放、下(蛋) Hes never lied.他从不撒谎。He lay here just now.刚才他躺在这儿。That hen lays egg every day.那只母鸡天天下蛋。3.I heard that it is becoming more and more popular to celebrate Mothers D

8、ay and Fathers Day in China.我听说在中国过母亲节、父亲节越来越普遍。用and 连接同一个单词的比较级,意为“越来越”。如:The weather gets hotter and hotter.天气变得越来越热。He ran more and more quickly.他跑得越来越快。The water in the pool got less and less.池塘里的水越来越少。Step 2 小结训练(B)1.whats the problem?There were _many people_ get in.A.so;to B.too;to C.so;that(B

9、)2.What did he do then?He_ there and _that he was ill.A.lied;lied B.lay;lied C.lies;lay(A)3.Nowadays the air problem gets_ .A.more and more seriousB.much and much seriousC.more and much serious环节说明:学生进一步巩固对结果状语、同一个单词比较级的叠加等知识点的理解和掌握。Step 3 问题探究1.天气这么冷以至于我不敢外出。It is_ _ _ _that I am afraid to go out.【

10、解析】答案是such a cold day。such 后接名词词组。2.光阴似箭。_【解析】答案是How time flies!单词how 可以不修饰感叹词而直接放在一个句子前面表示感叹。3.After that,people started the tradition of _(admire) Mao Zedong as a god.【解析】答案是 admiring。of 是介词,介词后面动词要用动名词。4._ (lie)to the others often is not a good thing.【解析】答案是Lying 或者To lie。动词要变成动词不定式或动名词作主语。课后评价方案1.完成课时作业二。2.熟读并背诵3a and 4b。


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