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1、 自主学习方案1.学生自学生词,并记住单词拼写和拼读。2.预习课本,熟读重点短语和句子。(见学习目标)课堂导学方案Step 1 复习Ask students when the car was invented,when the telephone was invented, when the computer was invented环节说明:简要复习上节课学习过有关物品的发明时间的内容。Step 2 情景导入Say that Chinese tea is drunk and famous all over the world,then ask the students if they kno

2、w how the tea was invented.环节说明:询问学生有关茶的情况,为学习3a 作铺垫。Step 3 完成教材3a-4c的任务1.3a学生快速阅读本节文章,找出每段的段意。参考答案:Paragraph 1 How tea was invented by accident.Paragraph 2 Lu Yu and his book WTBXCha Jing.Paragraph 3 How tea spread to other countries.2.3b学生再次阅读该文章,找出本节问题的答案。3.3c学生根据文意用方框中单词的适当形式完成句子。参考答案:invented,

3、drunk, produced, brought, traded4.处理3a重难点,学生朗读。5.4a用被动语态改写句子。6.4b学生用方框内动词的正确形式完成句子。7.4c学生确定这些句子应该用主动语态还是被动语态。在空白处填上正确的形式。课堂资料包Step1 重难点解析1.How tea was invented by accident 茶是如何被偶然发明的(1)by accident=by chance/accidentally,意为“偶然地;意外地”,作副词用。如:He thought out the solution to the problem almost by accident

4、.他几乎出于偶然而想出了解决问题的办法。We didnt know he did it whether by accident or design.我们不知道他是偶然还是有意做了这件事。(2)by accident与by mistake的区别:by mistake表示“不小心地,错误地”。如:I took your umbrella by mistake yesterday.昨天我错拿了你的伞。He wrote the word “fell” by mistake in the English class.上英语课时他错误地把单词写成了“fell”。by accident表示“偶然地”。如:I

5、 met my old neighbour in the park by accident/chance yesterday.昨天我偶然在公园碰到了老邻居。2.The tea trade from China to Western countries took place in the 19th century.从中国到西方的茶贸易是从十九世纪开始的。in the 19th century在19世纪in the+序数词+century表示“世纪”。take place 表示“发生、举行、举办”,一般指非偶然性事件的“发生”,即这种事件的发生一定有某种原因或事先的安排。如:Great chang

6、es have taken place in our hometown during the past ten years.我们的家乡在过去十年发生了巨大的变化。The Olympic Games of 2016 will take place in Rio de Janeiro.2016年奥运会将在里约热内卢举办。take place与happen的区别:(1)take place为稍正式用语。一般指非偶然性事件的“发生”,即这种事件的发生一定有某种原因或事先的安排。除“发生”外,常翻译为“进行、举行、开展”。如:The celebration ceremony takes place in

7、 July each year.庆祝典礼在每年七月举行。(2)happen作“发生、碰巧”解,一般用于偶然或突发性事件。如:What happened to you?你出什么事了?I happened to see him on my way home.= It happened that I saw him on my way home.我在回家的路上碰巧看见了他。3.without doubt 毫无疑问如:He knows the truth without doubt.他毫无疑问知道事实真相。Step 2 小结训练(B)1.That child broke his leg _when h

8、e was climbing the mountain. A.by mistakeB.by accidentC.by chance(A)2.What_ to you?Great changes_there so that I couldnt find my house.A. happened; took place B. took place; happenedC. happened; happened(A)3. The teacher called me “Li Lei” time after time_ .A.by mistakeB.by accidentC.by chance环节说明:学

9、生进一步巩固对take place,mistake,accident等的理解和运用。Step 3 问题探究1.Great changes have taken_ in Suzhou in _years.【解析】答案是:place,recent。take place 意为“发生、举行、举办”,根据句意。2.It _(report) that you got a lot of awards.A.reports B.is reported C.reported【解析】答案是B。据报道的意思。3.When did he come back last night?He_ back _10 oclock.

10、A.came;untilB.didnt come;untilC.came;till【解析】答案是B。notuntil 直到才。4.The tea you (make) (bring) to me to(drink).【解析】答案是made,was brought,drink。句意为:你泡的茶被拿给我喝了。5. _ (sudden) the boy _(fall) into the cold Changjiang River.【解析】答案是Suddenly,fell。sudden 是形容词,这里要用副词,fall的过去式是fell。6.Now Li Na is seen as a _(natio

11、n) hero in China.【解析】答案是national。national形容词,意为“国际的”。7._(with) doubt,China is developing fast now.【解析】答案是Without。without doubt意为“毫无疑问”。8.A rabbit_ the hole and couldnt come out.A.fell into B.fell off C.fell down【解析】答案是A。fall into“落入”;fall off“从上掉下”;fall down“落下”;fall down from“从上落下”。注意fall是不及物动词,必须有介词才能与the hole连起来,故选A。课后评价方案1.完成课时作业二。2.熟读并背诵3a。


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