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1、新起点英语六年级上册Unit 6 Famous People Lesson 32教学设计海淀区实验小学 吕方【教学背景分析】1. 教材分析本单元是新起点英语第11册的第6单元。学生在完成这个单元的学习之后,能够听懂并与他人简单谈论自己崇拜或敬爱的名人的生平、成就等情况。本课为本单元的第二课时,是词汇新授课。本课分为以下四个部分:Get ready呈现了六位著名人物与他们的主要成就A Listen and match借助“Get ready”图片信息完成“听音连线”任务。BAsk and answer学生两人结对通过对话操练新知识。CAsk and write学生通过问答获取自己表格上缺失的信息

2、并填在表格里。2. 学生分析本课的授课对象是我校六年级学生。大部分学生活泼好动,喜欢在别人面前展现自己的想法。但在课前与个别的学生的交谈中发现,学生似乎对于一些著名人物了解的并不多,也就是说学生自身的知识储备与语言的表达之间存在一些障碍。六年级学生已经具备了听、说、读、写的基本技能,也能以小组形式顺利的开展活动,这些都将为本课的学习提供保障,但学生仍需要在教师的引领下逐步进行学习。学生们虽已学过几年英语,但中国学生由于缺乏真实交流的语境,从而造成对他们的语言理解和顺利表达造成一定的障碍。【教学目标】1. 学生能够听、说、读、写与本单元话题有关的单词和词组。2. 能够听、说、读、写本单元表述有关

3、著名人士的交际用语3. 能够运用本单元重点语言与他人简单谈论自己崇拜或敬爱的名人的生平、成就等情况。【教学重点难点】1、教学重点:本课词汇和句型。2、教学难点:1)部分词汇的读音:compose, national anthem,light bulb2)与他人简单谈论自己崇拜或敬爱的名人的生平、成就等情况。【教学过程】一热身环节活动一:头脑风暴 学生小组内复习Lesson 31所学的几类单词。(教师切换ppt复习不同的单词)T: Lets talk about different kinds of words. 1. Isaac Newton2. scientist3. English 4.

4、1643 活动二: 学生小组内介绍人物。(T: Who can introduce famous people?学生1人先示范,然后4人小组练习)二呈现与新授活动一:Free talk教师在刚才学生介绍famous people的基础上问:Why are they famous?.引导学生根据自己的现有知识说一说, 然后打开书学习今天所学的内容-achievement活动二: Part A1. Look and say.( Who are they?)教师带着学生看一遍图中人物,最后引出Nie Er (He was a Chinese musician. )T: Why are they fa

5、mous?.个别学生说一说,目的是在听之前利用学生的已有知识和背景先对新知有个预测.2. Read the new words in groups.3. Listen and match4. Check with a partner.5. Show answers教师出示正确答案。(教师与个别学生,快速)6. Study by students(教师板书,强调时态)将几个动词词组贴在黑板上.A. compose national anthem /musica. 听原音,学习compose national anthem,. T: On Monday morning, we sang natio

6、nal anthem on the playground.b. Who composed national anthem?.Nir Er composed national anthem.c. Beethoven was a musician too. He composed many great music. (出示词组composed music)B. painted shrimps(Who painted horses拓展徐悲鸿)a. 听原音,学习shrimps, 出示图片b. Who painted shrimps? Qi Baishic. Did Qi Baishi paint ho

7、rses well?(出示马的图片,引出徐悲鸿)who painted horses well?出示词组painted horses well.C. invented the light bulb(拓展其他的发明-电话)a. 听原音,学习invent,引导学生辨析inventorinventinvention .(Thomas Edsion invented the light bulb.)b. 学习light bulb.c. 由Thomas Edsion invented the light bulb.引出其他发明家/发明物.Can you give us some other exampl

8、es?.Who invented the first telephone? (出示词组invented the first telephone)7. 拓展其他动词 -discovered the gravity law,尝试引导学生说一说知道的其他动词a. T: Just now we didnt discuss Newtons achievement. Why is he famous? 引出万有引力定律.b. T: Do you know other famous peoples achievement?.8. 练习 Read and discuss a. Read and think i

9、n groupsb. Check the answer.三巩固操练活动1:Part B1. 导语: You have known some famous people very well .But I have a friend from America, he doesnt know Chinese culture. Now lets watch a video.出示视频引导学生了解如何应用本课语言.2. 学生齐读3. 分角色读活动2:补充信息Part C1. 导语: T: Here are some paper. They are lack of some information abou

10、t Leonardo da Vinci and Helen Keller. You can ask these questions: to finish it.2. 教师示范3. 两人练习Table ANameLeonardo da VinciHelen KellerBorn in1880OccupationartistAchievementwrote many books and helped other peopleTable BNameLeonardo da VinciHelen KellerBorn in1452OccupationwriterAchievementpainted “M

11、ona Lisa”四应用 活动1:Find mistakes 找错误1. 接上个表格调查活动,教师出示一个学生写作文章(人手一张) 教师引导学生先自己读一读.Leonardo da Vinci was a great artist. he was born in 1452 in Italy. Da Vinci was a famous artst. He began to learn painting when he was 14 years old. His most famous painting was Mona Lisa. People loved the painting. They

12、 loved the smile on the face of Mona Lisa. They named the smile Mona Lisa s smile “2. 两人讨论写作中的错误3. 教师反馈4. 教师引导学生思考写作时都应该注意什么1) How about the first letter of every sentence?2) How about punctuation?3) How about spelling ?活动2:Read and ask.1. 学生自己阅读手中文章. T: Now read your passage in your hand.2. 下座位询问自己

13、感兴趣的人物信息,T: Today I show you 6 famous peoples information. Just now you have known one of them. Now you can choose other famous people you like .Ask your classmates and write down his/her information on the paper.教师示范3. 学生下座位询问。(由于大家手里拿的信息不同,所以自然便形成了信息差,使得语言的交际更加真实)4. 小组分享 T: Now lets share the info

14、rmation.5 完成相应的写作。(视情况而定)教师为学生提供的人物介绍(列举2篇)Steve Jobs was a great inventor of America. He is also the CEO of Apply Company. He was born in 1955 in the USA. His invention changed the way of communication, entertainment and even the way of life. He died in 2011 because of the cancer. We loved him because he changed the world.Yang Hongying was the member of the Chinese Writers Association. She was a childrens literature writer. She was born in 1962. She wrote many works, such as 、 and so on. 五拓展六作业


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