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1、六年级英语教案设计Module5 Unit1 Can you be my Chinese pen friend?教学目标 1、培养小学生爱交朋友的习惯,发展广泛的兴趣;培养学生自主、合作的学习方式,在交流与合作中共同进步成长; 2、培养学生在活动中体会英语学习的乐趣,培养学生熟悉生活,和对异国文化的了解,兴趣。教学重点和难点: 1、重点词汇: please meet . address speak write 重点句子: Pleased to meet you ! Can you speak English? Can you be my Chinese pen friend? 2、难点句子:

2、Can I write to your friend ? I have got two friends. 教学过程: Step1、Warming up and revision 一、Greetings TSs :Good morning everyone. Nice to me you! (学生也用“Nice to me you!”与自己打招呼)然后说:Pleased to meet you!(引导学生也用“Pleased to me you!”与自己打招呼,出示单词卡片学习新词pleased, meet)Ss: Nice to me you! Pleased to meet you! (反复

3、操练让学生熟悉并理解其意义。 Step2、导入(Leading)(1)师随意在班里找一学生,问: Hello, Chen Hao. Pleased to meet you! I want you to be my friend.I can play computer games. Can you play computer games? 生答:Yes,Ican./No,I cant.T: I have a pen friend. She is very tall . She can play basketball。Do you want to know her?T : Show Lauras

4、picture and say: We have a new friend in the class .Do you know her? Whats her name ? Ss: Laura .T: Yes , She is my pen friend . (出示单词卡片:pen friend. 用magic eyes方法学习新单词)T : Laura is from England .She is far from us. So I often write to her. I have her address. (出示卡片address.闪卡游戏学习新单词).(2)用同样的方法创设情境学习新

5、词 meet pleased(引导学生用“Pleased to meet you!”相互打招呼。(3)播放录音,生反复听录音并跟读。 Step3.呈现(Presenting): (谈话呈现任务,进入课文内容前先提出学习要求,再让学生根据问题听录音,出示问题,指名读一读)1、 Listen to the tape of the text.2、 Listen to the tape again,Ss repeat.3、 Read the text in groups.4、 Lastly get the Ss to say in their groups which group is the best? Step4.Consolidation1、Act it out.(用真实情景介绍新同学)2、同桌练习运用Pleased to meet you!介绍3、抽个别学生到前面来介绍自己,同桌再说一说 Step5.Homework1、Copy the text and the new words.2、用英文给自己的网友或笔友写一封信


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