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1、用所给单词的适当形式填空 导学案 姓名_ 小组_一、学习目标:1.分析“用所给单词的适当形式填空”题型的主要考点。2.学习一些英语词语运用的做题思路及做题方法。3.学习与搭档、小组成员合作学习,体会合作的快乐。二、知识清单:用所给单词的适当形式填空常见考点:1. 可数名词的形式变化;可数名词与不可数名词的用法区别2. 名词所有格(s; of所有格)3. 代词的用法(人称代词;物主代词;反身代词;不定代词)4. 基数词、序数词5. 形容词、副词(原级;比较级;最高级)6. 动词的时态、语态7. 固定搭配8. 情态动词9. 易混单词、词组 如:find, look for, find out; a

2、rrive, get to, reach; alone, lonely10. 词性转换1 动词(v.)名词(n.)teachteacher; visitvisitor; playplayer; meetmeeting; beginbeginning; developdevelopment; argueargument;inventinvention; decidedecision2 名词(n.)形容词(adj.)AmericaAmerican; IndiaIndian; healthhealthy; lucklucky; dangerdangerous; friendfriendly; ind

3、ependenceindependent; importanceimportant3 形容词(adj.)副词(adv.)carefulcarefully; heavyheavily 4 动词(v.)形容词(adj.)forgetforgetful; helphelpful; useuseful5 形容词(adj.)名词(n.)kindkindness; happy happiness; differentdifference;6 反义词happyunhappy; likedislike四、做词汇填空题的时候要注意以下几个方面:1. 通读全句判断所填词的词性2. 判断所填词的形式是否准确3. 判

4、断是否是固定搭配4.判断是否需要大小写Tasks:1 Though Im new here in Japan, I never feel_(alone). 2 After the earthquake(地震),hundreds of people were_(home).3 Many students dont really understand the _(important) of learning English well.4 Nancy had to live by herself after her husbands _(die).5 Its useful for us to mak

5、e a good _(decide) sometimes.6 .Why did you buy a few_(knife) just now, Jiang Lei?7 Tony is my _(old) brother.8 Tom, you_(cough) all the time. I think you should go to see the doctor.9 Some girls are going to volunteer their free time_(care) for the sick children in the City Childrens Hospital.10 Co

6、uld you please _(clean) your room? Its too dirty.11 Some old people from the countryside arent used to_(live) in the city. 12 Do you have any _(difficult) volunteering in the animal hospital?13 Li Lei found a wallet on his way to school this morning, and now he is still trying to find the _(own). 14

7、 Most of the students have the idea of _ (fair).15 Sometimes it is very important to be _(independence ) of our parents.16 It was raining _ (heavy) when I went out yesterday afternoon.17 Tom had an _(argue) with his mother this morning.18 With the_ (develop) of our country, we are having a better an

8、d better life.19 We are old enough to look after _(we) now.20 Thanks a lot for your _(kind), Mrs. Chen.Homework:1. We are old enough to look after_(we) now.2. Mr. Greens grandparents are too old to take care of_(they) now.3. Could you please_(clean) your room? Its too dirty.4. Im very angry and dont

9、 know what_(do).5. This little boy got_(hurt) when he payed with his knife just now.6. Can you imagine_(live)alone in such a place all your life?7. Though Im new here in Japan, I never feel_(alone).8. Now it is a quarter_(pass) six. Lets cook the meal. Our children will be back soon.9. Mr. Wu tells us that American and British children do many after-school _(activity).10. While I_(do)my homework, my mother came back.5


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