
上传人:本田雅阁 文档编号:2213416 上传时间:2019-03-04 格式:DOC 页数:1 大小:32.52KB
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1、第三单元测试题一、完成下列词汇1、He doest f his homework , his teacher is very angry with him.2、Dont f to take your medicine.3、What are you doing for v ?4、Yao Ming is f in American,. A lot of people like him.5、I dont like living in the city, I like living in the c .6、Hector is p to see his grandfather next week.7、M

2、r wang enjoys n (自然界).8、- When are you l E (欧洲)?-Next Sundday.9、Yang Shan is very beautiful, many t visit it every year.10、Jim is going s (观光)for vacation.11、Mother went out , I must b my young brother.12、I like different kinds of p (明信片), can you s some from Japan?13、She often goes h in the mountai

3、ns二、完场下列句子1、- 你怎么过你的下个假期? are you for your n vacation ?- 我将要去观光。 I am .2、他计划在农村和他的朋友共度时光。 He to time his friends in the .3、鲁西昨天读完了那本书。 Lucy that book yesterday.4、吉姆忘记给他的妈妈寄明信片了,但他记着已经买了。 Jim his mother postcard, but he some .5、摩根先生下周将去探望他的祖父,他的祖父现在正在在家休息。Mr Morgan his grandfather next week , he at h

4、ome.6、龙龙将去夏威夷两个周,他想做不同的事情。 Longlong to Hawaii two weeks, he to do .7、北京的天气怎么样? the in BeiJing today?8、小花在家临时照顾她的弟弟。Xiao Hua her brother at home.9、他不喜欢离开的太久。 He like for too long.10、他们离开去西湖度一个长假。They Xihu to a vacation11、你的爸爸多久询问一次你的学习?How often do your father you your study?三、按要求完成下列各句1、Jim is going

5、 camp next Friday.(变一般疑问句) Jim camp next Friday?2、They are taking walks after dinner.(变否定句)They walks after dinner.3、Hector is going bike riding for vacation. (提问) Hector for vacation?4、Tom is going to Hawaii for three weeks. (提问) is Tom goning to Hawaii?5、My father is going fishing on Saturday. (提问) is father going fishing?6、How was the weather in Jinan last Monday?(同意句) the weather in Jinan last Moday?7、Im going to Qufu with my grandmother next year.(提问) are you going to Qufu with next year?


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