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1、Unit5 Which one do you want学校:彰寨九年制没在学校 教者:杨雄一 教学目标1 知识目标:能听说、会读单词“raincoat 、long 、short、 thick thin 、cheap”.2 能力目标:运用句型“which one do you want”,学生利用课文提供的场景根据自己的喜好进行选择;学会合作。3 情感目标:培养学生学习英语的兴趣;学会交流。二 教学重难点重点:学生能运用基本句型,根据课文提供的场景和自己的喜好进行选择。难点:句型的熟练掌握。三 教学准备 教学图片,教学磁带四 教学步骤1 Leading in 老师提问:If it is rain

2、ing, and you have to go school, what can you do.进而引出单词raincoat. 通过与学生的合作,虚拟购买雨衣的场景,引出本堂课的基本内容(一学生S1做售货员,另一学生S2和老师T是购买者)S1:Can I help you.T: I want to buy raincoats.S1: These are raincoats.T: oh, they are nice, which one do you want, a long one or a short one? S2: A short one. how much is this rainco

3、at.S1: It is ten yuan.T: that is cheap , take it. Oh I like the yellow one , it is nice, how much is it.S1: It is fifteen yuan.T: It is cheap too. Can I have them please?S1: Certainly.T: Here the money.S1: Thank you. 4 老师总结并引出新课题:我们刚刚看到的是去商店购买雨衣的场景,在商店里我们要根据衣服的长短、厚薄、价格以及颜色来选择适合自己的衣服。今天我们学习Unit5 whic

4、h one do you want?(板书课题)。二 Presentation 1 板书并带读单词“raincoat”,并引导学生注意这个单词的组成规律。2 根据黑板上写的长短、厚薄等教授相应的单词,要求学生跟着老师一起写,并引导他们都是反义词。3用不同的顺序带读单词2遍。4引导学生回答老师的提问“which one do you want”,带读句子。5 Lets play a game老师先做示范,带学生做一遍,然后老师说学生做。逐渐加快速度。A long oneA short oneA thick one A thin one6 Lets have a chantWhich one do

5、 you want , a long one.Which one do you want , a short one.Which one do you want , a thick one.Which one do you want , a thin one.三 PracticeT: Can I help you?S: Id like a raincoat.T: Which one do you want? A long one or a short one?S: A short one please.T: Here you are.S: Thank you.四 Learn the text1 Listen to the tape for once.2 Listen again then answer the question.3 Read after the tape.五 Summary在老师的引导下学生说出今天学过的新单词和句型。六 Homework1 读课文。2 抄单词。


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