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1、 大兴区青年教师“生态课堂”教学评比活动教学设计模板教学基本信息课名How do you make a banana milk shake?是否属于地方课程或校本课程否学科英语学段四级年级八年级授课日期2016.11.3教材书名: Go for it!人新目标英语 八年级 上册 出版社:人民教育出版社 出版日期:2013年6 月教学设计参与人员姓名单位联系方式设计者万世珍国家教育行政学院附属实验学校15910627250实施者万世珍国家教育行政学院附属实验学校15910627250指导者郑玉林大兴区教师进修学校13810202959指导思想与理论依据义务阶段的英语课程设置对青少年未来的发展具有


3、最后真正达成做中学,学中做的教学目标。教学背景分析本课选自人教版初中英语八年级上册第八单元,主题是食物制作流程,体现了人教版教材图文并茂,对学生实际语言运用的能力培养的重视。本单元话题与生活联系紧密,也为下一单元邀请朋友到家中做客起了一定的铺垫作用。Section A 1a-1c是本单元的听说板块,旨在培养学生的听说能力,同时以食物制作为话题展开学习与讨论,介绍食物制作的流程,了解中西方饮食文化的基本差异;了解西方的感恩节;了解中国传统饮食习俗以及地方风味小吃。本节课是本单元的第一课时,以“怎样制作香蕉奶昔”为话题展开。要求学生能够真确描述制作步骤并依照指示语完成步骤。能够掌握并正确应用祈使句

4、给出简单指令。能够听懂简单的指令并完成。义务教育英语课程标准在文化意识的五级要求中明确提要了解英语国家的饮食习俗,主要的节假日以及庆祝方式,关注中外文化异同并能用英语介绍祖国的主要节日和典型的文化习俗。学生情况: 在知识层面上来讲,八年级学生经过一年多的初中英语学习,已经积累了一定的词汇,具有一定的听说能力,掌握了一些简单的学习策略和技巧。从思维层面来看,八年级学生有旺盛的求知欲,对身边事物好奇心强,也有一定的自学能力。因此能够在老师的引导下,完成对听力材料的理解以及模仿并内化产出。在本课,学生对祈使句以及表示序列的副词都有所了解,围绕新的话题,巩固以前接触过的语言知识,学生既能产生学习兴趣又

5、会感到简单易学。技术准备: 口语100网络学习平台 教学目标(内容框架)教学内容话题:家庭生活-饮料制作(Drinks)词汇: drink,peel,pour,put,shake,turn on,cut up,blender,milk shake策略:听前预测;听中泛听大意,精听顺序,通过关键词获取信息功能:用英语表述时序以及指指令教学目标在本课学习结束时,学生能够:1) 通过听力练习,能够理解指令并完成指令要求的排序、填空等任务。2) 用所学的名词,动词以及祈使句描述做奶昔的过程,并能正确地使用表示顺序的词汇使得过程条理清晰。3) 通过学习使用英语描述并亲身体验食品制作过程,暗启学生对家人的

6、感恩意识和勇于分担家务的责任心。教学重点 能够无障碍地听懂课文内容并完成相关题目。教学难点 能恰当地使用祈使句表达食物的制作过程。教学方法: Task-based Method学习效果评价设计1.自评互评评级项目评价等级与标准自评同学评价ABC听讲认真听讲和同学发言。能够较为认真听讲。听讲,但偶有开小差。发言认真思考,积极发言,声音洪亮。遇到会的问题能够发言,声音较为洪亮。发言较少。听力理解能够在完全听懂听力内容的基础上,准确完成相关练习题。能够听懂听力主要内容,听力练习题有较少错误。基本能够听懂部分听力内容,且练习题错误较多。口语产出能够正确运用所学语言复述奶昔制作过程。基本能够正确运用所学

7、语言简述奶昔制作过程。能够顺利跟读课文。2.网络数据评价 使用网络教育平台,统计展示学生作业、当堂听力以及朗读的结果。教学流程示意图 教学步骤 师生活动 技术手段Kouyu 100 on Internetcheck the homework on Kouyu 100 and commentWarm-up Search on Internetlead in the topicLead-inWords exercise on Kouyu 100brainstorm wordsPre-listeninglisten and answer the questionListening test of K

8、ouyu 100 listen and rank the stepsWhile-listeninglisten and fill in the tableMicro-video on InternetPost-listeninglisten and retellMake a micro-vedio and upload to Kouyu 100make a similar dialogue to cook a dishExpansion教学过程(表格描述)教学阶段教师活动学生活动设置意图技术应用时间安排Warming- upLogo on the webpage of Kouyu 100 an

9、d check the homework on it. Play the records of students and invite the best one to read again in class. Then give prize or encourage to them.Listen to the records of the others in the class and learn from each other.The best one could have a show in class.请分数最高的同学现场展示。给大部分同学以肯定以及给予个别同学奖励或鼓舞。使用口语100

10、平台检查学生单词朗读作业,听取录音串烧,3 minLeading-inShow a birthday present from her students and talk about the birthday party in Mcdonalds. Then ask students “What is your favourite food or drink in Mcdonalds?”Next guide students to ask what is the teachers favourite one in Mcdonalds .Then point out that my favour

11、ite drink is banana milk shake which the Mcdonalds doesnt have. Invite students to help teacher make banana milk shake to lead in the topic of this lesoon-learn how to make a milk shake to show our thanks to parents or friends.Talk about the food and drinks inMcdonalds with teacher and know the topi

12、c and task of this lesson.借助老师在麦当劳的答谢宴,发起关于最喜爱的食物话题,最后引出本课话题-为自己的家人或朋友制作奶昔或其他食物以示感谢。4minPre-listeningFirstly, organize students to do a words test on Kouyu 100.Then, guide students to brainstorm what they need to make banana milk shake. Let students to work in groups and use the mind map to write do

13、wn the words on a paper firstly and then share it in class.After sharing, guide students to guess what do we need to do next and lead in the listening test on Kouyu 100.Finish a words test on Kouyu 100.Brainstorm what do they need to make banana milk shake in groups. Use a mind map to write down the

14、 words on a paper firstly .Then share it in class.Then think about what need to do.使用口语100单词检测功能,听前处理词汇并预测听力内容。陈列所需品时使用脑图帮助学生一一列出。使用口语100单词检测功能。5 minWhile-listening1st listening: Play the recorder for Ss to listen and answer the question:How many steps are there to make the banana milk shake?2nd lis

15、tening: Guide students to finish 1a on book. Play the recorder again. Guide students to listen and put the instructions in order. 3rd listening:Play the recorder and guide students to fill in the table.Check the result on Kouyu 100.Ss listen and answer the questions.Finish 1a on book.Listen again an

16、d put the instructions in order .Listen and fill in the table.以听力测试形式,在口语100平台播放处理听力材料。第一遍泛听,确定制作奶昔共有几步,引起学生对顺序词的关注。第二遍听,完成排序。第三遍听,完成表格。 听力测验结束后,使用口语100平台查看学生成绩并评价。口语100听力测试功能。10 minPost-listeningPlay the recorder.Guide students to listen and repeat.Draw their attention to the pronunciation and into

17、nation.Then organize students to work in pairs to retell the process with a cartoon like a movie dubbing. Give an example before they do it.Listen and pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation. Then work in pairs, look at the cartoon and retell the process like a movie dubbing.在对对话较为熟悉的基础上,再

18、听对话,注意语音语调,加深记忆并内化,最后组织学生小组合作,根据卡通提示,完成配音,即复述制作过程。 动画配音。6 minExpansionShow the key words of this lesson again on the blackboard(turn on,cut up,peel,pour,drink).Then give another task-cooking a dish,Stir-fried eggs with tomato.Help students to work in groups and make a similar mind map about the thin

19、gs and process. Then guide students to tell it with a vedio. Students who does well will get a prize.Go over the key words with teacher again. Then make a similar mind map in groups to cook the dish.Who does well will get a prize.回顾本课重点词汇并引导学生以竞赛方式,根据所学词汇,布置新的任务-小组合作利用脑图编造新对话描述炒鸡蛋西红柿的制作过程,实现语言输出和运用。

20、使学生能够将所学语言知识,用到自己的实际生活中,表达自己真实所想。给予有能力的学生以个人展示。10 minSummaryGuide Ss to summary what they have learned firstly and then complete it if necessary. Draw students attrition to show their thanks for family and friends.Summary the knowledge and learn to show their thanks to others.学生先自己总结所学知识,引导学生注意在生活只中

21、表达感恩之心,升华情感价值。1 minHomeworkWrite a short script about the steps of cooking dishes(you can search it online), then do it by yourself to show your thanks to someone. Dont forget to make a video to record it and upload it on Kouyu 100. 将课内所学知识拓展延伸到课外的实际生活当中,动手体验并记录汇报。微视频制作。1 min本课程教学设计的特色英语教学应注重语用与思维的培



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