孟南学校 (4).doc

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1、We visited lots of places. 教学内容: Unit 1 We visited lots of places.教学难点: What did you do at the weekend? We visited lots of places. Where did you go? We went to the British Museum. 教学重点: Words of Module 3 教学用具:radio and pictures. 教学程序: 1、 热身复习 复习上一堂课中学过的song 让学生听一遍录音并跟着说。 请学生拿出为自己的爸爸拟定的出差用品购物单,相互交流、给

2、出理由。 让学生回忆周一至周日、周末怎么说。问学生What do you usually do at the weekend?让学生平时周末所做的活动罗列出来,然后将自己的周末活动与他人的周末活动做一下交流。在交流时可采取小组表格统计的方式呈现个大家。 2、 任务呈现与课文导入 do the dictation work and review the key words and sentences of Module 2 3、 课文教学 (1)学习SB 活动1 学习新单词。教师分别出示the British museum 这个词组及 wonderful 这个单词的图片和拼写,让学生看图直观地理

3、解单词及词组的意思,先让学生看拼写自己试读一下,学生试读后,教师领读,学生跟读。According to the steps of learning words ,the teacher should teach the students all the words of wordlist of Module 3. Play some games to consolidate the words ,let the students read the words easily.(2) SB 活动1 After learning the new words and phrases of M3uni

4、t 1,we can 外研版小学英语第五册全册教案 listen the whole text one time,and listen again one by one .The teacher must explain the meaning of the sentence with the whole class and try the best of the students?mind .At last ,let the students follow the radio ,and read it loudly. (3)SB 活动2 教师按顺序手指上的three pictures,每指一幅图就让两名同学来分角色朗读。最后任意指一幅图,学生两人练习对后。然后将学生分为两人一组,一人扮演Daming,一人扮演Amy,两人一起朗读全篇对话。请自愿者表演,告诉学生要根据对话的内容为表演配上自然的动作,如打电话、购物等。 (4)SB 活动3 学生看书,教师问看到多少幅插图,让学生说出每一幅图的活动是什么。学生根据对话两人合作。最后全班交流,教师纠错。


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