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1、普通话测试教案素材精选Mandarin test teaching material selection (版权所有 维权必究 All rights reserved)一, 多音(polyphony)(一)同型异音homograph三音(triplets): 1)阿 (dial. )a prefix used before pet names, monosyllabic surnames, or numbers denoting order of seniority in a family , to form terms of endearment ; a prefix used before

2、 kinship terms阿哥 e Manchu Emperors son (a Manchu term of address) 阿妈 ma father、dad play up to, pander to(法不阿贵、绳不挠曲, 阿弥陀佛,东阿县,阿胶,阿谀)。如:在皇宫,一位阿哥对他的父亲说:阿爸我今天遇见一个念阿弥陀佛的和尚了。五音(multitone):2)啊 啊哈、啊呀、啊哟(啊唷y) (interj. )expressing surprise or admiration (呵) pressing for an answer or asking for a repetition of

3、 sth. just said (呵) expressing puzzled surprise (呵) expressing agreement or compliance ;sudden realization (阿、呵) used at the end of a sentence to express enthusiasm 、obviousness、an order 、warning 、doubtful questioning or impatience etc . ; used to indicate a deliberate pause ; used in enumerating it

4、ems 二音(twin):3)腌 腌臜 (z )filthy 、 dirty ; unhappy , ruffled yn (醃) preserve in salt ,sugar, etc ; pickle , salt; marinate如:腌渍z的黄瓜很爽口,我却认为很腌臜。4) 挨 i be or get close to , be next to ; follow a regular orderor sequence , do sth. in sequence or by turns (挨近 get close to); i suffer , endure ; struggle to

5、pull through ( hard time ) , drag out ; delay , stall ; put off (挨饿 suffer from hunger、挨呲c get a talking-to、挨打 take a beating )如:一天,一个乞丐挨近一个混混去乞讨不料却挨了他的一顿毒打。又如:这个乞丐虽然每天挨门挨户的乞讨但还是经常挨饿,吃不饱。5) 艾 i Chinese mugwort Artemisia argyi ; a surname ; ( formal ) end , stop ; ( formal ) beautiful , fair (少艾 a li

6、ttle beautiful girl、fair)、 y same as乂bring under control ; punish (惩艾 chng =惩乂=惩刈)如:每个年轻小伙都慕少艾,往往在恋爱当中犯错,因此需要我们加以惩艾。6)熬 o stew ( vegetables , etc. ) in water (熬白菜 stewed cabbage);o cook into porridge or thick soup (煎熬 suffering、熬夜 stay up late or all night)如:那位老大娘熬夜熬白菜。7)凹 o concave ; sunken ; dente

7、d (凹陷 cave in)、w same as 洼 depression ; low-lying area如:著名作家贾平凹曾在农村采风路过一片凹陷地。8)三音:拗(抝)o (dial.) bend or twist so as to break ;o defy ; disobey (拗口令tongue twister)ni stunnorn ; obstinate ; difficult 如:这个人脾气真拗,叫他练拗口令他情愿把笔拗断。9)二音:唵 n (expressing affirmation)= yes ,used to express sth. on sbs mind ; n (

8、expressing interrogation =eh) 口气词interj.如:“ 唵,你们到哪里去啦!要专心学习啊!- 唵。10)二音:把 b hold , grasp ; hold ( a baby while it relieve itself ) ; control , monopolize , dominate ; guard , watch ; inf. be close , be located at ; dial. give ; handle ( of a pushcart , etc . ) m ( for sth. with a handle ) ; handle of

9、 ; ( for certain abstract ideas ) ; ( for sth . done with the hand ) ; (prep.) (used to shift the object to before the verb , which must be reduplicated or accompanied by some other word or expression ) ; (part). ( used after 百,千,万,里,丈,顷,斤,个,ect., the combination admitting of no numeral ) about ; or

10、 so ; sworn ; b grip ; handle ; stem ( of a leaf , flower or fruit ) ( 枪把儿 rifle butt、刀把子 handle )如:父亲对儿子说:把茶壶把儿拿稳了别摔了。如:有个外号叫老刀把子的和我拜了把子,就个把月的时间我帮了他一把,把住了这座山寨不让别人夺走。11)耙 b harrow ; draw a harrow over ( a field ) ; (耙过 harrow)、p rake ; make smooth with a rake 如:那块地耙过两遍后才用耙子耙平了。12)吧 b (象声词 onom.);(di

11、al .) draw on ( or pull at ) ones pipe , etc . b =啵bo (语气词,结尾词) (part).indicating a suggestion , a request or a mild command ; indicating consent or approval ; forming a leading question which asks for comfirmation of a supposition ; indicating some doubt in the speakers mind ; marking a pause after

12、 suppositions as alternatives如:这位老汉嘴里吧唧着他的旱烟杆光着脚吧唧着在地里走着,说:咱们走吧。13)扒 b hold on to ; cling to ; dig up ; rake ; pull down ; push aside ; strip off ; take off (扒拉bl ,push lightly ;扒车、扒钉、扒头儿)、p gather up ; rake up ; stew ; braise ; (dial) . scratch (扒羊肉、扒鸡、扒痒、扒灰=爬灰、扒犁、扒搂、扒窃、扒手)如:1、他扒p 拉了两口饭就跑去把压在苗上的土扒拉

13、开。He whisked a few mouthfuls of rice into his mouth and ran out for flicking the earth off the seedings. 2、他扒b 拉着算盘子不小心散落一地,于是就把地上的算盘子先扒拉在一起,然后再装上。14)伯 bi=大伯子 (inf ). husbands elder brother ; brother- in- law 、b fathers elder brother ; uncle ; the eldest among brothers ; earl ; count 如:大伯子对我说:世有伯乐,然

14、后有千里马。千里马常有,而伯乐不常有。Only when there is Bole can there be a thousand-li horse.While thousand-li horses are not uncommon,men like Bole are rare to find,said my brother-in-law.15)柏 bi= 栢 cypress (柏树、柏油=沥青)、 b used only in 柏林、b 黄柏=黄檗Phellodendron amurense Rupr.如:在柏林的柏油路街道两旁长满了黄柏树。16)三音:膀bng upper arm ; a

15、rm ; shoulder ; wing ( of a bird) 、png swelling (膀肿swollen)、png (膀胱 bladder; 膀胱炎 systitis ; 膀胱造影 cystography )如:医生给一位光着膀子的男士检查膀胱发现膀肿了。17)磅 bng pound ( a measure of weight ) ; scales ; weigh、png 磅礴(b) boundless;majestic五岭逶迤腾细浪,乌蒙磅礴走泥丸。The Five Ridges wind like gentle ripples And the majestic Wumeng r

16、oll by,globous of clay.18)蚌 bng fresh water mussel ; clam 、bng 蚌埠 b( a city in Anhui Province)如:在蚌埠这个地方的河里有很多河蚌,味道鲜美啊。19)三音 炮 bo quick-fry (炮羊肉);dry by heat (衣服炮干了)、po Chin. Med. prepare herbal medicine by roasting or parching ( in a pan ) (炮姜 roasted ginger 炮格=炮烙lu the hot pillar an ancient instrum

17、ent of torture,炮制=炮炙)、po =砲= 礮 big gun ; cannon ; artillery piece ; bombard ( the earliest kind of cannon throwing stone balls ) ; firecracker ; a blasthole filled with dynamite ; cannon , one of the pieces in Chinese chess 如:有位炮兵被雨淋湿了,于是他把衣服放在火上炮干了,然后去药店买炮姜。20) 剥 bo ( 剥花生 shell peanuts ,剥香蕉 peel a

18、banana ,剥兔皮 skin a rabbit) 、b meaning the same as 剥 bo , limited to use in compound words and idiomatic phrases 剥落 come off , peel off 、剥削 exploit 剥夺 deprive ; expropriae ; strip ; 剥蚀 denude ; corrode ; erode 如:这位农民倚着已剥落漆的门框,在剥花生。21)三音 薄 bo thin , flimsy ; weak , light ; lacking in warmth ; infertil

19、e , poor (薄纸、薄板、薄饼、薄脆、薄页纸、待他不薄),薄地poor land=薄 b slight , meagre , small ; ungenerous . unkind . mean ; frivolous ; despise , belittle ; a surname ; formal approach ,near ; (薄地 unfertile land ;薄厚=厚薄、薄近=薄礼、薄酒、薄技、薄弱、薄幸) ,b 薄荷 field mint ; peppermint如:在酒店大门口这位小伙嘴里嚼着薄荷口香糖,手里拿着一个红色薄纸袋,对我说,恭喜恭喜,薄礼一份,略表心意。2

20、2)堡 bo fort , fortress ( 堡礁、堡垒、地堡)、b same as 堡子, (usu). used as part of a place name 堡子 zi (dial ). a town or village surrounded with earthen walls ; village (吴堡 Wubu in Shnxi Province 陕西)如:在吴堡的农村至今还依然能看到许多战争年代遗留下来的地堡。23)刨 (=鉋、鑤) bo plane sth down ,plane ; planer , planingmachine (刨木板 plane a board

21、, 刨冰 water ice);po dig , excavate ; (inf ). ( used with 去,掉 or 了 as complement ) exclude , substract , not count ( 刨分 deduct marks 、刨地、刨根问底 get to the root of matter 刨煤机 coal plough)如:那个人喜欢刨根问底,还喜欢吃刨冰。24)背(揹) bi carry on the back ; bear , shoulder 、bi the back of the body ; the back of an object ; w

22、ith the back towards ; turn away , leave ; go away ; hide sth. from ; do sth. behind sb.s back ; recite from memory ; learn by heart or by rote ; act contrary to ; violate ;break ; out-of-the-way ; inf. unlucky ; hard of hearing (把脸背过去、背诵、背谬=悖谬bi mi、背眼、背心、耳背)如1:那个背着小孩的女人有点耳背。如2:那个小学生背着书包在树下背书。如3:我们背

23、负着人民的希望对日越菲三国的背信弃义决不能容忍。25)臂 bei =胳膊、b arm ; upper arm (臂膊=臂膀dial. arm)如 :她的胳膊上戴着黑色臂纱。26)奔 bn run quickly、hurry、hasten 、rush 、flee ; bn go straight towards、head for, approach 、be gettingon for ; prep. towards ; busy oneself about 奔命bn mng (informal), be in a desperate hurry 有绝望之感。= 奔命 bn mng rush ab

24、out on errands 忙差事的意思,疲于奔命;大有奔头 have a bright prospect 如:为了一家老小的生计,他每天不得不起早贪黑疲于奔命地送快递,我感觉他实在是有点奔命了。27)贲 bn = 贲门 cardia ; b (formal ). beautifully adorned (贲临honour my house、firm ,etc. with your presence)如:一位贵宾贲临我公司参观,突然贲门感到不舒服,我急忙开车送他去了医院。28)三音 绷 bng strech ( or draw ) tight ; spring , bounce ; bast

25、e ,tack , pin ; dial . manage to do sth. with difficulty ( 坑绷拐骗 resort to all sorts of deception 绷带、绷簧); bng (繃) (inf.) look , serious ; strain oneself ( 绷着脸 look displeased;pull a long face,咬住牙绷住劲 clench ones teeth and strain ones muscles ) ; bng (繃)split open , crack ; inf. ( used before certain a

26、djectives ) very ( 绷瓷 crackled glaze 绷脆 very crisp 绷硬 hard as a rock ; stiff as board; 绷直 exceptionally straight 绷亮 shining bright )如:这个人真倒霉,手上绷着绷带,烤瓷牙还绷瓷,所以整天绷着个脸。29)秘 b( 秘鲁 Peru 秘鲁人 Peruvian );m secret; mysterious ; keep sth. secret ; hold sth . back 如:这个秘鲁人是个秘书。30) 裨 b formal . benefit ; advantag

27、e ( 无裨于事 It wont help matters . or It wont do any good.裨补, 大有裨益 be of great benefit );p formal . secondary ; minor (裨将 subordinate or lower-ranking general in ancient China )如:虽然裨将这次失败了,但是他想裨补回来。31) 辟 b (formal ). monarch ; sovereign ; ward off ; keep away ; same as 避 b (复辟 monarch 辟邪 exorcise evil

28、spirits );p open up ( territory , land , etc . ) ; break ( ground ) ; penetrating ; incisive ; refute ; repudiate ; (formal ). law (另辟专栏 start a new column 精辟 、辟谣 rufute a rumour 、大辟 law )如:在文革后期他另辟专栏 ,写文章批判林彪搞资本主义复辟。又如:鲁迅的文章写的很精辟,他的笔犹如一把辟邪剑。32)扁bin flat (扁担没扎,两头打塌 when the loads are not secured at

29、both ends of the pole, they slip off try to grab both but end up with neither);pin formal . small , boat , skiff(一叶扁舟 a small boat )如:一只扁盒子在大河中看上去就象一叶扁舟啊。33)便 bin convenient ; handy ; a convenient situation or time ; informal ; plain ; ordinary ; piss or shit ; urine or excrement ; ( used in the sam

30、e way as , and more formal than , 就 ) (adv) . soon afterwards ; adv . in that case ; then ; conj . even if (便宜 y convenient; advantagous)、pin ( 便宜yi cheap ; unmerited advantages ; unearned gains ; let sb.off lightly : 大腹便便、便宜货、占便宜)如:小李总喜欢在便宜的时候占点小便宜。34)骠 bio ( 黄骠马 骠实bio shi=膘实 plump );pio (formal ).

31、 ( of horses ) galloping ; fast , brave、valiant 如:在骠国,一位骠骑骑了一匹非常骠实的黄骠马。35)瘪 bi ( 瘪三 a wretched-looking tramp who lives by begging or stealing) ;bi shrivelled; shrunken (瘪螺痧 Chin. med. cholera with dehydration )如:那个瘪三的车胎瘪了。36)别 bi leave , part ; other , another ; (dial ). turn , change ; differentiat

32、e , distinguish ; difference ,distinction ; classification , category ; fasten with a pin or clip ; stick in ; (adv.) ( used in giving commands or advice ) dont , had better not ; ( used in expressing anxiety that sth. bad may happen ) ( 别价jie - please dont,别墅 sh 别人 rn someone else 别人ren- other peop

33、le、others、 people 如:这里没有别人,只有你和我,希望你考虑考虑别人的意见。) bi( 彆) (dial ). persuade sb . to change his opinion or give up his idea ( usu . used in 别不过 ) : 别扭 awkward difficult , uncomfortable ; not see eye to eye , disagree ; ( of speech or writing ) unnatural ,awkward 又如:我别不过他,最后才说,这里没有别人,只有你和我,希望你考虑考虑别人的意见。3

34、7)槟( 檳、梹) bn 槟子 a species of apple which is slightly sour and astringent ;bng 槟榔 areca、petel palm ;槟榔子 betel nut ( Chin . med .)38)并bng( another name for 太原);bng ( 並、併,竝 )combine , merge , incorporate ; stand or place side by side ,adv . side by side , equally , simultaneously ; (adv ). ( used to re

35、inforce a negative ) actually ,definitely ; (conj ). and , besides 如: 他并不知道并是太原城市的别称。39)屏(摒) bng ( hold ones breath ; reject 、get rid of );png ( screen、a set of vertically hung scrolls 、 shield sb. or sth. )如:他屏气凝神地看着电视屏幕上的惊险节目。又如:在玩捉迷藏时,那个小孩悄悄地躲在屏风后门,屏住呼吸,不敢出声。40)摒 bng get rid of ,brush aside , dis

36、miss ( 摒挡dng arrange, put in order , get ready ; 摒绝- get rid of , dismiss ,brush aside ; 摒弃-discard , reject , throw away , abandon )=屏bng reject , get rid of , abandon 如:要做到专心致志就要摒绝杂念也就是屏除杂念的意思。41)泊 b be at anchor、moor 、berth ; stay for a time , stop ;p ( 泺) lake 罗布泊 LOP NUR如:水泊梁山的英雄好汉们经常把船泊在码头。又如:

37、现在的罗布泊一片荒漠不能停泊船只也许以前能。42)三音 魄 b 落泊(=魄b)-( formal ).be in dire straits , down and out , untrammelled by convention , casual , unconventional ; p soul , vigour , spirit ; tu 落拓 (=魄p)=落托 =the same as 落泊如:他空有一身武艺和气魄,最终还是穷困潦倒,落泊(魄)街头,这个家终于因他落拓(魄、托)了。43)簸 b window with a fan ; fan (簸谷-window away the chaf

38、f , fan the chaff , 簸荡、簸动、簸箩luo 、簸扬 )、b 簸箕ji dustpan , winnowing fan , loop ( of a fingerprint ) 如:他用簸箕在簸谷。44)卜(蔔)bo 萝卜 radish ; b 卜卦- divine by the Eight Trigrams 、生死未卜- Tt is hard to tell whether the person is alive or not. 卜宅- choose a house ; a surname 如:卜先生,先吃根萝卜再卜卦。45)拆 c (dial). discharge ( f

39、aeces or urine ) ; shit or piss 拆烂污 (dial). do sloppy work ; scamp a job ; leave things in a mess; be irresponsible ; chi tear open ,take apart ; pull down, dismantle如: 那个工人在拆卸机器的过程中拆烂污,磨洋工。46)嚓 c (onom. ); ch 喀(ka)嚓、 啪嚓 如:那辆车嚓的一声紧急停住了,却不料喀嚓一下把路边的树枝也挂断了。47)采 ( 採) ci pick , pluck or gather ; mine , e

40、xtract; choose , select ; manner , air or spirit ( of a person ) ; =彩 ;ci (埰)采地 =采邑 fief , vassalage 如:古时在诸侯王的采地王府,主子采纳了一个建议决定采办年货。48)三音 参 cn join , enter , take part in; refer , consult ; call to pay ones respects to ; impeach an official before the emperor ; cn 参差(c )uneven ,not uniform ; 参差不齐;shn

41、 the twenty-first of the twenty-eight constellations (28 星宿 xi) into which the celestial sphere was divided in ancient Chinese astronomy ( consisting of seven stars in Orion ) 参商 liter . shen and shang ( two stars that never appear in the same sky ) two friends or relatives who are separated and can

42、 never meet again or who have become estranged and irreconcilable如:参商二星本来在天上就参差不齐老死不相往来,这种说法令人疑信参半。49)孱 cn 孱头- (dial). offens. weakling 、coward ; chn frail , weak ; 孱羸li ,孱弱 、孱琐、孱王如:面对日本对我钓鱼岛的侵犯,我们不能孱弱,决不做孱头。50)璨cn fine jade ; = 粲cn bright , beaming , smile beamingly如:她看到这块璨玉,粲然一笑。51)伧 (傖) cng rude

43、, rough 伧俗 vulgar ; chen (傖)= 寒碜=寒伧 (inf ). ugly , unsightly ; shabby , disgraceful ; ridicule , make fun of 如:旧社会在大上海的伧荒,这些盲流被富豪们视为寒伧之极啊。52)藏 cng hide , conceal ; store , lay by ; zng storing placing , depository ; Buddhist or Taoist scriptures ; 如:在西藏这个地区到处都有宝藏,就是不知藏在何处,同时它也是个藏龙卧虎之地。53)侧c side ,in

44、cline to one side ; zhi tilt , slant ; 侧棱(leng)、侧歪(wai)如:侧着身体睡就是侧棱着身体睡。(sleep on oens side) 54)曾 cng (adv .) indicating that an action once happened or a state once existed ; zng relationship between great-grandchildren and great-grandparents ; a surname如:她的曾孙女曾经到过曾母暗沙。55)三音 叉(扠) ch fork 、X-sign、cro

45、ss、work with a fork ; ch (dial.) block up 、jam ; ch part so as to form a fork如:他手里拿着叉子叉着腿站在门当中把路都叉住了。56)杈ch wooden fork 、hayfork 、pitchfork ; ch tree branch 如:他用树杈制作了一个杈子弹弓。57)四音 差 ch ( math.) difference 、dissimilarity; ( formal)only just 、barely ; ch differ from 、fall short of ; wrong ; be less tha

46、n 、be short of ; chi send on an errand、dispatch ;errand 、job ; c 参差 uneven ,not uniform如:普通话测试这差事差不多快结束了,但是学员们之间水平参差不齐差距很大,太差劲了啊。58)喳 ch whisper (sound) ; zh aye (formerly used by servants to indicate polite attentiveness ) 、(onom.) chirp 、chatter 如:将军命令后,士兵们喳的一声得令,随后有个参军附耳在将军耳边喳喳了两句。又如:喜鹊在树枝上尽情地喳喳叫

47、,并欢快地跳着喳喳舞。59)查 ch check ,examine; look into ,investigate; look up , consult; zh same as 楂 ;a surname如:查先生正在查账。60)楂 ch short, bristly hair or beard; stubble ; same as 茬 ch ; zh (樝)山楂=山查 shan zh Chinese hawthorn ; haw如:那位正在查问去山上摘山楂的查先生,他的胡子喳(楂、茬)儿长得非常有趣。61)衩 ch 裤衩 underpants ,undershorts; ch vent or slit in the sides of a garment如:这条裤衩的裆儿开衩了。62)刹 ch Buddhist temples or monatery ; 刹那(刹时)instant ; a split second sh put on the brakes ; stop, check 如:他驱车赶往刹ch 地利这座古刹,突然一个人横冲马路他紧急刹车刹时把车停住了。63)单(單)chn 单于 the title of the chie


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