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1、Unit 3 The Present UNIT 3 The Present 闽南理工学院英语系大外教研组 n“ 礼物”是一种载意的媒体。中国有句俗话, 叫“ 千里送鹅毛, 礼轻情意重” 。在人们的日常生活 交往中, “礼物” 经常作为一种中介, 用来传递一 份份浓浓的情和义。 n俗话说:blood is thicker than water. 血浓于水 n我们来欣赏以一位年迈母亲在自己八十岁生 日这一天满怀喜悦和希望的心情等待邮差送 来亲生女儿的生日祝贺礼物的故事 nAfter reading the text, please write T for true or F for false b

2、efore each statement. n1. The old lady got up early that day simply because she was in the habit of doing so. 2. The old lady had two daughters: Myra, the one she was proud of, and Enid, the one she loved. n3. In the past two years, Myra seldom came to see her mother, but she wrote to her quite ofte

3、n. n4. The old woman was quite sure that Myra would come to see her since eighty was a special birthday. n1.F 2.T 3. F 4.F nStyle and structure of the text: n1.Style: Narrative Writing n2. Six points of the narration: nSetting 背景-where and when the story takes place nCharacters人物-whoever takes part

4、in the story nPlot情节-all of the events that tell the story nClimax-高潮- the most intense part nEnding结局- end of the story nTheme主题-the central meaning n Structure of the story: n第一部分(Paras.1-7) nThe setting of the story-time, place, main character: The old lady, filled with expectation, got up early

5、on her birthday. n第二部分Paras.(8-19) nEvents: The old lady looked forward to something special from her daughter Myra. ( plot ) n第三部分Paras.(20-21) nThe ending of the story: The present from Myra turned out to be a printed card plus a check. The old lady tore the check into little bits. 1.It was the ol

6、d ladys birthday. 2. She got up early to be ready for the post. From the second floor flat she could see the postman when he came down the street, and the little boy from the ground floor brought up her letters on the rare occasions when anything came. Time : The old ladys birthday Place: On the sec

7、ond floor Language Points: 1.She got up early to be ready for the post. 1) be ready for sth: prepared and fit for use 【例句 】准备好上课了吗? Are you ready for class? 【搭配 】 be ready to do sth准备好做某事 . 2. the little boy from the ground floor brought up her letters on the rare occasions when anything came. 1) th

8、e ground floor: first floor一层,是典型的 英式用法,美国人用first floor。请看一些英 语与美语的区别: 英:ground floor 一层, first floor 二层,flat公 寓,cheque支票,film电影 美: first floor 一层, second floor 二层, apartment公寓,check支票,movie电影 2) rare: adj. unusual, uncommon, not often happening or seen 稀有的,罕见的,不寻 常的 n3) occasion: n.时候,场合 n【扩展 】occa

9、sional: 偶然的,偶尔的 n【 occasion常用搭配】 n有时 non occasions non (the) rare occasion(s) 很少有机会 n3. Today she was sure there would be Today she was sure there would be somethingsomething. Myra wouldnt forget her mothers birthday, even if she seldom wrote at other times.Of course Myra was busy. Her husband had b

10、een made Mayor, and Myra herself had got a medal for her work for the aged. n1) even if: in spite of the fact that, no matter whether 即使,纵然,尽管 n2) at other times: on other occasions平时 n Her husband had been made Mayor,. nmake: n1) cause sb/sth to be or become sth: n使(某人某事物)表现出某状况 n2) elect or choose

11、 sb as sth 挑选,任命, n【例句 】她任命他做她的助手。 nShe made him her assistant. n【搭配 】 n取笑 nmake fun of n办成功,做到 nmake it n利用 nmake use of Myra herself had got a medal for her work for the aged 1. What rhetorical device(修辞手法) did the author use? Irony.讽刺 2. What can we infer from this part? It is quite ironic (讽刺的)

12、that Myra did a lot for the old in the society while she was so thoughtless for her mother. 4. The old lady was proud of Myra, but Enid was the daughter she loved. Enid had never married, but had seemed content to live with her mother, and teach in a primary school round the corner. content: adj. ha

13、ppy and satisfied with what you have满足的,满意的 n1) be content to do sth: 愿意做某事 n2) be content with sth: 满足于 n你应该满足于你所拥有的。 nYou should be content with what you have. n5 . One evening, however, Enid said, “Ive arranged for Mrs. Morrison to look after you for a few days, Mother. Tomorrow I have to go into

14、 hospital just a minor operation. Ill soon be n home.”(I will be back soon) n arrange for sb/sth to do: make preparations for; 安排某人做某事 n【扩展 】 arrangement: 安排,布置 Tomorrow I have to go into hospital just a minor operation. nminor: adj. smaller; less important 较小的, 程度轻的,次要的 nminor problems 小问题 nminor c

15、hanges 小变动 n6. In the morning she went, but never came back she died on the operating table. Myra came to the funeral, and in her efficient way arranged for Mrs. Morrison to come in. nefficient: adj. able to work well; capable 有 效率的,效率高的 n【例句 】作为一个高效率的秘书,她从来不 会忘记任何事情。 nAs an efficient secretary, she

16、 never forgets anything. nefficient ; effective(有效的) n1. This is a very method. n2. Mary turned out to be an _secretary. n7. Two years ago that was, and since then Myra had been to see her mother three three timestimes, but her husband never.but her husband never. n8.The old lady was eighty today. S

17、he had put on her best dress. Perhaps perhaps Myra might come.After all, eighty was a special birthday, another decade lived or endured just as you chose to look at it. 1) after all: in spite of what has been said, done or expected 毕竟,终究 neighty was a special birthday, another decade lived or endure

18、d just as you chose to look at it. n Translate the sentence into Chinese. 毕竟80寿辰是个非同寻常的日子。你又活了 10年,或者是熬了10年。是活是熬就在于你 怎么看。 n9. Even if Myra did not come, she would send a present. The old lady was sure of that. Two spots of colour brightened her cheeks. She was excited like a child. She would enjoy h

19、er n day. n1) spot: 点,斑点 nShe was wearing a black skirt with white spots. n她穿着一条黑底白点的裙子。 nB) n. a particular area or place 地点,场所, n【搭配 】 on the spot: 当场,在现场 n作者在故事中对主人公的描写分两个方面, 一是外 部的客观描写: n1. she got up early for the post. L 2 n2. she had put on her best dress. L 21 n3. Two spots of colour brighte

20、ned her cheeks. nL 25 n内心描述: n1. Today she was sure there would be something. L 6 n2. Even if Myra did not come, she would send a present. The old lady was sure of that. L 24 n作者通过这些描述推动了情节的发展, 为后面铺 垫。 n10. Yesterday Mrs. Morrison had given the flat an extra clean,. nextra: adj. additional 额外的, 附加的,

21、外 加的 nextra 作为前缀一般在形容词和名词前如: nextraordinary , extralegal, extracurricular na bunch of marigolds when she came to do the breakfast, n a bunch of 一束, 一串 n a bunch of keys/grapes/bananas n常用的量词如下: packet: (一 )包,盒 piece:(一)片,条,快,支 pair:(一)双,对 12. Jim had always liked her in blue. nin: prep. wearing, 穿着,

22、戴着 n新娘通常穿白色衣服。 n Brides are usually dressed in white. 【 in表示穿戴的其他搭配】 n一个穿着蓝色牛仔裤的女孩 na girl in blue jeans n一个穿着校服的学生 na student in uniform 14. So many lovely things. What does this sentence mean? There were so many nice things the old woman wanted to have, but she would be very pleased to get any kin

23、d of birthday present from her daughter. n15. Three were unsealed cards from old friends. nseal v. close an envelope, etc. by sticking the edges of the opening together 封上(信封) nsealed :adj. 密封的 nunsealed : adj.未密封的 16.The old lady felt a pang of disappointment. 1)pang: a sudden, sharp, emotional pai

24、n 突然的剧痛 看完信后,她感到一阵阵悔恨。 After reading the letter, she felt a pang of regret. 2)disappointment: being disappointed失望,沮丧 使我们大失所望的是,野餐那天下起雨来。 To our great disappointment,it rained on the day of our picnic. disappoint: v. fail to fulfill the hope of (a person)使失望 努力工作,不要让你父母失望 Work hard. Dont disappoint

25、your parents. The old lady felt a pang of disappointment. 17.What does this sentence imply? Immediately she felt very disappointed and her heart began to ache sharply. 18.What her neighbors did for the old ladys 80th birthday? nMrs. Morrison , Mrs. Grant , Johnnie nMrs. Morrison- nMrs. Morrison had

26、given the flat an extra clean yesterday. Today she had brought a card and a bunch of marigolds. nMrs. Grant- nMrs. Grant downstairs had made a cake and in the afternoon she was going down there to tea. nJohnnie- The little boy had been up with a packet of mints and said he wouldnt go out to play unt

27、il the post had come. n19. Almost reluctantly she tore the envelope open. nreluctantly :adv. unwillingly不情愿地,勉强 地 n我们勉强答应跟她一起去。 nWe reluctantly agreed to go with her. n【扩展】 nreluctant: adj. unwilling 不情愿的,勉强的 ntear(tore, torn)v. 戳破,撕碎 n20.tremble : to shake slightly 颤抖;轻轻摇 晃 ntrembling adj. 发抖的 Summ

28、arySummary of the text:of the text: According to the following pictures to According to the following pictures to retell the story for us.retell the story for us. nFinish the blanks: nIt was the old ladys birthday. She got up early (静心等候邮件)_ nShe (肯定) _ her daughter would not forgot her mothers birt

29、hday, (尽 管她在别的时候很少写信)_ (不管怎么说,八十大寿非同一般 )_ However, her daughter sent her a check instead of a gift. She was so disappointed that (她用颤抖的 手把支票撕了个粉碎)_ n . nKeys: nbe ready for the post nwas sure that neven if she seldom wrote at other times nAfter all, eighty was a special birthday. n she tore it into

30、little bits with trembling fingers. nThe theme of this text n1. blood is thicker than water. n血浓于水 n2.Our relatives are more important to us than others. 我们的亲人比别人对我们更重 要。 nUseful Expressions: n血浓于水 nblood is thicker than water n做出更大努力 nmake an even bigger effort n难得/偶尔/很少 non rare occasions n由于而获奖章

31、nget a medal for n n感到一阵失望的痛楚 nfeel a pang of disappointment n撕开信封 ntear the envelope open n像只断了翅膀的小鸟 nlike a bird with a broken wing n用颤抖的手指 nwith trembling fingers n撕成碎片 ntearinto little bits nStudy & practice: nIIIVocabulary Activities n1. 1) present 2)decade 3)content 4)arrange5)minor 6)efficien

32、t n 7) endure 8)extra 9) reluctantly 10)tremble n2. n1)bunch 2) packet/pack 3)piece 4) pair n 5)piece 6)bunch 7) pair 8)piece 9)bunch 10)packet 11)pair 12)piece n3. 1) at other times 2)After all n 3) efficient 4) endure n 5)extra, extra n6) round the corner n7) occasions 8) minor 9)arranged n10) pri

33、mary 11)rare 12) trembling n13) reluctantly 14) disappointment n1) can endure n2) on the occasion of n3) to pick it up n4) are not sure of n5) felt a pang of disappointment n6) Not being content n/ As he was not content nIV. Enriching your word power n1.有些常用名词放在-man 一词前面可以构 成合成名词,表示职业。 n1)milkman 2)

34、fireman n3)fisherman 4)businessman 5)policeman 6)spaceman n 7) weatherman 8)sportsman n2.后缀-en加在一些形容词后面可以构成动 词,表示使变成,变得 n1)broadens 河流变宽 n 2)widened 兴趣变广 n 3)quicken 加快脚步 n4)darkened 天空变暗 n5) sharpening 磨刀 n6)shortens 缩短 n3.excite v. 使兴奋 n excitement n. 欣喜,兴奋 n excited adj. 激动不已的, n exciting adj. 令人

35、激动的 nA. excitement, nB. excited, nC. exciting, nD. excitedly, nE. excited, nF. excited n2) disappoint v. 使失望 n disappointment n. 失望 ndisappointed adj. 失望的 ndisappointing adj. 令人失望的 nA disappointed, nB disappointing, nC disappointed, nD disappointment, nE disappointed n3) patience n. 耐心 n patient adj

36、. 有耐心的 n patiently adv. 耐心地 nA patience, nB patient, nC patiently, nD patience n4) reluctance n. 不情愿 n reluctant adj. 不情愿的 n reluctantly adv. 勉强地,不情愿地 nA reluctant, nB reluctance, nC reluctantly, nD reluctant n5) efficiency n. 效率 n efficient adj. 效率高的 n efficiently adv. 效率高地 nA efficiency, nB effici

37、ent, nC efficiently, nD efficient nV. Usage-content n./v./adj. n The following points about the word content are worthy ofare worthy of note: n a. It can be used in the plural form. You can say contents, but not a content, e.g. n例如:I watched Grandpa pouring out the contents of the bag. n(The content

38、s of something such as a box are the thing inside it.) nEdward told me that he did not know the contents of his aunts will. nb. It can be used as an uncountable noun, e.g. nDid you agree with the content of the speech? n(The content of something such as a speech, piece of writhing, or TV program is

39、the information it gives, or the idea or opinions expressed in it.) nc. It can be used as an adjective. nIf you say you are content to do something, you mean you are willing to do it, have it, or accept it, e.g. nEnid had never married, but had seemed content to live with her mother, and teach in a

40、primary school round the corner. nIf you say you are content, you mean you are happy and satisfied, e.g. nNot for years had she felt more content. nBut content is not used with this meaning in front of a noun. nYou can also use contented to say that someone is happy and satisfied. Contented can be u

41、sed as an attribute(定语) in front of a noun or after a verb, but content cannot,e.g. nThe old couple led a happy and contended life. nFor ten years they lived like this and were perfectly contented. nd. it can be used as a verb, e.g. n(By saying you content yourself with doing something, you mean you

42、 are satisfied with it and do not try to do other things.) nHelen didnt take part in the discussion, but contented herself with smoking cigarettes. n海伦没有参加讨论,很舒服地吸着烟。 ne. when used as a noun, content is pronounced /kntent/ . nWhen used as an adjective or verb, it is pronounced /kntent/ n总结: Content

43、- n. n 作可数名词。可以用作复数,即 contents, 但不能说 a content。 n可以指书包里,盒子里,抽屉里等的东西, 物品, n也可以指书信,报告,录音带或以文字形式 记录下来的内容。 n 用作不可数名词。 表示演讲,书面作品 ,电视节目等传递的信息,意见和看法。 n content adj. 用作形容词, 在句中只能作 表语,意思是满足的,满意的,甘愿的 n be content to do sth. 愿意做某事 n be content with sth. 对知足 n contended adj. 可以放在名词前面作定 语,也可以在句中作表语。意思是满足的, 满意的,甘

44、愿的 n content v.用作动词 ncontent oneself with doing sth.做很满 足 n content 作名词时,/kntent/ n作形容词和动词发音为,/kntent/ n1. contents n2.content n3.content/ contented n4.content n5. contented n6. content n7. content n8. content nVI. Structure nModel 1. nSothat与tooto 意义相同,两者都表 示程度,即太.以至于不. n汤姆太小,理解不了这么复杂的问题。 nTom is s

45、o young that he cannot understand such a complicated problem. nTom is too young to understand such a complicated problem. n1) The bottle is too small to hold so much water. n2) He was too tired to go any further. n3)He is too proud to see his own shortcomings. n4)Its too late for the bookstore to be

46、 open. ntoo.to句式中,如果too后接形容词ready时 ,无否定的意思 。 neg. He is too ready to talk. n他爱说话 tooto 前面用否定词时,表示肯定 eg. It is never too late to learn. n活到老学到老 only too.to 表示肯定,其中too后的形容词 多是表示心情的,如glad,pleased,willing等,也 有描绘性的形容词,如good,kind,true等 eg. I am only too glad to talk with you. n很高兴和你谈话 nModel 2 nNot until

47、表示直到才, n餐馆十点钟才开门。 nThe restaurant doesnt open until 10. n他要等到邮件来了以后再出去玩 n5) They did not stop working until it became completely dark. n6)He did not come until the meeting was over. n7)He said he would not get married until he had found a satisfactory job. n8)He did not go to bed until he had finish

48、ed his reading assignment. nVII. Cloze n 1. occasion endured rare n postman trembled After all at other times disappointment n2.A necessary and with The n of in growing if n one through when continue nB. gift / present any/those could sing sent cost birthday bird replied nVIII. Spot Dictation nS1 journey s2 shocked s3 funeral n s4 While there s5 conversations ns6 thoughts S7pro


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