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1、Book4 Module 3单元测试题(外研版) Class: Name: Marks: 满分(120)一、单项填空 (共15小题; 每小题1分, 满分15分)1. Tonights show is a fantastic one that you shouldnt miss. , but I have to work overtime at my office. A. It doesnt matterB. I wish I couldC. Never mind D. Im working on it 2. Small boats can easily turn over in the riv

2、er they are not managed carefully. A. though B. untilC. ifD. before3. Please do me a favor my uncle John to the party this Thursday.A. to inviteB. invitingC. inviteD. invited4. The sudden fire caused a in the cinema, and the crowd all ran away in all directions. A. riskB. panicC. surveyD. surprise5.

3、 Excuse me, Im new here. May I ask you a favor? Sure, . A. its a dealB. just let it beC. take careD. go ahead6. Marys laughter seemed to be , and soon all her team began to cheer up. A. generousB. nervous C. ridiculousD. infectious7. The tourists in the zoo are all busy pictures of the lovely pandas

4、. A. to takeB. takingC. to takingD. being taken8. Professor William is by far kindest man and half population of the city knows him.A. the; theB. a; theC. /; a D. a; a 9. You mustnt the whole story. Keep this as a total secret between you and me. A. give offB. give upC. give inD. give away10. By the

5、 shop window, there are several sofas people may have a rest when they finish shopping.A. whichB. whereC. from whichD. by which11. The school survey showed that the students attitudes to how to deal with difficulties in life widely. A. fellB. variedC. expandedD. spread12. I could feel my heart beati

6、ng quickly I went on stage to give a lecture. A. a long timeB. the first timeC. by a time D. in no time 13. It is such good weather, and I suggest you get in a sport you like and enjoy yourself.A. burnedB. startedC. caughtD. involved 14. thirsty I am, I never seem to be able to finish the large bott

7、le of Cola placed before me.A. WhateverB. Whenever C. WhereverD. However15. I had to tell you that you do well in every subject, you wont be elected the monitor. A. unlessB. if C. becauseD. when二、完形填空 (共20小题; 每小题1分, 满分20分)It was a beautiful day. The weather was perfect for a picnic, so when lunch ti

8、me came, we set our sights on a small 16 in town. We decided to 17 up by the pond near the entrance.Then my friend Robby 18 for a hot dog stand (摊), and I decided to keep her company (陪伴). We 19 the man put together the perfect hot dog just the way Robby wanted it. 20 when she took out her money to

9、pay him, the man 21 us. He said, “This is my freebie (免费赠品) of the day.” We thanked him and 22 our friends in the park. On our way back, I was 23 by a man sitting alone nearby, 24 at us. I could tell by his appearance that he hadnt 25 for days. Another homeless person, I thought.But when Robby and I

10、 went to the garbage can to 26 away our lunch bag, I heard a 27 voice ask, “There isnt any 28 in the bag, is there?” It was the man who had been watching us. “No, I 29 it already.” “Oh” was his only answer, with 30 in his voice. He was obviously 31 . Suddenly Robby said, “Ill be right back. Please w

11、ait for a minute,” and ran off. I watched with 32 as she went across to the hot dog stand. Then I 33 what she was doing. She bought a hot dog and gave it to the man.“I was just passing on the 34 that someone gave to me,” Robby said. That day I learned how generosity can go 35 than the person you giv

12、e to. By giving, you also teach others how to give. 16. A. parkB. yardC. gardenD. beach17. A. showB. meetC. dressD. pick18. A. sought B. searchedC. lookedD. headed19. A. watchedB. helpedC. orderedD. made20. A. SoB. And C. ButD. Thus21. A. frightened B. amusedC. surprisedD. interested22. A. remindedB

13、. invited C. calledD. joined 23. A. attractedB. pulledC. attackedD. injured 24. A. waving B. staringC. laughingD. smiling25. A. drunk B. workedC. exercised D. showered26. A. throwB. putC. getD. take27. A. seriousB. lowC. sweet D. strong28. A. trashB. paperC. foodD. bottles29. A. soldB. fellC. ateD.

14、bought30. A. doubtB. shameC. pleasureD. disappointment31. A. hungryB. angryC. calmD. nervous 32. A. admirationB. curiosityC. excitementD. concern33. A. recognizedB. believedC. imaginedD. realized34. A. kindnessB. friendshipC. peaceD. respect35. A. wider B. furtherC. deeperD. higher 三、阅读理解 (共20小题; 每小

15、题2分, 满分40分)ABody language is the quiet, secret and most powerful language of all! It is said that our body movements communicate about 50 percent of what we really mean while words only express 7 percent. So, while your mouth is closed, your body is just saying.Arms. How you hold your arms shows how

16、 open and receptive you are to people you meet. If you keep your arms to the sides of your body or behind your back, this suggests you are not afraid of taking on whatever comes your way. Outgoing people generally use their arms with big movements, while quieter people keep them close to their bodie

17、s. If someone upsets you, just cross your arms to show youre unhappy!Head. When you want to appear confident, keep your head level. If you are a monitor in class, you can also take on this position when you want your words to be taken seriously. However, to be friendly in listening or speaking, you

18、must move your head a little. Legs. Your legs tend to move around a lot more than normal when you are nervous or telling lies. If you are at interviews, try to keep them still!Posture (姿势). A good posture makes you feel better about yourself. If you are feeling down, you normally dont sit straight,

19、with your shoulders inwards. This makes breathing more difficult, which can make you feel nervous or uncomfortable.Mouth. When you are thinking, you often purse your lips. You might also use this position to hold back an angry comment you dont wish to show. However, it will probably still be noticed

20、, and people will know youre not pleased.Face. When you lie, you might put on a falseface. But that expression would crack briefly, allowing displays of true emotions such as happiness, sadness, disgust (厌恶) and fear to come through.36. When someone is keeping his arms behind his back, he tries to t

21、ell you that .A. he is outgoingB. he is angryC. he is not afraidD. he is cool37. If you want to appear confident, you should .A. move your arms a lotB. keep your head level C. move your head a littleD. cross your arms 38. Which of the following movements tells someone is nervous?A. Moving around a l

22、ot more than normal.B. Not sitting straight with the shoulders inwards. C. Having the lips pursed to hold back an angry comment.D. Keeping the arms to the sides of the body. 39. What can we infer from the passage?A. Different people in different countries must have the same understanding of the same

23、 body movement.B. Body language can express more meanings than words do in communication.C. We cannot communicate with others without words. D. Its not polite to use body language in formal communication.40. Which of the following can be the best title of the passage?A. Body language, the most commo

24、nly used languageB. Arms tell more than legsC. Facial expressions tell the truthD. One simple movement lets slip secrets of mindBGaochun County, a picturesque county in east Chinas Jiangsu Province, was expected to be named the first “slow city” in China in November this year.The arrival of Pier Gio

25、rgio Oliveti, chairman of the World Slow City Union, raised the idea of a slow city, which has become popular all over the world. In Shanghai, Oliveti said that the slow city movement was founded in his hometown of Italy in October of 1999. “Italy is the birthplace of slow food, which emphasizes nut

26、rition, flavor and taste,” he said.Oliveti said the idea of a slow city has also expanded constantly during its development, which has led to some special requirements today. For instance, the slow city always emphasizes a small town and its residents, keeps a unique identity, characteristics and ke

27、eps the natural state of the town. It adopts technology without losing traditional customs and offers to provide a clean environment, a fair deal and healthy food for all. In addition, the slow city has to be eco-friendly with a population of no more than 50,000, and it must be deeply devoted to pro

28、tecting and keeping the purity of the natural environment as well as greatly promoting and carrying out sustainable (可持续的) development technologies. The ecological tour of Gaochun County includes an area of about 49 square kilometers with around 20,000 residents. It has a lot of tea, bamboo fruits,

29、herbs (草本植物) and other green food ecological bases as well as rich folk culture resources.There are now 135 slow cities in 24 countries across the world that have been named since the founding of the organization in 1999.41. To qualify to be called a slow city, a city must . a. have less and low-spe

30、ed traffic b. be environmentally friendly c. keep the natural state of the town d. stop the traditional ways of doing things e. have a population within 50, 000 A. a, b and d.B. a, b and c.C. b, c and e.D. c, d and e. 42. We can conclude that slow city movement aims to . A. protect the environment o

31、f local schools B. control the population of big cities C. give people more time to travelD. improve quality of life 43. Which of the following is NOT true about the slow city movement? A. The slow city movement was started in Italy. B. “Slow city” is a movement to eat slowly in Italian cities. C. T

32、he slow city movement has a long history of over 20 years. D. Only some cities can be considered slow ones. 44. The slow city movement implies that . A. people wish to live a traditional lifeB. people begin to think about the negative effects of city development C. people are tired of living in urba

33、n areas due to great pressureD. people need to try a new adventurous style of life 45. Which of the following is probably the best title of the passage? A. The first slow city in China B. Slow cities in the world C. Slow cities and the slow city movementD. How can we make our city a slow city? CAn e

34、vergreen tree is a Christmas tradition in many American homes. The tree is usually a pine or fir dressed with lights and other colorful decorations.Families might buy a cut tree or go to a tree farm and cut one down themselves. Some people bring a live tree in a pot into their home for the holidays

35、and then put it back outdoors. Some people rent a Christmas tree. Companies might bring the same live tree to the same family year after year. Or the tree might get planted in a park or someplace else where it could help the environment.There are some trees that can be reused year after year because

36、 they are made of plastic or metal. Or, instead of a tree, some people have a small, sweet-smelling rosemary (迷迭香) plant, cut to look like a little Christmas tree.Another plant that many people connect with Christmas is the poinsettia (一品红). Poinsettias are native to Mexico. They can be white or pin

37、k, but most are bright red. They are named after the first American ambassador to Mexico. Joel Poinsett liked them enough to send some back to the United States. Babies or pets that chew on poinsettias might get sick. But experts say the plant is not as poisonous as some people think.Like millions o

38、f other houses, the home of Americas first president is decorated for Christmas. George Washingtons Mount Vernon Estate is in Virginia. Visitors can hear stories about what Christmas was like at Mount Vernon in the eighteenth century. The museum where visitors begin their tour is decorated with Chri

39、stmas trees.46. What is the text mainly about?A. The customs of Christmas in America.B. The decoration of Christmas trees. C. The tradition of Christmas trees in America. D. The history of Christmas in America.47. It can be inferred from the passage that .A. Americans are not allowed to cut a tree f

40、or ChristmasB. Americans have various ways to get a Christmas treeC. a Christmas tree must be planted after it is usedD. every family will change their Christmas trees every year 48. People plant their Christmas trees somewhere after Christmas to .A. use it again next year B. save money on Christmas

41、 treesC. help protect the environment D. hope for the best in the coming year 49. Joel Poinsett sent some poinsettias back to the United States because .A. he wanted to give his people another kind of Christmas treesB. he wanted his people to remember himC. he wanted to plant them in his home D. he

42、was very fond of them 50. Which of the following is TRUE about poinsettias?A. American people like them. B. They are considered to be very poisonous by experts. C. They are not widely used as Christmas trees. D. They can only make the old and pets sick. D If I left the decisions up to my daughter, s

43、hed never play competitive sports. In her first season of forced sports, when she was four years old, she cried every time she kicked the soccer ball. She stopped on the way from the parking lot to the soccer field, wailing that her legs hurt. And worse, she cried, “Im sweating!”A few years have pas

44、sed, and she just completed her fourth soccer season. Shes starting her second year of softball. Sports trophies (奖杯) line her window platform. I learned from the years of football, soccer and baseball in my sons youth that kids need to experience being on a team, and they might not beg you to sign

45、them up. You might have to force it on them. They need to learn about sacrificing, and about commitment. If you read parenting articles out there, youll find plenty of folks who shy away from competitive sports because they want their kid to always feel like a winner. I dont know what kind of idylli

46、c (田园的) life these parents must be leading, but in my world, Im thinking I need to sign my kids up for something that will teach them about lifes devastating disappointments. Hence, I think my daughter picked up some good life lessons when her team lost almost every game in the last season. Sometime

47、s life is like that. Sometimes you get a bad call, the people on your team suck, youre tired and dont feel like playing, the coach is mean to you, someone scratches your face and steals the ball. And the next week, you put on your uniform, and try your best.51. What attitude does the author have towards compet


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