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1、Book 9_U1_资源库_教学设计牛津高中英语教学设计单元:Unit 1 Other countries, other cultures板块:Reading 1Thoughts on the design: 本节课是本单元的重点,阅读部分。这一部分主要考察的是学生的阅读能力,而且在内容上也是整个单元的中心部分。通过对加拿大的基本情况的描述灌输给学生加拿大的文化、地域、城市、特色等方面的知识,正呼应了这一单元的主旨:Other countries, other cultures。这节课的设计中,除了培养学生对英语的阅读能力,还在听和说两方面着手,以这篇文章内容为题材,从听、读、说和文化知识渗透

2、4个方面培养学生多方面的能力,把学生的各个感官都调动起来,并且激发他们思考和组织语言的能力。Teaching aims: After the reading comprehension, the students will be able to develop their reading skills;After the listening comprehension, the students will be able to develop their listening skills;After learning the information about Canada, the stud

3、ents will be able to know more about the culture, major cities, tourist attractions and other things in Canada, thus developing their interest in foreign cultures;After the discussion, the students will be able to develop their speaking skills, especially the ability to organize sentences.Teaching p

4、rocedures: Step 1 Lead-inShow a map of Canada to the studentsWhat is this country?Can you remember the information we mentioned about Canada yesterday?The RCMP. Maple. BeaverDo you have something more to add? What is the capital city of Canada? OttawaWhat is largest city of Canada? TorontoWhat are t

5、he official languages that are used in Canada? English and FrenchCan you name some famous people from Canada? Shania Twain (a famous singer); Sir John A MacdonaldExplanation 这一步骤是为了活跃课堂气氛,激发学生的兴趣。首先给出加拿大的地图,让学生认出今天的主题加拿大。然后让学生回忆昨天课上讲到的加拿大的特色,把这节课的内容和上节课的内容做了个串接,使课与课之间有个合理的过渡。然后让学生开动脑筋,运用平时知识的积累去想出更多

6、关于加拿大的信息。在让学生提供更多关于加拿大信息这一部分,可以先让学生自由发言,如果学生不知道该怎么回答,可以通过以上的这些问题去进行引导。Step 2 Reading ComprehensionNow lets go to the reading part of Unit 2 Canada-land of the maple tree.Explanation 这里可以给出很多枫树、枫叶的图片,正好和文章的题目相契合。1. Read paragraph 12 to fill in the table belowCategory Description LocationThe Arctic is

7、 to the north, the USA is to the south, the Atlantic Ocean is to the east and the Pacific to the west. Sizesecond largest country in the world Geography frozen wastes; vast mountain ranges; enormous open plains; countless rivers; endless forests Outdoor Activities Walk, sail, cross-country ski 2. Re

8、ad paragraph 37, compare the differences between the cities mentioned and fill in the following table.Major citiesTorontothe largest city in Canada; most multicultural; famous for the CN Tower Montreal second largest in Canada; second largest French-speaking city in the world; wonderful mix of Old W

9、orld and New World architecture and cultureVancouversmaller in size but equally famous; has the biggest Chinese population in Canada; close to the ski resortsEdmontona city in the province of Alberta; home to the west Edmonton Mall, the largest pedestrian mall in the world3. Let the students do part

10、 C2 on page 41) Montreal2) Montreal3) Toronto 4) Vancouver5) Edmonton6) TorontoExplanation 这5段内容介绍了加拿大的四个重要城市,把他们放到一起让学生阅读并进行比较。之后紧接着让学生完成第4页的关于这4个城市的选择练习,加深他们对四个城市的了解。Step 3 Listening ComprehensionListen to the tape for the information in paragraph 8, 9, 10 and 11. Answer the following questions.1.

11、 How wide is the Niagara Falls? 670 metres wide.2. What is Canadas national symbol? The maple leaf.Explanation 这一段内容比较简单,所以可以和听力的训练放在一起进行。让学生不要看课文,通过自己听到的内容回答几个与所听内容有关的问题,既能使学生了解要学习的文章的内容,又能提高听的能力。Explanation (Step 23)在对课文内容的处理上,这节课没有像平时一样先让学生通读全文然后回答问题。而是根据文章内容的层次性把文章分成3个部分进行处理。第一部分是1、2两段,是对加拿大的地理位

12、置、地形等基本信息的概述。这里用了让学生阅读然后填表的方式。第二部分为37段,是关于加拿大几个大城市的基本信息,处理手段和第一部分一样,先让学生阅读关于几个大城市的信息,然后通过填表的方式对其进行比较,再通过做课后Part C2 进行巩固。第三部分为剩余的4段,没有用阅读的手段让学生学习,而是采取了听磁带回答问题的形式,既使得课堂教学运用手段多样化,又把学生的各项感官充分地调动起来。Step 4 ConsolidationRead the text for a second time and finish Part E on Page 5 to consolidate what you hav

13、e learned about Canada in the text.1settlement2hunters3westwards4malls5freezing6photographer7recreationExplanation 因为之前的步骤2、3都是把文章分开来进行处理,缺乏了整体的把握,所以此处要求学生从整体上再阅读一遍文章,完成练习,从而使学生对文章有一个更深刻的认识。并通过填写该篇对文章做了一个归纳总结。Step 5 DiscussionIf you are to visit Canada, which city or place do you want to visit first, why?Explanation 通过一个让学生感兴趣的问题,让学生运用这节课中学到的知识和平时知识的积累,不仅对今天上的课得以进一步巩固,还锻炼了学生的说英语的能力。Step 6 HomeworkFinish the reading comprehension on Page 106107.第 3 页 共 3 页 2019-3-8


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