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1、M12U2教学设计Reading and learning 1. Ask the Ss to read the passage quickly, and choose the best answer. Find out the titles with every paragraph (Activity 3). 2. Ask the Ss to listen and read the passage carefully, teach Ss some ways about how to read. For example: paragraph 1.(See OHP) 3. For paragrap

2、hs 2, 3, 4 and 5, ask the Ss to tell the sentences T or F. (Have a competition)1. (Books open!) Skim the passage and choose the best answer- the main idea of the passage. Find out the titles with every paragraph (Activity 3). Then check the answers. 2.Have a competition among the groups. Ss listen t

3、o the tape and read the paragraph 1 first. Finish answering the 4 questions and a map at the same time. 3.Tell the sentences T or F for paragraphs 2, 3, 4 and 5,. (If it is wrong, they must correct it. And find what the true answer is.) (Show the sentences on the OHP) Eg: You learn about English cul

4、ture and improve your English in an English summer course. ( F ) -American. 快速阅读能培养学生快速找到关键词,抓住主要内容的能力, 又能学会通过上下文来猜测新词的意思,培养理解能力。为仔细阅读做好准备。这一任务,学生可以是独自思考,也可以是小组合作,形式比较灵活;比较提问式的问题,对错要简单得多,学生一直以来都比较感兴趣;另外,在句子的设计上,基本是按课文的顺序来理出,学生的目标更加明确,阅读难度降低,使大多数学生都能找到正确答案,激发学习兴趣;再者,以大组为单位的竞赛形式(举手速度快,回答、订正正确的给一颗星,课后加

5、入个人的综合分中。)使学生更加积极,兴奋,形成课堂的一个高潮部分。经过这个环节,使学生很好地完成其中一个学习目标-理解课文。同时也非常灵活地将活动3、4在理解课文时解决了。Step 4 Practice 1. Do you want to LA? If you want to attend a summer course in Los Angeles, please fill in an application form. Ask the Ss to finish Activity 5. 2. Show some photos of Jiaxing. Let Ss make a list fo

6、r a course for foreign students learning Chinese in Jiaxing. Then help the Ss arrange their lists on the blackboard. 1. Ss imagine theyre planning to attend a summer course in Los Angeles and fill in a form. Then share their plans each other. 2. Ss make a list for a course for foreign students learn

7、ing Chinese in Jiaxing in pairs or groups. Then say out their plan (have a competition).进一步培养学生的学习兴趣,快乐学习,分享成果,以达到学习目的- “学以致用”,为下一步的写作打下了基础,降低了难度(写作时无内容)。学会如何介绍中国的语言,对外宣传中国文化,培养和增强民族意识和民族自豪感。Step 5 Writing Ask the Ss to write about a course for foreign students learning Chinese in Jiaxing according

8、to the passage or by themselves. Ss write a passage about a course for foreign students learning Chinese in Jiaxing.(four in groups)如果有的学生不太会写,可以让他在学过的文章中找出合适的句子进行仿写,让他有话可说,有事可做,乐于合作分享,以缩小两极分化。这样就有利于他们更好的运用课本知识,达到提高综合运用语言能力的目的。Step 6 Homework 1. Read the passage more fluently. 2. Do Exx 4, 5 on P101. 3. Search and find out a passage about how to learn English in the USA.4.Write a short passage about a course for foreign students learning Chinese in Jiaxing.(80100words) 要多阅读课文,培养学生的语感和节奏,联系学生生活实际,引导学生关注生活环境, 在用中学。借助网络和书籍,了解中英/美传统生活的特点和差异(事后打印张贴让学生进行分享),培养自学能力。对于第4个练习,基础较差的学生字数在80左右(分层作业)。


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