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1、课 时 计 划教学内容Unit 2 Are they yours?课的类型Reading and writing教学目标:(知识与能力、过程与方法、情感态度与价值观)To understand the reading material about the Lost and Found Office in New York CityTo learn to write lost and found notesBottom-up approachMake them ready to help others who are in trouble教学重点与难点:Hundreds of people co

2、me here They are looking for 教学准备:Multi-Media.教学设计:教学内容及师生互动设计意图时间StepOne1.LeadinPlayaguessinggameusingthefollowingsentences:“IstheToms/hers/his?”“Whose.isthis?”2Makedialogues.AskthestudentstomakedialogueswithpartnersStepTwo1. Complete the sentences with the correct words and expression from the box

3、 2. showstudentssomepicturesoftheLostandFoundOfficesinNewYorkcity,checkorteachthenewwords.Watchpicturestosayoutsomenewwords.StepThree While-reading1.ScanningAskstudentstoscanthepassageandanswerthequestion:“WhatthingsarethereatthelostandfoundofficeinNewYorkCity?”2.SkimmingAskstudentstoskimthepassage.

4、3.Retell.StepFour Post-readingLetthestudentsfillintheblanksaccordingtothepassage.(Activity3) CallbacktheanswersfromtwostudentsthenreadtheshortpassageinthewholeclasStepFiveGetthestudentstosumupthelanguagepoints.StepSixHome-work写一篇寻物启事或写一篇招领启事1.通过这个环节,既活跃课堂气氛,.也能从说句子中考验学生对Unit1知识的掌握程度.2.学生谈论图片,训练学生描述物

5、品的能力。在描述的同时学习新单词和句型.3.通过快速阅读,培养学生获取主旨的能力。并进一步理解文章的内容.4.复述课文能使学生加深对课文内容的理解5.引导学生对这节课的总结培养学生自主学习习惯,5520105课堂小结:1、 camera,phone,mobilephone,lostandfoundoffice,inahurry,leave,plane,taxi,why,airport,hundredsof,lookfor,thousand,strange,boat,duck.2 . look for与findother, the other ,othrs和another板书设计: Unit2A

6、retheyyours? inahurry hundredsof etonget offleavesomethingsomewhere lookfor lostandfoundoffice教学反思:Students can master the new words and phrases and they can write something about the lost and found.学 案 设 计知识梳理知识准备1camera,phone,mobilephone,lostandfoundoffice,inahurry,leave,plane,taxi,why,airport,hun

7、dredsof,lookfor,thousand,strange,boat,duck.2、 They are looking for their phones, cameras, watches, computers and many other things. 他们正在寻找他们的手机、相机、手表、电脑和许多其他的东西。 3 look for与find 的区别:look for 寻找,强调动作;find找到,强调结果。eg: She is looking for her lost child. 她正在寻找她丢失的孩子。I cant find my dog. 我没找到我的狗。4 other 形容

8、词,其他的。常修饰可数名词复数。other, the other ,others和another区别 本课时知识点Key vocabulary:in a hurry 匆匆忙忙地 hundreds of 数百,成百上千的 look for 寻找 lost and found office 失物招领处Key structures They are looking for Whosere they? Hundreds nof people come here课内训练 1. Are they _ home soon? Yes, they are.A. leave B.leaving C. leavei

9、ng D.leaves 2. My English is so poor, please help _ to improve(提升) it. A. me B. I C. my D. mine 3. _ visiters come to Beijing during May Day holiday every year. A. Thousands of B. Two thousands C. Thousand of D. Thousand 4. Is the yellow pen _? -No, its _. A. hers, his B.her, mine C. hers, my D. her

10、, his 5. He _ his pen in the pencil-box, but he cant _ it.A. look for, find B.looks for, findC. looks for, finds D. finds, look for 6. Can you help me _ some cleaning? A. do B. does C. in D. for 7. Do you eat _fruit and vegetables every day? Yes, I like them_. A. a lot, a lot of B. a lot of, a lot C

11、. a lot of, a lot of D. a lot, a lot 8. Which language does she _? A. tell B. speak D. say 9. My grandma enjoys _ the newspaper. B. reading C. to read D. reads 10. I want to buy _ oranges. A. three kilos of B. three kilo of C. three kilo D. three kilos 11. -Do you want _cake? Thank you

12、, but I am full(饱的). A. other B.others C.another D.the other课后训练基础训练根据首字母或汉字完成单词。1. We take photos with c_.2. He left home in a h_. 3. H_ of people visit our school every year. 4. Tom doesnt like _(香肠). 5. Mr Green _(遗忘) his umbrella on the bus. 6. Its very far, youd better take a _(出租车). 7. We foun

13、d three _(鸭子) at the Lost and Found Office. 8. There are many _(奇怪的)things in the Lost and Found Office. 9. Can I use your m_ phone? _Of course, here you are.综合训练完成句子。 1. 不要把你的钥匙落在家里。Dont _ your keys _ _.2. 那就是为什么他总是上学迟到的原因。_ _she is always late for school.3. 现在,许多人正在睡觉。_ _ _,many people are sleepin

14、g.4. 桌上有一本书和两个笔记本。_ _ a book, two notebooks5. 山上有好几千只绵羊。There are _ _sheep on the hill.拓展提升1-这是谁的手套?是你的吗? -不,不是我的。是他的。-_ are these? Are they _? -No, they are not _. They are _.2. 这个钱包不是她的,它是你的吗?This wallet isnt _. Is it _?3 从今以后你就是一名老师了。You are a teacher _.4. 他匆匆忙忙地走向公共汽车站。He goes to the bus stop _.5 晚上我们能在天空看到成千上万的星星。We can see _ stars in the sky at night.- 7 -


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