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1、云南省富源县第六中学Unit 5 Canada“The True North” 测试题第一部分:词汇知识运用(共两节,满分30分)第一节:多项选择(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)来源:学#科#网从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 21Our city is _ by trees, which looks very beautiful.AdividedBsurroundedCcoveredDmeasured22The government should take _ to help the laid-off workers to find new jobs.Astep

2、BmeasuresCmeansDmeasurement23I prefer to go to the theater rather than _ at home.Ato stayBstayingCstayedDstay24Jim _ his headteacher while he was in the street the day before yesterday, but he didnt say hello to him.Apaid attention toBmade a betCmanage to seeDcaught sight of25The car you bought last

3、 month looks beautiful _, but when I get close, its rather awful.Ain a timeBin the distanceCat a distanceDat the time26It is an old _ for Chinese to get together and eat dumplings on the eve of the Spring Festival.AinterestBhobbyCtraditionDbelief27The headteacher suggests that every student should _

4、 to listening to the teacher in class.Asettle onBsettle inCsettle downDsettle up28My parents _ on me the importance of hard work when I found a job after college graduation.AinterestedBimpressedCspiedDfocused29Tom takes a(n) _ different attitude to how to solve this problem.AapproximatelyBpositively

5、CfrequentlyDslightly30They _ to finish the project before Sunday, but they didnt make it because of the heavy snow.AhelpedBtriedCmanagedDrefused第二节:完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从3150各题所给的四个选项(A,B,C和D),选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。Last week, on the way back home from my daughters school, I was feeling a l

6、ittle down. No particular 31 but I was in a dialogue in my mind about those selfish behaviors of people in this society. I was just 32 why relationships have no purity (纯洁) and unconditional love. These 33 were disturbing my mind.I was 34 at a traffic signal on a hot afternoon. 35 I saw a middle-age

7、d woman looking for a taxi to reach her destination (目的地). I just 36 at her and asked her if I could be any help. She came to me and asked if I could 37 her at the next corner. I 38 opened the door of my car. She was full of sweat and looked very 39 too.When she came inside she was more relaxed. She

8、 just closed her eyes for two minutes. I 40 her some cold water. She started 41 her everyday routine (日常事务) and her life. I offered my help to her till her home. She was 42 as this was unexpected. But for me, it came like a test for 43 others. During that 44 , she told me stories about her whole lif

9、e!When I dropped her home, she 45 me in for a cup of tea. She thanked me and told me that it was her 46 to meet me when she really needed a lift. After the tea, I said 47 to her.That help gave me more satisfaction as I was just looking for the chance to help someone 48 . I thought to myself,“So what

10、 if a few people are 49 ? We have lots of people who are 50 things without any condition.”31ApurposeBexcuseCreasonDmanner32AaskingBwonderingCdoubtingDproving33AsuggestionsBmemoriesCtheoriesDthoughts34ArestingBstandingCwaitingDwandering35ASuddenlyBFinallyCSlowlyDExpectedly36AstaredBshoutedCpointedDsm


12、itedDjoined46AideaBluckCdreamDturn47AyesBnoCbyeDhello48Ain dangerBin needCin painDin charge49AcruelBdishonestCunfortunateDselfish50AdoingBproducingCwinningDthinking第二部分:阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中选出最佳选项。AMama and Daddy loved having the family together on Christmas. They spent

13、days making candy and cookies,preparing gifts and decorating.Forty-four years together made them a great team. But with Mamas unexpected death in the spring,we now faced out first Christmas without her. The holidays would be especially hard for Daddy. We tried to comfort him. We would all be with hi

14、m on Christmas as usual.On Christmas Eve a small snow turned to a heavy one,covering our yard and 150-foot driveway,as well as the access road (干道的支路). We started cleaning,but the snow was falling faster than we could keep up. The weatherman predicted the storm would continue through the night. Chur

15、ch services were also canceled.“Well be there as soon as possible in the morning,”I told Daddy on the phone. But inside I wondered how.Early Christmas morning we began digging through stomach-high snow. We finished the driveway,but seeing the mountains of snow on the access road,we admitted failure.

16、 As I stared at the access road,I heard the sound of a snowblower. Lord,please help us get to Daddy today,I prayed.The sound of the snowblower grew louder. I looked up. There,coming straight toward us was a big yellow machine with a huge plow (犁) effortlessly clearing a path through the snow-packed

17、road. I stared in disbelief. Never in our 18 years here had the snow been plowed on this road.The driver of the snowblower sat up straight at the wheel and was warmly dressed,collar (衣领) up,cap downand wings beneath his coat,Im sure.51We learn from the passage that the authors parents _.Aseparated a

18、 year agoBwere married for forty-four yearsClike spending holidays very muchDhave prepared for this Christmas for days52The author started to clean the snow in order to _.Ago to churchBhave a clean drivewayCgo to please his fatherDsend his children to school53Before the snowblower arrived,the author

19、 had _.Adecided to give upBstopped to have a restCfinished the access roadDcleaned the snow mountains54In the authors eyes,the driver of the snowblower was a(n) _.AangelBfatherCordinary cleanerDhard workerBChinanews,Urumqi,May 23Aibi Lake,in Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region,is one of the four sandst

20、orm sources in China. In recent years,ecological (生态的) conditions in the lake have deteriorated. Recently,experts at Xinjiang University teamed up and set up an observation and scientific research base near the lake. These experts want to use their knowledge to improve the ecological environment nea

21、r the lake. 来源:学科网ZXXKAibi Lake is situated in a lowland in Junggar Basin (准格尔盆地). Over the past 50 years,the lake has been seldom protected and as a result,the area of the lake has become smaller dramatically. During the 1950s,the lake had a total area of 12 million square meters. But now,it is 5.4

22、 million square meters. Large areas of salt marshes (盐沼) are exposed outside,becoming the source of sandstorms. Related information shows that every year,some 4.8 million tons of sand is blown from the salt marshes in Aibi Lake. The sandstorms have brought damaging effects to northern Xinjiang and e

23、ven further to the middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River. Recently,experts from departments of remote sensing (遥感),ecology and botanical studies in Xinjiang University started a research on the ecological conditions in Aibi Lake. The expert team and the local government have agreed to work to

24、gether and set up an observation base near the lake. The observation base will also serve as a scientific research base for teachers and students of Xinjiang University. In future,university professors will try to use their knowledge to improve the ecological conditions near the lake.55The underline

25、d word“deteriorated”in the first paragraph can be best replaced by“_”.AimprovedBworsenedCchangedDexpanded56Which of the following about Aibi Lake is TRUE?AIt is the source of all sandstorms in China.BIts area is reduced by more than 8 million square meters.CIt is situated in the southern part of Xin

26、jiang.DThe salt marshes in it are becoming the source of sandstorms.57The passage is mainly about _.Aefforts are being made to improve ecological conditions of a sandstorm sourceBhow experts are applying their knowledge to practiceChow the sandstorm in Aibi Lake came aboutDXinjiang University will s

27、et up a scientific research base in Aibi Lake58In which section can this passage most likely be found in a newspaper?AScience and technology.BTransportation.CEnvironmental protection.DHealth and life.CMost teenagers arent awake at 9 am on a Saturday morning, let alone bright-eyed and smiling at that

28、 hour. Then again, actress Jennifer Stone isnt like most teenagers. Shes used to the requirement of loaded schedules and television cameras as a character on the hit Disney Channel show, Wizards of Waverly Place.Stone remembers well the origins of her acting roots. One summer when Stones mother aske

29、d her brother to find a hobby other than video games, the family began going to the theater.“I was always the kid that liked going to performances very much,”Stone remembers. While her brothers likes for acting disappeared through the years, Stones interest grew, and she signed (签约) with an agent at

30、 age 8. Stone landed a role in the 2003 film, Secondhand Lions and has guest starred on Without a Trace and House M. D.“The difference with movies,”says Stone, comparing her film experiences to TV,“is that you get to change your characters a lot more often. And they tend to be more challenging chara

31、cter-wise. But, with a television series you get to know your character really, really well.”In readying herself to take on a role, Stone explains that its important to know from which angle (角度) she is going to act a character.“You have to make a decision and run with it, because you cant really ha

32、lf do anything,”she says.“You just have to do all your homework, and then when the day comes to film it, you leave all that in storage.”Stone made friends with rising stars on the Disney Channel.“We joke around a lot. Were like one big family. Its less like a work environment,”she says.“Everybody kn

33、ows everybody. We hang out and see each other very often.”Realizing that her place at Disney has been secured not only by her hard work, but also by her loyal Wizard fans, Stone says,“Thank you so much for watching. We definitely couldnt do it without you.”59What does the underlined word“loaded”in t

34、he first paragraph mean?ALight.BNew.CFull.DRegular.60How did Jennifer begin her acting career?AHer mother forced her to act.BShe learned acting from her brother.CShe wanted to do something to kill time.DShe developed her own interest in acting.61From Paragraph 5 we can infer that Jennifer Stone _.Al

35、ikes to go to clubs with rising starsBis often made fun of by othersCgets on well with rising starsDoften invites others to her house62The passage is mainly about _.Athe award a Disney performance wonBa popular Disney showCa famous film starDa rising Disney starDKenya is losing an average (平均) of 10

36、0 of its 2,000 lions each year because of growing human settlements,increasing farming, climate change and disease, according to the Kenya Wildlife Service (KWS). “Lions have a special place in Kenyanslife,”said Paul Udoto,a spokesman for the organization.“Other than being the symbol of national str

37、ength, they are among the Big Five, a main attraction for visitors to Kenya.”There were 2,749 lions in Kenya in 2002 and their population dropped to 2,280 by 2004 and to about 2,000 today, according to KWS figures. “The fall of the lion population is worrying and every effort needs to be made to mak

38、e sure that Kenya either protects its population of 2,000 lions at present or increases the numbers to an ecologically (生态上地) acceptable level,”said Mr. Udoto. “There is no doubt that the numbers are in free fall. Id be surprised if they even last as long as 20 years,”said Laurence Frank, project di

39、rector of Living With Lions,a Kenya-based animal protection organization.“When I first came here 30 years ago, you would always hear lions roaring (怒) across the land at night and see their tracks in the morning. Now that is very rare.” “The reason is simple. As the numbers of people grow, the numbe

40、rs of cows increase. They take up much of the lions space. Alongside that there are other ways, including poisoning, to kill lions.”Animal lovers are making a new strategy to save the animals. Part of the measures will include tracking lions fitted with radio collars (无线电项圈) in the Amboseli area in

41、southern Kenya,close to the border with Tanzania. Wildlife officials in Tanzania face similar challenges in protecting their lions, but there is far less human encroachment (侵犯) on the animals homeland there than in Kenya. 63The lion population is falling in Kenya for the following reasons EXCEPT _.

42、Aclimate changeBtoo many visitorsCdiseaseDhuman activities64In Paragraph 2,Paul Udoto wants to show _.Athe importance of lions in Kenya Bthe tourist attractions in Kenya CKenyans special lifestyle DKenyas national symbol 65We know from Laurence Franks words that _.Alions are losing their attraction

43、for visitors to Kenya Bthe lion population will be controlled from now on Clions will disappear in 2029 in Kenya if not protectedDmore cows are needed to feed lions in Kenya 66What is the main idea of the passage?AKenya is losing its Big Five. BKenyan wildlife is in danger. CLions face extinction in

44、 Kenya. DLions place in Kenyans is falling.EWhen it comes to wine,the usual choice is red or white. But,if you are looking for a great sweet dessert wine,then you should give up the red or white,and go for the ice wine.The discovery of ice wine was accidental. Thanks to a cool summer and extremely c

45、old winter in 1794,wine producers in Franconia,Germany,created ice wine by pressing juice from frozen grapes. In 1972,the first ice wine in North America was made in Canada. Today,Canada is the largest producer of the sweet treat,with the largest share coming from Ontarios Niagara Peninsula. The Oka

46、nagan Valley in British Columbia also produces excellent ice wine,as do Nova Scotia and Quebec.It has been said that the best ice wine is made with Riesling grapes,but can also be made with the hearty Vidal. Either way,in Canada,VQA (酒商质量联盟) rules must be followed in order to create a true ice wine. To do this,grapes must be naturally frozen in temperatures of at least8. While the water within the grape


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