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1、Module 9Unit 1 Are you feeling bored? 教案钦州市五小 林琼娟一、教学内容:新标准英语第五年级上Module 9 Unit 1 Are you feeling bored?二、教学目标:1、知识目标:(1)学习词汇:feel, sad, bored, angry, miss, ill, better, tell, told.(2)学习语句:Are you feeling ? 扩展运用 Is he/she feeling ?来询问他人感受的语句并回答。2、能力目标:使学生能够在真实情景中表达自己不同的情感。3、情感目标:(1)培养学生学习英语的兴趣,让学生敢于

2、开口说英语。(2)培养学生关心他人的良好品质。(3)引导学生学会自我调整,保持一颗快乐的健康心态。三、教学重、难点:1、能够用Are you feeling ?句型询问他人的情绪。2、能够认读并正确运用单词:sad,angry, bored, happy.四、教学准备:多媒体课件、表情图片、单词卡片.五、教学过程:(一)、Warm-up and lead in 热身导入1、Greetings 2、Enjoy a song and do the actions (If you are happy)(二)Present重点词句的呈现与教学。T: You sing very well. Im fee

3、ling happy. Are you feeling happy?引出并板书单词happy, feel, feeling和句子 Im feeling happy. 和Are you feeling happy? (课件)T: Im feeling happy. You are feeling happy. We are all feeling happy. But not everyone is feeling happy. Look! How are they feeling? 引出并教学本课重点词句。1、教学重点词句。课件呈现并教学单词sad, bored, angry和句子Im fee

4、ling.(课件)2、操练词句。孤胆英雄看表情图说句子 Sad, sad, sad. I feel sad. Im feeling sad. (happy / bored / angry) (课件)3、教学重点句型。根据上步学生的实际情况对具体的学生进行具体的提问,教学Are you feeling sad. (happy / bored / angry) ? 学生必须根据自己的实际情况回答Yes, I am. / No, Im not.4、操练句型。Lets play a guessing game.(课件)Are you feeling happy / sad / bored / angr

5、y? 及其回答形式Yes, I am. / No, Im not.5、小组合作。每生挑一个自己喜欢的表示心情的单词写下来,让合作伙伴猜问Are you feeling? 被问的生根据自己写的单词回答Yes, I am. / No, Im not. 6、练习一。(课件显示八个小题)7、总结重点词句。歌曲Are You Feeling Happy? (三) Teach to learn Part 2听力活动1(1)听第一段T: Im happy, you are happy, Is Lingling feeling happy? Listen.(生听完)T:Is Lingling feeling

6、happy? No! Now Lingling is feeling sad。引出并教学单词sad,做表情。(2)听第二段T: Lingling is feeling sad. Whats the matter? Lets listen. (生听完)T: Whats the matter? Linglings grandma is ill. 引出教学ill,做表情。(3)听第三段T:Linglings grandma is ill. She is in hospital. she is ill in hospital. Is she better now. 引出并教学单词better。听力活动

7、2Listen and choose T or cross F. (F) 1、Lingling is feeling bored . (F) 2、Lingling is feeling angry. (T) 3、Lingling doesnt miss China.(F) 4、Lingling called dad yesterday. (T) 5、Lingling is happy now.听力活动3 listen and read.(三)、Practice1. 猜表情(叫一个同学带上面具做一个表情并保持住。其他的同学用Are you feeling?进行猜测,戴面具的同学根据实际情况回答:

8、Yes./ No.S1: Are you feeling?B: No.S2: Are you feeling?2、听狼来了的故事,并用“happy, bored, sad, angry”填空。(六)、板书设计Module 9 Feelingshappy sadAre you feeling happy bored ? angryYes/NoT: Boys and girls, today Im feeling very happy. Because my son is reading a graduate student in Shenzhen. Yesterday he called me. He told me that he won the second scholarship. He also told me that he missed us and his friends very much. So Im feeling very happy.顺便板书教学单词call过 called,miss过 missed,tell过told, happyAre you feeling happy? Really? Sing a song to show me! 4


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