gh2013新规范 水利水电工程施工质量验收评定表样表 (1).doc

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《gh2013新规范 水利水电工程施工质量验收评定表样表 (1).doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《gh2013新规范 水利水电工程施工质量验收评定表样表 (1).doc(162页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、Annual straw consumption is about 300 (15x20) million tons to 450 (15x30) million tonnes. Around each plant to town for curing Center straw briquette factory, about 30, curing each straw briquette factory production capacity of 10,000 tons per year, production of major products supply power plants a

2、nd the rest as ordinary fuel. Chapter III, section I industry investment analysis investment benefit analysis, industry profitability industry benchmark yield to 12%, more than a moderate level of profitability, have higher profitability. Secondly, solvency, with good profitability and, hence, have

3、enough liquidity. Three biomass energy resource in China, industry growth prospects are very experienced and bright prospects for development of biomass power generation industry. On one hand, the sown area of 1.8 billion mu of crops, the year produces 700 million tons of matter. Apart from the part

4、s used in papermaking and livestock feed, and the rest will be done fuel use. The other hand, Chinas current forest area of about 175 million hectares, the forest coverage rate of 18.21%, every year through normal Bush stumping rejuvenation, forest thinning, hedgerow fruit trees and the collection o

5、f forest felling, bucking, processing residues, biomass resources available at about 800 million to 1 billion tons. Theory of biomass energy resource in China close to 1.5 billion tons of standard coal. By 2020, the biomass energy development and utilization of capacity of 500 million tons of standa

6、rd coal, equivalent to more than 15% supplies. And extremely low sulphur content of the biomass 0.3%, 1/4 not to the sulphur content of the coal. Development of biomass solid fuels, implement coal alternatives, significantly reduces the carbon dioxide and sulfur dioxide emissions, have a significant

7、 environmental benefit. Second section industry investment opportunities for promoted health material energy of steadily development, September 2006, Treasury, and national development and Reform Committee, and Ministry of agriculture, and national tax General, and national forestry Council joint in

8、troduced has on development biological quality energy and biological chemical tax support policy of implementation views, in risk avoid and compensation, and raw materials base grants, and model grants, and tax relief, aspects for development biological quality energy and biological chemical develop

9、ed has specific of tax support policy. In addition, since the renewable energy law came into effect on January 1, 2006, making a complete set of administrative rules and regulations also promulgated. On October 4, 2006 of the Ministry of the interim measures for the administration of special funds f

10、or renewable energy development, the approach of special funds to support key, application and approval, financial management, checking and supervision of comprehensive provisions. The regulations: development of special funds established by the financial departments of the State Council, the use of

11、 special funds for the development include free grants and subsidized loans, through the central financial budget. According to the role of biomass energy and the countrys status quo, is currently focused on the development of the project are as follows: (1) recent development priorities: biomass ga

12、sification and gas, biomass gasification power generation, large biogas, biomass direct combustion heating (2) medium-and long-term development projects: height of biomass gasification power generation project (BIG/CC), the production of hydrogen from biomass such as resource in China close to 1.5 b

13、illion tons of standard coal. By 2020, the biomass energy development and utilization of capacity of 500 million tons of standard coal, equivalent to more than 15% supplies. And extremely low sulphur content of the biomass 80%节理裂隙发育的岩体50%节理裂隙极发育的岩体20%施工单位自评意见主控项目检验点100%合格,一般项目逐项检验点的合格率 %,且不合格点不集中分布。

14、工序质量等级评定为:(签字,加盖公章) 年 月 日监理单位复核意见经复核,主控项目检验点100%合格,一般项目逐项检验点的合格率 %,且不合格点不集中分布。工序质量等级评定为:(签字,加盖公章) 年 月 日岩石地基开挖施工质量标准表4.4.3单位工程名称单元工程量分部工程名称施工单位单元工程名称、部位施工日期年 月 日 年 月 日项次检验项目质量标准检验方法检验数量检查(测)记录合格数合格率主控项目1保护层开挖浅孔、密孔、小药量、控制爆破观察、量测、查阅施工记录每个单元抽测3处,每处不少于102建基面处理开挖后岩面应满足设计要求,建基面上无松动岩块,表面清洁、无泥垢、油污全数检查3多组切割的不


16、有结构要求或有配筋预埋件的基坑断面尺寸及开挖面平整度长或宽不大于10m符合设计要求,允许偏差为010cm长或宽大于10m符合设计要求,允许偏差为020cm坑(槽)底部标高 符合设计要求,允许偏差为020cm垂直或斜面平整度符合设计要求,允许偏差为15cm施工单位自评意见主控项目检验点100%合格,一般项目逐项检验点的合格率 %,且不合格点不集中分布。工序质量等级评定为:(签字,加盖公章) 年 月 日监理单位复核意见经复核,主控项目检验点100%合格,一般项目逐项检验点的合格率 %,且不合格点不集中分布。工序质量等级评定为: (签字,加盖公章) 年 月 日地质缺陷处理施工质量标准表4.4.4单位

17、工程名称单元工程量分部工程名称施工单位单元工程名称、部位施工日期年 月 日 年 月 日项次检验项目质量标准检验方法检验数量检查(测)记录合格数合格率主控项目1 地质探孔、 竖井、平洞、试坑处理符合设计要求观察、量测、查阅施工记录等全数检查2地质缺陷处理节理、裂隙、断层、夹层或构造破碎带的处理符合设计要求3缺陷处理采用材料材料质量满足设计要求查阅施工记录、取样试验等每种材料至少抽验1组4渗水处理地基及岸坡的渗水(含泉眼)已引排或封堵,岩面整洁无积水观察、查阅施工记录全数检查一般项目1地质缺陷处理范围地质缺陷处理的宽度和深度符合设计要求。地基及岸坡岩石断层、破碎带的沟槽开挖边坡稳定,无反坡,无浮石

18、,节理、裂隙内的充填物冲洗干净量测、观察、查阅施工记录检测点采用横断面或纵断面控制,各断面点数不小于5个点,局部突出或凹陷部位(面积在0.5以上者)应增设检测点施工单位自评意见主控项目检验点100%合格,一般项目逐项检验点的合格率 %,且不合格点不集中分布。工序质量等级评定为:(签字,加盖公章) 年 月 日监理单位复核意见经复核,主控项目检验点100%合格,一般项目逐项检验点的合格率 %,且不合格点不集中分布。工序质量等级评定为: (签字,加盖公章) 年 月 日注:构筑物地基、岸坡地质缺陷处理的灌浆、沟槽回填混凝土等工程措施,按SL633或SL632中的有关条文执行。岩石洞室开挖施工质量验收评

19、定表表5.2.2单位工程名称单元工程量分部工程名称施工单位单元工程名称、部位施工日期年 月 日 年 月 日项次检验项目质量标准检查(测)记录合格数合格率主控项目1光面爆破和预裂爆破效果残留炮孔痕迹分布均匀,预裂爆破后的裂缝连续贯穿。相邻两孔间的岩面平整,孔壁无明显的爆破裂隙,两茬炮之间的台阶或预裂爆破孔的最大外斜值不宜大于10cm。炮孔痕迹保存率:完整岩石在90%以上,较完整和完整性差的岩石不小于60%,较破碎和破碎岩石不宜小于20%2洞、井轴线符合设计要求,允许偏差为-55cm3不良地质处理符合设计要求4爆破控制爆破未损害岩体的完整性,开挖面无明显爆破裂隙,声波降低率小于10%,或满足设计要求一般项目1洞室壁面清撬洞室壁面上无残留的松动岩块和可能塌落危石碎块,岩


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