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1、King shop school car to watch the summary view store is located in the LAN-Xin railway, 215 students, and students to and from school has about 90 people to cross the railway, more than half of the students live in the school in the vicinity of the rail line along the railway more than 10 square kil

2、ometers. Railway is economy of artery, to makes railway along general people master railway legal regulations and security knowledge, enhanced love road watch consciousness, ensure railway security smooth, years, I school has been put love road watch work as education students of focus to caught, ma

3、de has significantly of effect, years no occurred had railway security accident, emerged out a and a love road watch small guard, General teachers and students and masses of love road watch consciousness General improve, times by superior recognition, Our practices are reporting on is as follows. An

4、d improve the Organization, love the way of protection responsibilities. Set up by the principal of the school is the head security administrator for the Deputy Head of the class teacher for members of the railway protection leading group for propaganda and education, consisting of offices, advocacy

5、 groups, education groups and steering groups, organizations responsible for railway protection publicity and education of the whole school, command and coordination. To ensure safety of the railway for the overall objectives, major tasks are: 1, arouse the enthusiasm of teachers, school advantages

6、into full play, watch the propaganda and education work of joint railway. 2, railway watch teacher and student awareness, to ensure against road-related casualties. 3, education in primary and middle school students the courage to fight against the Railway Safety Act and found to have damaged railwa

7、y safety relevant parts of the report in a timely manner to ensure railway safety. Do Division, responsibility and student teacher assessment, evaluation and love road linked to the protection and safety, enhance the sense of responsibility. Second, programming, watch love road work routine. School

8、developed has railway watch publicity education work programme, put love road watch work into school education teaching plans, full using class teaching, and theme class, timing, education students learning railway method, about love road security matters, school requirements daily of campus broadca

9、st to has five minutes of railway security knowledge education, all class weekly are to Shang a section love road watch aspects of security class, monthly introduced a period love road watch aspects of window publicity, reached has alarm ringing of effect. Third, explicitly demanded that the love ro

10、ad protection work. Schools to establish and improve a love road watch schedule, enacted the railway safety ten no Protocol, the Convention on the safety and other regulations and requirements, so as to enable departments to further their work. Which publicity group is responsible for railway watch

11、legal regulations and about common sense of publicity, annual organization a to two times above railway method, and security management Punishment Ordinance, for main content of publicity, further strengthened General teachers and students of concept and love road watch consciousness, education stud

12、ents do three not: that not to railway Shang play, without stones, hit train, is not rail Shang stacked roadblocks. Education groups to include railway protection knowledge education in carrying out quality education, class of railway transport in the main channel of textbooks in economic constructi

13、on in the role and significance of guiding students to take care of the railway建筑安装工程劳动量定额和主要施工机械台班产量绵阳职业技术学院建筑工程系2013年4月Establishment of the patriotic Health Committee, the implementation of Division of responsibility, school of health management. , Room, group, grade school health work of grass-ro

14、ots organizations, is responsible for the Department of health management. All classrooms, offices and other indoor sanitation, daily cleaning, keep the floor, table, wall clean table, cupboards, chairs and all the appliances in order and clean. No graffiti, doors and Windows and bright. Lectern, Bl

15、ackboard in the classroom clean and tidy. School sanitation, according to the Division of school health area of responsibility, responsibility to do: a small sweep a day a week a big sweep, neat and clean, no paper, no spam, no weeds, no sewage, no bags, no Peel. Personal hygiene: education students

16、 to cultivate five, six nots personal hygiene habits. Five: time schedule, to brush your teeth before going to bed, to change clothes, bathe, and frequently washing hands before meals and after nails Barber,. Six not to drink unboiled water, do not eat unclean food, no smoking, no spitting, no snack

17、ing, no public towels, cups. Pay attention to eye health, read and write positions lying upright, not reading, not in the light of local walking and reading, doing eye exercises and timely correction of eye disease, regular rotation zuoci. Gym class, working class, to strengthen students safety educ

18、ation, comprehensive physical examination once a year on students, included in the profile. Improving food hygiene: to improve sanitation and hygiene, implementation of the food hygiene regulations, to ensure food hygiene, ensure the physical and mental health of teachers and students. Eliminating f

19、our pests, preventing disease: promptly clean up the garbage, sewage, preventing mosquito breeding places, cleaned up the garbage, make sure and clean. Strengthen health publicity poster out in time to publicize health knowledge, use of the health education health education to students. And eye exer

20、cises, mental health education during the consultation process, held in common, multiple lectures on epidemic prevention. Health inspection rating system: head teacher, classroom teacher, Member of the class of health checks, monitor the implementation of environmental health and eye exercises every

21、 day. Check rankings of school organizations to inform the inspection results. Check every Monday, one month, one to summarize, according to the inspection results issued health flow red flags. Six disease prevention to prevent myopia? When sitting up, head tilted, eyes 33 cm from the book. Eat, wal

22、k, bus reading, not too strong, too weak to light reading. Write not too small too close, do not write typo, grass hand. Reading time and a half to 1 hour, you should rest for a few minutes. Controlling the number of TV and time, a distance of 2.5 metres. Pay attention to nutrition, food supplements

23、 containing vitamin a. How to prevent tooth decay? To develop good hygiene habits, way of brushing our teeth, mouthwash, before going to bed without eating snacks. Improve the ability of anti-caries of the teeth, acid toothpaste with fluoride. Eat less sugar, eat a lot of food to prevent tooth decay

24、, such as milk and dairy products, fish, fruit, beans, liver, etc. How to prevent trachoma? Without common towels, hand rubbing your eyes, to sand and dust, wash your face to clean the water, promote the use of flowing water to wash, maintain washing equipment clean and wash, cut your nails目 录第一章 建筑

25、安装工程主要分项工程劳动量定额2一、人力土方工程2二、架子工程3三、砌筑工程3四、抹灰工程5五、模板工程8六、钢筋工程9七、砼及钢筋砼工程(捣制构件部分)11八、防水工程13九、变形缝13十、成品排水制品安装13十一、保温隔热14第二章 主要施工机械台班产量15第一章 建筑安装工程主要分项工程劳动量定额一、人力土方工程 1、人工挖土(工日/m3) 土类别挖土方(深度m)挖地槽(沟)土方1.534.56底宽0.8m,深度 m底宽1.5m,深度 m底宽3.0m,深度 m1.534.534.561.534.56一0.1260.2820.3430.4100.2310.2920.2020.2550.33

26、10.4070.2420.2950.3710.447二0.1970.3530.4140.4810.3450.4060.3000.3530.4290.5050.3630.4160.4920.568三0.3280.4840.5450.6120.5560.6170.4830.5360.6120.6880.5860.6390.7150.791四0.5170.6730.7340.8010.8410.9020.7270.7270.7800.8560.8870.9401.0161.092 续表土类别挖地坑土方坑底面积2.5m2坑底面积5.0m2坑底面积10.0m2坑底面积20.0m21.534.561.53


28、.1950.8200.8730.9491.0250.7380.7860.8540.923 2、人工或机动车运土石方(工日/m3)项目人工双(单)轮车机动翻斗车汽车运距20m每增加10m运距50m每增加50m运距200m每增200m运距1km每增加1km土方0.2010.0210.1450.0350.1460.0221.0830.187石方0.2960.0310.2130.0350.2380.0301.7040.237 3、人工挖桩(工日/m3)项目桩径1000mm桩径1000mm挖孔深度(m)挖孔深度(m)10151515202525土方一类土0.8521.0651.2780.8190.983


30、54.2305.0766.0914、人工灰土、打夯、回填土及场地平整项目工日/m3工日/10m2灰土打夯夯填就地回填土 原土打夯(两遍)场地平整基础地坪夯实厚度(mm)墙、柱基槽底宽(mm)基础地坪150200500500综合1.1000.8330.2450.1990.2000.1820.0710.1430.1180.162二、架子工项目外脚手架(钢管) 工日/10m2整体提升架里脚手架(钢管) 工日/10m2满堂脚手架(钢管) 工日/10m2单排双 排单排双 排工具式地(楼)面至架板面高度( m)地面至架顶高度( m)202040608010012010m210m34.567.5每增1.2m

31、综合0.6000.7500.9201.2701.6052.0922.7242.7460.3900.5500.3700.4500.5500.6940.8600.125搭设0.3000.3750.4600.6350.8031.0481.3672.0390.2900.4100.2600.3600.4400.5570.6880.100拆除0.1800.2250.2760.3810.4810.6270.8150.5570.1000.1400.1100.0900.1100.1370.1720.025铺翻板子0.1200.1500.1840.2540.3210.4170.5420.150 1、脚手架 项目支

32、模用钢管排架 工日/10m独立柱架子(工日/座)垂直防护架(钢管) 工日/10m2水平防护架(钢管) 工日/10m2地面至梁(墙)底高度( m)地面至架顶高度( m)地面至顶横杆高( m)单层双层34.564.5710152110152025独立式外挑式独立式外挑式综合1.0421.2951.5491.5901.9803.0607.29013.1100.5100.5950.6580.7034.503.154.953.790搭设0.7610.9451.1311.1101.3802.1405.1009.1800.3600.4200.4650.4963.152.2053.4652.660拆除0.28

33、10.3500.4180.4800.6000.9202.1903.9300.1500.1750.1930.2071.350.9451.4851.130注:支模用钢管排架以双排立杆为准 2、支模脚架、独立柱架、防护架 项目挑出式(工日/10m2)立挂式(工日/10m2)平挂(工日/10m2)全封闭密目网(工日/10m2)割管、钢管调直及扣件修理第一层每翻搭一次最后一次初挂每翻挂一次割管钢管调直清洗扣件立杆里侧立杆外侧100口100根100个综合0.4200.3200.1800.9200.1500.1200.1000.2101.4302.0000.770搭设0.2900.3200.9200.110

34、0.0800.0700.160拆除0.1300.1800.0400.0400.0300.050注:1、挑出式安全网以挑出3m为准,如超过者,时间定额乘以系数1。25; 2、挑出式安全网利用架子挑出者,按相应项目时间定额乘以系数0。77。 3、安全网(工日/10m2),脚手架钢管的割断、调直及扣件修理三、砌筑工程 1、砖基础(工日/m3)项目带形(条形)基础圆弧形基础独立基础砌挖孔桩护壁1砖厚3/2砖厚2砖厚1砖厚1砖厚综合0.9370.9050.8761.0801.0401.1201.410 2、砖墙(工日/m3)项目双面清水墙单面清水墙多孔砖墙 墙厚(mm)空心砖墙 墙厚(mm)1/2砖1砖

35、3/2砖2砖1/2砖3/4砖1砖3/2砖2砖150250250150250250综合1.3941.2701.2001.1201.5201.4801.2301.1401.0700.9670.9150.8600.9650.8040.712 续表项目混水内墙混水外墙1/2砖3/4砖1砖3/2砖2砖1/2砖3/4砖1砖3/2砖2砖综合1.3801.3401.0200.9940.9171.5001.4401.0901.0401.010 3、砖柱(方柱)(工日/m3)项目清水柱混水柱圆、多边形柱3/23/2砖25/2砖25/2砖3/23/2砖25/2砖25/2砖综合1.8901.4701.3001.770

36、1.3501.2201.810项目零星砌体沟道壁、地垄墙、地沟、水池砖明沟房上室内室外1/2砖1、3/2砖1/2砖1砖综合2.1501.9001.2501.0940.8620.8481.210 4、零星砌(工日/m3)项目加气混凝土砌块 砌体厚度(mm)混凝土空心砌块 砌体厚度(mm)陶粒混凝土砌块 砌体厚度(mm)200200200200200200综合0.9430.8060.9020.8500.8870.821 5、砌块砌体(工日/m3) 6、勾缝(工日/m2)项目砖墙砖柱空斗墙砌块墙原浆加浆加浆加浆平缝凸缝综合0.2500.5950.6670.4000.0330.067 7、预制构件安装

37、项目混凝土沟盖板(工日/10块)窗台板(10块)混凝土门窗过梁(工日/10根)阳台栏板安装(工日/10m2)每块体积(m3)每块体积(m3)每块面积(m2)综合0.3770.6381.0200.8380.8031.3102.0002.220四、抹灰工程 1、水泥砂浆(工日/10m2)地(楼)面找平层压光不压线压光压线随打随抹(加浆)阶梯式细石砼(厚40mm)踢脚线(工日/10m)压光压线压光不压线压光不压线压光压线0.5220.5820.7260.3760.4720.9090.8331.0400.396墙 面内墙、内墙裙外墙、外墙裙墙面分格(工日/1

38、0m)砖、砼墙石墙砖墙、砼墙面拉毛石墙面压光麻面1.1201.4901.2501.201.3001.6300.319窗台、楼梯、阳台、雨缝窗台(工日/10m)楼梯斜坡楼梯阳台遮阳板雨缝不出沿出沿水平垂直1.0405.5506.0404.0105.9602.0902.5005.000天棚、柱、梁天棚柱梁砼方形圆形、多角形出不出捣制预制(包括抹板缝钢丝网)工日/10m21.1101.2701.5602.3602.3101.870防水防水层五层防水层墙面泛水明沟(工日/10m)散水坡平面立面平面立面压光不压线随打随抹0.5680.9511.2401.6600.5220.6950.6380.324 2

39、、水磨石(工日/10m2)楼地面踢脚线(10m)门台阶水池、花坛楼梯不嵌条嵌条嵌条分色分色不分色机磨3.6104.4364.836出不出手磨5.8506.6767.0762.25911.59710.58310.93318.53117.5313、镶贴块料面层(工日/10m2)(1)大理石、花岗石项目楼地面(mm)楼梯台阶墙 面800800800800拼花碎拼挂贴粘贴干挂挂贴青石板、片块石、文化石单色多色单色多色密缝勾缝综合1.6301.7201.7201.8102.8902.7233.1702.3315.3103.4505.0006.3135.986 项目柱 面(10m2)踢脚线门窗套窗台板圆柱

40、腰线阴角线柱墩柱帽小型贴面挂贴粘贴干挂10m10m210m10m2综合6.1604.0006.6530.6805.0003.7381.6161.6425.6985.9045.980 续表 项目线条(10m) 块料宽(mm)型钢骨架及后置件制作安装(t)现场加工刷保护液 10m2挂贴干挂粘贴倒角磨半圆边切450斜边表面光面麻面15025035015025035015025035010m综合1.5281.6511.8381.8852.1282.4021.0501.2661.35821.580.6571.8890.7800.4250.510 续表(2)面砖(板)(工日/10m2)项目楼地面贴地面砖 规格(mm)楼地面贴地面砖踢脚线200200300300400400500500600600800800800800楼梯


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