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1、Module1-6完成句子1. 嗯,我的巧克力甜饼做好了。(那支笔你用完了吗?)Well, my chocolate cookies . ( you with that pen?) 2. 你知道,我喜欢甜食。I have a , you know.3. 收到你的来信真是太好了,我迫不及待地想见到你。It was great to you, and I cant help to meet you.4. 我的哥哥在学校的网球队,我很为他而骄傲。My brother is in the school tennis team-Im very him.或:我们为他说了真话而感到骄傲。We are so

2、her for telling the truth.5. 一等奖是“我梦想的假日”。The is “my dream holiday”.6. 故事不需要是真实的,你可以编一个(故事)。It doesnt need to be true. You can it . 或:他编了一个有趣的故事,讲给他的朋友们听。 He an interesting story and told it to his friends.7他们正在倒计时。They are the days. 或:我们正在进行期末倒计时。We are the days until the end of this semester.8.我相信

3、我们能找到对方。I _ _ we will find each other.9.对于这次旅行,我真是兴奋极了。I am so the trip.10.你患感冒了吗?Have you a ?11.这会对你的健康有害。It can be very your health.12.她的身体状况也很好。She is in too.13.当我到校的时候,我感到很不舒服。When I get to school, I .14. 我的腿疼,并且我全身发热。My legs hurt and Im hot .15. 我禁不住想起了过去。I couldnt _ _ about the past.16. 昨天,当我听

4、到这个笑话时,我忍不住大笑起来。I couldnt when I heard this joke yesterday.17. 该剧赢得了观众的喜爱。The play the of the audience.18. 他们看起来非常不同,但是他们两个都赢得了世界上年轻人的心。They look very different, but both of them have the of young people all over the world.19. 你认为哪项爱好占据最大的空间。Which hobby do you think the most space?20. 你的新书什么时候出版?Whe

5、n will your new book ?21. 许多年轻人喜欢他的书,结果,戴维已经成为一个成功的年轻作家。Many young people love his book, and , David has become a successful young writer.22. 作为你爱好的结果,你交到了新朋友了吗?Have you new as a result of your hobby?Module 7 1.如果你已经支付了机票和家庭寄宿的费用,它就应该够了。If youve already the tickets and for homestay, it should be OK.

6、 2.你将喜欢来洛杉矶,了解美国文化的同时还可以提高你的英语。You will love coming to Los Angeles to American culture and improve your English at the same time . 3.你可以小组学习,也可以大组学习,这取决于你的个人选择。You can work in small or large groups: it your personal choice. 4.除了学习英语,我们想让你经历美国的生活。 as learning English, we want you to experience life i

7、n the US. 5.你可以作为客人和美国家庭生活在一起,参加他们的日常生活。You can stay as a guest with an American family and take part in their . 6.你必须至少在课程开始前一个月支付学费。 You must pay for your course one month before it starts. 7.不要等待-填写我们的申请表,来洛杉矶学习英语。 Dont wait- our form and come to learn English in Los Angeles! Module 81.这所公园因它的湖、桥

8、和山上的古建筑而闻名。 This park is its lake, bridges and the ancient buildings on the hill.2.湖占去公园面积的多一半。 The lake over half of the park area. 3.然后,我可以为你指明北京的风景。 Then I can the sights of Beijing for you. 4.他们中有些看起来像人。 Some of them humans.5.我们听到了噪音,它把大家都叫醒了。We heard a noise, it everybody . 6.我们悄悄地出来,发现只是一只饥饿的猴

9、子正在找食物。We came out without making any noise, and found it was just a hungry monkey food. Module 91.我最初非常高兴。I was so happy .2.试着查出离开你她是否感到孤独。Try to whether she feels lonely without you.3.所以对她有耐心,想她解释她也可以和你的其他朋友交朋友。 So be patient with her and explain to her that she can with your other friends too. 4.

10、我将鼓励她多参加。 Ill encourage her to more.5.没什么,玲玲。 ,Lingling.6.我不想让我父母担心我。 I didnt want my parents to me. 7.一天,我的同学们正在和朋友聊天,而我安静地坐着。 One day, my classmates were talking with their friends, but I sat .8.她看着我,没有说话,微笑。 She me and, without a word, smiled. Module101. 感谢你们带我们四处参观。Thank you for_ us _2. 我希望有一天能飞

11、上月球。I hope I would fly to the moon_ _.3. 你们需要保持安静。You need to _ _.4. 我家离学校很近。My home is_ _my school.5. 似乎他们在和我面对面交谈。It seems that they are talking to me_ _.6. 他们正在谈论学校生活。They are _ _the school life.7. 我将向大家做自我介绍。I will_myself_everyone.8. 电台每天9点关闭。The radio station_ _at 9.pm every day.9. 坚持练习,你就会成功。_

12、 _praticing, you will succeed.10. 当红灯亮起时,意味着我们正在播音。When the red light is on,it means were_ _.Revision B1明天我将归还磁带。I will_ _the tape.2.地球绕着太阳转。The earth_ _ the sun.3.我确信他会来。I _ _he will come.4.下午我们打算去公园观光。We are doing to_ _in the park.5.我用我的零花钱支付了许多书钱。I _ _many books with my pocket monkey.6.您觉得你的自行车怎样

13、?what do you_ _your new bike?7.每天早晨妈妈叫我起床my mother _me _every day.8.当你有困难的时候,你可以向老师求助。When you have some diffculties,you can_ _your teachers.9.我数学学习遇到了麻烦。I am_ _with my maths.10.老师为我们提供了大量帮助。Our teaches_us_lots of help.11.运动会取决于天气。The sports meeting will the weather.12.因为糟糕的天气他迟到了。Hes late _the bad

14、wether. 13.我和妹妹共用一个房间。I _a room_my sister.14今晚你愿意和我一起去看电影吗?would you like to _ _me to see a film tonight?参考答案Module 1-61. are done 2.sweet tooth 3.hear from 4.proud of 5.first prize 6.make up 7.counting down 8.am sure 9. excited about 10.caught, cold 11.harmful to 12. Excellent condition 13.feel awf

15、ul 14.all over 15.help thinking 16. help laughing 17.won hearts 18.won hearts 19.takes up e out 21.as a result 22.made friendsModule 71. paid for 2.learn about 3. depends on 4. As well 5. daily life 6. at least 7. fill outModule 81. famous for 2. takes up 3. point out 4. look like 5. woke up 6. look

16、ing forModule 9.1. at first 2. find out 3. make friends 4.join in 5. No problem6.worry about 7. in silence 8.looked at Module101.showing around 2.one day 3.keep quiet 4.close to 5.in person6.talking about 7.introduce.to 8.closes dwon 9.keep on 10.on airRevision B1. give back 2.goes round 3.am sure 4. do sightseeings 5.paid for 6.think of 7.wakes up 8.ask for 9.having trouble 10.provided.with 11.depend on 12.because of 13.sharewith 14.go with


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