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1、ocusing on ways and means of improving and upgrading work, further development of three to split. (A) fully grasp no unauthorised created. The township no unauthorised created the existing building one household, one document survey and file storage work must be unconditional and full coverage. Main

2、 corridor leading to the town (road, river) village, the Central built-up area of the town on both sides must be to create a no unauthorised village. According to five hundred villages created and shanty towns, villages, old houses, reconstruction of old plant, expand create, upgrading creates files

3、, the real no unauthorised village created into the benefit of the people of very good thing. (B) to strictly manage count as unauthorised controls. Promoting the new control work to move the center of gravity, management measures to the front, and earnestly pipes effectively. A strict new unauthori

4、sed network responsibility. Sectors such as land, housing and basic stations (stations) and the Township of grid accountability mechanisms must be strictly in accordance with the new regulatory requirements, effective implementation of the area of responsibility of the new inspections, suppression,

5、demolition work to ensure that the new zero tolerance. Second, public security, water, electricity, water, oceans and fisheries, tourism collaboration, market supervision departments should strictly enforce the illegal construction of disposal of relevant provisions of the regulations, effective ful

6、filment of responsibilities, particularly in electricity and water supply, and other units may not be new illegal buildings to supply water and electricity supply. While more regulation to prevent personal privacy violations. Illicit trading in illegal construction in the Ministry of public security

7、 sector to strictly from the blow. Three is to create additional offence reporting system of incentives. According to building law and covers an area of nature, to report timely degree divided report grade, effective after the removal of certain incentives. (C) integrated implementation , building d

8、emolition, modification, use combination. Demolition is the means and purpose built is. To adhere to the building demolished, combination of construction and demolition waste, demolished with combined efforts to improve the scientific level of three to split; second, we must pay attention to three t

9、o split and five hundred and five water treatment, three of the four sides, the shackDistrict transformation, and dangerous old room transformation and two road sides, series work organic combined up, active do River, and along demolition work, and manpower advance village in the, and old residentia

10、l demolition work, to improved masses housing conditions and live environment; three to put three modified a split as traditional low, and small, and bulk industry structure transformation upgrade of important initiatives to caught, speed up advance industry Park, effective optimization park environ

11、ment 江西铜业股份有限公司城门山铜矿综合配套设施工程采矿工业场地工程施 工 组 织 设 计审批:审核:编制:十一冶城门山铜矿二期扩建工程项目经理部 二一年六月二十一日accurate to 0.0001g. Sample preparation: samples should be fully mixed. Sample volume: based on estimates of ash components, rapid sampling 210G, accurate to 0.0001g, the sample is distributed evenly within the Cruc

12、ible, avoid compacting. This standard applies to ash not more than 2% of starch and modified starch, hydrolysis does not apply to products, starch, oxidized and chlorine content greater than 0.2% (sodium chloride) for samples. Pre-ash: Watch the Crucible (as placed on ashing furnace or heating plate

13、s, Bunsen burner) until the samples completely carbonized. Combustion will produce volatile substances to avoid spontaneous combustion, spontaneous combustion can spilled from the crucible of the sample and cause losses. Incineration: once the flame goes out, instantly putting Crucible into the furn

14、ace, temperature rises to 900 c and maintain this temperature until all the remaining carbon is gone, General 1h is sufficient. And the Crucible and the residue into the dryer to cool to room temperature, and weighing, accurate to 0.000lg. Into the crucible of dryer should not exceed four at a time.

15、 Determination of number: the same sample to do the second rinse. 4, representation of results of calculation method for ash samples to original weight of residue weight of sample weight expressed as a percentage, as the ASH sample weight of residue weight of sample dry weight percentages were recor

16、ded in the formula: X1-sample ash,%; X2-sample ash content (dry basis), respectively; M 0-the original weight of the sample, g; M1-weight after ashing residue g; The moisture content of the sample. Such as poor meets the requirements, take the arithmetic mean ofand improve idle land of utilization,

17、real achieved environment improved and productivity development mutual promoting total win. Five, firmly implement, promoting work ahead, to create highlights. Third deployment, implementation of seven, then it is imperative to strengthen responsibility and improve the mechanisms and implementation.

18、 All localities and departments must be convinced that goals, going all out, mustering spirit, work together to ensure that this years objectives carry out tasks, at the forefront. First, we must strengthen the leadership to implement. Departments at all levels should always work and rural five wate

19、r treatment, three to split in an important position, and carry the main responsibility, main leader personally, leaders arrested and layers of responsibility rank transmission pressure established hierarchical accountability, and work together to promote the work of the mechanism, a concerted effor

20、t pay attention to implementation. County nongban, flood, three to one down to further play a leading catch total, integrated and coordinated role of all kinds is long, Sheriff Inspector to effectively fulfill their responsibilities, formed the alignment on the fire line and management a lively situ

21、ation. Second, we must strengthen the test implementation of the Governor. Role play the Governor got the baton, for agricultural and rural focus and five water treatment, three to split work, refine improve assessment methods and evaluation system, accurate assessment. Combined with dare play, tree

22、 benchmark style building five major operations, carry on and gain firsthand experience of supervision, in particular, to strengthen the focus on the long signs go left, names such as supervision, urged all levels longer on duty in place. Through the supervisory assessment, to promote habits, stimul

23、ating power. Third, we must strengthen implementation style. Departments at all levels to work in rural areas and five water treatment, three to split as training cadres for major platforms, compete against large examination room, inspection cadres work performance of the ring, water control and the

24、 Japanese pulled a workout, training, discovery and selection of cadres. Than good catch up, first to excellence-oriented. Party members and cadres at all levels must adhere to the rural, water control and the Japanese pulled a grass-roots, put down the shelf, leaned pragmatic style, the spirit of p

25、lay, become a benchmark model. Four, we must strengthen propaganda implementation. Comprehensive utilization of micro-credit, micro-blogging, new media, mining, summarizing, good publicity work in the countryside and five water treatment, three to split advanced models, point to gather positive ener

26、gy for the community to see the results of our work in time, increase public awareness, participation rates, satisfaction and support. Play gongqingfu, a mass organization and grass-roots such as schools, communityThe role of江西铜业股份有限公司城门山铜矿综合配套设施采矿工业场地工程 施工组织设计目 录1编制说明及工程概况11.1编制说明11.2 工程概况11.3工程特点2



29、水及照明施工方案及施工技术措施814.3.1给排水管道及配件安装814.3.2照明安装工程和技术要求864.3.3 防雷、接地装置安装875施工质量保证措施和目标885.1质量方针及各项目质量目标885.1.1质量方针885.1.2各项目质量目标885.1.3质量创优计划885.2思想基础质量保证体系895.3管理机构质量保证体系905.3.1质量管理机构905.3.2质量保证体系图905.3.3确保质量保证体系有效运行措施915.4施工过程中的质量保证925.4.1施工准备阶段的质量管理925.4.2施工过程的技术质量验收规程和标准925.4.3现场施工的技术措施及质量管理945.4.4材料

30、质量的管理和材料二次检验制度955.4.5操作过程中的质量管理、控制955.5竣工后使用过程的质量保证955.5.1 实行保修制955.5.2 定期回访、终身维修965.6项目质量保证措施965.6.1组织保证措施965.6.2技术保证措施965.6.3合同保证措施965.6.4材料检验和试验管理措施975.6.5工程创优保证措施975.6.6质量奖罚措施995.6.7关健工序质量控制措施和自检、自控措施995.6.8主要分部分项工程质量保证措施1055.6.9成品保护和冬雨季施工措施1165.5.10环境保护,减少扰民噪音、降低环境污染技术措施 1446文明施工和安全生产措施1256.1安全

31、生产管理目标1256.1.1安全生产方针1256.1.2安全生产管理目标1256.2 组织机构及职责1266.2.1 组织机构1266.2.2安全保证体系1276.2.3安全职责1276.3安全生产措施1306.3.1安全防护措施1366.3.2深基坑施工安全保护措施1376.3.3吊装作业安全措施1386.3.4脚手架搭设安全技术措施1386.3.5安全用电措施1386.4文明施工管理措施1416.4.1现场工程标志牌设计1416.4.2临设布置1426.4.3成品、半成品、原材堆放1426.4.4现场场地和道路1426.4.5运输车辆1426.4.6现场卫生管理1426.4.7现场安全、保

32、卫1436.4.8安全文明施工教育1436.4.9创文明工地措施1447确保现有选矿厂正常生产的技术与安全措施1477.1技术组织措施1477.1.1区隔措施1477.1.2让水、让电、让路措施1477.1.3落实动土报核制度1477.2安全措施1477.2.1合理的施工组织1477.2.2安全措施的落实1488施工机械设备配置1508.1所投入本工程的主要施工机械表1508.2施工机械设备使用、维护、保养制度1538.2.1机械设备的使用1538.2.2 机械设备的维护、保养1549施工合理化建议和降低成本措施1569.1施工合理化建议1569.2降低成本措施15810工程质量通病防治措施1

33、6010.1砼塑性裂缝防治措施16010.2砼干缩裂缝防治措施16110.3底板砼温度裂缝防治措施16110.4砼蜂窝、麻面、露筋质量通病防治16410.4.1混凝土蜂窝的预防措施16410.4.2混凝土麻面的预防措施16610.4.3混凝土露筋的预防措施16610.5砖砌体质量通病防治16710.5.1 砖缝砂浆不饱满的防治措施16710.5.2 墙体留置阴槎,接槎不严的预防措施16810.6楼地面质量通病防治16810.6.1地面起砂预防措施16810.6.2地面空鼓预防措施16910.7装饰工程质量通病防治17010.7.1抹灰工程质量通病防治17010.7.2室内腻子工程质量通病防治1

34、7110.7.3内墙、外墙涂料施工质量通病防治17110.7.4贴砖施工质量通病防治17210.8屋面卷材防水工程质量通病防治17210.9 卫生间渗漏防治17310.10给排水安装质量通病防治17310.11设备安装定位质量通病防治17410.12消除质量通病机构和人员17510.12.1消除质量通病机构图17510.12.2消除质量通病机构人员配备17511附图、附表17611.1附表施工进度网络图17611.2附图施工总平面布置图176十一冶建设集团有限责任公司 第3页江西铜业股份有限公司城门山铜矿综合配套设施采矿工业场地工程 施工组织设计 1编制说明及工程概况1.1编制说明(1)本施工

35、组织设计根据施工图纸、工程实际情况及现有的施工条件,本着充分利用和发展本公司现有实力和技术特长,按照先进性、合理性、科学性、可行性的特点为原则进行编制,以指导本工程达到快速、优质、高效、安全的管理目标。(2) 本施工组织设计未详尽之处,依国家现行施工规范验收标准及操作工艺标准理解执行。1.2 工程概况江西铜业股份有限公司城门山铜矿综合配套设施工程采矿工业场地工程由6个子项组成,其子项名称为:工程机械维修车间(建筑面积为1142,高度为12.75,耐火等级为二级,工业生产类别为丁类,抗震设防烈度为六度,建筑结构为主车间钢结构、副跨砖混结构,设计使用年限为砖混结构50年、钢结构25年)、汽修车间(

36、建筑面积为1460,高度为13.15,耐火等级为二级,工业生产类别为丁类,抗震设防烈度为六度,建筑结构为主车间钢结构、副跨砖混结构,设计使用年限为砖混结构50年、钢结构25年)、铲钻维修车间(建筑面积为 590,高度为11.15,耐火等级为二级,工业生产类别为丁类,抗震设防烈度为六度,建筑结构为主车间钢结构、副跨砖混结构,设计使用年限为砖混结构50年、钢结构25年)、采场办公楼(建筑面积为356.16,高度两层、耐火等级为二级,抗震设防烈度为六度,建筑结构为砖混结构,设计使用年限为砖混结构50年)、采场变电所(建筑面积为228.0,一层高度5.80,耐火等级为二级,抗震设防烈度为六度,建筑结构

37、为砖混结构,设计使用年限为砖混结构50年)和施工图中包含的其他附属总图工程等工程。该工程由中国瑞林工程技术有限公司设计,建设单位为江西铜业股份有限公司城门山铜矿二期扩建工程项目经理部,建设地点在江西城门山铜矿区,建设单位要求工程质量合格,工程施工工期为在工程开工后180天内必须完成。 1.3工程特点(1)本工程施工涉及土建、设备安装、金属结构制作安装、给排水、消防和电气照明等专业,是采矿工程的综合配套设施。(2)本工程项目质量要求高(如预埋螺柱精度等)。(3)本项目的钢结构制作和安装量大,厂房高空作业的工作效率低,危险性大。厂房屋盖系统吊装需吊车,吊装作业危险性大。(4)工程施工应保证不影响铜

38、矿生产作业的正常进行,故使工程石方开挖爆破及材料设备运输等工作将受到很大制约。施工时应编制详细的施工方案及实施细则,制定成品、半成品保护措施,确保生产与施工作业均能正常进行。1.4施工现场条件 江西铜业股份有限公司城门山铜矿综合配套设施工程采矿工业场地工程,94.00的施工现场大部已达到三通一平的条件;104.00的施工现场尚未进行场地平整。2施工组织部署2.1项目管理组织机构本项工程因属于矿山采矿配套工程项目,既要保证施工工作的正常进行,同时必须确保原有铜矿生产的正常。我公司将根据实际工作环境和条件,精心组织一个强有力的项目领导班子和具有丰富施工经验的施工作业人员成立“江西江铜城门山铜矿工程

39、项目经理部”,严格按照ISO9001:2000 质量管理体系的要求,全面实行项目法管理,履行承包合同,严格实行进度控制、质量控制、成本控制,对施工过程从开工到竣工全过程实行项目法管理。 项目经理由冯安逸同志担任;项目副经理由李汉河同志担任,项目总工程师由工程师马俊同志担任,他们都具有丰富的同类工程施工经验。 项目部下设施工技术组、物资供应组、安质组、经营预算组、综合后勤组。分别行使职能,并对内、对外进行相互协调配合,为现场施工提供服务和监督指导。作业层设土建作业队、金属结构作业队及水电消防作业队。为了达到预定的施工目标,我公司将迅速组织优势施工力量,充足的施工机具及物资,迅速突击该工程,高峰期

40、拟投入施工人员175人,拟投入施工设备、施工机具51台套。2.1.1项目管理组织机构图拟为承包本合同工程设立的组织机构图项目经理(冯安逸)项目副经理(李汉河)项目技术负责人(马俊)生产、施工资料、信息工程测量技术贯标施工技术组安 质 组物资供应组经营预算组综合后勤组安全、培训试验、计量工程质量文明施工周转材料物资设备施工机具材料供应财务、劳资合同管理计划统计工程预算政工、办公室文秘、接待食堂、保卫土建作业队金属结构作业队水电消防作业队2.1.4劳动力配备情况表劳动力配备情况表名称数量(人)名称数量(人)名称数量(人)机械工4木工50照明5专业电工2钢筋工30消防2专业测量工1砼工20给排水人员

41、5金属结构制安人员30泥工(抹灰工)20电气电调6说明:施工最高峰时达到175人(不含管理人员),土石方人员将就地解决。2.2施工部署我部承诺将本工程列为重点工程,推行项目法管理,贯彻公司“诚信守法、文明施工,建造优质完美工程; 以人为本、防治结合,营造安全和谐环境; 创新发展,持续改进,满足社会顾客需求”的管理方针,集公司先进施工工艺、精良装备及高素质人员,达到如下目标:2.2.1质量目标确保工程质量符合国家施工验收规范规定的合格标准,一次性验收合格,力争达到省部优良工程。2.2.2工期目标合理规划施工工序,制订阶段工期,确保工程在开工后170天内竣工。比建设单位设定的控制工期提前10天。2

42、.2.3安全生产目标在本工程施工过程中,杜绝重大伤亡事故、火灾事故及重大违章指挥行为的发生,确保事故为零。2.2.4安全文明目标确保达业主文明施工要求,确保施工现场环境清洁卫生。2.2.5施工阶段总体规划该项目工程总体安排170天完成。施工按工程机械维修车间、汽修车间、铲钻维修车间、采场办公楼和采场变电所等单位工程顺序进行安排。其中工程机械维修车间工程工期138天;汽修车间工程工期118天;铲钻维修车间工程工期118天;采场办公楼工程工期170天;采场变电所工程工程工期120天;试车验收阶段工期8天。 施工技术准备工作: 技术准备是施工前的关键工作。与业主方、设计院、建立紧密配合,熟悉图纸和进

43、行图纸会审、收集或购置技术标准和规范,编制详细的施工方案和作业指导书,根据设计的特殊要求编制施工工艺。 根据设计院提供的有关图纸及时组织作好施工详图设计。 建立技术岗位责任制,明确各级管理和施工人员的技术职责,并挂牌上岗。 组织施工前的技术交底,对重要工序施工人员和检验人员进行技术培训,并采用考核合格上岗制度。 对新技术、新材料、新设备、新工艺均应先实验合格后再推广使用的原则,使每项工程质量都获得技术的有效保证,从而整个工程质量的创优得到有效控制。2.3施工总平面布置2.3.1施工现场总体布置,为按期完成各项任务,各种资源的配置数量和持续高峰时间都进行科学布置。据现场实际情况和施工总体要求,施


45、金属结构半成品堆放场地。占地面积1000m2。(4)施工机械集中停放场在施工场地内布置一个施工机械集中停放场,占地面积800m2。(5)周转材料堆场在施工场地内布置一个周转材料堆场,视现场情况而定。2.3.4办公、生活区布置办公、生活大临设施拟在场内布置,由甲方指定位置,生活大临按常住35人考虑。拟建职工宿舍1幢,每间尺寸为3.65 m2,5人一间。同时建办公室1间,仓库1间,食堂1间,共10间,另设职工文化娱乐、澡堂、厕所等设施配套,总占地面积为2200 m2。临时设施采用活动彩板房。2.3.5施工和生活用水、用电现场施工最大用水总量:Q30m3/小时,主管选DN70mm,支管DN32mm,

46、装表计量。现场施工、照明、生活用电(不包括场外加工用电)需用500KVA 电源。现场设三相五线制临时供电线路,供电线路采用线缆明敷,过道路及建筑物时穿管保护。所有大临供电均按业主要求接入,装表计量。2.3.6施工总平面布置图施工总平面布置图见附图一。3施工进度计划及工期保证措施依据招标文件的要求和现场考察的情况,我公司将在签订合同后十天内进驻施工现场,确保按建设单位要求时间开工。我们将迅速组织精干的专业施工作业队伍,开赴施工场地开展施工作业,以安全、优质、高效的施工,完成本项工程。为了达到预定的施工目标,我公司将迅速组织优势施工力量,充足的施工机具及物资,迅速突击该工程,高峰期拟投入施工作业人员175人,拟投入施工设备51台套。3.1施工进度计划具体施工进度安排见施工进度计划网络图(见附图二)3.2本工程项目确保工期的单位工程本项目对确保工程工期的关键工程为采场办公楼。3.3施工工期保证措施3.3.1组织措施 加强


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