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1、学科:英语课题:北师大版教材M1U2L2History Makers课型:听说课授课教师:顺义区杨镇第一中学 张宁教学设计一、指导思想与理论依据:普通高中英语课程标准(实验)(以下简称课程标准)指出:学生应该“能听懂正常语速听力材料中对人和物的描写、情节发展及结果。”并且“能根据熟悉的话题,稍作准备后,有条理地作简短的发言。”(课程标准 P11 )以此为依据,本节课的教学目标是让学生听懂听力材料中对Martin Luther King 经历的描述,然后能够复述他的经历,并且通过其行为总结出其品质。同时,课程标准还指出:“高中英语课程要特别着重培养学生用英语获取信息、处理信息和传达信息的能力。”

2、 (课程标准 P23 )根据此标准,在本节课的教学中,教师设计的活动从填空到记笔记,以达到训练学生捕捉有效信息、整合所需信息、传递交流信息的目的。二、教学背景分析:1.教材分析:本课教学内容源于北师大版普通高中课程标准实验教科书英语高一年级必修一第二单元,本课为第二单元的听说课。本单元的中心话题是“英雄人物”:Warm-up介绍了hero不同的定义,以及描述人物品质的形容词;Lesson 1 Modern Heroes介绍了宇航员杨利伟的太空探险;Lesson 2 History Makers介绍了Martin Luther King等几位政治领袖和著名人士的经历;Lesson 3 Sport

3、s Stars讲述了网球明星Williams姐妹花的故事;Lesson 4 Superhero介绍了身残志坚的影星Christopher Reeve的故事。本课是本单元的第三课时Lesson 2 History Makers的听说课。本节课的听力材料是一个电视采访节目,主要围绕三个问题展开,结构清晰,节目嘉宾主要介绍了Martin Luther King的生平。通过本单元的第一节课Warm-up和Lesson1 杨利伟事迹的学习,学生们已经了解并掌握了一些描述人物优秀品质的形容词。在上一课时中,学生们对Dr. Sun Yat-sen, Martin Luther King等几个历史人物已经有一

4、个粗略的了解,同时掌握了在表达自己观点如何使用in my opinion, personally,I think等表达方式。本课通过听前预测、听中提取整合信息以及听后归纳主人公的人物品格的训练,最终达到在了解Martin Luther King人生经历的基础上发表自己的观点的目标。2.学情分析:授课班级为高一实验班,大部分学生英语基础较好,学习的积极性和主动性很强,对中外历史文化兴趣浓厚,也非常渴望通过英语更多地了解外面的世界。而第二课则讲述了美国历史上非常重要的一个历史人物Martin Luther King。这个人物离他们生活较远,了解匮乏,其了解仅限于他是一个黑人。本节课中设计了一个记关

5、键词获取细节信息的练习,以培养学生在听力过程中记笔记的能力。这一能力学生在经过一段时间的训练之后有所提高,但还需教师引导,帮他们扫除生词的障碍,听中给予恰当提示,以消除其焦虑感。三、教学目标与重点、难点设计(一)、教学目标:知识与技能1. Get some key information about Martin Luther King.2. Talk about Martin Luther Kings experiences and his qualities.过程与方法Get useful information by filling in the blanks & taking note

6、s & answering questions.情感态度与价值观Learn the good qualities of King.(二)、教学重点难点教学重难点1. Get useful information about Martin Luther King and summarize his good qualities. 2. Take notes on Kings experiences logically. (三)、教学方法和教学资源教学方法communicative language teaching & discussion教学资源listening material & ppt

7、Step 1: Pre-listeningLearn some difficult words in the listening material. And then predict what aspects the interview is going to talk about.Step 2: Listening & SpeakingListen and check the prediction and get the general idea of the interview.Step 3:DiscussionLet Ss speak out what they can learn fr

8、om Martin Luther King.Listen for detailed information about King. Talk about Kings experiences according to the notes taken and then summarize his good qualities. 四、教学流程图五、教学过程教 学 环 节教学活动设计意图Step 1Pre-listening( 5 min)1. Watch a video of Martin Luther King and answer questions.(1) Do you know him? (

9、2) What do you know about him?2. Look at some pictures and know the meaning of the words underlined.From the pictures we know the white and the black were not equal in the past of the U.S. Its called racism. And the black organized marches and peaceful protests to win equal rights.3. Predict the asp

10、ects the interview is going to talk about.引发兴趣,导入话题。听前处理难词,了解人物背景。训练听力策略:“听前预测”。Step 2Listening & Speaking(30min)1. Listen and tick the “aspects” the interview talks about. (Individual Work)birth(), characteristic(), family( ), hobby( ), achievement(), experience(), death ()2. Listen to Part 1 and f

11、inish the following tasks.(1) Listen and fill in in the missing words.(Individual Work)Question1Answer 1What was he like as a child, growing up in America?1. Birth: on the 15th of January 1929 . He was a smart boy.2.Experiencing racism:Who: he and his black teacherWhere: on a busWhat: the white driv

12、er told them to give their seats to two white peopleKings opinion: black and white people should enjoy equal rightsResult: King had to stand up(2) Answer the questions according to the form.( Class Work)1) What did King and his teacher experience on the bus?2) Why did the white driver ask King and h

13、is black teacher to give seats to white people?3) King didnt want to give seats to the white people and believed all men are equal. From this, what kind of people do you think King was?3. Listen to Part 2 twice and finish the following tasks.(1) Listen and write down key words.(Individual Work)Quest

14、ionAnswerWhat did King do about racism at college?when:what:result:(2) Talk about the experiences of King according to the form.(Pair Work)(3) Answer the following questions. ( Class Work)1) Why did King organize a bus protest?2) When King was still at college, he organized a bus protest and helped

15、black people win equal rights on the bus. From this, what kind of people do you think he was?4. Listen to Part 3 twice and finish the following tasks.(1) Listen and write down the information related to the following numbers. (Individual Work)1) 17_2) 1963_3) 1964_4) 1968_(2) Retell the experiences

16、of King according to the notes taken.(Pair Work)(3) Answer the following questions. (Class Work)1) Why did he organize a march to Washington D.C, not in other cities? From this, what kind of people do you think King was?2) Why did King get the Nobel Peace Prize?3) From Kings experience in the 1960s,

17、 what kind of people do you think King was? And why?掌握大意,检验预测。.补全信息词,获取细节信息。整合信息,内化语言,概括社会背景,总结人物优秀品质。培养记笔记的能力,获取有效信息。整合信息,内化语言。了解事件关系,总结人物品质。培养记笔记的能力,捕捉有效信息。整合信息,内化语言。概括人物贡献,总结人物品质。Step 4Discussion(5 min)(Pair Work)What good qualities can we learn from Martin Luther King?Example:In my opinion, we s

18、hould be strong-willed just like King. Though he was put into prison 17 times, he never gives up. We may fail many times in our life, but we should never give up and hold the belief that one day we can make it.结合所学,联系自己生活,学习伟人的优秀品质。Homework Write an article named “Martin Luther King” to your school

19、newspaper “Yang Zhong Ren Bao” to introduce this American history maker. It should include 2 parts:A. A Brief Introduction about KingB. What you can learn from him.检测学习效果。六、板书设计Lesson 2 History Makersbraveas a childcharacteristica boy of justiceactivebirth Kingambitiousat collegeexperience strong-wi

20、lledin the 1960s wisedeath achievement七、教学设计特色说明一、循序渐进,培养学生思维品质。英语学习是学生主动建构意义的过程,在这一过程中,学生通过感知、预测、获取、分析、概括、评价等思维活动,形成结构化知识。在本节课的教学中,为了培养学生自主捕捉有效信息的能力,教师在听中环节,首先设计了控制性的填空练习,引导学生去捕捉事件的细节信息,然后第二部分让学生自己去捕捉事件发生的时间、内容和结果的关键词,最后让学生以数字为主线,去捕捉数字背后事件的故事,并通过概括整合,了解人物生平。二、树立正确价值观,关注学科育人价值。在课堂实际操作中,教师都通过追问的形式让学生

21、去思考每个事件的关系,并且去挖掘事件背后人物的优秀品质。学生们对美国的种族歧视现象也有了更深的了解,过去他们认为种族歧视只是一种偏见,而现在他们知道曾经的美国种族歧视存在于生活的方方面面。正是因为以Martin Luther King为首的黑人们的努力抗争,美国黑人才能享有平等的权利。King所经历的每件事都折射出他身上的优秀品质-勇敢、坚毅、睿智,这些对他们的学习生活都有指导意义。由于课堂时间有限,美国重要的法定假日Martin Luther King Jr. Day 没有来得及补充,只能作为课下阅读材料。倘若时间充裕,学生们会对History Maker的含义有更深刻的体会。参考文献:1. 中华人民共和国教育部.普通高中英语课程标准(实验)S北京:人民教育出版社,2003.2. 王媛透视新课程理念下的英语教学设计M.北京:北京出版社,2009:153-1943. 威尔逊.(朗文)如何教听力M.北京:人民邮电出版社,2012.


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