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1、Welcome to ES,Unit2,王婷婷 赵旭,3,1 Adjusting,Adjusting the state (调整状态就是加分) 马步宣言: 当东方第一缕阳光破晓的时候,我就在为自己加油;用生命激情学习,用科学方法学习;成长、成绩、成功、成就! 誓言:I believe in myself. I am sure I can manage it. Yeah!,The best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today.,对明天做好的准备就是今天做到最好,2 revision,1.回顾上一课的主要单词和意群,如invite s

2、b to do sth , ancient adj.古老的,agent, national , at the end of等等。 2. 知道现在完成时的搭配以及用法,要与一般过去式区分开来。 3. be going to 与 will/shall 的区别,做题目的时候要加以区分,同样都要注意句子中的各个时态。,3 New Lessons-Learning Goals Go through the goals and find anything unknown or misunderstood.,Key words,Key expressions,Grammar&Skills, Preventi

3、on cruelty puppy officer society thirsty lovely as prefer care special chew unkind guard missing hunt thief safely, Take care of savefrom keepfrom preferto =likebetter dont need to do=neednt to do keepas promise to do, 祈使句的用法,7,3 New Lessons Key words,1 prevention n.预防,防止,防范 (例句分享),(关联拓展)prevent v.保

4、护 重点短语prevent/keep/stop sb from doing sth. 阻止某人做某事 注意:keep后面的from不能省去。,We should take steps to animals from being killed. It is society for the of cruelty to animals.,prevent,prevention,8,3 New Lessons Key words,2 take care of 照顾,照料=look after 照顾好:take good care of=look after well (课文原句) Make a book

5、let about how to take care of a kitten. as prep.作为,当作 连词:因为 ( 例举分享) As a student ,we should work hard. Would you like to keep one as your pet? .,4 New Lessons Key words,(知识拓展)as的词组:as usual 像往常一样 As if 好像 suchas例如 as long as 只要 4 unkind adj 不友好的 词组:be unkind to对不友好 拓展:unkindly adv 不友好 (例举分享) Sometim

6、es people are unkind to their pets. Dont talk with others (unkind),unkindly,10,3 New Lessons Key words,prefer v.更喜欢,偏爱 preference n.喜欢 (延伸拓展) prefer + n 喜欢某物 Eg : Would you like meat or fish? -I prefer meat,please. prefer + doing 喜欢做某事 Eg : Do you prefer cooking for yourself ,or eating in a restaura

7、nt? Do you like swimming? Yes, but I prefer sailing. prefer + to do 喜欢做某事 Eg : Do you prefer to cook for yourself, or to eat in a restaurant? I prefer to spend the weekend at home.,4 New Lessons Key words,prefer sb to do sth 宁愿某人做某事 Eg: Their father prefers them to be home early. 他们的父亲宁愿他们早点回家。 pref

8、er A to B 在本句型中,A与B是平行结构,可以是名词,也可以都是动名词。 Eg: I prefer dogs to cats.在狗与猫之间我更喜欢狗 I prefer staying at home to going out. 我觉得在家里比出去好 注意:A与B相比较更喜欢A,侧重喜欢的是A,4 New Lessons Key words,宁愿做某事而不愿做某事 Prefer to do rather than do = Prefer doing to doing 翻译:我宁愿看书也不愿浪费时间 I prefer to read rather than waste time. I pr

9、efer reading to wasting time,3 New Lessons Key words,6 missing adj 失踪的=lost be+lost 迷路 知识拓展: miss n.小姐 例句:I met Miss Wang yesterday. miss v.想念,错过,未击中 例句:I miss my mother very much! I missed the chance to go to college. I missed going to college. I dont miss the bird. Dont miss missing me ,Miss wang.

10、(翻译) 王小姐,不要忘记想念我。,4 New Lessons Key words,(小试牛刀) 1.I like small dogs better than big ones (保持原意) I _small dogs _ big ones. 2.We must save animals from danger.(保持原意) We must_ animals _danger. 3.His new job is to find those _ (miss) people. 4_ is better than cure (治愈).(prevent),prefer,to,prevent,from,

11、missing,Prevention,4 New Lessons Key words,7.Special adj 特殊的,专门的(反义词:ordinary)强调的是事物特有的性质、性格或专门的目的、用途。Specially adv.特殊地 especial adj.特别的,突出的,(反义词:common),强调的是重要性,有“优越”、“好感”之意。 课文原句:give him/her special dog food for puppies.,4 New Lessons Key words,8.promise v/n. 承诺 做承诺 make a promise promise (not)to

12、 do sth. 承诺做某事 课文原句:However ,they must promise to take care of their new pet. 9.guard v.守卫,保卫 n.守卫员 (搭配)on guard 值班,站岗 例句:He works as a guard. Dogs guarded the caves and kept people safe from danger.,4 New Lessons Key words,10.本课的重要短语和句子 1)take sb to 将带去 I found them and took them to the SPCA. 2) Hi

13、s father takes him to a park for a walk(去散步)and plays with(玩耍) him every day. 3)a bowl of water(一碗水) 4)take notes(记笔记) 5)many , many years ago , people lived with dogs in caves.,4 New Lessons Key words,6) in many different ways 在很多方面 7) They had no food or water .在否定句中常用or而不用and,意为“也不”。 8)savefrom 挽

14、救,以免于 keepfrom 保护,使免受,记忆单词,发挥想象:,在一个山洞,门卫是一只可爱的小狗;山洞里面有一个瞎了的不友好的小偷,在残忍地咀嚼某人。官员为了预防这种事情,保护社会安全,派出警察猎杀它们。最后,小狗给了诊所的兽医,小偷失踪了。,cave guard lovely puppy blind unkind thief cruelty chew someone officer prevention society safe police hunt clinic vet missing,Test your vocabulary,1.We should be _ to animals.

15、(friend) 2.There is _ (a/the/an) “m” in the word “smile”. 3.My brother is _ (a/an) SPCA _ (office). He likes his job. 4.He is known by others for his _. (cruel) 5.She wants to join the singing _ because she likes singing. (social) 6.There is no water _ (or/and) air on the moon.,friendly,an,an,office

16、r,cruelty,society,or,Test your vocabulary,7).Do you like to keep some _ (puppy) as pets? 8).I am very _ (thirst). Id like to have some drinks. 9).I love dogs because they are _ (love). _do you prefer, the white one or the brown one? (Which / What / Where / Who) 10). The driver drives his car _. (saf

17、e),puppies,thirsty,lovely,Which,safely,4New Lessons-Grammar,祈使句的用法 1.定义:用于表达命令、请求、劝告、警告、禁止或者祝愿等的句子叫做祈使句,祈使句最常用于表达命令。 祈使句因对象(即主语)是第二人称you,所以通常都省略,以动词原形开头,末尾可用句号或感叹号。祈使句没有疑问句的形式,一般只有肯定和否定两种形式。祈使句也常把主语“You”表达出来,使对方听起来觉得柔和些,例如: You go and tell him,Lucy.,4New Lessons-Grammar,例如: Go and wash your hands. (

18、表命令) Be quite, please.(表请求) Be kind to your sister.(表劝告) Watch your steps.(表警告) No parking. (表禁止) 2.祈使句的肯定形式(动词原形开头) 1)以系动词be开头的祈使句,这种祈使句的常用结构: be+形容词 / 名词 Be quiet / quick! Be a good student!,4New Lessons-Grammar,2)以实义动词开头的祈使句,这种祈使句的常用结构为: 动词原形+宾语(+其他)。 Come in, please! Please open your books! 3) l

19、et型(Let+宾语+动词原形+其他) Let him do it by himself. Let me help you. Lets go to the party.,4New Lessons-Grammar,3.祈使句的否定形式(一般在动词上否定,也可以用否定副词never来表示) 1)be型(Dont be +其他成分) Dont be careless! Never be late again next time! 注意:在这种句型中,be不能省略 否定副词not不可置于be之后 2)do型(Dont +动词原形+其他) Dont believe him!,4New Lessons-G

20、rammar,Dont worry! Never do it again 3)Let引起的祈使句有两种否定形式 Let+宾语+not+动词原形+其他 Let her not do that. Lets not think about it. Its only a waste of time. Dont+ let+宾语+动词原形+其他 Dont let Jim do that. Dont let us go, please.,4New Lessons-Grammar,4) 在公共场合的提示语中,否定祈使句常用“No名词 / V-ing形式”结构,表示“禁止做某事”. 例如: No photos!

21、 禁止拍照! No parking! 禁止停车!,4New Lessons-Grammar,重点考查“祈使句+and/or句型” Follow your doctors advice, _ your cough will get worse. Work hard you will succeed in the exam. (注意) 祈使句后接陈述句时,须用连接词连接。如果祈使句与陈述句表示的是一种顺承关系时,要用并列连词and来连接;如果祈使句与陈述句存在一种否定条件关系时,要用并列连词or来连接。,or,and,知识巩固,一、用括号的词的正确形式填空 Its an important mee

22、ting. _ (not, be)late. 2. _ (not make) any noise! Your mother is sleeping. 3. _ (not, speak) with your mouth full of food and _(be) polite. 4. _ ( not, talk) and _ (read) aloud.,Dont be,Dont make,Dont speak,be,Dont talk,Dont read,知识巩固,5. _ (look) out! A car is coming. 6. _ (give) us ten years and ju

23、st see what our country will be like. 7. _ (not, let) the baby cry 8. Wear more clothes , youll catch a cold. 9. Lets _ (not, say) anything about it.,Look,Give,Dont let,not say,or,知识巩固,二选择题 1.Sindy, _ to be here at 8 oclock A is sure B is sure that C will be sure D be sure 2. 3._ when you cross the

24、road. A Do care B Care C Do be careful D To be careful,D,C_,知识巩固,3._ tell a lie. A Hardly B Not C No D Never 4. _ Your child. Well look after him. A Not to worry about B Dont worry about C Not worry for D Dont worry with 5. _ in bed. Its bad for your eyes. A Not to read B Dont read C Not read D Dont

25、 to read,D,B,B,默想记忆,时间:510分钟 具体方法:坐姿端正,双手轻轻握拳置于腿上,闭上眼睛,深呼吸。 想象自己躺在西湖岸边:微风、绿草、鲜花;鸟语、花香;仰望天空:蓝天、白云、飞鸟;感觉自己也飘荡空中 现在请收回注意力集中在眼前,开始默想记忆本次课所学的知识点。,36,三句一图(收获卡),咱们一起用“三句一图”把今天所学的内容归纳整合起来,好吗? 三句:一、本堂课主要内容是什么? 二、本堂课你学到了什么方法? 三、本堂课你最大的收获是什么? 一图:请用思维导图把本堂课的内容总结出来。,思维导图,Homework,1.本单元的单词 2.本单元的重点句型和语法要熟记 3.Word文档练习题 4.一日清单 5.坚持回家默想记忆,39,Thank you for your attention & I believe you will be able to succeed in the coming exams.,


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