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1、,第六篇 血液系统疾病,第六章 溶血性贫血,弋矶山医院血液内科 黄东平,溶血性贫血(HA)概述,定义 临床分类 临床表现 发病机制与实验室检查 诊断和鉴别诊断 治疗,一、定义,溶血是一组由于后天或先天的各种原因使红细胞遭破坏寿命缩短的过程。HA系指红细胞破坏超过骨髓造血代偿功能而发生的一种贫血。如溶血发生而骨髓能代偿时,临床无贫血,称为溶血性疾病。,二、临床分类,红细胞自身异常所致的HA 红细胞外部异常所致的HA,(一)红细胞自身异常所致的HA,红细胞膜异常 遗传性红细胞酶的缺乏 遗传性珠蛋白生成障碍 血红素异常,红细胞膜异常,遗传性红细胞膜缺陷 遗传性球形红细胞增多症、遗传性椭圆形红细胞增多

2、症、遗传性棘性细胞增多症、遗传性口形细胞增多症 获得性血细胞膜糖化肌醇磷酯(GPI)锚链膜蛋白异常,如PNH,遗传性红细胞酶的缺乏,戊糖磷酸途径酶缺陷 如G6PD缺乏症等 无氧糖酵解途径缺陷 如丙酮酸激酶缺乏症等 核苷代谢酶系、氧化还原酶系等缺陷等,遗传性珠蛋白生成障碍,珠蛋白肽链结构异常不稳定血红蛋白病、血红蛋白病S、D、E等 珠蛋白肽链数量异常地中海贫血,血红素异常,先天性红细胞卟啉代谢异常如红细胞生成性血卟啉病,原卟啉型、尿卟啉型和粪卟啉型 铅中毒可影响血红素的合成发生HA,(二)红细胞外部异常所致的HA,免疫性HA 血管性 生物因素 理化因素,免疫性HA,自身免疫性HA温抗体型或冷抗体

3、型(冷凝集型、D-L抗体型);原发性或继发性(SLE、病毒或药物等0 同种免疫性HA如血型不合的输血反应、新生儿HA,血管性,微血管病性HA如(TTP/HUS)、DIC、败血症等 瓣膜病:钙化性主动脉瓣狭窄、人工心瓣膜和血管炎等 血管壁受到反复挤压:行军性血红蛋白尿,生物因素、理化因素,蛇毒、疟疾和黑热病等 大面积烧伤、血浆中渗透压改变和化学因素如苯肼、亚硝酸盐等中毒,可引起获得性高铁血红蛋白血症而溶血,(三)临床表现,急性溶血:起病急,突然寒战、高热、头痛、四肢酸痛等,面色苍白、血红蛋白尿和黄疸。严重者周围循环衰竭和急性肾衰竭 慢性溶血:起病慢,常有贫血、黄疸和肝脾肿大三个特征 胆石症、肝功

4、能损害 严重溶血时骨髓腔扩大,X线骨皮质变薄、骨骼变形,(四)发病机制和临床表现,红细胞破坏和血红蛋白降解 红系代偿性增生 红细胞具有缺陷或寿命缩短,红细胞破坏和血红蛋白降解,血管内溶血 游离Hb升高(40mg/L) 结合珠蛋白降低(0.5g/L),溶血停止3-4天后恢复正常 尿常规:隐血阳性,尿蛋白阳性而红细胞阴性 Rous试验慢性溶血时常阳性,红细胞破坏和血红蛋白降解,血管外溶血 血清游离胆红素升高 尿常规:尿胆原增多,呈强阳性,胆红素阴性 24小时粪胆原和尿胆原增多,血管外溶血的一种特殊形式,无效性红细胞生成 原位溶血,红系代偿性增生,骨髓红系代偿性增生,粒红比值减低或倒置 RC升高 外

5、周血涂片可见有核红细胞,严重溶血还可见幼粒细胞 部分红细胞可见和碎片,如Howell-Jolly小体和Cabot环,红细胞具有缺陷或寿命缩短,通过有关的实验室检查 用放射性核素51Cr标记红细胞测定红细胞寿命,HA寿命一般小于15天,(五)诊断和鉴别诊断,诊断 病史 有急慢性溶血的临床表现 要确定血管内还是血管外溶血 Coombs试验,鉴别诊断,贫血伴网织红升高 如失血性、缺铁性和巨幼细胞贫血的恢复早期 急性黄疸性肝炎 肌红蛋白尿 先天性胆红素代谢缺陷 如家族性非溶血性黄疸(Gilbert综合症) 幼红幼粒细胞贫血伴轻度RC增多 如骨髓转移癌等,自身免疫性溶血性贫血,概述:是一种获得性溶血性贫

6、血,由于免疫功能紊乱产生自身红细胞抗体,与红细胞表面抗原结合,或激活补体使红细胞加速破坏而致溶血性贫血。占溶血性疾病约1/3,国内仅次于PNH,占溶血性疾病患者第二位,女性多于男性,以青壮年为多,AIHA分温抗体型和冷抗体型,温抗体型占80%。,温抗体型AIHA,抗体为IgG或C3,少数为IgM,370C时最活跃 为不完全抗体,吸附与红细胞表面,致敏的红细胞易被巨噬细胞所破坏,可形成球形红细胞 IgG和C3抗体同时存在时溶血最重,一、病因,原发性或特发性即原因不明的占45% 继发性或症状性有:淋巴增殖性疾病如慢淋、淋巴瘤、骨髓瘤等 风湿病:SLE、类风湿关节炎和溃疡性结肠炎等 慢性炎症:慢性肝

7、病、溃结 非淋巴系肿瘤:卵巢囊肿、肝癌等 药物:青霉素类、奎尼丁、甲基多巴、头孢菌素和福达拉宾等,二、临床表现,急性型多发生于儿童伴病毒感染,偶见成人,起病急,常有寒战、高热、腰背酸痛、呕吐,严重时可伴休克、昏迷 多数温抗体型AIHA起病缓慢,成人多见,无性别差别。虚弱、头昏为常见症状 体征:皮肤黏膜苍白、黄疸;轻度脾肿大(50%),质硬,中度肝肿大(30%),三、实验室检查,血象:正细胞正色素性贫血,网织红细胞增高,少数可达50%,可见较多的球形红细胞和幼红细胞,红细胞大小不等,粒细胞基本正常,急性溶血阶段白细胞可增高,血小板多正常,1020%合并免疫性血小板减少,称Evans综合症。 骨髓

8、象:增生活跃,少数发生再障危象,骨髓增生不良,网织红极度减少,但片尾部可见巨大的早幼红细胞,三、实验室检查,Coombs试验阳性 分直接和间接试验,是温抗体型AIHA最重要和最具诊断意义的指标 免疫学检查 部分患者血清球蛋白增高,抗核抗体阳性,补体降低,淋巴转化率降低,ASO阳性,ESR增快,RF阳性 胆红素升高,以间接胆红素为主,尿粪胆原排出增多,红细胞脆性增加 51Cr标记红细胞寿命缩短,四、诊断,临床表现 实验室检查 诊断依据近4个月内无输血史或特殊药物服用史,Coombs阳性结合临床表现和实验室检查可确诊 如Coombs阴性,但临床表现较符合,肾上腺皮质激素或脾切术有效,除外其他溶血性

9、贫血特别是遗传性球形红细胞增多症等可诊断抗人球蛋白试验阴性的AIHA,原发性多为女性,年龄不限。临床表现除溶血和贫血外无特殊症状,半数有脾肿大,1/3有黄疸和肝大,继发性常伴有原发病的临床表现。,实验室检查,贫血程度不一,有时很严重,可爆发急性溶血危象,外周血可见多数球形红细胞及数量不等的幼红细胞,偶见吞噬红细胞现象,网织红细胞增多 骨髓幼红细胞增生象,偶见红系轻度巨幼变 再障危象时,RC极度减少,骨髓呈再生障碍,外周血象全血细胞减少 Coombs阳性,主要为抗IgG和抗补体C3型,偶有抗IgA型,间接试验可阳性或阴性,五、治疗,糖皮质激素 脾切除 免疫制剂 贫血较重者应输洗涤红细胞 继发性应

10、积极寻找病因,治疗原发病,冷抗体型AIHA,冷凝集素综合症 阵发性冷性血红蛋白尿 冷抗体为D-L(IgG)抗体,多继发病毒和梅毒感染,常遇冷发作血红蛋白尿,伴发热、腹痛、腰背酸、恶心呕吐等,反复发作者可有脾大、黄疸,含铁血黄素尿等,ANEMIAS OF EFFECTIVE ERYTHROPOIESIS,CLS 843 ADVANCED CLINICAL HEMATOLOGY Raymond L. Olesinski 2001 University of Kentucky,Anemias of Effective Erythropoiesis: Module Objectives,At the

11、end of this module you should be able to Define hemolytic anemia (HA) Explain the meaning of Intravascular hemolysis Extravascular hemolysis,Anemias of Effective Erythropoiesis: Module Objectives,Describe what peripheral blood findings are consistent with a HA List what laboratory findings are assoc

12、iated with specific HAs,Anemias of Effective Erythropoiesis: Module Objectives,Identify what laboratory tests are used to make a diagnosis of specific HAs Discuss the Specimen requirements Limitations of laboratory tests used to diagnose HA,Anemias of Effective Erythropoiesis: Module Objectives,Disc

13、uss specifics of specimen collection, handling, storage, and preparation for the Plasma hemoglobin Haptoglobin Osmotic fragility Sugar water test Hams acidified serum test,Anemias of Effective Erythropoiesis: Module Objectives,Explain the physiologic theory relevant to the test/procedure for the Pla

14、sma hemoglobin Haptoglobin Osmotic fragility Fluorescent spot test for pyruvate kinase deficiency,Anemias of Effective Erythropoiesis: Module Objectives,G6PD fluorescent spot test Quantitative G6PD test Sugar water test Hams acidified serum test,Anemias of Effective Erythropoiesis: Module Objectives

15、,Explain the principle of the test/procedure for the Plasma hemoglobin Haptoglobin Osmotic fragility Sugar water test Hams acidified serum test,Anemias of Effective Erythropoiesis: Module Objectives,Identify the disease manifestation/clinical correlation for the Plasma hemoglobin Haptoglobin Osmotic

16、 fragility Florescent spot test for pyruvate kinase deficiency,Anemias of Effective Erythropoiesis: Module Objectives,G6PD florescent spot test Quantitative G6PD test Sugar water test Hams acidified serum test,Classification Hemolytic Anemia,Inherited vs. acquired Intrinsic vs. extrinsic defect MCV/

17、RDW Acute vs. chronic,Sites of Hemolysis Hemolytic Anemia,Extravascular (See Figure 16.1) Destruction occurs in reticuloendothelial system (mostly the spleen) Hemoglobin released to macrophages Senescent RBC Culling Pitting,Sites of Hemolysis,Intravascular (See Figure 16.2) Destruction occurs within

18、 the blood vessels Hemoglobin is released to the plasma,Sites of Hemolysis,Factors leading to intravascular hemolysis Complement coating Artificial surfaces Microangiopathic processes Infection,Sites of Hemolysis,Factors leading to intravascular hemolysis, continued Burns Liver/kidney disease Chemic

19、als Physical trauma,Catabolism,See figure 16-1,Primary Laboratory Investigation,Hemogram findings will vary depending on the specific type of anemia The most important finding is an increased reticulocyte count that contributes to an RPI3,Primary Laboratory Investigation,The increased reticulocyte c

20、ount is usually accompanied by peripheral smear RBC polychromasia,Morphology,Pathophysiology,Clinical Relevance,Red Blood Cell Morphology Inter-relationship Triad,Morphology in HA,Morphology specific to the type of HA may be present, e.g., spherocytes, elliptocytes and stomatocytes,Secondary Laborat

21、ory Investigation,Decisions about what procedures to use for secondary, or follow-up, investigation are based on the findings of the hemogram and morphology,Secondary Laboratory Investigation,Chemistry Bilirubin: Increased unconjugated bilirubin is indicative of hemolysis,Secondary Laboratory Invest

22、igation,Chemistry, continued Haptoglobin Carries free plasma globin Decreased levels are indicative of hemolysis May be increased in inflammation masking hemolysis,Secondary Laboratory Investigation,Chemistry, continued Increased free plasma hemoglobin Increased lactic dehydrogenase Urinalysis Hemog

23、lobinuria or methemoglobinuria Hemosiderinuria Urobilinogen,Survey of HA by Type,Hereditary Acquired,Hereditary HA,Membrane abnormalities Enzymopathies Plasma constituent abnormalities,RBC Membrane Structure,+,Membrane Abnormalities,Spherocytosis Elliptocytosis Pyropoikilocytosis Stomatocytosis,Memb

24、rane Abnormalities,See figure 17-1,Spleen: Effects on RBCs,Hereditary Spherocytosis,Defect: RBC protein defects affecting spectrin Pathophysiology Increased Na+ permeability RBC rigidity Destruction in spleen Testing: Increased osmotic fragility Incubated osmotic fragility,Hereditary Spherocytosis,S

25、ee figures 17-2 and 3,Spherocyte Morphology & Pathophysiology,Lacks area of central pallor Additional causes Immunologic reaction Physical trauma Usually 6.5 m diameter Microspherocytes: 4 m diameter,Hereditary Elliptocytosis,Defect: Unknown; spectrin defects? Pathophysiology Increased Na+ efflux He

26、moglobin bipolarization; Cholesterol polarization RBC rigidity Destruction in spleen,Ellipto/Ovalocyte Clinical Relevance,Hereditary ellipto- or ovalocytosis (25% of all RBCs) Macro-ovalocytes seen in megaloblastic anemias Non-specific finding in other types of anemia(25% of all RBCs),Hereditary Ell

27、iptocytosis,Testing: Morphology Increased osmotic fragility,Hereditary Elliptocytosis,Slides not shown. See Figure 8-7, p. 91, Clinical Hematology,Hereditary Pyropoikilocytosis,Defect: Spectrin defect Pathophysiology: RBC rigidity Destruction in spleen Testing: Increased thermal sensitivity test,Her

28、editary Pyropoikilocytosis,Slides not shown. See Figure 8-15, p. 95, Clinical Hematology,Hereditary Stomatocytosis,Defect: Unknown Pathophysiology: Increased influx of RBC H2O RBC rigidity Destruction in spleen,Stomatocyte Morphology & Pathophysiology,Slit-like area of central pallor,Hereditary Stom

29、atocytosis,Testing: Morphology Stomatocytosis: Increased osmotic fragility Xerocytosis (numerous target cells): Decreased osmotic fragility,Enzymopathies Hemolytic Anemia,Pyruvate kinase deficiency Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency,Enzymopathies Hemolytic Anemia,See figure 17-5,Enzymopath

30、ies Hemolytic Anemia,Laboratory findings: G6PD deficiency Bite cells Heinz bodies Spot test: Strong flourescence indicates normal G6PD activity,Bite Cells Morphology & Pathophysiology,Cratered RBC Craters formed by removal of Heinz bodies formed from unstable hemoglobin,Enzymopathies Hemolytic Anemi

31、a,Slides not shown. See Figure 17-6, p. 262, Clinical Hematology,Enzymopathies Hemolytic Anemia,Laboratory findings: PK deficiency Spot test: Loss of flourescence indicates normal PK activity,Plasma Constituent Abnormalities,Abetalipoproteinemia: AKA hereditary acanthocytosis Lecithin-Cholesterol Ac

32、yltransferase Deficiency: Numerous target cells,Target Cell (Codocyte) Pathophysiology,Increased cholesterol or phospholipid on RBC membrane Increased surface area:volume Pre-crystalline state of hemoglobin C,Target Cell (Codocyte),Slides not shown. See Figure 8-11, p. 92, Clinical Hematology,Echino

33、cyte Morphology,30 short, blunt projections evenly distributed over the cell surface A.K.A. burr cell, crenated RBC & sea urchin cell Wet mount comparison,Acanthocyte Morphology,5-12 thornlike spicules unevenly distributed over the cell surface Projections may be club shaped or drumstick shaped (spu

34、r cells),Acquired Hemolytic Anemia,Extracorpuscular defects Abnormal blood vessel structure Mechanical injury Miscellaneous Intracorpuscular defects Immune processes,Extracorpuscular Defects,Microangiopathic hemolytic anemia Disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) Hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS

35、) Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (TTP),Schistocyte Microangiopathic Trauma,Schistocyte Microangiopathic Trauma,Slides not shown. See Figure 8-12, p. 94, Clinical Hematology,Intracorpuscular-PNH,Major defect-Complement sensitive RBCs in acidified plasma environment Pathophysiology-Extravascular

36、lysis of affected RBC occurring during the evening hours leading to a chronic hemolytic anemia,Intracorpuscular-PNH,Secondary investigation Screening test-Sugar water test Increased hemolysis in PNH Definitive test-Hams acidified serum test (See Table 18-1, Clinical Hematology, p. 269.) Significant

37、lysis in tubes containing acidified serum and complement,Module Objectives: Blood Loss Anemia,At the end of this module you should be able to Describe the natural course of acute blood loss anemia Describe the changes in laboratory test results that can be expected in acute blood loss anemia,Module

38、Objectives: Blood Loss Anemia,Explain the test results expected in chronic blood loss anemia,Laboratory Findings Blood Loss Anemia,Acute blood loss anemia No change in CBC parameters in first few hours 3-4 hours Hb/Hct Possible WBC count Possible ,Laboratory Findings Blood Loss Anemia,Acute blood lo

39、ss anemia, continued 12-24 hours Hb/Hct reflecting degree of blood loss Probable leukocytosis Possible thrombocytosis,Laboratory Findings Blood Loss Anemia,Acute blood loss anemia, continued 3-5 days Possible MCV Possible reticulocyte count Possible RPI (3),Laboratory Findings Blood Loss Anemia,See

40、Table 20-2,Laboratory Findings Blood Loss Anemia,Findings and course in chronic blood loss anemia are similar to iron deficiency anemia,Laboratory Findings Blood Loss Anemia,Morphology-Acute blood loss First few hours no significant changes 3-4 hours Possible left shift Possible NRBCs,Laboratory Fin

41、dings Blood Loss Anemia,Morphology-Acute blood loss, continued 12-24 hours Possible left shift Possible NRBCs Platelet estimate ,Laboratory Findings Blood Loss Anemia,Morphology-Acute blood loss, continued 3-5 days Possible macrocytosis Possible polychromasia,Laboratory Findings Blood Loss Anemia,Fi

42、ndings and course in chronic blood loss anemia are similar to iron deficiency anemia,Etiology Acute Blood Loss Anemia,Traumatic hemorrhage GI hemorrhage Operative hemorrhage Ruptured aneurysms Obstetric complications Massive hemoptysis,Etiology-Chronic Blood Loss Anemia,Excessive menses GI hemorrhag

43、e Colon carcinoma Hookworm,Pathophysiology-Chronic Blood Loss Anemia,Pathophysiology similar to iron deficiency anemia Anemia results from ineffective recycling of iron,Laboratory Investigation in Chronic Blood Loss Anemia,Serum ferritin levels to assess storage iron status Other iron studies Stool

44、occult blood to R/O GI bleeding,Session Summary,WWW Sites of Interest,Acute Blood Loss Anemia: http:/www.vet.purdue.edu/vpb/clinpath/vpb555/555rbc3/ (PowerPoint presentations; includes section on acute hemolytic anemia) Workup of Anemia: http:/ (Summary of test correlation for anemia; from Internal Medicine Board Review Course),WWW Sites of Interest,Anemias: http:/www1.omi.tulane.edu/classware/pathology/Krause/Anemias/Anemias.html (Overview of anemias from Dr. John Krauses Hematopathology Homepage, Tulane University-link provided),


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