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1、Lesson18 Would You Like Some Soup?教学设计拉鲁小学英语组:郝家琼 2012年5月23日一、教学内容: 小学英语冀教版(三起版)第二册中的第十八课Would You Like Some Soup?二、教学目标:1、语言知识(1)掌握单词:noodles, dumplings, soup, rice(2)短语及句型:Would you like some ? Yes, please./No, thanks. 2、语言技能(1)会听、会说、会读、会写本课单词。(2)能在实际生活中灵活运用本课句型:Would you like some?并能作出相应回答。3、情感态度

2、通过多种形式的教学活动,激发学生学习英语的兴趣,培养他们学习英语的主动性,养成节约粮食的好习惯。三、教学重、难点:1、有关食物单词:noodles, dumplings, soup, rice的四会。 2、灵活运用句型:Would you like some ? Yes, please./No, thanks.4、 教具准备: 单词图片、PPT、背景音乐五、教学步骤:Step I Class Opening1、 Greeting T: Hello,boys and girls! Ss: Hello , teacher .T:Im your new English teacher in this

3、 class . My name is Joan . (向单个学生问好)Hello ! Whats your name .?S1: My name is .T: Nice to meet you!S2: Nice to meet you , too!2、Revision(1)The old words: fish milk chicken juice hungry thirsty (2) The old sentences : I like . Do you like . ? Lets eat / drink . Is it . ? Yes . / No , it is (a).Step II

4、 New Concepts1、 Learn new words: soup rice noodles dumplings 在黑板上以简笔画的形式画出以上四种食物的图形,让学生猜一猜是什么食物,然后教师在图旁边写出相应的单词。同时学习单词的汉语意思,及单词的拼读。在学习noodles和dumplings时用简笔画让学生直观地理解单数与复数的区别。用学过的句型进行练习:What is it ? It is (a). What are these ? They are . I like . Do you like . ?2、Learn new sentences :在学习单词时引出新句型:Would

5、 you like some ? Yes, please./No, thanks. 在句子中将本课所学的四个单词反复地运用进去。3、 Practice : 用幻灯片出示四个新单词的食物图,让学生拼读出单词。同时运用到新句型中去。4、 Sing a song 将本课的新单词、新句型配上“两只老虎”的曲调来演唱,并让学生活动起来,从而达到调节课堂气氛的目的。5、Make a dialogue.(像歌曲中的对话一样在小组中进行对话练习,) For example :T : Are you hungry?S1: Yes . T : Would you like some noodles?S1: Yes

6、, please. T : Would you like some more noodles? S1:No, thanks! Show - time:请几组学生上台用小黑板上的食物图片进行对话练习。Step III Moral education 古诗悯农辛勤劳作的图片浪费粮食的图片吃不上饭的图片我们应该怎么做主题“节约粮食”Step IV Class Closing 六、布置家庭作业:1、 Draw and write down the food you like.2、 Sing the song for your parents (father and mother).3、 Tell the people around you: saving food! 5、 板书设计:Lesson 18 Would You Like Some Soup?soup rice Yes , please !dumplingsnoodles No , thanks !4


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