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1、宋家营中学电子教案课题:Module 3 Journey to space Unit 1教学时间:2015年 月 日 教师:赵婷婷一、教学目标1.Function:Talkingaboutrecentevents.2.Structure:Presentperfectwithalready,justandyet.(一)知识与技能:1、语音:能够辨认和掌握句子重音。2、词汇:掌握Earth, news, yet, just, model, spaceship, project, latest, discover, astronaut, space shuttle3、语法:理解already, ju

2、st, yet, 及have gone 与have been 在现在完成时态中的使用。4、功能:能够描述最近发生的事情。能理解和谈论关于火星探索的话题。(二)过程与方法:采用小组合作教学法、情景交际法和任务教学法。(三)情感态度和价值观:了解太空探索壮举,培养学生对太空探索的兴趣。了解中国太空探索壮举,增强民族自豪感。二、教学重难点:1.培养听、说技能以及对词汇的学习,并包括听力材料主题和具体信息的捕捉训练。2.使学生能够有效地掌握信息,并运用所学词汇和语法进行交流。三、教学方法: 小组合作教学法、情景交际法和任务教学法。四、教学资源准备:tape recorder ;handouts五、课时

3、设计:一课时六、教学过程教学环节教师活动学生活动设计意图激情导入Step One: Warming-up Free talk “What do you know about space?” and lead to the new words思考回答1、To arouse the students interest in learning the new lesson.2、To help the students to learn some new words in this lesson.讲授新课情景操练情景回归Step Two: Listening and readingA: Play th

4、e tape for them to number and check.B: listen and read the dialogue to check the sentences.C: Read the dialogue in pairs to find out specific information.D: Learn the language points.Step Three :PracticeA: Read the conversation in pairs.B: Complete the sentences.C: Answer the questions.Step Four: Pr

5、onunciation and speakingA:Listen and pay attention to the words that the speak stresses.B: Talk about something Chinese have done in space travelling and make a list.C: Tell something that youve done.StudentsListen andreadingStudentspracticePay attention to the pronounciation andspeaking1、To improve

6、 the students ability of listening.2、To help the students to learn the language points in this lesson。3、To help the students to learn the dialogue.To help the students to practice the new words and the present perfect tense.1、To help the students master the rules of the present perfect tense. 2、To i

7、mprove the students ability of listening, speaking and using language skills.教师小结1、注意给学生讲解单词重音和句子重音的不同。2、鼓励学生关注科技而不止是课本知识。作业设计1、Read and act out the dialogue in pairs.2、Do WB P120 EX 2-4.3、Collect some information about life on other planets and knowledge of universe. 板书设计Module 3 Journey to space Unit 1 have done What are you up to? 教学反思


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