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1、PEP六年级上册Unit 6 The Story of Rain.Part A Lets learn. Lets talk. 教学设计新乡市实验小学 刘海萍教学内容:PEP教材六年级上册Unit 6 The Story of Rain. Part A Lets learn. Lets talk.教学目标:一、知识目标1.学生能够听、说 、读、写本课时“四会”单词rain, cloud, sun, stream及“四会”句子Where does the rain come from? It comes from the clouds.2.学生能够听、说、认读单词vapour及句子How can

2、the water become vapour? The sun shines and the water becomes vapour.二、技能目标学生能够正确讲述水的循环过程,并能够用本课主要句型Where does the come from? It comes from来对生活中的事物进行问答。三、情感目标学生能够认识到水的重要性,并能够建立起节约用水、保护水资源的意识。教学重、难点分析:1.本课时需要重点掌握“四会”单词rain, cloud, sun, stream及“四会”句子Where does the rain come from? It comes from the clo

3、uds.2本课时的难点是如何正确地描述水的循环过程,特别是句子How can the water become vapour? The sun shines and the water becomes vapour.教具准备:1.准备录音机及录音带。2.开启电脑并准备好课件。教学过程:IWarm-upT: Hello, boys and girls. What day is it today? Ss: T: Whats the weather like today? Ss:T: What do you have for breakfast? S1: . S2: S3: T: What do I

4、 have for breakfast? Can you guess? S1: . S2: T: I have some bread, an egg and drink some(做出喝水的动作) waterIIPresentation1. T: Water is very important to us. We drink water every day. And we can use water to do many things. For example, wash the clothes, water the flowers and trees S1: S2: S3: 2. T:We

5、use water every day. But where does the water come from?Ss: .PPT 2: Where does the water come from? It comes from the ( snow, river, sea, rain )3.T: And some water comes from the stream. (简笔画画出stream, 板书tea, sea, eat,引导学生找出-ea 的发音,由学生自己来找出stream 的读音并进行练习,体现自主学习。)4.男女生问答:Where does the water come fro

6、m? It comes from the 5.T: Now we know the water comes from the stream, the river, the sea, the snow and the rain. Please look at the rain. ( 简笔画画出rain) It has an interesting story. Thats what we will learn today. Please look!( 板书课题: Unit 6 The Story of Rain. 学生齐读。)6.T: Boys and girls, where does the

7、 rain come from? Ss: (简笔画画出cloud, 板书out,house,引导学生找出-ou的发音,由学生自己来找出cloud的读音并进行练习。)7. 小组问答练习:Where does the rain come from? It comes from the clouds.8.T: OK, now we know the rain comes from the clouds. But where does the cloud come from? Ss: T: It comes from the (简笔画画出vapour, 学生分音节读出该单词。)9. T: Boys a

8、nd girls, please look at the vapour. Where does the vapour come from? Ss: It comes from the water10.全班分为四组,根据黑板上的简笔画示意图,进行小组循环问答: G1: Where does the rain come from? G2: It comes from the clouds. Where does the cloud come from? G3: It comes from the vapour. Where does the vapour come from? G4: It com

9、es from the water. Where does the water come from? G1: It comes from the rain. 11.Act it out. 找学生来进行角色表演,将水的循环过程展示出来。 S1:Hi! Im rain. I come from the clouds. 全体学生大喊:Cloud! 这时,扮演cloud 的学生跳出来:Hi! Im cloud. I come from the vapour. 其他各个角色依次进行表演。IIILets talk.1. T:Boys and girls, look at the water and the

10、 vapour. I have a question: How can the water become vapour?PPT3: T: Its cold. Can the water become vapour? Ss: (PPT:变成了冰) T: Its hot. Can the water become vapour? Ss: (PPT: 变成了蒸汽)2. T: Who can help the water become vapour?Ss: (简笔画画出sun, 学生拼读。)PPT4 : The sun shines and the water becomes vapour.3. Pa

11、ir work.A: How can the water become vapour?B: The sun shines and 4. Listen to the tape (1) Listen and point.(2) Listen and repeat.5. Group workPPT5: 看着水循环的示意图,四人小组对水循环的过程进行描述。IV. WritingPPT6: 根据水循环的过程,学生自主阅读,并补充上缺失的单词,使短文完整。V. Practise morePPT711:学生用Where does come from? It comes from 对生活中常见的一些物品进行问

12、答练习。VI. How to save water?PPT1217:针对现实生活中存在的水污染现象,对学生进行教育,呼吁大家保护水资源;同时,让学生谈一谈如何节约用水。PPT18:3R(Reduce Reuse Recycle)VIIHomework1. Retell how water cycles.2. Tell your parents that how to save water. PPT19板书设计:Unit 6 The Story of Rain.Part A Lets learn. Lets talk.A: Where does the come from? B: It comes from the A: How can the water become vapour? B: The sun shines and the water becomes vapour.


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