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1、小学英语外研版第五册module 8 unit1What time does your school start?教学设计一、教材分析本单元主要是谈论与学校有关的事,它仍然是围绕着Lingling在英国的见闻这一主线,通过Lingling和Amy的对话告诉大家英国学校的学校生活。本单元的语言结构学习内容是句型:What time? What time? 结构是本册在下半学期重点学习的内容之一,按照目标要求,学生理应掌握。在本单元谈论学校生活时,要求学生掌握一些与校园生活相关的动词短语,复习巩固时间的表达方法,并且能将两者相结合。二、学情分析经过近三年的英语学习,学生们具备了一定的听说读写技能,

2、有较好的模仿能力,在老师的引导下,能运用所学基本句型进行语言操练,在课堂教学中能积极参与,互动交流。在本模块的知识点中,与学校有关的动词词组是学生十分熟悉和掌握较好的,由于它贴近学生生活,所以学生对此会表现出较浓厚的学习兴趣,这就为本单元的学习打下了良好的基石。另外,本单元的另一个知识点,即时间的表达方法也是学生已经掌握的,所以学生主要解决的问题是如何进行综合运用。三、教学目标(一)知识目标1. 能够听懂、会说并认读单词:time,school,start,past,go to bed2. 能够听懂、会说并认读句子:What time does your school start?-My sc

3、hool starts at nine oclock in the morning.What time do you get up?-I get up at half past seven.(二)能力目标在实际生活中能口头运用“what time ”这类语句询问事情发生的时间,并做出回答。(三)情感目标帮助学生了解中西方学校生活的差异,热爱自己的学校生活。四、教学重、难点分析(一)教学重点1. 单词“time ,school ,start ,late, past ”的认读和理解。2. 灵活运用“what time”询问事情发生的时间。3. 学会整点与半点的表达。(二)教学难点1.如何结合实际,

4、在真实的语境中运用“what time.”句型询问事情发生的时间及其回答,并能描述 自己的学校生活。2.半点的表达方式:half past3.主语是第三人称时,动词的变化。五、教学准备单词卡片、钟表模型、数字翻卡、PPT课件,贴纸6、 教学内容Unit1 : Activity 2(第一、二自然段)3 ,4七、教学过程第一课时step1: warming-up1. Greetings.2.Sitting exercises:(坐姿操。教师说口令one,two,three,学生边做边说four,在说four的同时做好坐姿,同样的方法,师five,six,seven,生eight,师:nine,te

5、n,eleven生:twelve,让学生既端正了坐姿又复习了1-12的数字,方便课堂教学)3.say a chantGet up, get up, I get up at seven oclock ;Go to school, go to school, I go to school at eight oclock;Watch TV, watch TV , I watch TV at six oclock.Go to bed, go to bed,I go to bed at nine oclock.第一遍师生一起拍手说唱,第二遍加动作说唱。【设计意图】课前一游戏可以活跃课堂气氛,使学生愉快地

6、进入英语学习中去。通过chant既复习巩固了以前所学的知识,又为本节课的学习打下基础。Step 2 Lead-in1. t: Wonderful! You know that there are lots of differences between the school life in China and the school life in the UK. What are the differences? Now lets have a look :Ok, today well learn how to express time. The topic of Unit 1 is What

7、time does your school start?(板书,领读)Step 3 Presentation1. I have a present for you. look, What time is it?(讲授What time) Its eight oclock. Listen ,the bell rings and school starts(讲授start,并且一组组的练习,最后找个别学生去读) T: What time does your school start?(可以帮助学生回答)My school starts at eight oclock in the morning.

8、(领读)讲授整点表达:数字+ oclockBut,What time does the school start in the UK? Listen to the tape ,then answer.2. What time does your school start? My school starts at nine oclock in the morning.玩Bomb游戏(找一个空的塑料瓶子或其他轻便的道具,从第一个同学开始传,教师规定传的顺序,教师说开的始同时,所有学生齐声读What time does your school start? My school starts at n

9、inie oclock in the morning.每当句子读完后,学生说bomb,此时瓶子传给谁,谁就被BOMB了,被BOMB的这个同学站起来给大家读或背这组问答。让学生在玩乐中,不知不觉将此句型掌握。) The school starts at nine oclock,so we should get up early, or well be late.(讲授late)T: What time do you get up?教师把表调到7点半,帮助学生回答:I get up at half past seven.(讲授half past并做练习)讲授 半点的表达:half past + 数

10、字 玩翻卡游戏(教师准备动词词组的卡片,上面有动词词组和时间,让学生翻卡,并根据翻到卡上提示的信息,用句型:What time do you .? I .at .进行练习。Step 4 Practice1. 与同桌练习Activity 4.2. 教师出示课件,让学生和同桌练习句型What time does .? .动词s(es).at .3. 连词成句Step 5 SummaryWords and Phrases: time,school,start,late ,past,go to bedSentence structure:1.What time does your school sta

11、rt? My school starts at nine oclock in the morning. 2.What time do you get up? I get up at half past seven.Grammar:时间表达 整点:数字 + oclock 如: nine oclock 九点钟 半点: half past + 数字 如: half past sevenSay a chant of Activity1.Step 6 Homework:1. Make a survey and fill in the below table,then write them down.NameGet upGo to schoolDo homeworkWatch TVGo to bedLi Ziyi6:30Li Ziyi gets up at half past six.


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