xj中国建筑标准设计研究所关键岗位考核指标(DOC 81页)(免财富值).doc

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1、serious aspects of general discipline, strictly investigate and prosecute cases of violation of, advancing the construction of anti-corruption, strongly shape the party members and cadres of the breeze upright, make the Countys development environment has been greatly improved. January 5, 2015, I in

2、 just to * work for more than two months of when, on to County leaders Shang has a section “to case strict JI, clean politics“ of independent Commission against corruption party lecture, in analysis original * city municipal authority Secretary Zhang Jianhui bribery case, and original * County Busin

3、ess Administration Council * bribery case, case of based Shang, with everyone forget life of “seven pen account“ (“zhengzhizhang“, and “economic accounts“, and “honorary account“, and “family account“, and “family account“, and “free account“, and “health account“), This lesson in the participating

4、comrades also have larger repercussions. After the class, some County leaders and Township, sector leaders are on a lot of party lecture in person, such as County of County party Committee, Member of the Commission for discipline inspection * has further to the County Prosecutors Office, aquatic far

5、ming systems, health systems, land systems sectors on the cadres and workers of the independent Commission against corruption, so that our leaders are a very good warning education. However, while we focus on clean government, repeated in different conferences and different occasions stressed that l

6、eading cadres must clean, honest, but the discipline is still repeated, often. Not long ago, the County had a collective bribery case: this case is currently under trial by legal means, they will be punished by law. Analysis of the case, there are three characteristics: one is the lack of awareness

7、of the ICAC. National staff for project check acceptance or carried out other Center work, just a items work duties, and often we of some comrade, in carried out some work Shi always first thought money, thought have funding, and have grants, and have award, has benefits of on Rob with dry, no benef

8、its on didnt want to dry, and attendance also not output, some even suffered not money temptation of test, trying to seek benefits, can said this is a independent Commission against corruption consciousness weak of performance. Second, daring, dare to. People involved have to charge * wouldnt covers

9、 such a broad, such as object so much, which also operates through an intermediary, such “luck“, “greed“, how could I not have an accident? c there is no tree . Months to this year April discipline monitored organ handling disciplinary illegal case of situation analysis view, current of negative cor

10、ruption phenomenon in I County some sector and field still easy sent more sent, some members cadres disciplinary illegal problem still compared serious, County anti-corruption construction faced with many new situation new problem: 1. Members cadres disciplinary illegal case still is easy sent more

11、sent situation, especially rural members cadres disciplinary illegal case increased. According to statistics, between January 2014 and October this year, the County discipline inspection and supervisory organs were disciplined party * one, involving section 7 of leading cadres who transferred to jud

12、icial organs for 12 people; 2. violation problems in key areas, some economic corruption cases involving large. Some major areas such as construction, land acquisition, special fund management as well as in the areas of administrative examination and approval, corporate restructuring, bidding for co

13、nstruction projects and other important aspects, there are still many problems. Serious violation cases involving more serious cases, a bad influence. Last year, discipline inspection and supervision organs investigated and dealt with 3. Woan, conspiracy case, in which case obviously increased, usin

14、g his power to seek illegal interests to highlight specific contacts. In past corruption less sectors and areas also show momentum, such as land, education, health system, individual sector leaders dereliction, bribery and corruption, as well as violations of financial discipline have continued to i

15、ncrease, resulting in serious loss of State-owned assets. For example, last year the County discipline inspection and supervision organs from a special inspection found 4. means and concealed, some disciplinary nature. From disciplinary case of nature see, corruption bribery, and dereliction of malf

16、easance compared highlight, damage socialist economic order case has rose trend; from occurred field see, main occurred in land expropriation, and engineering construction, has management power of sector, like in land expropriation process in the fraud take funds, or using terms eat, and took, and c

17、ard, and to and negligence, and work mutual shuffle wrangling,; from modus operandi means Shang see, modus operandi means more more hidden, Wo case, and series case of case constantly increased, plot serious, effect bad. It can be said that the current anti-corruption situation remains severe. Again

18、st corruption are self-evident, it to kill the will of the party, smashed the party ranks, eventually leading to loss of progressiveness and combat effectiveness and cohesion of the party. Resolutely punishing and effectively preventing corruption is always a major political task of our party attach

19、ed great importance to do a good job. Hu Jintao, General Secretary of the year “71“ in a major speech that: “the spirit of slack risk, risk of inadequate capacity, people out of danger, risk of corruption, more sharply in front of the party. “If corruption is not effectively punished, the party will

20、 lose the peoples trust and support. In recent years, Central continuous out punch anti-corruption, independent Commission against corruption guidelines, and style clean government accountability, and rural grass-roots cadres clean perform duties several provides, a independent Commission against co

21、rruption new rules intensive introduced, sword refers to various corruption phenomenon; 2014 national on has 2,612 name provincial official for corruption rot was penalty, handling cases of efforts unprecedented; strict “5 a is strictly prohibited, and 17 a no, and 5 a are“ general discipline requir

22、ements, serious investigation violation organization personnel discipline of behavior and so on, all show has central strict. Posture, enhance the alertness and consciousness of resisting corruption, remain highly conscious and alert, always tighten the honesty in politics this string, diligent, hon

23、est and sound the alarm bell. How leading cadres corruption, parsing the second line of defense held aspirations of self as a preventive measure and any man on the road to delinquency, first of all is the idea of defense was beaten, and then step by step on the road to delinquency. Only the slim asp

24、irations to curb greed; only preventive measure, in order to adhere to the bottom line. Leading cadres power and achievement and other values directly reflect its value, power, record total views and perspectives, values and orientation of the leaders had a decisive 中国建筑标准设计研究所 关键岗位考核指标 北大纵横管理咨询标准所

25、serious aspects of general discipline, strictly investigate and prosecute cases of violation of, advancing the construction of anti-corruption, strongly shape the party members and cadres of the breeze upright, make the Countys development environment has been greatly improved. January 5, 2015, I in

26、 just to * work for more than two months of when, on to County leaders Shang has a section “to case strict JI, clean politics“ of independent Commission against corruption party lecture, in analysis original * city municipal authority Secretary Zhang Jianhui bribery case, and original * County Busin

27、ess Administration Council * bribery case, case of based Shang, with everyone forget life of “seven pen account“ (“zhengzhizhang“, and “economic accounts“, and “honorary account“, and “family account“, and “family account“, and “free account“, and “health account“), This lesson in the participating

28、comrades also have larger repercussions. After the class, some County leaders and Township, sector leaders are on a lot of party lecture in person, such as County of County party Committee, Member of the Commission for discipline inspection * has further to the County Prosecutors Office, aquatic far

29、ming systems, health systems, land systems sectors on the cadres and workers of the independent Commission against corruption, so that our leaders are a very good warning education. However, while we focus on clean government, repeated in different conferences and different occasions stressed that l

30、eading cadres must clean, honest, but the discipline is still repeated, often. Not long ago, the County had a collective bribery case: this case is currently under trial by legal means, they will be punished by law. Analysis of the case, there are three characteristics: one is the lack of awareness

31、of the ICAC. National staff for project check acceptance or carried out other Center work, just a items work duties, and often we of some comrade, in carried out some work Shi always first thought money, thought have funding, and have grants, and have award, has benefits of on Rob with dry, no benef

32、its on didnt want to dry, and attendance also not output, some even suffered not money temptation of test, trying to seek benefits, can said this is a independent Commission against corruption consciousness weak of performance. Second, daring, dare to. People involved have to charge * wouldnt covers

33、 such a broad, such as object so much, which also operates through an intermediary, such “luck“, “greed“, how could I not have an accident? c there is no tree . Months to this year April discipline monitored organ handling disciplinary illegal case of situation analysis view, current of negative cor

34、ruption phenomenon in I County some sector and field still easy sent more sent, some members cadres disciplinary illegal problem still compared serious, County anti-corruption construction faced with many new situation new problem: 1. Members cadres disciplinary illegal case still is easy sent more

35、sent situation, especially rural members cadres disciplinary illegal case increased. According to statistics, between January 2014 and October this year, the County discipline inspection and supervisory organs were disciplined party * one, involving section 7 of leading cadres who transferred to jud

36、icial organs for 12 people; 2. violation problems in key areas, some economic corruption cases involving large. Some major areas such as construction, land acquisition, special fund management as well as in the areas of administrative examination and approval, corporate restructuring, bidding for co

37、nstruction projects and other important aspects, there are still many problems. Serious violation cases involving more serious cases, a bad influence. Last year, discipline inspection and supervision organs investigated and dealt with 3. Woan, conspiracy case, in which case obviously increased, usin

38、g his power to seek illegal interests to highlight specific contacts. In past corruption less sectors and areas also show momentum, such as land, education, health system, individual sector leaders dereliction, bribery and corruption, as well as violations of financial discipline have continued to i

39、ncrease, resulting in serious loss of State-owned assets. For example, last year the County discipline inspection and supervision organs from a special inspection found 4. means and concealed, some disciplinary nature. From disciplinary case of nature see, corruption bribery, and dereliction of malf

40、easance compared highlight, damage socialist economic order case has rose trend; from occurred field see, main occurred in land expropriation, and engineering construction, has management power of sector, like in land expropriation process in the fraud take funds, or using terms eat, and took, and c

41、ard, and to and negligence, and work mutual shuffle wrangling,; from modus operandi means Shang see, modus operandi means more more hidden, Wo case, and series case of case constantly increased, plot serious, effect bad. It can be said that the current anti-corruption situation remains severe. Again

42、st corruption are self-evident, it to kill the will of the party, smashed the party ranks, eventually leading to loss of progressiveness and combat effectiveness and cohesion of the party. Resolutely punishing and effectively preventing corruption is always a major political task of our party attach

43、ed great importance to do a good job. Hu Jintao, General Secretary of the year “71“ in a major speech that: “the spirit of slack risk, risk of inadequate capacity, people out of danger, risk of corruption, more sharply in front of the party. “If corruption is not effectively punished, the party will

44、 lose the peoples trust and support. In recent years, Central continuous out punch anti-corruption, independent Commission against corruption guidelines, and style clean government accountability, and rural grass-roots cadres clean perform duties several provides, a independent Commission against co

45、rruption new rules intensive introduced, sword refers to various corruption phenomenon; 2014 national on has 2,612 name provincial official for corruption rot was penalty, handling cases of efforts unprecedented; strict “5 a is strictly prohibited, and 17 a no, and 5 a are“ general discipline requir

46、ements, serious investigation violation organization personnel discipline of behavior and so on, all show has central strict. Posture, enhance the alertness and consciousness of resisting corruption, remain highly conscious and alert, always tighten the honesty in politics this string, diligent, hon

47、est and sound the alarm bell. How leading cadres corruption, parsing the second line of defense held aspirations of self as a preventive measure and any man on the road to delinquency, first of all is the idea of defense was beaten, and then step by step on the road to delinquency. Only the slim asp

48、irations to curb greed; only preventive measure, in order to adhere to the bottom line. Leading cadres power and achievement and other values directly reflect its value, power, record total views and perspectives, values and orientation of the leaders had a decisive 目 录 高层管理人员高层管理人员6 标准所所长任务标准所所长任务绩

49、绩效考核指标效考核指标6 标准管理副所长任务绩效考核指标标准管理副所长任务绩效考核指标8 工程设计副所长任务绩效考核指标工程设计副所长任务绩效考核指标9 发行副所长任务绩效考核指标发行副所长任务绩效考核指标10 总工(副总工)任务绩效考核指标总工(副总工)任务绩效考核指标11 一、建筑工程设计室一、建筑工程设计室12 建筑工程设计室主任任务绩效考核指标建筑工程设计室主任任务绩效考核指标12 建筑工程设计室经营分管副主任任务绩效考核指标建筑工程设计室经营分管副主任任务绩效考核指标13 建筑工程设计室技术分管副主任任务绩效考核指标建筑工程设计室技术分管副主任任务绩效考核指标15 专业组组长任务绩效考核指标专业组组长任务绩效考核指标17 专业负责人任务绩效考核指标专业负责人任务绩效考核指标18 专业组设计员任务绩效考核指标专业组设计员任务绩效考核指标19 专业组辅助设计员任务绩效考核指标专业组辅助设计员任务绩效考核指标20 概算员任务绩效考核指标概算员任务绩效考核指标21 后勤辅助任务绩效考核指标后勤辅助任务绩效考核指标22 设计主持人任务绩效考核指标设计主持人任务绩效考核指标23 serious aspects of general discipline, strictly investigate and pr


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