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《Xx石化工程大型储罐施工质量计划CONSTRUCTION QUALITY PROCEDURE.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Xx石化工程大型储罐施工质量计划CONSTRUCTION QUALITY PROCEDURE.doc(126页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、Xx石化工程大型储罐施工质量计划CONSTRUCTION QUALITY PROCEDURE目录CONSTRUCTION QUALITY PROCEDURE11. 总则General42. 编制依据 Basis of the plan:53.项目概况 eneral introduction74.质量目标 Quality target85.项目施工质量管理组织机构Organization and management system of construction quality85.1施工质量管理小组网络构架:Organizational structure of construction qu

2、ality management group:95.2施工质量管理小组网络构架说明:Instructions to organizational structure of construction quality management group:136.施工质量检查和控制工作的开展 Workflow chart of Construction Quality Assurance System136.1质量保证体系工作流程图:Workflow chart of Construction Quality Assurance System:136.2项目施工质量检查和控制工作的开展Instruct

3、ions to works of Construction Quality management group of the project:166.3质量检查和控制项目Quality examination and control project186.3.1储罐地基与基础质量检验项目Storage tank basis and foundation quality examination project186.3.2材料验收检验项目material checking and accepting196.3.3预制质量检验项目Quality examination project of pref

4、abricate196.3.4安装质量检验项目Installation quality examination206.3.5焊接质量检验项目Weld quality examination216.3.6储罐总体质量检验项目Storage tank collectivity quality examination216.3.7质量检验项目分级Class of quality control items216.3.8焊缝无损检测welding line scatheless examination236.4储罐施工质量控制点一览表Storage tank construction quality

5、control points246.5项目施工质量管理小组对质量持续改进的措施Project construction quality manage groups measure about quality improvement continuance417施工准备阶段的质量控制和管理Quality control and management at all construction stages447.1图纸会审阶段The stage of drawings joint checkup447.2进场机具、检具的准备和检验Preparation and inspection of incom

6、ing machines, tools, and inspection instruments457.3施工人员的教育和培训Education and training for construction forces477.4施工人员资质检查Construction forces qualification examination488. 施工阶段的质量控制Quality control of construction period488.1施工阶段的技术交底technical specifications of construction period488.2材料的进场验收和发放Incomi

7、ng, acceptance and put out of Material498.3土建专业施工阶段质量检验Construction stage of civil-work and quality inspection518.4储罐预制施工阶段质量检验The quality inspection during the fabrication period568.5 储罐安装施工阶段质量检验Inspection of installation qualityxx8.5.1储罐安装一般要求The general requirement of the tank installationxx8.5.

8、2储罐基础复验检查Re-test and inspection of the tank foundationxx8.5.3储罐底板的下料及铺设质量检验Quality inspection blanking and laying of storage-tank bottom boards658.5.4罐壁组装质量检验Quality inspection assembling of rank wall678.5.5储罐倒装法安装的质量检查和控制Quality inspection and control of reversed installation for storage tank728.5.

9、6储罐固定顶和内浮盘的安装质量检验Inspection of tank domes and floating plate738.5.7附件安装质量检验Inspection of accessory installation quality748.6焊接质量检验Inspection of welding quality758.7总体尺寸检验The general dimension inspection798.7.1罐壁组装焊接质量The installation and welding quality of the wall plate798.7.2罐底和罐顶(浮盘)组装焊接质量The tan

10、k bottom and dome (floating plate ) installation and welding quality798.8罐体水压试验Hydraulic test of tank shell808.9罐体防腐专业施工阶段质量检验Tank shell anticorrosion quality inspection848.10罐体保温专业施工阶段质量检验Tank shell insulation quality inspection859.竣工验收阶段的质量控制Quality control of completion, check and acceptance peri

11、od8610.附录88施工质量计划CONSTRUCTION QUALITY PROCEDURE1. 总则General本工程技术要求高,质量要求严格,为了满足业主XX的要求和满足工程施工技术标准的要求,向XX提供质量优良的产品和服务,确保xx罐区的施工质量,使业主XX满意,要建立一套完整的质量保证体系和质量管理制度,自始至终的按全优工程项目管理,实施目标管理。为达到质量目标,特制订本施工质量计划。This project has high technique and strict quality request, in order to offer XX hi-quality products

12、 and services, to ensure construction quality of xx tank farms and to satisfy the owner XX and the construction technical standard, we build a set of system about the quality assure and quality manage to meet the construction quality aim that we will manage all the way according to the best project,

13、 actualize the target manage. We hereby work out the construction quality plan. 该计划坚持“质量第一,预防为主”的方针和“计划、执行、检查、处理”循环工作方法,不断改进过程控制。该施工质量控制和管理计划将覆盖整个施工过程,作为对外质量保证和对内质量控制的依据。质量保证体系各级责任人员必须到岗到位,深入施工现场和施工班组,履行本专业职责,严格把关,保证质量体系运转正常。The plan insists on the policy about “ Quality First, Prevention Priority”

14、and the circle working method, improving the process control. The plan shall assure quality external and control quality internal base on the quality assurance and quality manage covers the overall construction process. All persons responsible for Quality Assurance System at all levels must keep in

15、the designated posts, penetrate into the construction field and construction parties to fulfill their professional responsibilities and strictly guarantee the quality so as to ensure normal operation of quality system在需要时,本施工质量计划将作必要的修改和重新提交,以与项目的义务和要求保持一致。The plan shall be modified and resubmitted

16、when necessary so as to keep in line with the obligations and requirements of the project.2. 编制依据 Basis of the plan: 2.1承包合同文件 “Contract No.:2.2 XX石化项目xx罐区项目里程碑Milestone for works of intermedium & petroleum tank farms in XX Petrochemicals Project2.3设计技术资料 Requirements on construction drawings, techn

17、ologies and quality specified by 2.13ASME boiler and pressure vessel code:Section V - Nondestructive examination ASME V Section IX - Qualification standard for welding and brazing procedures, welders, brazers, and welding and brazing operators ASME IXVertical steel welded storage tanks with butt wel

18、ded shells for the petroleum industry BS 26542.14国内现行的各专业施工验收标准、规范:Relevant professional standards and regulations on construction acceptance:l 建设工程项目管理规范 GB/T503262001“Construction project manage criteria GB/T503262001”l 石油化工钢储罐地基处理技术规范 SH/T3083-1997“Technical criteria on foundation treatment for p

19、etrochemical steel storage tank SH/T3083-1997”l 石油化工钢储罐地基与基础施工及验收规范 SH3528-93“Criteria on construction and acceptance of groundwork and foundation for petrochemical steel storage tank SH3528-93”l 建筑地基设计规范 GB 50007l 砼结构设计规范 GB 50010l 基础工程的施工与验收规范 GB 202l 硅酸盐水泥与普通硅酸盐水泥的质量标准 GB 175l 钢筋混凝土热扎螺纹钢筋标准 GB 14

20、99l 混凝土结构的施工与验收规范 GB 50204l 混凝土应用骨料的质量标准与检验方法 JGJ 53l 石油化工立式圆筒形钢制储罐施工工艺标准 SH353093“Criteria on construction technics of petrochemical vertical cylindrical steel-welded storage tank SH3530-93”l 石油化工立式圆筒形钢制焊接储罐设计规范 SH3046-92“Criteria on design of petrochemical vertical cylindrical steel-welded storage

21、 tank SH3046-92”l 立式圆筒形钢制焊接油罐施工及验收规范 GBJ128-90“Criteria on construction and acceptance of vertical cylindrical steel-welded petroleum tank GBJ128-90”l 工业管道施工及验收规范 GB50235-97“Criteria on industry conduit construction and acceptance GB50235-97”l 现场设备、工业管道焊接工程施工及验收规范 GB50236-1998 “Criteria on construct

22、ion and acceptance of scene equipment, industry conduit steel-welded GB50235-97”l 石油化工设备和管道隔热技术规范 SH30102000“Technical criteria on petrochemical processing equipment and pipeline insulation SH30102000”l 石油化工设备和管道涂料防腐蚀技术规程 SH30221999“Technical regulations on anticorrosion of petrochemical processing

23、equipment and pipeline coating SH30221999”l 石油化工工程建设交工技术文件规定 SH35032001Regulation of Technical Turnover Document for Construction of Petrochemical Industry Project, SH35032001l 工程测量规范 GB500261993“Construction Survey and Measure Standards GB500261993” l 锅炉压力容器焊工考试规则“Regulation on welder examination a

24、nd management for boiler, pressure vessels& pressure piping”l 压力容器焊接工艺评定 JB3964- “Craft evaluation on pressure vessels welding JB3964”l 石油化工设备安装工程质量检验评定标准 SH35142001 Standards of Quality Inspection /Evaluation for Installation/Erection of Petrochemical Equipment, SH35142001l 石油化工绝热工程施工工艺标准 SH/T35221

25、991 Standard for Construction of Petrochemical Industrial Thermal Insulation Work, SH/T35221991l 工业设备及管道绝热工程施工及验收规范 GBJ126-1989 Code on Construction and Acceptance Inspection of Thermal Insulation of Industrial Equipment and Pipeline, GBJ126-1989l 设备及管道保冷技术通则 GB/T11790-1996 General Regulation for Co

26、ld Insulation of Equipment and Pipeline, GB/T11790-1996l 设备及管道保暖技术通则 GB4272-1996 General Regulation for Thermal Insulation of Equipment and Pipeline, GB4272-1996l 工业设备及管道绝热工程质量检验评定标准 GB50185-1993 Standar for Construction Quality Inspection and Evaluation of Thermal Insulation Work of Industrial Equi

27、pment and Pipeline, GB50185-19932.15各专业施工方案、施工技术措施Construction schemes of various specialties and technical measures for construction 3.项目概况 eneral introduction3.1该项目是由xx石化工程的罐区,位于xx。根据合同规定,该项目由CC设计、供货、现场制造及安装罐区xx个储罐。This project is the tank farms of Petrochemical Project jointly constructed by xx.

28、The tank farms is located at Dayawan Bay of Huizhou City in Guangdong Province. According to contract terms, this project is designed and supplied by CC, and CC is responsible for field manufacturing and installation of xx storage tanks in the tank farms. 3.2工程特点: Characteristics of Project3.2.1工程量大

29、、HSE要求高、管理程序多,质量要求严格。 The construction farms is big, with high quantity, high and strict quality demand. The requirements of HSE is strict, the management procedure of HSE is various.3.2.2工期紧:按合同,有效施工工期只有 11个月。去掉阴雨,台风的影响,实际有效施工工期还要减少,任务非常艰巨。Pressing project time limit: According to the contract, the

30、 effective construction time is only 11 months. If considering the influence of drizzle and typhoon, the actual time is even shorter. The task is hard.3.2.3建设区域范围广,施工区域分散,储罐规格数量多。Construction fields are distributed dispersedly, the specifications of storage tanks vary and the number of tanks is high

31、. 3.2.4工地紧靠海边,风多风大,属台风多发地,空气相对湿度大。The site is close to the coast, featuring frequent and big winds and frequent typhoon and high relative humidity.4.质量目标 Quality target4.1罐基础浇注一次合格率100%4.2焊接一次合格率95%The check out percent of steel-welded is 95 once. 4.3工程一次交验合格率100%The check out percent of constructio

32、n acceptance is 100 once.4.4单位工程优良品率85% The choiceness percent of unit construction is 85 .5.项目施工质量管理组织机构Organization and management system of construction quality在进入施工现场前,成立项目质量管理小组,并开展工作,为进场施工做好充分准备。质量管理工作贯穿整个施工过程,接受XX/PMC/监理的监督和审核。Before moving into the construction site, we shall establish our q

33、uality management group for the project, and put it into service so as to get ready for construction. Quality management operations shall be carried out during the entire construction process under supervision and audit by XX/PMC/监理.施工质量管理小组由项目经理、施工经理、现场经理、各专业责任人和各专业施工部门主要负责人、施工班组骨干共同组成,形成全员质量管理网。它的

34、主要职责是制订和通过现场各项质量检查制度,组织现场质量检查,召开现场质量会议,对现场的质量问题做出有效的处理意见。Construction Quality management group is composed of project manager, construction manager, field QA/QC manager, persons responsible for specialty QA/QC , major principals and cadreman of all professional construction units, that will come int

35、o being quality management net of all person. Its main functions: to establish all field quality inspection systems, to organize field quality inspection, to hold field quality meetings, and to put foreward effective treatment proposals on field quality problems.项目施工质量管理小组成员:Members of construction

36、quality management group:lue5.1施工质量管理小组网络构架:Organizational structure of construction quality management group:Lue5.2施工质量管理小组网络构架说明:Instructions to organizational structure of construction quality management group:项目经理是工程质量的总负责人,对项目质量控制负责,贯彻落实各级质量负责人的岗位责任;工程师负责本项目的质量策划和控制;各专业质量负责人是日常质量管理工作的主要负责人,负责现场

37、的工程质量管理;各部门的施工生产主要负责人是施工质量负责人,在布置岗位、调整分工的同时还要下达工作质量要求,明确质量责任,做到质保体系和工作机构一体化,保证质保体系与施工活动有效的同步运转。Project manager is the chief principal responsible for engineering quality. QA/QC engineer shall be in charge of planning and control of the construction quality. Quality principals of various work teams s

38、hall be the chief principals responsible for routine quality management and field management of engineering quality. The chief principals responsible for construction operation of the sections shall be the construction principal, who shall designate jobs, regulate task divisions, make known to lower

39、 levels the requirements for work quality, define quality responsibilities, integrate quality assurance system and operating mechanism, and ensure effective an synchronous operation of quality assurance system and construction activities.各专业质量负责人作为整个工程质量的管理核心,负责对所在专业的施工质量进行全面管理,指导并监督各施工阶段工艺卡的下发、运转和回

40、收,保证质量管理工作上下协调一致。Quality principals of the work teams, as the core of overall engineering quality management, shall take charge of the overall management of construction quality of relevant specialty, directing and monitoring the issuance, operation and callback of technique cards at each constructi

41、on stage, and ensuring the consistency of quality management at all levels.项目施工质量管理小组的工作应达到以下目的:使质量体系满足标准和合同要求;及时发现质量管理中的问题,加以纠正和预防;不断改进和完善质量体系,使质量体系持续地保持其有效性。Construction quality management group must meet the following request:Makes quality system accord with standard and contract request;Finds th

42、e problem of quality management on time, at the same time corrects and prevents it;Improve the quality system, makes the quality system validity longer.6.施工质量检查和控制工作的开展 Workflow chart of Construction Quality Assurance System6.1质量保证体系工作流程图:Workflow chart of Construction Quality Assurance System:焊接工艺评

43、定 施工方案、措施编制和审查图纸会审进场机具、检具的报审、准备和检验 合格合格技术交底 施工人员的教育和培训 施工人员资质检查 储罐基础浇注钢筋绑扎模板安装地基处理 合格合格检验合格基础的复测验收预制件刷底漆预制件的喷沙除锈预制成型划线下料材料进场验收合格合格合格罐体施工(焊接、安装)罐底板焊接罐底板铺设罐底板防腐罐总体试验 合格合格合格检测和探伤合格合格交工验收防腐保温罐体除锈合格 合格Compile &review the construction measure and planTechnical issue and verificationEvaluate the welding cr

44、aftReview the drawingsPreparation and application for inspection of the incoming machinery and toolsacceptedacceptedThe education and training of the construction techniciansInspect the qualificationof the construction techniciansFoundation treatmentInstall The model sheetSteelrebarConcreteThe found

45、ationacceptedacceptedacceptedRetest andAcceptance of foundationPrimarypaintingBlasting and de-rustingPre-fabricationLine and lay- downIncoming and acceptance o the materialacceptedacceptedacceptedGeneral testaccepted Tank installation (welding,installation)WeldingplateLay-down of the bottom plateCor

46、rosion Prevention of the bottom plateacceptedacceptedNDTNDTacceptedInsulationAnd CoatingTurnover and acceptanceTank de-rustingacceptedaccepted 6.2项目施工质量检查和控制工作的开展Instructions to works of Construction Quality management group of the project:6.2.1项目施工质量管理小组严格遵守国家相关工程质量规范、标准。采用正确的施工技术和方法以保证施工质量。定期检查施工质量以排除质量隐患。与/监理监理公司紧密配合,共同抓好施工质量,满足业主XX要求。Construction Quality management group


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