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1、词块理论指导下的高一英语词汇教学,瓯海区任岩松中学 金云安,词块理论(lexical chunks) Becker(1975)第一次提出; Michael Lewis(1993)在The Lexical Approach 一书 基本观点: 基于词块的词汇是语言构成的中心因素,各种类型的词块组成词库,词块的不同的有机组合就形成了句子,进而组成连贯的篇章。根据该理论,语言习得的中心是基于词块的词汇,而不是传统意义上的语法。 两个特征:一是词块是形式与功能相对应的组合;二是具有语言生成能力及相对稳定的语用功能和较强的语境制约。,理论学习,夏谷鸣老师在讲座中也非常强调:根据词汇分层的原则,在语境和运用

2、中教学词汇。,四种类型: 1、单词(Words)和多词词汇(Polywords) 2、搭配(collocations) 3、惯用话语(institutionalized utterances) 4、句子框架和引语(sentence frames and heads),理论学习,教学实践(Teaching Practice) 1、充分重视高频词汇、英语短语,做到在师生互动中渗透、生成; 2、围绕不同的话题,教师要善于使学生联系有关话题,联想有关词汇,形成词群; 3、精加工部分重点词汇,特别是动词和形容词, 兼顾词性活用; 4、充分运用课前5分钟,进行topic report, 从口头和笔头两方面

3、运用和巩固词块; 5、突出词块在听说课、写作课中的应用; 6、重视“二写二背”.,教学实践,Thank you!,搭配(collocations):指以较高频率出现的单词组合,如as usual、black tea、 heavy traffic、 busy line、 green hand、 face-to-face interview、 interview sb face to face、 persuade sb to do sth/ persuade sb into doing sth,惯用话语(institutionalized utterances): 指形式固定或半固定、具有固定语功

4、能的单词组合,可以是完整的句子。如Pardon? I beg your pardon? Take care、 In my opinion、 I am afraid (not) . Im sorry, but I dont agree. Good luck on your journey. Give my best wishes to . Sorry, I cant follow you. I insisted that . I prefer to do rather than do, It was the first time that I had seen the night face to

5、 face. It is no pleasure looking through these any longer,句子框架和引语(sentence frames and heads):指有待填充的具有特定语用功能和较强生成国的框架结构。如on one hand, on the other hand, There are some reasons for this as follows. Firstly, secondly, Thirdly, Finally. As far as I am concerned , whats more. Besides等,但仅用于书面语,作为篇章组织的手段。,

6、在教学Unit1 Friendship Period1时的教学片段:教师设置2个问题 Do you think it is important to make friends? What good qualities do you think a good friend should have? 学生可以自由发言,教师可以板书如下: honest、unselfish easy-going、 kind-hearted、outgoing、 helpful、loyal、 responsible、 thoughtful等。 Task设置:Would you please make a list of

7、three qualities which you think are the most important to a good friend? And your reasons? Ask the students work in groups and then report their discussion. 在各组学生汇报的过程中,教师通过备课时的预设、课堂倾听、评价、补充,比较容易板书如下语句中词汇,如oh, I see. You would like your good friend to often get in touch with you but not ignore you,

8、especially when you are in trouble, he or she are concerned about you.,1、充分重视高频词汇、英语短语,做到在师生互动中渗透、生成;,其次,在Reading教学部分要引导学生归纳、摘录有用的词块, 如unit3 Para1.P18, 教师问: How is this Para. organized? How do you know that? In time order, for example, ever since, two years ago, last year, after graduating from, now

9、. 这样一方面,可以帮助学生理解文章,另一方面,可以为学生写作该类文章提供词块依据。,1、充分重视高频词汇、英语短语,做到在师生互动中渗透、生成;,2、围绕不同的话题,教师要善于使学生联系有关话题,联想有关词汇和句型,形成意义群;,给出学生一个Pair work任务: A: Hi, *, As we know, National Day is coming, may I ask you some questions about your holiday schedule? B: Sure, go ahead please. A: Where are you going? A: When are

10、 you leaving? A: How are you going to? A: What are you taking with you? A: Where are you staying? A: How long are staying in? A: When are you coming back? B: Thank you. Wish you a nice trip!/Good luck on your journey!,重点词汇的“四性”,即词语英语释义(拼写)、文法句型、固定搭配、词汇辨义区别。以Learning about language 为载体,进行巩固和拓展。 如在Uni

11、t1中,go through,settle 需要突出一词多义这样,如go through the difficulties,go through the forest,go through the task,settle(vt) the problem, Dashan settled(vi) down in China.p 这样,掌握的词汇就能有效地为语言知识运用服务了。 在Unit3中,persuade insist prefer, 要突出文法句型,教师首先要每位学生掌握persuade sb (not) to do sth, insist that sb (should) do sth,

12、prefer to do sth, prefer running to swimming。还要拓展persuade sb into doing sth, persuade sb out of sth,insist on doing,prefer to do A rather than do B这个句型。 另外,还要创设语境区别 persuade sb to do sth, try to persuade sb to do sth, advise sb to do sth suggest sb doing sth等含义及用法。,3、精加工部分重点词汇,特别是动词和形容词, 兼顾词性活用;,As

13、we know, we will have a long holiday as New Years Day is coming. I prefer to travel rather than stay at home. So I am planning my schedule for the trip. First I decided to go to Hawaii, it is a wonderful place to visit. Hawaii is well-known for its beautiful sunshine, clear water and sand. The sight

14、 there makes me feel free and excited. And I will enjoy the natural beauty of beach and other amazing places. Whats more, I can drink famous coconut milk as much as I want. Secondly, I am going there with my parents because of plane that is quick and comfortable. So we will go there by air. In a wor

15、d, I hope to have a fantastic trip. 张烈芬,4 充分运用课前5分钟,进行topic report, 从口头和笔头两方面运用和巩固词块;,New Years Day is coming. I want to do something different this year. In my opinion, travelling is a good idea. I made up my mind to visit Tibet. As I know, there is some snow mountains, and they add to beauty of th

16、e place. Though its cold there, I still want to enjoy the beauty of nature there. Whats more, I heard of that there is a sacred lake, if you touch it, you will forget all the problems, disappointment and tiredness. It seems impossible, however, I want to have a try. I will plan a schedule for the tr

17、ip as soon as possible. Would you mind going with me? 林倍倍,4 充分运用课前5分钟,进行topic report, 从口头和笔头两方面运用和巩固词块;,5、突出词块在写作中的应用;,在unit1教学中,P46有很多关于 friends and friendship的proverbs.我进行了如下教学设计 1、中文翻译谚语 2、本单元词汇回放 3、聚焦重点词汇 ignore, upset, be concerned about, in order to, get along with, grateful, settle, get tired

18、 of , no longer, outdoors 4、选用上述部分词汇,围绕A friend in need is a friend indeed讲述你的经历 学生当堂作品:I was very poor in maths. I even got tired of it. I think my teacher ignore me because of my bad mark. I felt so upset. I almost couldnt get along with my study. Luckily my close friend came and help me. In order

19、 to help me with my maths, he promised to come to my house after school every day. As a result, I did better in maths. I was so grateful. I think a friend in need is a friend indeed.,5、突出词块在写作中的应用;,在Unit2 writing practice P53中,本节课的写作任务是write about your problems in your English study. 教师任务设计如下: 1、Of

20、all the items vocabulary, grammar, listening, reading, writing, speaking, which do you think are your problems in learning English? 2、share your problems with your partners and discuss how you can solve them.,5、突出词块在写作中的应用;,通过讨论,学生生成下列词块: Problems: of all the items, I think grammar is the most diffi

21、cult I have some problems/difficulty/trouble in learning vocabulary. I am poor in spoken English, and I dont dare open to speak I think writing is the hardest Solutions: Listen to CDs Watch some news and interview on CCTV9 Watch and English films with the Chinese subtitles Talk to native speakers Re

22、ad English loudly in the morning Do some reading every day and make some notes Buy a grammar book if necessary Try to make use of the word card for each unit,5、突出词块在写作中的应用;,然后老师给出the writing frame: Title : Ways of improving . Para1: the main problem Para.2: suggestions on how to solve the problem I am not satisfied with this situation, so Para3: conclusion I will do as she/he advised. I am sure I will gradually make progress in learning English. 有了前面的基础,围绕本节写作的任务和讨论要点,选用恰当的词块,学生就能够比较容易地进入到时实质性的写作阶段。,Thank you!,


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