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1、,课标人教实验版 高三Module10 Unit 2,Reading,广东 朱金泉,Glance quickly through Part 1 of the play and answer the following questions.,1. List the characters who appear in this part of the play.,King Lear, Goneril, Regan, Cordelia, the Dukes of Albany and Cornwall, the Duke of Kent,Pre-reading,2.Which of the chara

2、cters do you think are shown in the picture on Page 11.,King Lear and his three daughters-Goneril, Regan, Cordelia,Read the play again, and complete the following main points.,loved,retire,give,how much,happy,get,honest,flattering,nothing,angry,truth,Choose the proper words to describe the Character

3、s Personality.,Explanations,1. hand over 移交;让与 如:to hand over command of a ship. 移交军舰的指挥权。 The pickpocket was handed over to the police. 扒手被送交警方。,hand down 传给后代 = hand on, pass down 如:This pair of bracelets were handed down from my greatgrandmother. 这副手镯是我曾祖母传下来的。,hand on 1)传递 2)把传下来 (= hand down) 如

4、: Please read this and hand it on. 请你读后加以传阅。 Please read this notice and hand it on. “请把这张通知看一下,并传阅。“,2. riches (n.) 财富,财宝,金钱。 没有单数形式。 如: Riches have wings. 钱财易散。(谚 语) She gave away all her riches. 她把自己的全部财产赠送给了别人。,3. even 在句中起强调作用,常放在行为 动词之前、助动词、情态动词之后。 如:In order to watch the World Cup soccer game

5、,they even closed the sore. 为了看世界杯足球赛,他们甚至把 店门关了。,I didnt even know his name. 我甚至不知道他的名字。 Some robots can even talk to . 一些机器人甚至能和你对话。,4. Its ones turn to do sth. 轮到某人做某事。 如: Today it is my turn to clean our classroom. 今天轮到我打扫教室。 Its your turn to recite the poem. 到你背这首诗了。,常用带turn的短语: take turns doin

6、g sth. 轮流做某事。 in turn 轮流地; 挨个, 依次; 反过来 by turns 轮流地; 时而.时而.,5. be equal in 在某方面相等 如:Are men and women equal in physical strength? 男人和女人在体力上相当吗? You and I are equal in strength, but not in intelligence. 你我力气相当,但智力有高下之分。,be equal to 与 相等 如:They receive an income that is equal to the value of the goods

7、 they produce. 他们所得的收入与他们生产的产品价 值相当。,6. be a stranger to 对 陌生,对 没有经验,对不习 惯 如:He is a stranger to our country. 他不了解我们国家。 He is no stranger to hardship. 他曾历尽沧桑。,7. Try harder, Cordelia, or you may lose your share of the kingdom. 这是“祈使句+or/and +陈述句” 句 型,陈述句表示结果。 如: Get up earlier, or you will miss the

8、first train. 早点起床,否则你会错过第一班火 车。,Use your head, and you will have a way to solve the problem. 动动脑筋,你就会想出解决问题的办 法。,8. Well see if either wants to be a bridegroom when she has no riches to bring to the marriage. 我们倒要看看,她没有分毫嫁妆, 谁愿意当她的新郎。 when 表示“如果,既然”之意,相当于 if,since,now that.,如:How can he get good gra

9、des when he doesnt study hard? 他不用功 的话,怎么能取得好成绩? Why does she always drive to work when she could easily take the bus? 他很容易就能赶上公交车的话,为什么 要经常开车上班?,9. But sir,please hear me out. I speak on behalf of Cordelia. 但是,先生,请听我说完。让我代表科迪 莉亚说几句。 hear sb out 听某人说完 如:Dont interrupt, just hear me out. 别打扰我,听我说完。,S

10、orry, I wish I had time to hear you out, but could you make your story shorter? 我真希望我有时间听你说完,你能不能把故事缩短些?,on behalf of 代表,为了的利益,如:I am writing this letter on behalf of my mother, who wants to thank you for your nice gift. 我代表我的妈妈写这封信,她要感谢你送的精美礼物。 They are collecting on behalf of charity. 他们以慈善的名义集资。,

11、10. Cordelias devotion to Your Majesty is beyond question. 科迪莉亚对陛下的爱是毋庸置疑 的。 beyond question = cannot be doubted 不用怀疑的,毋庸置疑 的。,如:His honesty is beyond question. 他的忠诚是毋庸置疑的。 out of question 毫无疑问 out of the question不可能,不容讨论,11. I would rather lose my life than see you make such a mistake. 我宁愿丢了性命也不愿看到

12、你犯这样 的错。 would rather than 宁愿 而 不 ,I would rather stay at home than go to cinema? 我宁愿待在家里也不去看电影? Would rather die than surrender. 宁死不投降。,12. I will have you killed. 我叫人杀了你。 Have / get done 1) 叫别人做某事(= ask sb to do sth ) 如:Weve just had the house decorated. 我们刚叫人把房子装修了一下。,Doesnt Mike look smart? He h

13、as had that suit made specially for thewedding. 迈克看上去很潇洒,是吧?他那身西 装是专为婚礼而定做的。,2) 遭受某种不幸 如:I had my watch stolen last night. 昨晚我的手表被偷了。 Mind you. Its easy to have your pocket picked in a big crowd. “请注意,在人群中你衣袋内的东西是 很容易被人扒窃的。“,Homework,1. Act the play out with your mates. 2. Complete the exercises in Comprehending and Learning about Language.,


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