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1、,课标人教实验版 高三 Module 10 Unit 4,Warming-up & Reading,广东 刘浩,123100 ?,Leading in,1100,2 99,398, 4952,5051 altogether 50 pairs,So : Answer =101505050,A ten-year-old boy (高斯(C.F. Gauss ) worked out the problem assigned by the teacher in a few seconds.,From this example, we know the significance of method.

2、Right methods can always help improve the efficiency of solving problems. As to our study, we can also apply certain methods or strategies to make ourselves an efficient learner.,Question: So how to be an efficient learner and how to learn efficiently? No idea? OK, the unit we are going to learn foc

3、uses on this topic. And Im sure, after learning it, you will know how.,Warming-up,What does the graph tell you about the study habits of Guo Qiang?,Do you think Guo Qiang is spending an appropriate amount of time on each aspect of his English study? Do you think a survey of your classmates would sho

4、w similar results?,In pairs interview each other to find out your partners English study habits. Then make a graph to show the result.,Task 1,Please read the following statements and choose a number from 1 to 5 to mark each one. (If you choose number1, it means you strongly disagree with the stateme

5、nt; 2 means you disagree with the statement;,3 means you have no opinion about the statement; 4 means you support the statement; 5 means you firmly support the statement.),Memorizing English sentences can help improve your English ability quickly. It is very important to do a lot of listening practi

6、ce.,Reference questions:,3. Learning English textbooks carefully will improve for your English learning. 4. If we want to learn English well, we must spend plenty of time on spoken language.,5. Recitation is very helpful for learning English. 6. The more English newspapers, magazines and novels we r

7、ead, the better we can learn English. 7. We can learn grammar well by doing exercises.,8. Good pronunciation and intonation will help us to learn English well. 9.It is an important strategy to guess the meaning of a word or a sentence from the context.,10. Doing a lot of writing practice is very imp

8、ortant if we want to improve this English skill. 11. It is necessary to learn words and expressions by heart.,12. Comprehension is most important when we learn English texts . 13. We should learn new words by repeating them.,14. Reading is as important as listening, speaking and writing. 15. We must

9、 have an outline before we begin writing.,Before you read the passage, think about the techniques you use when you read different kinds of text in Chinese.,Pre-reading,Reflect on your experience,What is the first thing you do when you are given a text to read? Do you start at the beginning to the en

10、d or do you do other things first, such as looking at the title and any headings , looking at any pictures or diagrams,reading the conclusion or introduction? Why do you read in the way you do?,Most competent readers survey a text before they read in detail to see what it is about or whether it is u

11、seful, interesting, etc.,2. When you start reading the text in detail do you think about the content? For example, do you think about whether you agree with the text or not, whether the information is interesting, what further information you would like to know, etc.,Competent readers read active; t

12、hinking while reading. This may involve commenting, evaluating, summarizing, paraphrasing, etc. They may not even be aware they,are doing this, but if the brain were not engaged in this way, they would understand and retain very little of the text.,3. Suppose you were on holiday and you had a really

13、 good novel that you had been looking forward to reading. Would you read it quickly or slowly? Would you stop sometimes to think about what you have read? Would you talk to others about what your are reading?,Most, but not all readers, read novels for enjoyment and so they will often share their exp

14、erience with others by talking about the book . Readers read for enjoyment in various ways, for example, some readers are most interested in the plot and may skip,over the descriptive parts in order to find out what happened next. Others, with an interest in language, may pause and re-read the passa

15、ge they find particularly beautiful or interesting . The point is, people read for pleasure in many different ways and all of them are valid.,4. Suppose your teacher asked you to find out about the planet Mars, such as size, temperature and distance from the earth. You have found a book on the solar

16、 system. Would you read the or just the,part about Mars? Would you read every word or just skim it looking for key words like “ degrees Centigrade”, “kilometers” and “diameters”?,Efficient readers are those who keep the purpose for reading in mind and focus on those part of the text that help them t

17、o achieve that purpose. It is important for us to understand this, because,many think that all texts in their English class must be read slowly and purposely and that every part of it must be thoroughly understood.,5. Do you read the newspaper in the same way as you read a novel? Do you read a recip

18、e and a cook book in the same way?,The questions are also concerned with the notion that text are read differently according to the type of text it is and the reason for reading it.,Supposing you had just bought a new DVD player. Would you read the instruction from beginning to end or would you look

19、 at the contents page and then read what you needed to know.,Efficient readers are those who keep the purpose for reading in mind and focus on those part of the text that help them to achieve that purpose. It is important for us to understand,this, because many think that all texts in their English

20、class must be read slowly and purposely and that every part of it must be thoroughly understood.,Read the first question in Comprehending and look at the title of the reading passage and the pictures. Discuss with a partner what you think the text will say about reading.,Reading,Task1: Skimming (Go

21、over the text and complete Ex1.),4. Summary 3. Learn the techniques of Good readers Practice makes perfect Make your reading practice enjoyable,c A good reader reads in different ways depending on the purpose for reading. a Before reading in detail, good readers preview the text. d A good reader doe

22、snt need to understand every word in a text. b. A good reader reads actively not passively.,Task2: Second Reading Ex2: Read the text again and summarize it in 3 sentences and then make a poster advising students how to improve their reading skills.,Improve Your Reading Do as much reading as possible

23、 Practice using the reading techniques of good readers Enjoy what you read,Task3: Third Reading ( Read the text once more in pairs and you can have a discussion with the point mentioned in the text. ),View-exchange,Task4: Scanning (Read it again and try to complete Ex 3 on page 34.),If there are mor

24、e than 3% new words on a page of text, you will find the text difficult to read and probably wont enjoy it.,2. You will find reading more enjoyable when you read things you are interested in or that you find useful.,3 The key to success in reading is frequent practice plus good reading techniques. B

25、efore you start reading a text in detail preview the text to find out what it contains and how it is organized.,5. You will understand what you read better if you already know something about the content or organization.,6. While reading, a good reader thinks about what he / she is reading.,7. It is

26、 not necessary to understand every word in a text. 8 Learning and practising efficient techniques will improve your ability to read.,Ex4 on page34. Work in groups and discuss the best way to read in the following circumstances. Write down the steps you would take in the correct order.,Knowledge outp

27、ut,1. You dont know how to set up your new computer. You decide to read the owners manual first.,Look at the contents page of the manual and in the section that tells you how to set up your computer. Read the steps one by one, following each step as you go.,2. You are in an exam. You must read a sho

28、rt text and then answer some questions about it. The text contains quite a few unfamiliar words.,First read the questions to find out what answers to look for in the text. Read the text and underline parts that will help you answer the questions. Reread the questions again and scan the text for the

29、answers.,Dont worry about unknown words unless you need to know the meaning in order to answer the question. If you need to know the meaning, try to work it out from context or by thinking of other words which have the same root.,3. You are writing an essay about Shakespeares life. You need to find

30、out the names of his two children so you deicide to look for the information on the Internet.,Using a search engine, type in some key words such as Shakespeare + children. Look quickly through the list of sites the search engine finds. When you find one that might have,the answer, click on it and th

31、en scan the text looking for key words like son, daughter, child, children until you find the information.,4. You are in a restaurant in New Zealand. The menu is in English and you dont understand all words.,Ask the waiter to explain what the words mean or look up the words in a travel dictionary.,5

32、. It is a holiday and you have decided to sit in the park and read a really exciting novel that your friend lent you.,Answers may vary to read novels in different ways.,There are certain techniques you can learn and then its is up to you to practise, practise and practise. 有某些技能技巧可供你学习,然后就全靠你自己练习、练习

33、,再练习了。,Language Points,it is up to somebody 意思是 it is somebodys responsibility or duty, 可理解成“取决于某人;在于;该由负责” 如: Shall we go out? 我们可以出去 吗? Its up to you. 由你决定。,I cant take the decision. Its not up to me. 我不能做决定,这不取决我。 拓展 up to 还有表示“深度、高 度、地位等”直到;(数目上)直 到,至多; “接近于;达 到”“胜任、适宜”等意思。,Mary is small and jus

34、t comes up to Bills chest. Everyone has his part to play, from the office boy up to the president. They worked here up to the last minute. Up to ten people can sleep in this tent.,If your goods are up to the sample, they will certainly sell well in the market. The interpreters English was not up to

35、the task. What have you been up to lately?,2. For example, suppose in biology you were studying how plants reproduce, then you could find an English text about this on the Internet.,例如: 假设在生物学中,你正在研究植物如何繁衍,那你会在因特网上找到有关这方面的文章,suppose 可以看成连接词,意思是 imagine what will/would happen if. 它所引导的从句表示“主观设想的情况”因此

36、,有些动词用虚拟语气,例如: Suppose you fall and hurt yourself when youre out alone in the mountains? 另外,suppose, supposing 用做连接词时,还可以用来表示建议,表示“怎么样?”,Suppose we put it off till next week? Supposing you have another try?,3. You may find you have more than one strong learning style, which is a bonus because being

37、able to learn in more than one style increases your chances of finding activities that suit you.,你或许会发现自己有不止一种倾向的学习风格,这是一种意外的收获,因为能够以多种风格学习会增大找到合适的学习活动的机会,bonus在本句中意思是 anything pleasant in addition to what is expected, 可以理解为“意外令 人高兴的事”,We like our new house, and its a real bonus that my mother lives

38、 so near. As a special bonus, all our holidays will include the use of a car for a week.,Bonus还可以表示 a payment that is added to what is usual, 可以理解为“奖金;红利;特别津贴”,如:,All their employees will receive a Christmas bonus. Those who finish the job early will be paid a bonus.,Homework: Preview Learning about language Part. Examine your reading style and work out a program to improve your reading.,


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